


Every month I get an email from comScore giving me a list of the top 50 sites in the US market (I also get emails about lists of top sites in other markets). Occasionally there are interesting tid bits about trends that comScore has noticed over the past month, but for the most part things rarely change these days — Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft are almost always at the top (in that order), with the expected cast of characters rounding out the top ten — Amazon, Wikipedia, eBay, AOL, Fox (MySpace), etc. In short, it’s generally not something I plan to write about each month.

每月我都会收到来自comScore的电子邮件,其中列出了美国市场上排名前50位的网站(我还收到了有关其他市场上排名靠前的网站的电子邮件)。 有时候,comScore在过去的一个月中注意到了一些有趣的趋势,但在大多数情况下,这些天来很少发生变化-Google,Yahoo!。 和Microsoft几乎总是排在前列(按此顺序排列),预期的字符类型排在前十名之列-亚马逊,维基百科,eBay,AOL,Fox(MySpace)等。总之,我通常不打算这样做写每个月。

But if things don’t change very much at the top month-to-month, I started to wonder what sort of effect years have had on the web. This is the Internet, after all, and things go fast around here. Just five years ago we didn’t have Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Flickr, or Digg. What about ten? So I thought it might be interesting to look at the top 10 sites according to comScore from July 1998 and compare the list to today’s top 10. Where are the site’s of yesteryear?

但是,如果情况在每个月的头一个月变化不大,我就开始怀疑几年对网络产生了什么样的影响。 毕竟,这是互联网,并且这里的一切进展很快。 就在五年前,我们还没有Facebook,MySpace,Twitter,Flickr或Digg。 那十点呢? 因此,我认为查看comScore自1998年7月以来的前10个站点并将该列表与今天的前10个站点进行比较可能很有趣。

Today, comScore maintains just one top 50 list measuring use from home, work, and school. In 1998, however, their top 15 was broken up into separate lists for home and work use. We’ll use the home list for this post.

如今,comScore仅维护一项衡量家庭,工作和学校使用情况的前50名清单。 但是,在1998年,他们的前15名被分为家庭和工作用途的单独列表。 我们将使用此帖子的主列表。

#1。 美国在线 (#1. AOL)

AOL is actually still the #4 most visited collection of sites, and their ad network has the largest reach on the web. But, oh, how the mighty have fallen. In 1998 America Online was on the rise — one of the largest ISPs in the United States, and on the way to a $105 billion market cap in 1999. Then, in 2000, it purchased Time Warner for $164 billion. Big mistake. In 2002 AOL reported a loss of $99 billion, and today AOL’s web assets are reported to be worth only about $3-10 billion.

实际上,AOL仍然是访问量最高的网站集合中的第4名,其广告网络在网络上的影响最大。 但是,哦,强大的力量如何倒下。 1998年,美国在线(America Online)呈上升趋势-美国最大的ISP之一,并在1999年达到1,050亿美元的市值。然后,在2000年,它以1640亿美元的价格收购了时代华纳。 大错。 2002年,AOL亏损990亿美元,而如今据报道,AOL的网络资产价值仅为3-100亿美元

#2。 雅虎! (#2. Yahoo!)

Okay, so not everything has changed. Yahoo! was #2 ten years ago, and they’re #2 today. But they’re now in second place to Google, and that’s been a bad place to be, at least financially. The company was almost bought out by Microsoft, and narrowly escaped a proxy battle with billionaire investor Carl Icahn earlier this year. Once the darling of the web, Yahoo! is still one of the most viewed properties and has some interesting and useful Web 2.0 sites (Delicious, Flickr, Pipes, etc.), but it has struggled to make money from all those eyeballs and is getting slaughtered in the most lucrative of online businesses: search.

好的,所以并不是一切都变了。 雅虎! 是十年前的第二名,而今天是第二名。 但是它们现在仅次于Google,而在财务上则是一个糟糕的地方。 该公司几乎被微软收购,并今年初与亿万富翁投资者卡尔·伊坎(Carl Icahn) 的代理人之战中险些幸免 。 曾经是网络宠儿,Yahoo! 仍然是最受欢迎的网站之一,并拥有一些有趣且有用的Web 2.0网站(Delicious,Flickr,Pipes等),但它一直在努力从所有这些眼球中赚钱,并且正被最赚钱的在线企业所宰杀:搜索。

#3。 微软 (#3. Microsoft)

Microsoft is also still in third place today. They’re not competing on search, despite their best efforts, but with the largest cash reserves of any company competing for the future of the web, it’s hard to count Microsoft out.

微软今天仍然排名第三。 尽管尽了最大的努力,他们并没有在搜索方面竞争,但是在竞争网络未来的任何公司中,现金储备最多,因此很难将Microsoft排除在外。

#4。 激发 (#4. Excite)

In 1998, Excite was pulling in a ton of traffic, but losing money. A $6.7 billion merger with @Home couldn’t save it, and in 2004 it was purchased by IAC. The site still exists as a MyYahoo!-style start page, but it has been largely forgotten.

1998年,Excite吸引了大量流量,但却亏损了。 与@Home的67亿美元合并无法挽回,2004年,它被IAC收购。 该站点仍以MyYahoo!样式的起始页存在,但已被很大程度上遗忘。

#5。 地质城市 (#5. Geocities)

Geocities, which was a precursor to personal blogging communities like LiveJournal and WordPress.com, went public a month after this list was published in August 1998. It quickly saw its share price shoot up from $17 to over $100, and was purchased by Yahoo! before bubble burst for $3.57 billion. The site still attracts almost 13 million visitors each month, and Yahoo! still operates it as a featureless free web host, but it is now overshadowed by blog communities like the aforementioned WordPress. Further, cheap and much more feature-rich web hosts like Dreamhost and Site5 make Geocities less relevant for anyone wanting more than a blog.

