文献综述 笔记软件_论坛软件综述

文献综述 笔记软件

The ‘forum’ or ‘discussion board’ plays a major part on most successful Websites, providing a place for regular visitors to discuss topics the site covers. This creates a community and adds ‘stickiness’ to your site, giving people an incentive to come back time and time again. Take a look at the many hundreds of thousands of Websites with forums, and you’ll see that various systems are employed to provide the discussion board features – posting, voting, private messaging, and thread categories, all of which play a part in the standard feature list for the big forum systems.

在大多数成功的网站上,“论坛”或“讨论板”扮演着重要角色,为普通访问者提供了一个讨论站点涵盖主题的场所。 这将创建一个社区并为您的网站增加“粘性”,从而使人们有动力一次又一次地回来。 看看带有论坛的数十万个网站,您会发现使用了各种系统来提供讨论板功能-发帖,投票,私人消息传递和主题类别,所有这些都发挥了作用在大型论坛系统的标准功能列表中。

In this article, I’ll download, install and set up 5 of the biggest and more popular forum applications.


I’ve chosen the systems based on the lists at Hotscripts.com, and my own past experience and knowledge. I have only chosen free systems, as that it is what most Website owners use, and because of the difficulty involved in acquiring copies of paid for systems for review. As a consequence of this approach, I’ve had to leave out the extremely popular vBulletin. I have also chosen PHP, ASP and CGI systems to give you as wide a choice as possible as you decide which system you want to go for.

我已经根据Hotscripts.com上的列表以及自己过去的经验和知识选择了系统。 我之所以只选择了免费系统,是因为它是大多数网站所有者使用的系统,并且由于难以获得付费的系统副本以进行审核。 作为这种方法的结果,我不得不省略非常流行的vBulletin 。 我还选择了PHP,ASP和CGI系统,以便您决定要使用的系统时,可以有尽可能多的选择。

The following applications are included in this review. Each is freely available for download from its associated Website:

此审查包含以下应用程序。 每个都可以从其关联的网站免费下载:

I’ll use the same process to review each system:


  1. I’ll download, extract and upload the files to my Web space.

  2. I’ll run through the installation scripts.

  3. I’ll browse the configuration settings and features.


I will be commenting on a range of different criteria for the applications, which will allow me to come to a final conclusion and present an overall mark in the summary.


phpBB (phpBB)



phpBB, the system that powers the forums on my own Website, has been available for quite a time. Version 2.0.x has come a very long way since 1.0.0 was released back in December 2000. With developments in the PHP scripting language and the addition of various features, phpBB now has a very extensive feature listing which includes a very intuitive templates (Styles) system based around the Smarty system.

phpBB是在我自己的网站上为论坛提供支持的系统,已经存在了一段时间。 自2000年12月发布1.0.0版本以来,2.0.x版已经走了很长一段路。随着PHP脚本语言的发展以及各种功能的添加,phpBB现在具有非常广泛的功能列表,其中包括非常直观的模板(基于Smarty系统的样式)系统。

It offers support for all major databases, including MySQL, MSSQL, and even MS Access databases. As well as these essential features, it offers strong security, polling, BBCode Tags for formatting, user groups and permissions systems, as well as avatars, signatures, profile options, and moderation and administration facilities.

它为所有主要数据库提供支持,包括MySQL,MSSQL甚至MS Access数据库。 除了这些基本功能之外,它还提供了强大的安全性,轮询,用于格式化的BBCode标签,用户组和权限系统,以及化身,签名,配置文件选项以及审核和管理功能。

Because of the nature of free software, some forums do not come with free support. However, a post in the phpbb.com forums will usually attract an answer within a few hours — dedicated support team members are always on hand, and enthusiastic members are always willing to help at no extra cost. That said, you should be aware that no paid support is available, so if nobody knows the answer to your question, then you’re stuck.

