

For three days I have been immersed in an investigation that has led me to be deeply concerned. In following an extensive “digital breadcrumb trail” to and from the startup Entertonement, I discovered what appears to be a massive spam campaign, either being conducted by them or by others acting independently. The evidence of spamming is conclusive, and whether or not principals of the company are involved, such blatant disregard for site owners, communities and even vested interests is damaging to everyone, including Entertonement.

三天以来,我一直沉浸在一项调查中,这使我感到非常关切。 在跟随初创公司Entertonement进行广泛的“数字面包屑追踪” 之后 ,我发现了似乎是大规模的垃圾邮件运动,由他们或其他人独立进行。 垃圾邮件的证据是确凿的,无论公司的负责人是否参与其中,对站点所有者,社区甚至既得利益者的公然无视,都会损害所有人,包括Entertonement。

Entertonement was founded back in 2006 and initially targeted MySpace and the ring tone market. Their initial funding efforts by Redpoint Ventures principal and Entertonement co-founder Fouad ElNaggar eventually led to a $5 million round in late 2007. Subsequently, ElNaggar stepped down as CEO and co-founder David Aronchick (a former Microsoft executive) stepped up to the helm.

Entertonement成立于2006年,最初瞄准MySpace和铃声市场。 Redpoint Ventures负责人和Entertonement联合创始人Fouad ElNaggar 最初的投资工作最终在2007年末完成了500万美元的融资 。随后,ElNaggar辞去了CEO和联合创始人David Aronchick(前微软高管)的职位。

I spoke with Aronchick briefly about this vision and the current road map for Entertonement. The man was friendly, obviously intelligent, and his vision carried weight with me in as far as Entertonement monetizing. Entertonement has created a massive sound clip repository, which allows users great flexibility in using sound clips by; uploading, sharing, publishing and even editing them, but as far as being a top-notch, refined platform, Entertonement can only be described as “effective.”

我与Aronchick简要谈了这个构想以及当前的Entertonement路线图。 这个人很友善,显然很聪明,他的视力一直在我身上发挥作用,直到娱乐化货币。 Entertonement创建了一个庞大的声音剪辑存储库,使用户在使用声音剪辑时具有极大的灵活性; 上载,共享,发布甚至进行编辑,但Entertonement作为一流的精致平台,只能说是“有效的”。

Basic and useful, Entertonement is not overwhelming as a site.

Basic and useful, Entertonement is not overwhelming as a site.


Regardless of how perfect Aronchick’s road map is, I began to wonder, “How did a startup with a mediocre interface and literally no news, attract between 70,000 and 127,000 users (depending on the metrics source) in just over a year?” I asked my partner Mihaela Lica to do a preliminary SEO report on the Entertonement site to help answer this question. Those results revealed the proverbial trail of crumbs, which I will allow you to evaluate.

无论Aronchick的路线图有多完美,我都开始怀疑:“一个界面平庸却几乎没有新闻的初创公司如何在短短一年内吸引了70,000到127,000个用户(取决于指标来源)?” 我请我的搭档Mihaela Lica在Entertonement网站上做初步SEO报告,以帮助回答这个问题。 这些结果揭示了面包屑的痕迹,我将允许您对其进行评估。

维基与超越 (Wikis and Way Beyond)

What follows are a series of screenshots taken from StumbleUpon, Digg, Twitter, Reddit, prominent blogs, and ultimately, Entertonement itself. From here on, I will simply make notations, followed by a summary. But first, perhaps the most descriptive and potentially damning comment on all this comes from some of the editors in the Wikiquote community, where a whole section is devoted to Entertonement. I’ll quote an excerpt:

以下是从StumbleUpon,Digg,Twitter,Reddit,著名博客以及Entertonement本身截取的一系列屏幕截图。 从这里开始,我将简单地进行标记,然后进行总结。 但是首先,也许对所有这些内容的描述性和描述性最强,都是来自Wikiquote社区中的一些编辑人员,整个部分专门讨论Entertonement。 我将摘录:

They’re still coming. I’m removing them from everywhere I can, since after a few weeks, nobody’s argued for them to be kept; they’re spreading pretty insidiously everywhere…

他们还在。 我将它们从任何地方都删除了,因为几个星期后,没有人要求保留它们。 他们正悄悄地到处传播……

网志 (Blogs)

The most obtrusive spam for bloggers does not reside in their inbox, but in their valued comments. There are literally thousands of these comment spam instances across some of the most influential blogs in the world. For the sake of brevity, I include just a few, but from Huffington Post to Robert Scoble (where Fouad ElNaggar himself links to Entertonement) and beyond, the SPAM has been unrelenting.

对于博客作者而言,最令人讨厌的垃圾邮件并不位于其收件箱中,而是位于其有价值的评论中。 在世界上一些最有影响力的博客中,确实有成千上万个此类评论垃圾邮件实例。 为了简洁起见,我只列举了一些内容,但是从《 赫芬顿邮报》罗伯特·斯科布尔(Fouad ElNaggar本人与Entertonement联系的地方)之外,SPAM一直坚持不懈。

Double on the Huffington Post.

Double on the Huffington Post.


Digging into one of the two profiles above reveals any number of comments by one possible spammer. Other screens reveal still more comment linkages from notable sites, as even Reuters is not immune to these “serial sound clip spammers”, whoever they may be.

深入研究以上两个配置文件之一,发现一个垃圾邮件发送者的评论数量不限。 其他屏幕显示来自知名站点的更多评论链接,因为即使路透社也不受这些“串行声音剪辑垃圾邮件发送者”的影响,无论他们是谁。

Profile view showing 34 comments - 11 without link.

Profile view showing 34 comments - 11 without link.


