

Big news this week: Obviously well into planning mode for ColdFusion 9, Adobe is seeking end user feedback through a series of surveys. From Adobe “Director of Engineering” Damon Cooper’s blog, there’s firstly the ColdFusion IDE survey:

本周大新闻:很明显,ColdFusion 9已进入计划模式,Adobe正在通过一系列调查寻求最终用户的反馈。 在Adobe“工程总监” Damon Cooper的博客中,首先进行了ColdFusion IDE调查

The Adobe ColdFusion team would like to understand more about how you develop CFML code, what tools you currently use, what features you look for, use and would like in a IDE.

Adobe ColdFusion团队想了解有关如何开发CFML代码,当前使用的工具,在IDE中寻找,使用和想要的功能的更多信息。

Next, there’s two surveys that ask what you think the ColdFusion team should focus on for ColdFusion 9 (codenamed “Centaur”): the Adobe ColdFusion Features Survey and the Adobe ColdFusion Platform and Vendor Support Survey.

接下来,有两个调查问您对ColdFusion 9(代号为“ Centaur”)的看法,ColdFusion团队应该关注什么: Adobe ColdFusion功能调查以及Adobe ColdFusion平台和供应商支持调查

On the ColdFusion frameworks front, things were busy in the Model-Glue world with new releases of Model-Glue 2.0 for ColdFusion and for Model-Glue for Flex.

在ColdFusion框架方面,Model-Glue世界中的事情很忙, 新版本的适用于ColdFusion的Model-Glue 2.0和适用于Flex的Model-Glue。

Still on frameworks, Instalment 6.2 of Adrian Moreno’s Mach II Primer was released: Processing Data with Beans and DAOs using Event Filters. You can follow the Mach-II primer from the beginning with Moving From Procedural to Object Oriented Programming with Mach-II for ColdFusion. Adrian’s primers are a in-depth but still easy to follow – a really good read if you’re new to object-oriented ColdFusion, or even if you’re not!

仍在框架上,发布了Adrian Moreno的Mach II Primer的6.2版: 使用事件过滤器使用Bean和DAO处理数据 。 您可以从使用Mach-II 从过程到面向对象编程的ColdFusion从一开始就遵循Mach-II入门。 Adrian的入门读物很深入,但仍然很容易理解–如果您是面向对象的ColdFusion的新手,或者即使您不是初学者,也可以读一读。

The buzz around Ajax continues with an Ajaxian article on using the newly released ExtJS version 2.0 with any version of ColdFusion. For those interested in leveraging the built-in ColdFusion 8 Ajax features, Steve “Cutter” Blades posts a short but helpful tidbit: Calling functions when paging the CF8 DataGrid.

关于Ajax的热议继续进行,有关Ajaxian的文章是关于将新发行的ExtJS 2.0版与任何版本的ColdFusion一起使用 。 对于那些对利用内置ColdFusion 8 Ajax功能感兴趣的人,Steve“ Cutter” Blades发布了一个简短但有用的提示: 在分页CF8 DataGrid时调用函数

Former Adobe Director of Architecture Sean Corfield posts an in-depth look at Common ColdFusion Arguments – addressing issues that pop up all the time on blogs, forums and mailing lists, like whether ColdFusion should be free and/or open source, if Adobe should be doing more marketing or employ more evangelists, and whether ColdFusion should be taught in schools. It’s worth checking out, especially for Sean’s closing call to arms: for every CF developer to convert one non-CF developer to CF.

Adobe前建筑总监Sean Corfield发表了有关Common ColdFusion论点的深入研究-解决了博客,论坛和邮件列表上经常出现的问题,例如ColdFusion是否应该免费和/或开源,如果Adobe应该进行更多的营销或雇用更多的福音传教士,以及是否应该在学校教授ColdFusion。 值得一试,特别是对于Sean的闭幕式招募:对于每个CF开发人员,要将一个非CF开发人员转换为CF。

Ben Nadel comments on the tendency for programmers to self-deprecate in Don’t Be Lazy, Be Proud. For the record, I’ve long believed that a lazy programmer is a good programmer, but Ben’s post is certainly food for thought.

本·纳德尔(Ben Nadel)在“ 不要偷懒,要骄傲”一书中评论程序员的自弃倾向。 作为记录,我长期以来一直认为懒惰的程序员是一个好的程序员,但是Ben的帖子肯定值得深思。

Finally, don’t forget to check out the ColdFusion Open Source Update (detailing 7 updates and 2 new projects this week) and for those with long commutes, the ColdFusion Weekly Podcast features the CF_HotSeat with Jared Rypka-Hauer, the “Chief Instigator” of the cf.objective() conference which will be held in May in Minnesota.

最后,不要忘了查看ColdFusion开源更新 (本周有7个更新和2个新项目的详细信息),对于那些通勤时间较长的人, ColdFusion每周播客具有CF_HotSeat和Jared Rypka-Hauer,“首席煽动者” cf.objective()会议主题 ,该会议将于5月在明尼苏达州举行。







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