由于自由软件的性质,某些论坛没有免费支持。 但是,在phpbb.com论坛上的帖子通常会在几个小时内吸引人的答案-始终有专门的支持团队成员,热心的成员总是愿意提供免费帮助。 就是说,您应该意识到没有可用的付费支持,因此如果没有人知道您问题的答案,那么您将陷于困境。

phpBB is extremely fast and comes with optional caching tools to make it even faster. It’s based around PHP, is completely open source, and is available for free with no restrictions. This allows you to easily integrate it into your own Website and develop styles and modifications — of which there are hundreds, most freely available for download. The original subSilver style that is available by default with phpBB is one of the best default styles of all the forum systems, and they even provide you with the Photoshop .psd files so you can modify that style.

phpBB非常快,并且带有可选的缓存工具,使其变得更快。 它基于PHP,是完全开源的,并且可以不受限制地免费获得。 这使您可以轻松地将其集成到您自己的网站中,并开发样式和修改-其中有数百种,大多数可以免费下载。 phpBB默认提供的原始subSilver样式是所有论坛系统中最好的默认样式之一,它们甚至为您提供Photoshop .psd文件,因此您可以修改该样式。

The administration control panel, when compared to those offered within the other applications, is phpBB’s weak point. You can configure every option in phpBB here, however, the system doesn’t offer the standard features of action logging, the advanced mailing lists, and backup tools that the other systems have. There is also no way to add new profile options without modification, nor can you create your own post icons or forum icons. Visitor statistics reporting is limited to an average number of users and posts, which compares poorly when compared to the stats reports provided by some of the other systems. You can, however, customise the look of the panel to make it match your main forum style.

与其他应用程序中提供的控制面板相比,管理控制面板是phpBB的弱点。 您可以在此处配置phpBB中的每个选项,但是,该系统不提供其他系统具有的动作日志记录,高级邮件列表和备份工具的标准功能。 也无法添加任何未经修改的个人资料选项,也无法创建自己的帖子图标或论坛图标。 访问者统计信息报告仅限于平均用户和帖子数,与其他一些系统提供的统计信息报告相比,效果不佳。 但是,您可以自定义面板的外观,使其与您的主要论坛风格相匹配。


The development team at phpBB have not added many new features to 2.0.x since it was released. They’ve appeared only to fix bugs or security problems (of which there were very few), and seem to be reserving all the new features – features that are now standard on other forum applications — for the upcoming phpbb2.2. This system is at Milestone 2 (of 4) but many of the major features are already working. However, as this version hasn’t yet been released, I can’t review it here. You can download a CVS of the current version at the development site area51.phpbb.com.

自发布以来,phpBB的开发团队并未向2.0.x添加许多新功能。 它们似乎只是为了解决错误或安全性问题(其中很少),并且似乎为即将到来的phpbb2.2保留了所有新功能-在其他论坛应用程序中现已成为标准功能。 该系统位于里程碑2(共4个)中,但是许多主要功能已经在起作用。 但是,由于尚未发布此版本,因此无法在此处进行查看。 您可以从开发站点area51.phpbb.com下载当前版本的CVS。

The installation of phpBB is very simple. The download is only 657kb as a .zip file (.gzip is available). However, extracting the file increases the size to over 2mb, which you have to upload to your Web space. Once you’ve uploaded all the files, browse to the directory you uploaded the files to, and wait as the installation script automatically loads up. The installation consists of 2 screens. First, you have to enter basic details about your database and the default username and password as well as some location settings. The second installation screen tells you that the database tables have been created.

phpBB的安装非常简单。 作为.zip文件,下载仅657kb(提供.gzip文件)。 但是,解压缩文件会使文件大小增加到2mb以上,您必须将其上传到Web空间。 上传完所有文件后,浏览到上传文件的目录,然后等待安装脚本自动加载。 安装包括2个屏幕。 首先,您必须输入有关数据库的基本详细信息,默认的用户名和密码以及一些位置设置。 第二个安装屏幕告诉您已创建数据库表。


You then need to complete the installation by uploading the config.php file that was created for you by the script — you can simply let the install do it for you if you prefer. Once you’ve done this, you need to remove 2 directories before being allowed to access the forums. You are then presented with your brand new blank forum.

