

My dream for the past five years was to launch an Internet portal that would aggregate up-to-date information technology news and some of the best articles and resources for value added resellers: VARs. I’d been providing content for numerous other sites. Now I thought it was time to start investing in myself.

在过去的五年中,我的梦想是建立一个Internet门户,该门户将汇总最新的信息技术新闻以及增值经销商的最佳文章和资源:VAR。 我曾为许多其他站点提供内容。 现在我认为是时候开始对自己进行投资了。

规划与准备 (Planning and Preparation)

Although I was a highly-experienced Internet researcher, I knew little about designing, launching, and promoting an ecommerce Website. However, I knew which sites I researched repeatedly, so the first thing I did was analyze how they kept me coming back. Good content was the primary incentive, but what else?

尽管我是一位经验丰富的Internet研究人员,但是我对设计,启动和推广电子商务网站知之甚少。 但是,我知道我反复研究了哪些站点,所以我要做的第一件事就是分析它们如何使我回头。 好的内容是主要诱因,但还有什么呢?

一点研究 (A Little Research)

I bookmarked and printed pages from many sites that illustrated what I thought was the "best" navigation, colors, layout, topic categories, terminology describing those categories, etc. I also noted the use of add-on features such as forums, polls, newsletters, and fee-based content. My task list grew dramatically as I added the need for content for:

我在许多网站上加了书签并打印了页面,这些页面说明了我认为是“最佳”的导航,颜色,布局,主题类别,描述这些类别的术语等。我还指出了附加功能的使用,例如论坛,民意调查,新闻通讯和收费内容。 当我添加以下内容的需求时,我的任务列表急剧增长:

  • About Us

  • Advertising

  • Contact Us

  • Contribute

  • Link to Us

  • Permissions

  • Press

  • Privacy

  • Staff

  • Terms of Use

  • Site and Newsletter Registration

  • Auto-response Letters


…and so forth.


I also documented characteristics that I found annoying, like not being able to click on the logo to return to the home page. While this seems like a small detail, it was only one of hundreds that had to be addressed before I felt our site would provide a comprehensive and user-friendly interface to our visitors: some of the most technology-savvy surfers on the Internet.

我还记录了令人讨厌的特征,例如无法单击徽标以返回首页。 尽管这似乎是一个很小的细节,但在我认为我们的站点将为访问者提供一个全面且用户友好的界面之前,仅需解决数百个问题:Internet上一些最精通技术的冲浪者。

After a few days of surfing my favorite haunts and examining sites I’d let fall by the wayside, I came up with a laundry list of characteristics I liked:


Site Name


If the name was easy to remember, I could just type it in instead of scanning through my Favorites. The best names were simple and descriptive of the subject matter, e.g., internet.com, TechWeb.com, ITtoolbox.com, and so forth. Cute also worked, as in the case of AngryCoder.com. After weeks of playing with name combinations and dog-earing my synonym finder, I settled on DoctorVAR.com.

如果这个名字容易记住,我可以直接输入而不是浏览我的收藏夹。 最好的名称很简单,并且描述了主题,例如internet.com,TechWeb.com,ITtoolbox.com等。 Cute也可以使用,例如AngryCoder.com。 在玩了几个星期的名字组合并赢得了我的同义词查找器之后,我决定在DoctorVAR.com上定居。

Clear Focus


If the site stated its purpose clearly and delivered on that promise, then I knew right away whether the site would be a valuable resource for me. Even if it wasn’t the subject I was looking for at the time, I would bookmark it for a future project. Searching through sites that meander from topic to topic is often a waste of time. So I put our statement of purpose at the top of our home page.

如果该站点清楚地说明了其目的并兑现了承诺,那么我马上就知道该站点是否对我来说是宝贵的资源。 即使当时不是我要找的主题,我也会将其标记为将来的项目。 在各个主题之间徘徊的网站上进行搜索通常会浪费时间。 因此,我将目的声明放在首页的顶部。

Easy Navigation


In the early days, navigation was often crude. Frequently, I’d turn to the site map to steer me quickly to the resources I sought: white papers, press releases, etc. I appreciate clear, well organized navigation and a site search function. Sites that make me navigate through multiple menu levels and pages before delivering any substance drive me crazy. As a result, I avoided multiple layers as best I could.

