

The Software and Information Industry Association have announced the Codie Awards finalists for 2008 – and ColdFusion 8 is listed in the Best Web Services Solution category.  The winners are revealed in May.

软件和信息产业协会宣布了 2008年Codie奖入围者 -ColdFusion 8被列为最佳Web服务解决方案类别。 获奖者将在五月揭晓。

One for the Mac users: the built-in rich text editor in ColdFusion 8 uses FCKEditor – but at the time when CF8 was released, Safari was not supported by FCKEDitor. According to Ben Forta, the next CF updater, which is due out “shortly”, and includes support for Leopard and 64-bit Windows, will include an updated library which adds support for the WebKit rendering engine.

一个针对Mac用户的:ColdFusion 8中内置的RTF编辑器使用FCKEditor –但是在CF8发布时,FCKEDitor不支持Safari。 根据Ben Forta的说法 ,下一个CF更新程序将“很快”推出,并将支持Leopard和64位Windows,它将包括一个更新的库,该库增加了对WebKit渲染引擎的支持。

Charlie Arehart has done a round-up of all the ColdFusion podcasts – including those that started and have since disappeared. In fact, there’s more that have fallen by the wayside than are currently producing new episodes! Charlie has also has his chapter from CFWACK posted online in PDF format, on Using the CF8 Debugger.

查理·阿里哈特(Charlie Arehart) 对所有ColdFusion播客进行了汇总 -包括那些已经开始并且已经消失的播客 。 实际上,与当前制作新剧集相比,被淘汰的更多! 查理(Charlie)还将CFWACK的一章以PDF格式在线发布在“ 使用CF8调试器”上

Onto some technical stuff – Rupesh Kumar, from the ColdFusion engineering team, has posted code showing how to read meta data from swf files using ColdFusion (via Java). Handy for dynamically embedding Flash files – particularly to get the correct dimensions, as Rupesh points out. Anuj Gakhar has found another hidden gem using Java – the ability to display color-coded source code using a method in one of the built-in libraries. 

在一些技术资料上– ColdFusion工程团队的Rupesh Kumar发布了代码, 代码显示如何使用ColdFusion (通过Java) 从swf文件读取元数据 。 如Rupesh指出的那样,对于动态嵌入Flash文件非常方便-特别是获得正确的尺寸。 Anuj Gakhar使用Java找到了另一个隐藏的宝石-使用内置库之一中的方法可以显示颜色编码的源代码

Ben Nadel has created a user-defined function for Cleaning High Ascii Values For Web Safeness In ColdFusion, inspired by Ray Camden talking about RSS parsing breaking when CF hits a character it doesn’t recognise. Very useful also for cleaning Microsoft Word input.

Ben Nadel创建了一个用户定义的函数,用于清除ColdFusion中的Web安全性的高Ascii值 ,其灵感来自Ray Camden,他谈到当CF击中无法识别的字符时RSS解析中断。 对于清理Microsoft Word输入也非常有用。

For those interested in the ExtJS framework, Dan Vega has posted a tutorial on getting started with ExtJS forms, covering creating and customizing forms, submitting forms using Ajax and loading form data using Ajax. Not happy with the default look of CF8’s built-in Ajax controls? Todd Sharp shares a tip for changing the theme.

对于那些对ExtJS框架感兴趣的人,Dan Vega发布了有关ExtJS表单入门的教程 ,内容涉及创建和自定义表单,使用Ajax提交表单以及使用Ajax加载表单数据。 对CF8内置Ajax控件的默认外观不满意吗? 托德•夏普(Todd Sharp)分享了改变主题的秘诀

If you’re using the new CFPresentation feature in CF8, you might be interested in this tip from Ben Forta: you can change the default colors and fonts by editing an XML file. Ben reminds you to backup the original first! Also new in CF8 is support for the open source Derby database. Sam Farmer has released a CFC to streamline the process of creating new Derby databases.

如果您正在CF8中使用新的CFPresentation功能,您可能会对Ben Forta的技巧感兴趣:您可以通过编辑XML文件来更改默认颜色和字体。 Ben提醒您先备份原始文件! CF8中的另一个新功能是支持开源Derby数据库。 Sam Farmer发布了CFC,以简化创建新Derby数据库的过程

Finally, in the framework arena – Bruce Phillips has posted The Grade Schooler’s Guide to Mach-II Version 1.5 – Part 1 Naked Mach-II.

最终,在框架领域–布鲁斯·菲利普斯(Bruce Phillips)发布了《马赫-II年级学生指南》,第1.5版–第1部分,赤裸的马赫-II

I mentioned last week that I had received my copy of the latest Fusion Authority Quarterly Update but hadn’t had time yet to do a full review. I’ve now finished reading (and enjoying) it, but I think Ben Nadel has beaten me to the punch with his review – there’s not much I could add to his excellent overview.

上周,我提到我已经收到了最新的《 Fusion Authority季度更新》的副本,但还没有时间进行全面审查。 我现在已经读完了(并很喜欢)它,但是我认为Ben Nadel在他的评论中击败了我 -我对他的出色概述没有什么补充。

Have you seen a link that you think I should include in my weekly updates? Feel free to leave a comment, send me an email or – better still – flag it for me directly using My username is kay.smoljak so if you use, simply tag the link with for:kay.smoljak and I’ll see it.

您是否看到我认为应该在每周更新中包含的链接? 随时发表评论,给我发送电子邮件,或者-更妙的是-直接使用del.icio.us为我标记。 我的用户名是kay.smoljak,因此,如果您使用,只需将链接标记为for:kay.smoljak,我将看到它。







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