然后,您需要通过上载由脚本为您创建的config.php文件来完成安装-如果您愿意,可以简单地让安装为您完成。 完成此操作后,需要删除2个目录,然后才能访问论坛。 然后,您会看到一个全新的空白论坛。

Overall, phpBB is an extremely good system that is very popular. It has all the features you would probably need to maintain an active forum, but it offers none of the standard “extras” that, while not essential, are useful. The huge community is invaluable if you get stuck and the number of styles and modifications available will allow you to change the software to suit your site and requirements.

总体而言,phpBB是一个非常受欢迎的非常好的系统。 它具有维持活跃的论坛可能需要的所有功能,但是它没有提供虽然不是必需的但有用的标准“补充”。 如果您陷入困境,那么庞大的社区将是无价之宝,可用的样式和修改数量将使您能够更改软件以适合您的站点和要求。



Language: PHPDatabase Support: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, MS AccessModifications/Styles Available: Hundreds

语言: PHP 数据库支持: MySQL,PostgreSQL,MSSQL,MS Access 可用的修改/样式:数百种

Overall: 8/10Pros: Very easy to use, nice default style, lots of styles and modificationsCons: Admin panel lacking in ‘standard’ features

总体而言: 8/10 优点:非常易于使用,漂亮的默认样式,大量样式和修改缺点:管理面板缺少“标准”功能

Invision电源板 (Invision Power Board)



Another popular PHP application, IVB offers some extremely advanced features as standard. Downloading the file from the Website takes a few moments, as you have to navigate your way through various screens; locating the download can also be confusing as the download is listed as a ‘free trial’. There is also the option to purchase support from Invision Power Services.

另一个流行PHP应用程序IVB作为标准提供了一些极其高级的功能。 从网站下载文件需要花费一些时间,因为您必须通过各种屏幕进行浏览。 由于下载被列为“免费试用版”,因此查找下载内容也可能会造成混淆。 还可以选择从Invision Power Services购买支持。

After extracting the .zip download, you are presented with a confusing directory structure. The location of the files you have to upload is not apparent but once you have found it, you simply need to upload them to your Website. The initial upload of all the files is large — over 4mb — and once you have them uploaded, you can’t just navigate to the directory and let the install begin. Instead, you have to navigate to a specific file. The well presented installation screens guide you through each step of the setup. The first thing you need to do is CHMOD a configuration file so the script can write to it. After entering your database information, the tables are created, along with a number of files. You can then log in to your forum system using the username and password you’ve created.

解压缩.zip下载文件后,将显示一个令人困惑的目录结构。 您必须上载的文件的位置并不明显,但是一旦找到,您只需要将它们上载到您的网站即可。 所有文件的初始上载都很大-超过4mb-并且一旦将它们上载,就不能仅浏览到目录并开始安装。 相反,您必须导航到特定文件。 精心展示的安装屏幕将指导您完成设置的每个步骤。 您需要做的第一件事是CHMOD一个配置文件,以便脚本可以对其进行写入。 输入数据库信息后,将创建表以及许多文件。 然后,您可以使用创建的用户名和密码登录论坛系统。


IVB has a number of useful features in addition to the standard forum features; these include extensive private messaging systems, a full user control panel, easy styling facilities, macro facility, calendar, birthdays, and SQL debugging features. Two new features for IVB1.2 include multi moderation and a warning system. The multi moderation facility allows you to modify many topics at once, for example, add a topic prefix to all of them at the same time. The warning feature allows you to give users visible warnings for their actions, which would prove useful on a busy site. You can even download topics into MS Word or MS Excel format for storage on your local machine. The members on your forum also get access to the unique ‘My Assistant’, which allows them to quickly find out answers to common questions such as ‘Who are the moderators?’, and lets them view their last posts. You can also search the forums and help system.