在最初的日子里,导航通常是很粗糙的。 通常,我会转向站点地图,以快速引导我前往所需的资源:白皮书,新闻稿等。我感谢清晰,井井有条的导航和站点搜索功能。 在提供任何内容之前让我浏览多个菜单级别和页面的网站使我发疯。 结果,我尽可能地避免了多层。

Free Content


If the site made me sign up to get meaty content, I usually left as fast as a mouse click! There are so many great sites that don’t require such an investment of time and effort — why would I bother with the ones that do? I decided that on my site, all content would be free.

如果该网站使我注册以获得丰富的内容,那么我通常会像单击鼠标一样快! 有这么多很棒的网站,不需要花时间和精力进行投资-为什么我要为那些需要这样做的网站而烦恼? 我决定在我的网站上所有内容都是免费的。

Favorite Links


I really appreciate links to additional sources, as they make my research job easier. However, if I click on two or three broken links, I start to lose confidence in how up-to-date the site is. Plus, broken links waste my time. So I made a note to regularly use a link checker on my site, to keep the content fresh.

我非常感谢与其他资源的链接,因为它们使我的研究工作更加轻松。 但是,如果我单击两个或三个断开的链接,就会开始对网站的最新状态失去信心。 另外,断开的链接会浪费我的时间。 因此,我记下了要定期在我的网站上使用链接检查器以保持内容新鲜的信息。

别人在说什么 (What Others Were Saying)

Once I’d identified the characteristics I look for in a Website, I went one step further and read numerous articles on what other people look for. I was surprised to find that so many people are concerned about their privacy. Surveys showed that people:

在确定了我在网站中寻找的特征后,我又向前走了一步,阅读了许多其他人所寻找的文章。 令我惊讶的是,发现如此多的人关心他们的隐私。 调查显示,人们:

  1. want a clear privacy statement

  2. want to know what will happen to their information if they sign up for a forum or newsletter

  3. want to be able to contact a real person at a real company having a real postal address, not a P.O. Box number


So I spent several weeks crafting my own About Us, Privacy and Terms of Service statements — in simple terms instead of legalese — to reassure our visitors.


I also discovered that the best designed sites are sticky. The more often you can get visitors to return — and the longer you can keep them on your site — the more quickly you can develop traffic. So we expanded our site plan to include ways for people to participate and become part of a community through a forum, polls, contributing content, free classifieds and a job bank. I also redesigned my enewsletter to make the tone more personal, as well as to make subscribers come to the site to "read the full story", or fill out an opinion poll.

我还发现设计最好的网站很粘。 您吸引访问者返回的次数越多-您将其停留在网站上的时间越长-您可以更快地开发流量。 因此,我们扩展了站点计划,以包括人们通过论坛,民意调查,提供内容,免费分类广告和工作机会参与社区并成为社区一部分的方式。 我还重新设计了新闻稿,以使语气更加个性化,并让订阅者访问该网站以“阅读全文”或填写民意调查。

To make money, I needed a banner/ad manager, log analyzer, and shopping cart. I planned to sell ebooks, shareware, and other items to generate revenue. Eventually we may charge for premium content, but for now, it’s free. To develop traffic, I feel that I must give much, much more than I plan to receive.

为了赚钱,我需要横幅/广告管理器,日志分析器和购物车。 我计划出售电子书,共享软件和其他物品以产生收入。 最终,我们可能会收取高级内容的费用,但目前是免费的。 为了增加流量,我觉得我必须付出比计划要多得多的钱。

计划工资 (Planning Pays)

My developer, Scott Kroeger, the owner of Hudson Avenue Technologies in Omaha NE, says the first and most important task of designing a new Website is developing a comprehensive plan.

我的开发人员Scott Kroeger是东北奥马哈市Hudson Avenue Technologies的所有者,他说设计新网站的第一个也是最重要的任务是制定一个全面的计划。

"Before writing a single line of code, the site owner and developer should have a clear idea of the scope of the project," Scott says. "Because Linda had a clear idea of all of the components and capabilities she wanted, I was able to recommend a comprehensive solution that would address all the issues her specifications raised. This saved a lot of time and expense, and made my job much less frustrating."

斯科特说:“在编写一行代码之前,站点所有者和开发人员应该对项目范围有一个清晰的认识。” “由于Linda对所需的所有组件和功能都有清晰的了解,因此我能够推荐一个全面的解决方案,以解决其规格提出的所有问题。这节省了很多时间和金钱,并且使我的工作减少了很多令人沮丧。”

Educating myself on Website design was tedious but essential for a good outcome. Even though I was very Web savvy, if I hadn’t read extensively about site design, I would have overlooked many features my site should offer. Also, I wouldn’t have been able to ask technical questions and communicate as effectively with my developer.

