

Communication plays a vital role in design. Whether you design websites, mobile apps, or wearable UIs, your creations have to clearly communicate their intent and purpose. And since text does a lot of the heavy lifting in communicating purpose, you need a solid understanding of typography.

沟通在设计中起着至关重要的作用。 无论您是设计网站,移动应用程序还是可穿戴式UI,您的作品都必须清楚地传达其意图和目的。 并且由于文本在沟通目的中起到了许多繁重的作用,因此您需要对字体有扎实的理解。

Of course, designing a user interface differs from designing an ebook or blog theme. But the principles of type-centric design still apply. After all, on-screen communication happens through words, and type is the UI of language.

当然,设计用户界面不同于设计电子书或博客主题。 但是以类型为中心的设计原则仍然适用。 毕竟,屏幕上的交流是通过单词进行的,而类型是语言的用户界面。

As Oliver Reichenstein states in his seminal essay, Web Design is 95% Typography:

正如Oliver Reichenstein在其开创性论文中指出的那样, Web设计是95%的版式

Optimizing typography is optimizing readability, accessibility, usability(!), overall graphic balance.


In other words: optimizing your typography also optimizes your UI. Here are 4 ways to do just that—plus 3 beautiful products that make the most of their type.

换句话说:优化排版也可以优化UI。 这里有4种方法可以做到这一点,另外还有3种可以充分利用其类型的精美产品。

有关在用户界面(UI)中设置类型的4条提示 (4 tips on setting type in user interfaces (UIs))

Master typographer Robert Bringhurst opens his magnum opus, The Elements of Typographic Style, with this statement:

主印刷工人罗伯特·布林赫斯特打开他的巨著, 印刷风格的要素 ,有这样的说法:

Typography exists to honor content


Every interface includes a series of choices the user can make. Your type should support that decision-making process, honoring the content in a way that never adds to the user's cognitive load. Great typography draws the reader to the content, not to the type itself.

每个界面都包括用户可以做出的一系列选择 。 您的类型应支持该决策过程,以永远不会增加用户认知负担的方式来尊重内容。 出色的印刷术将读者吸引到内容上,而不是类型本身上。

1.选择一种适合各种尺寸的字体 (1. Choose a typeface that works well in various sizes)

Most user interfaces require text elements of various sizes (button copy, field labels, section headers, etc). Choose a typeface that works well in multiple sizes and weights to maintain readability and usability in every size.

大多数用户界面需要各种大小的文本元素(按钮副本,字段标签,节标题等)。 选择一种在多种尺寸和重量下均可正常使用的字体,以保持每种尺寸的可读性和可用性。

Avenir in use

Examples : Avenir, Univers, Lato

范例 :Avenir,Univers,Lato

2.选择带有容易区分的字母的字体 (2. Choose a typeface with easily distinguishable letterforms)

Many typefaces make it too easy to confuse similar letterforms. Uppercase I's and lowercase L's can look identical. Set together, a lowercase R and N can easily become a lowercase M. So clarify things for your users by picking a face that makes a clear distinction between these forms.

许多字体使混淆相似的字母格式变得太容易了。 大写字母I和小写字母L可以看起来相同。 小写的R和N放在一起可以很容易地变成小写的M。因此,请通过选择可清楚区分这些形式的面Kong来为用户澄清一下。

Example: Clear Sans vs. Lato

Example : Clear Sans vs. Lato (look at the uppercase I and lowercase L)

示例 :Clear Sans与Lato(查看大写字母I和小写字母L)

Handily, if you skip the lorem ipsum and use real copy in your InVision prototypes, you’ll catch such easily confused letter combos.

方便地,如果您跳过lorem ipsum并在InVision原型中使用真实副本,您将发现容易混淆的字母组合。

3.将文本视为UI (3. Treat text as UI)

Cameron Moll has been preaching this message for almost a decade now, stating that while good designers treat text as content, the great ones treat text as UI.

卡梅隆·莫尔(Cameron Moll)一直在传讲这一信息近十年,他说,虽然优秀的设计师将文本视为内容,但伟大的设计师却将文本视为UI。

At the risk of sounding redundant, this is so true when designing an interface. When your text represents a functional element, it is UI. All the practices of UI design apply to your type. And if you're not convinced, just think of the confusion you felt when you encountered a door with pull handles … labeled "Push."

在设计接口时,确实存在听起来多余的风险。 当文本表示功能元素时,它就是UI。 UI设计的所有实践都适用于您的类型。 如果您不相信,请想一想当您遇到带有拉手(标有“推”)的门时会感到的困惑。

4.考虑要完成的工作 (4. Consider the job to be done)

If you're not familiar with JTBD, it's a framework that focuses your design on the user's needs. So ask yourself what problems you're helping users solve. The answer to that question should dictate your UI decisions, type included.

如果您不熟悉JTBD,那么它是一个框架 ,可将设计重点放在用户的需求上。 因此,问问自己您正在帮助用户解决什么问题。 该问题的答案应决定您的UI决定(包括的类型)。

As Tim Brown puts it:


Different typefaces do different jobs.