IVB除了标准论坛功能外,还具有许多有用的功能。 其中包括广泛的私人消息传递系统,完整的用户控制面板,简单的样式设置,宏设置,日历,生日和SQL调试功能。 IVB1.2的两个新功能包括多重审核和警告系统。 多重审核功能允许您一次修改多个主题,例如,同时为所有主题添加主题前缀。 警告功能使您可以为用户的操作提供可见的警告,这在繁忙的站点上非常有用。 您甚至可以将主题下载为MS Word或MS Excel格式,以存储在本地计算机上。 您论坛中的成员还可以访问唯一的“我的助手”,这使他们可以快速找到常见问题的答案,例如“谁是主持人?”,并允许他们查看最新帖子。 您也可以搜索论坛和帮助系统。

The default style is a blue chrome design — not bad for a default. You can, of course, download many hundreds of styles and graphics for your forum and customise it to your liking. The official Website, IB Planet.com provides access to all the skins, styles and modifications that are available for IVB.

默认样式是蓝色镀Chrome设计-对于默认样式来说还不错。 当然,您可以为论坛下载数百种样式和图形,并根据自己的喜好对其进行自定义。 官方网站IB Planet.com提供了对IVB可用的所有外观,样式和修改的访问。

The administration control panel in IVB is one of the most extensive available. The index page shows you whether your copy of IVB is up to date, and displays system information, who is logged into the control panel, a log of admin actions, and some quick search options. This admin panel allows you to control absolutely every aspect of IVB — from removing the copyright notice to adding new languages.

IVB中的管理控制面板是可用范围最广的面板之一。 索引页面显示您的IVB副本是否最新,并显示系统信息,登录到控制面板的人员,管理员操作日志以及一些快速搜索选项。 这个管理面板使您可以控制IVB的各个方面-从删除版权声明到添加新语言。


My only criticism is that IVB may provide too many options to the average user! It would take a long time to go through every one, and it could be difficult for site owners to locate the option they need. The options are contained under main headers that expand to reveal the list of alternatives; this keeps the interface tidier, although it’s slightly crowded regardless.

我唯一的批评是IVB可能为普通用户提供太多选择! 仔细检查每个选项都需要很长时间,而且网站所有者可能很难找到他们所需的选项。 这些选项包含在主标题下,这些标题会扩展以显示替代项列表。 尽管界面有点拥挤,但这可以保持界面整洁。

Overall, IVB is a very powerful solution with great emphasis on packing as many features as possible into the standard version. The initial download and extraction processes were relatively easy, as was the installation. The forum provides great support for everything you could possibly want your forum to do. The administration control panel is very detailed, allowing you to keep tight control over everything. The IVB support forums seem to be very active and provide the all-important free help. And if you get really stuck, there is always the option to buy support from the company.

总的来说,IVB是一个非常强大的解决方案,它非常强调将尽可能多的功能打包到标准版本中。 初始下载和提取过程相对容易,安装也相对容易。 该论坛为您可能希望论坛做的所有事情提供了强大的支持。 管理控制面板非常详细,使您可以严格控制所有内容。 IVB支持论坛似乎非常活跃,并提供了非常重要的免费帮助。 而且,如果您真的遇到困难,总是可以选择从公司那里购买支持。



Language: PHPDatabase Support: MySQLModifications/Styles Available: Hundreds

语言: PHP 数据库支持: MySQL 可用的修改/样式:数百种

Overall: 9/10Pros: Extensive feature set, advanced control panelCons: Cluttered admin interface, confusing directory structure

总体而言: 9/10 优点:广泛的功能集,高级控制面板缺点:管理界面混乱,目录结构混乱

斯尼兹论坛 (Snitz Forums)



With over 151,000 downloads since it was first released in September 2002, Snitz Forums is a reasonably popular board solution. But for some reason, ASP-based forums are unable to match the feature set of their PHP/CGI counterparts. Snitz Forums has the standard features you’d expect, such as complete Web based administration, unlimited forums, private forums, sticky topics, and word censors, but little else. The full feature listing of Snitz Forums can be viewed here.

