openid:身份认证_Yahoo !:主流不知道什么是OpenID



Yahoo! today released the results of the OpenID usability study (PDF). The good news, says Yahoo!, is that after being explained the idea behind OpenID, most participants saw the utility of being able to sign into multiple web sites using a single sign-on and not having to sign up for more than one account.

雅虎! 今天发布了OpenID可用性研究( PDF )的结果。 Yahoo!说,好消息是,在解释了OpenID背后的想法之后,大多数参与者看到了可以使用一次登录即可登录多个网站的功能,而不必注册多个帐户。

The bad news, though, is that not one participant — who were “several experienced Yahoo! users (representative of [their] mainstream audience)” — had heard of OpenID. Several didn’t notice the additional option of signing into Yahoo! using OpenID or using their Yahoo! username and password as OpenID credentials elsewhere and didn’t understand what that meant until it was explained to them. Yahoo! has supported OpenID since January of 2008.

不过,坏消息是,没有一个参与者–曾“经历过几次雅虎! 用户((他们的主流受众的代表)” –听说过OpenID。 有些人没有注意到登录Yahoo!的其他选择。 使用OpenID或使用其Yahoo! 用户名和密码作为其他地方的OpenID凭据,直到向他们解释后才理解其含义。 雅虎! 自2008年1月以来一直支持OpenID。

Users were also confused by Yahoo!’s implementation, which asks them to choose their OpenID provider when signing then, then auto-populates the login box with that provider’s URL. Users were confused when they weren’t presented with the password box they’re used to.

用户还对Yahoo!的实现感到困惑,该实现要求他们在签名时选择其OpenID提供程序,然后使用该提供程序的URL自动填充登录框。 当用户不习惯使用密码框时,他们会感到困惑。

Despite of seeing the upside of OpenID, some respondents to the Yahoo! survey expressed concern over the security of having one set of login credentials for a multitude of sites. “I’m a little fearful about global stuff. I prefer to have different passwords than one global one. Once someone gets that one password, they have free access to roam,” said one. Others thought that the process of signing up for an OpenID account was so cumbersome, it didn’t sell them on the convenience of the concept.

尽管看到了OpenID的优势,但Yahoo! 该调查对拥有多个站点的一组登录凭据的安全性表示担忧。 “我有点担心全球性的事情。 我希望使用的密码不同于全局密码。 一旦有人获得了一个密码,他们就可以自由访问漫游。” 其他人则认为,注册OpenID帐户的过程非常繁琐,因此,出于这个概念的便利,并未出售它们。

The key takeaway here is probably that even if OpenID is ready for the mainstream, the mainstream doesn’t seem to be ready for OpenID. It could definitely benefit from being simplified (in terms of both signing up and signing in), but the main thing that needs to happen for average users to begin to adopt OpenID is that it needs to be pitched in a completely different way.

这里的主要收获可能是,即使OpenID已为主流做好了准备,但主流似乎还没有为OpenID准备好。 从简化(在注册和登录方面而言)肯定可以从中受益,但是对于普通用户而言,开始采用OpenID所需要发生的主要事情是,它需要以完全不同的方式进行推广。

Yahoo! advises that publishers “promote the utility, not the technology. To reach the majority of users who aren’t familiar with OpenID as a technology, promote the ability to log in using an existing account, not ‘OpenID’ itself.” Further, says Yahoo!, there needs to be strong partnerships between OpenID providers and relying parties in order for OpenID to work as a broadly accepted login paradigm. “Users are focused on tasks, not technology; undiscoverable or confusing experiences directly impact the success” of the providers and relying parties, says Yahoo!

雅虎! 建议出版商“推广实用程序,而不是技术。 为了吸引大多数不熟悉OpenID技术的用户,请提高使用现有帐户而非“ OpenID”本身登录的能力。” Yahoo!说,此外,OpenID提供程序和依赖方之间必须建立牢固的合作关系,以使OpenID能够作为广泛接受的登录范例。 “用户专注于任务,而不是技术; Yahoo!表示,无法发现或令人困惑的体验直接影响提供商和依赖方的成功。

The test results were disappointing for Yahoo!, said Yahoo! Membership Architect Allen Tom, but helpful. “Observing these tests was more than a bit frustrating for the Yahoo! OpenID team, and the test subjects may have been distracted by the sounds of the groans and head-pounding coming from the other side of the one-way mirror. Certainly there is a lot of work to be done on the OpenID user experience front,” he wrote in blog post.

Yahoo!表示,测试结果令Yahoo!感到失望。 成员建筑师Allen Tom,但有帮助。 “对于Yahoo!而言,观察这些测试实在令人沮丧。 OpenID小组和测试对象可能已经从单向镜另一侧发出的吟声和头部撞击声分散了注意力。 当然,在OpenID用户体验方面有很多工作要做,”他在博客文章中写道

OpenID is fundamentally a sound idea, but these test results demonstrate that for most users it is not an ideal solution and has not been explained to them very well at all.




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