Geocities是LiveJournal和WordPress.com等个人博客社区的前身,该列表于1998年8月发布一个月后就公开发行。它的股价Swift从17美元飙升至100美元以上,并被Yahoo!收购。 泡沫破灭后,市值缩水了35.7亿美元。 该网站仍然每月仍吸引近1300万访客 ,而Yahoo! 仍然将其作为无功能的免费虚拟主机运行,但现在被上述WordPress之类的博客社区所掩盖。 此外,廉价且功能丰富的Web主机(如Dreamhost和Site5)使Geocities与想要更多内容(而不仅仅是博客)的人不再相关。

#6。 网景 (#6. Netscape)

Netscape Navigator was one of the most popular and important web browsers of the early to mid-90s Internet. 1998 was a big year for Netscape, but mostly because that was the year they started the open source Mozilla foundation that eventually led to the creation of the Firefox web browser. It was also the year that Netscape was acquired by AOL for $4.2 billion, which sadly proved to be the beginning of the end for the Netscape name.

Netscape Navigator是90年代初期至中期Internet上最受欢迎和最重要的Web浏览器之一。 1998年对于Netscape来说是重要的一年,但这主要是因为那一年他们成立了开源Mozilla基金会,最终导致了Firefox Web浏览器的创建。 同年,Netscape被美国在线(AOL)以42亿美元收购,可悲的是,事实证明这是Netscape名称终结的开始。

Since, Netscape has gone from one of the most respected and well-known brands on the web, to a site that can’t figure out its identity. Netscape.com has been everything from a browser download site, to a web portal, to a search engine, to a Digg clone, and now it just redirects to a slightly altered version of AOL.com. Netscape officially ended support for Netscape web browsers earlier this year and urged people to switch to Firefox or Flock.

从那以后,Netscape从网络上最受尊敬的知名品牌之一发展成为一个无法确定其身份的网站。 Netscape.com涵盖了从浏览器下载站点,Web门户,搜索引擎到Digg克隆的所有内容,现在它仅重定向到AOL.com的稍有改动的版本。 Netscape在今年早些时候正式终止了对Netscape Web浏览器的支持,并敦促人们改用Firefox或Flock。

#7。 莱科斯 (#7. Lycos)

Like Yahoo! and Google, Lycos began life as a University project. Unlike Google and Yahoo!, Lycos has been pretty much forgotten. The site now attracts just over 2 million visitors per month, according to Compete, and their traffic is down 73% on the year. In 1996 Lycos was one of the first profitable Internet businesses and was sold in 2000 to Spanish firm Terra Networks for $5.6 billion. By 2004, however, Lycos had fallen on hard times and was worth just $95.4 million when South Korea-based Daum Communications Corporation (the current owner) purchased it.

就像雅虎! 和Google一起,Lycos开始成为大学项目。 与Google和Yahoo!不同,Lycos已经被人们遗忘了。 据Compete称 ,该网站现在每月每月吸引超过200万访问者,其访问量同比下降了73%。 Lycos是1996年第一批盈利的互联网业务,并于2000年以56亿美元的价格卖给了西班牙公司Terra Terras。 然而,到2004年,Lycos经历了艰难的时期,当总部位于韩国的Daum Communications Corporation(现任所有者)购买时,其价值仅为9,540万美元。

#8。 WhoWhere网络 (#8. The WhoWhere Network)

WhoWhere? Huh? Exactly. WhoWhere was an early people and email search directory that was acquired by Lycos in 1998. For what happened next, see #7.

谁哪里? ?? 究竟。 WhoWhere是一个早期的人和电子邮件搜索目录,该目录在1998年被Lycos收购。有关接下来发生的事情,请参见#7。

#9。 迪士尼 (#9. Disney)

No longer a top 10 property, Disney has fallen to #22 (and they were actually #9 on both the home and work lists in 1998). That said, Disney is still hugely relevant in the teen and younger market. Last year, they even acquired the hugely popular Club Penguin site for $350 million, pushing their reach into that market further. Disney also owns the television networks ABC and ESPN, which both have hugely popular online sites as well (ESPN is currently #43 on the web, according to comScore).

不再是排名前10位的财产,迪斯尼已经下降到第22(他们实际上是9号在家庭和工作列出1998年)。 话虽如此,迪斯尼在青少年市场中仍然具有重要的意义。 去年,他们甚至以3.5亿美元的价格收购了广受欢迎的Club Penguin网站,从而进一步打入了该市场。 迪士尼还拥有电视网络ABC和ESPN,它们也都拥有非常受欢迎的在线网站(根据comScore,ESPN目前在网络上排名第43)。

#10。 信息搜索 (#10. Infoseek)

Infoseek was one of the web’s major 90s search engines. In 1998, it was purchased by Disney and used a year later as the basis of a search and portal venture called Go.com that drew content from other Disney properties (like ESPN, ABC News, and Family.com). Like most portal plays of the 1990s, Go.com didn’t work. It still operates as a gateway to Disney’s web properties, but it shut down its internal search feature in 2001 (today it relies on Yahoo! search).

Infoseek是网络上90年代主要的搜索引擎之一。 1998年,它被迪斯尼(Disney)收购,并在一年后用作名为Go.com的搜索和门户网站项目的基础,该项目从迪斯尼的其他场所(如ESPN,ABC News和Family.com)吸取了内容。 像1990年代的大多数门户网站游戏一样,Go.com无效。 它仍然是迪斯尼网站的门户,但在2001年关闭了其内部搜索功能(今天它依赖Yahoo!搜索)。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-webs-top-10-sites-10-years-later/


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