自2002年9月首次发布以来,Snitz Forums的下载量已超过151,000,是一种相当受欢迎的棋盘解决方案。 但是由于某些原因,基于ASP的论坛无法匹配其PHP / CGI同行的功能集。 Snitz论坛具有您期望的标准功能,例如完整的基于Web的管理,无限制的论坛,私人论坛,粘性主题和单词审查器,但除此之外就很少。 Snitz论坛的完整功能列表可以在这里查看。

Although Snitz Forums does support modifications, there are very few available — the limited list includes signature previews and FAQ administration. These are available from the Official Snitz Website and a number of small Snitz ‘Fan’ sites that provide modifications for download. There is no support for styling whatsoever. However, it is possible to make basic colour changes and modifications to graphics. A limited set of graphics is also available, again via the Snitz Website.

尽管Snitz论坛确实支持修改,但可用空间很少-受限列表包括签名预览和FAQ管理。 这些可以从官方的Snitz网站以及许多小的Snitz“ Fan”站点上获得,这些站点提供了可供下载的修改。 没有任何样式支持。 但是,可以进行基本的颜色更改和图形修改。 同样可以通过Snitz网站获得一组有限的图形。

The download of the ASP files for the forum is a 525kb .zip file, which extracts just over 3mb of files. There is no directory structure — all the files are located in the same directory. You must follow the instructions provided in the readme.html file in order to install the forum system, including opening and editing a config.asp file to set the database connection information. After this has been completed, you open up a setup page and configure the forums, after which you can load the forums and log in.

该论坛的ASP文件的下载是525kb .zip文件,该文件提取了3mb以上的文件。 没有目录结构-所有文件都位于同一目录中。 为了安装论坛系统,必须遵循readme.html文件中提供的说明,包括打开和编辑config.asp文件以设置数据库连接信息。 完成此操作后,您将打开一个设置页面并配置论坛,然后可以加载论坛并登录。


The configuration options match the features of the software. You can configure every option in the forum, including the forum categories and forums, logos — you can even disable registrations. The colour/font change is limited to names, not HTML codes, and users are given a list of the colours they can use, with examples. There are no permissions options (that I can see) with only basic moderator control. While I was trying to figure out how to add a new forum/category from the administration control panel, I realised that you can’t. You actually do that from the main index page!

配置选项与软件功能匹配。 您可以配置论坛中的每个选项,包括论坛类别和论坛,徽标-甚至可以禁用注册。 颜色/字体的更改仅限于名称,而不是HTML代码,并且为用户提供了可以使用的颜色列表,并带有示例。 仅基本版主控件没有权限选项(我可以看到)。 当我试图从管理控制面板中找到如何添加新论坛/类别时,我意识到您做不到。 您实际上是在主索引页面上完成的!


Overall, compared to phpBB and IVB, Snitz Forums is poor. However, this may be due to the limitations of ASP, and not a lack of desire to add such features. But contrary to that, there is the paid IdealBB, which looks as though it could match the PHP systems.

总体而言,与phpBB和IVB相比,Snitz论坛不佳。 但是,这可能是由于ASP的局限性,而不是不希望添加此类功能。 但是与此相反,有付费的IdealBB ,看起来好像可以与PHP系统匹配。



Language: ASPDatabase Support: MS Access, MSSQL, MySQLModifications/Styles Available: No styling features, few modifications

语言: ASP 数据库支持: MS Access,MSSQL,MySQL 可用的修改/样式:没有样式功能,很少修改

Overall: 4/10Pros: Basic forum features for ASPCons: Basic features, no styling system, few modifications

总体而言: 4/10 优点: ASP的基本论坛功能缺点:基本功能,没有样式系统,几乎没有修改

网络向导论坛 (Web Wiz Forums)



Another ASP forum solution, Web Wiz Forums has a reasonably large feature listing which makes it a popular ASP discussion board application. The full feature list includes such features as avatar galleries, image and file uploading, styling/skinning support, a powerful permissions system, private messaging, a statistics system, and others. This means that Web Wiz Forums is almost an equal contender with the like of IVB and phpBB.

