

Information overload is becoming an epidemic for web users across the globe. When users visit your website or use your app, you only have a few seconds before users decide to stay or bounce.

信息过载已成为全球Web用户的流行病。 当用户访问您的网站或使用您的应用程序时,您只有几秒钟的时间才能决定留下或跳出。

Traditional analytics can be useful for getting a macro overview of your site metrics, however when you're building out a new design or making changes, you need a way to get inside the mind of your users.


Many web development professionals turn to heatmaps and mouse tracking for detailed insights as it's a relatively simple way to gather insights about your website. For those times you need to take your research to the next level, eyetracking (also known as gaze interaction) is the tool for you.

许多Web开发专业人员都通过热图和鼠标跟踪来获取详细的见解,因为这是一种收集有关您的网站的见解的相对简单的方法 。 在那些时候,您需要将研究提升到一个新的水平,眼动追踪(也称为注视交互)是您的工具。

眼动追踪很难。 何必呢? (Eyetracking is Hard. Why Bother?)

复杂项目 (Complex Projects)

Travel websites are a perfect eye tracking use case because of the website complexities. Airfare in particular is a great fit for this tool because customers have an endless amount of possibilities for planning their trip.

由于网站的复杂性,旅游网站是理想的眼动追踪用例。 特别是机票非常适合使用此工具,因为客户可以无数次地规划行程。

As shown by a video from Matchic Labs Eye Tracking, there's plenty of activity which occurs without the measurable click of a mouse or tap of a screen. If you're handling a project with a complex interface or situations where users need to process large amounts of information, eye tracking is essential for your success.

Matchic Labs Eye Tracking的视频所示,如果没有可测量的鼠标点击或屏幕点击,就会发生大量活动。 如果您正在处理具有复杂界面的项目,或者需要用户处理大量信息的情况,眼动追踪对于您的成功至关重要。

电子商务 (E-Commerce)

While heatmaps and mouse-tracking are viable solutions for most e-Commerce settings, there are times where companies need to take their research to the next level. As Rick Nguyen, the founder of ad testing firm Spot Trender pointed out in an interview.

尽管热图和鼠标跟踪对于大多数电子商务设置都是可行的解决方案,但有时公司需要将其研究推向新的高度。 正如广告测试公司Spot Trender的创始人Rick Nguyen在一次采访中指出的那样。

While eyetracking be can be more expensive than traditional UX testing methods, like click tracking or mouse tracking, eyetracking can significantly improve your sales. For instance, if you have a site selling hats, you would probably want users to focus on the hat rather than the shirt the model is wearing.

虽然眼动追踪比传统的UX测试方法(例如单击跟踪或鼠标追踪)要贵得多,但是眼动追踪可以显着提高您的销售额。 例如,如果您有一个销售帽子的网站,则可能希望用户将注意力集中在帽子上,而不是模特穿着的衬衫上。

在线广告 (Online Advertising)

Advertising is all about invoking an emotional reaction from the viewer. As with eCommerce, eyetracking enables you to to see how users are reacting to your banners or video ads.

广告就是要引起观众的情感React。 与电子商务一样,眼动跟踪使您可以查看用户对您的横幅广告或视频广告有何React。

Eyetracking reports from three sites

Source:Nielsen Norman Group


Source:Nielsen Norman Group


Bidding on competitive keywords can easily burn a hole in your wallet. Bidding on niche keywords can help to reduce your burn rates, but unless you have data on user reactions, you'll be following the "spray and pray" method of video production.

竞标竞争性关键字很容易在您的钱包中造成漏洞。 竞价利基关键字可以帮助降低刻录率,但是除非您掌握有关用户React的数据,否则您将遵循视频制作的“喷雾祈祷”方法。

DIY眼动是一种选择吗? (Is DIY Eyetracking an Option?)

While this technology might seem limited to companies with six figure budgets (the equipment alone can cost $9,000-$20,000 upwards), you can integrate eyetracking into your projects for as little as a couple hundred dollars.


If you're willing to get your hands dirty, you can always DIY an eyetracking solution for a couple hundred dollars.


DIY an eyetracking solution

Instructables: A DIY eyetracking solution (link).

指导说明:一种DIY眼动追踪解决方案( 链接 )。

To gather insights around your projects, PyGaze is worth exploring. For Python developers, the system should be fairly easy to implement. Be warned that if you aren't a developer, or if you don't have one on hand, then this solution isn't for you. PyGaze is a complex tool which has a low price point (free), however it requires hours to setup.

为了收集有关您的项目的见解, PyGaze值得探索。 对于Python开发人员来说,该系统应该相当容易实现。 请注意,如果您不是开发人员,或者手边没有人,那么此解决方案不适合您。 PyGaze是一款价格低廉(免费)的复杂工具,但是安装需要数小时。

If you're looking to immediately get started with eyetracking, Gazepoint offers a variety of solutions to fit a variety of needs.

如果您希望立即开始眼动追踪, Gazepoint可提供满足各种需求的各种解决方案。

最佳实践 (Best Practices)

确定样本量 (Determining Your Sample Size)

As with any usability testing, you need to ensure that you're surveying enough users for accurate results. You can figure out a precise amount using the Holm-Bonferroni method, however it's a bit difficult to grasp unless you're a statistician. When doing your tests, you should aim for 95% accuracy. If you have a smaller budget or less time for testing, you can get away with as little as 80% accuracy.

与任何可用性测试一样,您需要确保正在调查足够的用户以获取准确的结果。 您可以使用Holm-Bonferroni方法计算出精确的数量,但是除非您是统计学家,否则这很难掌握。 在进行测试时,您的目标应该是95%的准确性。 如果您的预算较少或测试时间较少,则准确率可低至80%。

If you want to spare yourself from headaches, you can always use a sample size calculator to determine the amount of people you should test.


不要忽视隐私 (Don't Neglect Privacy)

As shown by the backlash against surveillance programs, the general public doesn't like to have their images kept in digital archives for analysis. While getting users to participate in an eyetracking study can be difficult, you can make participation palatable by not storing facial images when possible.

正如对监视程序的强烈反对所表明的那样,公众不希望将其图像保存在数字档案中进行分析。 虽然让用户参与眼动追踪研究可能很困难,但可以通过不存储面部图像来使参与变得可口。

Instead, just store the raw tracking recording and pair it with high level demographic data. Sometimes logging facial images might be necessary, such as for analyzing emotion. In these cases you should be transparent about the information is used and stored.

相反,只需存储原始跟踪记录并将其与高级人口统计数据配对即可。 有时可能需要记录面部图像,例如用于分析情绪。 在这些情况下,您应该对信息的使用和存储保持透明。

不是圣杯 (Not The Holy Grail)

Eyetracking can provide essential insights for your projects, however it isn't a replacement for other testing methods. It also isn't going to instantly uncover insights you didn't have before.

眼动跟踪可以为您的项目提供必要的见解,但是它不能替代其他测试方法。 它也不会立即发现您以前没有的见解。

Unless you do the tests properly, eyetracking can leave you worse off than using less complex methods. Before performing these tests, you should familiarize yourself with the process. Once that's done, you should run a few practice tests before using it on live studies.

除非您正确地进行测试,否则眼动跟踪会比使用不太复杂的方法使您更糟。 在执行这些测试之前,您应该熟悉该过程。 完成后,您应该先进行一些练习测试,然后再将其用于现场学习。

Remember that you'll still need to use other research to ensure you're getting the full perspective on your users experiences.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/eyetracking-watching-between-the-clicks/






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