More of the virtually unlimited linkage via comments.

More of the virtually unlimited linkage via comments.


This “rabbit hole” of link spam goes much farther than I had anticipated. Any skilled social networker, consultant, blogger, PR or even developer knows that blogs and other social destinations provide invaluable visibility, conversation and general community involvement. However, abuses are detrimental to the host sites and ultimately those that infringe upon them.

链接垃圾邮件的“兔子洞”比我预期的要远得多。 任何熟练的社交网络人员,顾问,博客作者,PR甚至开发人员都知道博客和其他社交目的地提供了宝贵的可见性,对话和社区的普遍参与。 但是,滥用会损害宿主站点,最终损害那些宿主站点。

偶然发现 (StumbleUpon)

At least three stumblers have an inordinate number of Entertonement stumbles on their profiles. Any site is welcome to promote themselves on SU, but I am surprised these profiles have not been banned or terminated all together given the numbers and types of entries. One stumbler, Spiderbaby appears to be digging for Entertonement as Spiderbaby on Digg. However,the big culprit on StumbleUpon seems to be EnvisionThis, and a third appears in the screen below.

至少三个Stumbler在其个人资料上有过多数量的EnterEnterment Stumble。 欢迎任何站点在SU上进行自我宣传,但令我惊讶的是,鉴于条目的数量和类型,这些个人资料并未被禁止或终止。 一个蹒跚学步的蜘蛛宝宝似乎正在为Digg上的蜘蛛宝宝开掘娱乐。 但是,StumbleUpon上的罪魁祸首似乎是EnvisionThis ,下面的屏幕中出现了第三个。

Stumbling one site over and over should alert someone.

Stumbling one site over and over should alert someone.


推特 (Twitter)

Twitter is possibly the most vulnerable site when it comes to spam of this type. One of the traced links in the SEO inquiry led to this profile. This individual (or bot) has over 12,900 updates containing links to Entertonement.

当涉及此类垃圾邮件时,Twitter可能是最容易受到攻击的网站。 SEO查询中的一个跟踪链接导致了此配置文件 。 此人(或漫游器)拥有12,900多个更新,其中包含指向Entertonement的链接。

entertonement twit
结束! …现在无论如何 (The End! … For Now Anyway)

The data you see here is just the tip of the iceberg, if you can believe it. There are so many back links, comment links, Twitter updates and links from other sites, including Mixx, BuzzFeed, Propeller, ABC News, WebProNews, CNET, Wired, Think Progress , and even Eddie Murphy’s Wikipedia page, that it is actually astounding.

如果可以相信,您在此处看到的数据只是冰山一角。 有这么多的反向链接,评论链接,Twitter更新以及来自其他站点的链接,包括MixxBuzzFeedPropellerABC NewsWebProNewsCNETWiredThink Progress ,甚至是Eddie Murphy的Wikipedia页面 ,它们实际上是惊人的。

These links bear an SEO value for Entertonement on Yahoo!, though the no-follow links probably do not effect Google rankings (and Google does not seem to value Twitter links very highly). Overall, however, these incidences of SPAM seem to be part of a multi-pronged effort to pollute the discussions on high profile blogs with back links under dubious authors (like “Chief Editor“). It represents a shotgun approach to spamming social networks, and gaining favor on Yahoo! search via valuable dot org links from Wikipedia and other sites.

这些链接在Yahoo!上具有Entertonement的SEO值,尽管无关注链接可能不会影响Google的排名(并且Google似乎对Twitter链接的评价不高)。 但是,总的来说,SPAM的这些出现似乎是多管齐下的工作的一部分,这种工作会污染在可疑作者(例如“ 主编 ”)下带有反向链接的知名博客上的讨论。 它代表了散布社交网络并赢得Yahoo!支持的散弹枪方法。 通过Wikipedia和其他站点上有价值的dot org链接进行搜索。

As I said, I will leave the judgment of this episode to our readers. I’ll leave you with two more screensshots, one of links to the domain, and the other of Reddit, where users have recognized the Entertonment spam and voiced their outrage. It should be noted that no current spam relating to Entertonement is apparent on Reddit, so this community must have purged all attempts, and probably banned the domain.

正如我所说,我将把这一集的判断力留给我们的读者。 我将为您提供另外两个截屏,一个截取到EnterEntermentment.com域的链接,另一个截取到Reddit的链接,用户已在其中识别了Entertonment垃圾邮件并表达了愤慨。 应该注意的是,在Reddit上没有明显的与Entertonement有关的垃圾邮件,因此该社区一定已经清除了所有尝试,并且可能禁止了该域。

Yahoo! displays all links.

Yahoo! displays all links.

雅虎! 显示所有链接。

Reddit may have waved bye bye.

Reddit may have waved bye bye.


Author’s Note: I welcome a response from the management of Entertonement. From my impression of David Aronchick, it seems highly likely he knows little or nothing about all this, but I have been wrong before. Person or persons at work, with an interest in Entertonement beyond simply loving their sound clips, is clearly evident here. I should also point out that I have made every attempt to withhold even an inflection of my personal opinion. If any such “opinion” is perceived, it is obviously my own and should not be construed as that of SitePoint.

作者注: 我欢迎Entertonement管理层的回应。 从我对大卫·阿龙奇克(David Aronchick)的印象来看,他极有可能对这一切一无所知,但我以前错了。 在这里,显然对工作感兴趣的人不仅仅是娱乐他们的声音片段,而是对Entertonement感兴趣。 我还应该指出,我已尽一切努力来阻止甚至改变我的个人见解。 如果发现任何此类“意见”,这显然是我自己的,不应解释为SitePoint的观点。


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