另一个ASP论坛解决方案Web Wiz论坛具有相当大的功能列表,这使其成为受欢迎的ASP讨论板应用程序。 完整功能列表包括诸如头像库,图像和文件上传,样式/皮肤支持,强大的权限系统,私人消息传递,统计系统等功能。 这意味着Web Wiz论坛几乎可以与IVB和phpBB竞争。

The latest version (7.01) was released on 27th April 2003 and is available in 2 versions — Access 2000 and SQL Server 7.0/2000. The Access version is the more popular, but the SQL Server version is the higher performance system with added tweaks for high traffic boards. Other downloads available include 2 avatar galleries. The Web Wiz Website also provides in depth and detailed documentation to help users install, administer, and troubleshoot the software.

最新版本(7.01)于2003年4月27日发布,有2个版本可用-Access 2000和SQL Server 7.0 / 2000。 Access版本更受欢迎,但SQL Server版本是性能更高的系统,并增加了对高流量板的调整。 其他可用下载包括2个头像画廊。 Web Wiz网站还提供了详细的详细文档,以帮助用户安装,管理软件以及对软件进行故障排除。

In addition, a large list of modifications and add-ons is available. These are also available on the Web Wiz Website, and range from a Latest News Mod to a Photo Gallery Mod. Although there aren’t as many as for phpBB, they are available, and allow you to customise the forums to your own requirements. Skinning (as it is called by Web Wiz Forums) is also supported. Although there are only currently 10 skins available, one of these will make the forums look like the default IVB style! All the software available on the Web Wiz Website is free. However, you can pay to have the link removed using the WorldPay system.

此外,还有大量的修改和附加组件列表。 这些也可以在Web Wiz网站上找到,范围从最新新闻Mod到照相馆Mod。 尽管phpBB的数量并不多,但是它们可用,并且可以让您根据自己的需求自定义论坛。 还支持外观(如Web Wiz论坛所称)。 尽管目前只有10种皮肤,但是其中一种可以使论坛看起来像默认的IVB样式! Web Wiz网站上提供的所有软件都是免费的。 但是,您可以付费使用WorldPay系统删除链接。

After you download the 988kb .zip file and extract its contents, all the files you need to upload can be found in the /forum directory; documentation is also available. There are around 3mb of files to upload to your Web space, and once you’ve uploaded these, you do not need to modify any files or even run any installation scripts — Web Wiz runs ‘right out of the box’.

下载988kb .zip文件并解压缩其内容后,所有需要上传的文件都可以在/ forum目录中找到。 也提供文档。 大约有3mb的文件要上传到您的Web空间,上传这些文件后,您无需修改​​任何文件,甚至不需要运行任何安装脚本-Web Wiz可以直接使用。


The default style is not stunning. It features a grey look and icons for the menu options. The profile page looks quite like the phpBB profile page, as does the administration area. The admin area is much more comprehensive than the Snitz Forums area. Again, it allows you to modify every aspect of the forums, set up new categories, view forum statistics, and email members.

默认样式并不惊人。 它具有灰色外观和菜单选项图标。 配置文件页面看起来非常类似于phpBB配置文件页面,管理区域也是如此。 管理区域比Snitz论坛区域更为全面。 同样,它允许您修改论坛的各个方面,设置新类别,查看论坛统计信息和电子邮件成员。


Overall, the Web Wiz forum system is probably the most feature-packed and extensive of the free ASP forums, with support for skins and modifications, and some standard features that are only available as extras or modifications in the other forum applications. The Web Wiz Website forums are where you will find support for the application. However, they do not appear to be as busy as the other support forums. There is no other way to obtain support, although a troubleshooting document is available.