The designers over at Instapaper have done a superb job of matching the typeface to the job to be done.


Instapaper's web and mobile apps perform 2 functions:


  1. Letting people save web content for later

  2. Giving them a place to read it.


Because the UI is mostly text-based and focused on reading, Instapaper's designers selected 2 very different faces: the serifed Lyon in text and display weights for the content, and the sans-serifed JAF Bernino Sans for the UI. This creates a clear distinction between the content you're meant to enjoy and the content that helps you get stuff done (the UI elements).

因为UI主要基于文本并且专注于阅读,所以Instapaper的设计师选择了2个截然不同的面Kong:衬线的里昂文本和显示内容的权重,以及用Sans分隔的JAF Bernino Sans作为UI。 这在您要享受的内容和可帮助您完成工作的内容(UI元素)之间建立了明显的区别。

These typeface choices play off users' expectations to incredible effect. From thousands of books, magazines, and newspapers, we've grown used to seeing and consuming longform content through the medium of serif typefaces. The more recent sans serif style really came into its own with the emergence of the web, making it a natural for the UI elements.

这些字体选择会超出用户的期望,从而产生令人难以置信的效果。 从成千上万的书籍,杂志和报纸中,我们已经习惯了通过衬线字体来观看和使用长篇内容。 随着Web的出现,较新的无衬线样式确实应运而生,使其成为UI元素的自然选择。

Instapaper's UI

向专家学习 (Learn from the pros)

Thankfully, there's no shortage of sites to inspire and instruct when it comes to typesetting a beautiful, usable UI. Here are 3 of my favorites.

值得庆幸的是,在排版漂亮,可用的UI方面,不乏启发和指导的网站。 这是我最喜欢的3个。


Medium brilliantly illustrates the concept of "text as UI". As a platform for reading and writing ( texts of all lengths), Medium gives type the highest priority. Other writing platforms and CMSes would do well to follow the example Medium sets.

媒介很好地说明了“文本作为UI”的概念。 作为用于阅读和书写( 各种长度的文本 )的平台,Medium赋予类型最高的优先级。 其他写作平台和CMS将很好地遵循示例中型集。

Medium's text-driven UI

The published content (set in Freight Text Pro and JAF Bernino Sans) is gorgeous, easy to read, and filled with thoughtful, versatile treatments. (Two different blockquote styles? Yes, please!) Plus, the writing experience is identical to the final published form, so there's no need to toggle between modes—what you see is literally what you get.

已发布的内容(设置在Freight Text ProJAF Bernino Sans中 )非常漂亮,易于阅读,并且充满了周到的多功能处理。 (两种不同的blockquote样式?是的,请!)此外,写作经验与最终发布的形式相同,因此无需在两种模式之间进行切换—您所看到的实际上就是所得到的。

And the functional portions? They're set in Bernino, the same face as the content headings, but are easily distinguished due to their smaller size in UI applications.

功能部分呢? 它们设置在与内容标题相同的外观上的贝尼诺(Berino)中,但由于UI应用程序中的尺寸较小,因此易于区分。

松弛 (Slack)

In this example, text is still the primary form of content. As a team communication platform, Slack leans heavily on text for both interaction and content elements. Like Buffer, it sticks to a single typeface (Lato), but makes the most it.

在此示例中,文本仍然是内容的主要形式。 作为团队交流平台,Slack在交互和内容元素上都非常依赖文本。 像Buffer一样,它会粘贴到单个字体( Lato ),但会发挥最大作用。

Slack UI

Through the thoughtful application of casing, varying weights and colors, and white space, the designers at Slack created a platform that's both easy to navigate and a pleasure to read.


Rdio (Rdio)

As a music app, Rdio leans the least on text. But even here we see it treated as part of the UI, and the typeface (Whitney) works well at various sizes.

作为音乐应用程序,Rdio对文字的依赖最少。 但即使在这里,我们仍将其视为UI的一部分,并且字体( Whitney )在各种尺寸下均可正常工作。

Music app, Rdio

Aside : Both Lato and Whitney suffer from the problem of a similar uppercase "I" and lowercase "L." Be sure to always review the full character sets of the typefaces you're considering and evaluate how much of an issue this might be for your product.

除了拉托和惠特尼都遭受类似的大写字母“ I”和小写字母“ L”的问题。 确保始终查看正在考虑的字体的完整字符集,并评估这可能对您的产品造成多少影响。

在用户界面中设置类型 (Setting type in your UIs)

No matter the purpose of your project, type will play a vital role in your UI. Set well, it'll enable your users—set poorly, it'll impede them. But armed with these guidelines and plenty of practice, you'll make better decisions for your type, and your users.

无论您的项目目的如何,类型都会在用户界面中扮演至关重要的角色。 设置好,它将使您的用户受益;设置不好,将阻碍他们。 但是有了这些指南和大量实践,您将为您的类型和用户做出更好的决策。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-typography-ui/


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