总体而言,Web Wiz论坛系统可能是功能最丰富,功能最广泛的免费ASP论坛,它支持外观和修改,并且某些标准功能仅在其他论坛应用程序中作为附加功能或修改提供。 您可以在Web Wiz网站论坛上找到对该应用程序的支持。 但是,他们似乎没有其他支持论坛那么忙。 尽管有故障排除文档,但没有其他获得支持的方法。



Language: ASPDatabase Support: MS Access, MSSQLModifications/Styles Available: Small number of styles or modifications available

语言: ASP 数据库支持: MS Access,MSSQL 修改/样式可用:少量样式或修改可用

Overall: 6/10Pros: Good features listing and administration areaCons: Small number of styles/modifications available

总体: 6/10 优点:良好的功能列表和管理区域缺点:可用的样式/修改数量少

Ikonboard (Ikonboard)



With well over 50,000 downloads in the past few months, Ikonboard is truly one of the most popular systems available. Powered by CGI, Ikonboard 3.1 provides a whole set of features that match — and sometimes beat — the features available in other applications. Its key features include full language support, extensive skinning support, SSI enabled-templates (for including other parts of your site), advanced permissions, graphical and colour modification options from the control panel, and news management.

在过去的几个月中,Ikonboard的下载量已超过50,000次,确实是目前最受欢迎的系统之一。 由CGI支持的Ikonboard 3.1提供了一整套与其他应用程序中可用的功能相匹配(有时甚至是超越)的功能。 它的主要功能包括完整的语言支持,广泛的皮肤支持,启用SSI的模板(包括网站的其他部分),高级权限,控制面板中的图形和颜色修改选项以及新闻管理。

As well as the CGI version, you can obtain a hosted version, a PHP version, and a light version. Most of these are still in development, but you can find out more via the Guided Tour.

除CGI版本外,您还可以获得托管版本,PHP版本和简易版本。 其中大多数仍在开发中,但是您可以通过Guided Tour了解更多信息。

There are also a number of dedicated sites that provide IB skins and modifications. The Skins site includes over 50 skins for IB3, plus over 200 graphics for download. The modifications or ‘hacks’ are also available via a dedicated section of the IB Website.

还有许多提供IB外观和修改的专用站点。 皮肤网站包括IB3的50多种皮肤,以及200多种图形可供下载。 修改或“黑客”也可以通过IB网站的专用部分获得。

The support for the application appears to be the best available. By signing up to the member’s area you gain access to priority support tickets, support forums, FAQs and live chat — all, apparently, for free.

该应用程序的支持似乎是最好的。 通过注册会员区域,您可以免费获得优先支持票,支持论坛,常见问题解答和实时聊天。

Downloading the 1.16Mb system does not require registration in the member area, although you are advised to register to receive the support. Other downloads include older versions and a graphics development pack. You have to upload just over 3.5Mb of files to your CGI-enabled Web space. The instructions provided are comprehensive, but could easily be confusing for new users. Installation on Windows is easier as no chmoding is required; however, you have to chmod various files on Unix/Linux.

下载1.16Mb系统不需要在会员区域进行注册,尽管建议您注册以获得支持。 其他下载内容包括旧版本和图形开发包。 您必须将刚刚超过3.5Mb的文件上载到启用CGI的Web空间。 提供的说明是全面的,但对于新用户来说很容易造成混淆。 Windows上的安装更容易,因为不需要更改程序。 但是,您必须在Unix / Linux上chmod各种文件。

You then use the installation screens to install various files so that Ikonboard can run. I chose to use a MySQL database to store the data, although other available options include PostgreSQL, Oracle, and even DMB database.

然后,您可以使用安装屏幕来安装各种文件,以便Ikonboard可以运行。 我选择使用MySQL数据库来存储数据,尽管其他可用选项包括PostgreSQL,Oracle甚至DMB数据库。


The default style of the forum is quite nice — grey/blue with chrome type buttons. At the bottom, it includes an option to ‘Invite a friend to the board’ which is interesting and a nice feature to help you promote your forum. The Control Panel allows you to set up various options for posting and altering your profile, and it’s split into different sections, which keeps it tidy. My only problem with this default style is that the three Search/Members/Help buttons look out of place in the top right corner, as they are the only graphical buttons in the whole interface.

论坛的默认样式非常好-灰色/蓝色和镀Chrome类型的按钮。 在底部,它包含一个“邀请朋友加入董事会”的选项,这很有趣,并且是一个很好的功能,可以帮助您推广论坛。 通过控制面板,您可以设置各种选项来发布和更改个人资料,并且将其分为不同的部分,以保持整洁。 我的默认样式的唯一问题是,三个“搜索/成员/帮助”按钮在右上角看起来不适当,因为它们是整个界面中唯一的图形按钮。

Like the IVB administration area, the options down the side are expanded by selecting the category name, which again keeps the interface neat. The overall look of the IB administration control panel is clean and tidy. There are many options here to allow you to change features — from database management to setting up news functionality.

与IVB管理区域一样,通过选择类别名称可以扩展下方的选项,这又使界面保持整洁。 IB管理控制面板的整体外观整洁。 这里有许多选项可让您更改功能-从数据库管理到设置新闻功能。


Overall, IB is a very good application. Even though it uses CGI, there is barely a noticeable decrease in speed, though the administration area did feel slightly sluggish. The software provides a very good feature list and easily matches the PHP systems. However, the installation was slightly complicated (I had to go through about 6 screens before I was able to access the forums), and the administration control panel skin could be improved.

总体而言,IB是一个非常好的应用程序。 尽管它使用了CGI,但是速度几乎没有明显降低,尽管管理区域确实感觉有些呆滞。 该软件提供了很好的功能列表,并且可以轻松匹配PHP系统。 但是,安装有点复杂(在访问论坛之前,我必须经过大约6个屏幕),并且可以改善管理控制面板的外观。



Language: CGIDatabase Support: DMB, PostgreSQL, MySQLModifications/Styles Available: Many skins and modifications freely available

语言: CGI 数据库支持: DMB,PostgreSQL,MySQL 可用的修改/样式:免费提供许多外观和修改

Overall: 9/10Pros: All the features you could needCons: Slight admin area slowdown, bad admin area colours

总体而言: 9/10 优点:您可能需要的所有功能缺点:管理区速度稍慢,管理区颜色较差

结论 (Conclusion)

There are hundreds of other forum applications available. I have reviewed the most popular, but these may not suit your site. What I did discover was that ASP forum systems seem to offer the least features. This is disappointing for ASP Website owners, considering that PHP and CGI forum applications currently outweigh any free ASP system.

还有数百种其他论坛应用程序可用。 我们已经审查了最受欢迎的网站,但这些网站可能不适合您的网站。 我确实发现,ASP论坛系统似乎提供的功能最少。 考虑到PHP和CGI论坛应用程序目前超过了任何免费的ASP系统,这对于ASP网站所有者来说是令人失望的。

In addition to these HTML-based forums, there are Flash forums currently in development — some are even available right now. Time will tell if these are successful, but there is no reason why they shouldn’t be, provided they can match the features displayed by the applications reviewed here.

除了这些基于HTML的论坛之外,目前还在开发Flash论坛-有些甚至现在可用。 时间会证明这些方法是否成功,但是没有理由不这样做,只要它们可以匹配此处审查的应用程序显示的功能即可。

论坛软件清单 (Forum Software Listings)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/forum-software-roundup/

文献综述 笔记软件





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