对网站设计进行自我教育很乏味,但对于取得良好的结果至关重要。 即使我非常精通Web,但如果我没有广泛阅读有关网站设计的内容,我将忽略网站应提供的许多功能。 另外,我将无法提出技术问题并无法与开发人员有效沟通。

发展历程 (Development)

After documenting the site specifications, I began searching online for a developer. I knew I was shopping for champagne on a beer pocketbook, but I didn’t want to compromise unless I had to.

在记录了站点规格之后,我开始在线搜索开发人员。 我知道我正在啤酒口袋里买香槟,但是除非愿意,我不想妥协。

Soon, one of the people I contacted emailed me a slew of probing questions:


  • What kind of site do you need developed?

  • How did you choose php?

  • Is an admin interface required?

  • Do you need to manage banner ads?

  • What are your support requirements after implementation?


I felt like I was taking a test. But the quality of his inquiries gave me confidence that this person wanted to clearly understand the scope of the project, as well as my level of expertise to manage the site.

我觉得自己正在接受考试。 但是他的询问质量使我充满信心,这个人想清楚地了解项目的范围以及我管理站点的专业知识水平。

开发人员说... (The Developer Says…)

Soon I scheduled a meeting with Scott Kroeger, owner of Hudson Avenue Technologies in Omaha NE, to discuss the challenges of launching such a complex site on a limited budget. After I reviewed my site map and specifications with him, he recommended a proven and supported open source content management system (CMS): PostNuke.

不久,我安排了与奥马哈东北部哈德逊大道技术公司所有者斯科特·克罗格举行会议,讨论在有限的预算范围内启动这样一个复杂的网站所面临的挑战。 在我和他一起查看了站点地图和规范之后,他推荐了一个行之有效且受支持的开源内容管理系统(CMS):PostNuke。

I was excited about integrating supported public domain software that could be maintained by a multitude of providers, should Scott and I part for whatever reason. Plus, no software debugging would be needed.

我很高兴能集成受支持的公共领域软件,该软件可以由许多提供商维护,如果我和Scott出于任何原因退出。 另外,无需软件调试。

Many developers start coding right away. However, Scott believes that first of all, developers should survey what open source software is available and determine if it’s possible to piece it together to provide a solution. "Because my background is in integration, I get more excited about finding open source software, figuring out how the code works, and then using my technical skills and coding to make the modules work together," Scott says. "This way I don’t have to spend a lot of time programming from scratch and debugging code."

许多开发人员立即开始编码。 但是,斯科特认为,首先,开发人员应调查可用的开源软件,并确定是否有可能将其组合在一起以提供解决方案。 “由于我的背景是集成,所以我对寻找开源软件,弄清楚代码的工作原理,然后利用我的技术技能和编码使模块一起工作感到更加兴奋,” Scott说。 “这样一来,我不必花大量时间从头开始编程和调试代码。”

After reading the PostNuke documentation, though, I became concerned because it doesn’t support unique block/page configuration for multiple pages. As I had over 20 unique subtopics or categories, I didn’t see how PostNuke would work. Also, I didn’t like the article layout restrictions. I preferred the flexibility of designing html pages. So I tossed these problems back into Scott’s lap.

但是,在阅读PostNuke文档之后,我开始担心,因为它不支持多个页面的唯一块/页面配置。 由于我有20多个独特的子主题或类别,因此我看不到PostNuke的工作方式。 另外,我不喜欢文章布局的限制。 我更喜欢设计html页面的灵活性。 因此,我将这些问题抛回了Scott的腿上。

"By examining other PostNuke site installations and reading forum discussions, I quickly figured out that multiple PostNuke installs would work around the page layout problem and provide complete control over the subsite blocks," Scott says. "So my challenge was to figure out how to make all 28 installs talk to each other by modifying what database tables each subsite looked at."

“通过检查其他PostNuke站点安装并阅读论坛的讨论,我很快发现,多个PostNuke安装将解决页面布局问题并提供对子站点块的完全控制,” Scott说。 “所以我的挑战是弄清楚如何通过修改每个子站点查看的数据库表来使所有28个安装相互通信。”

"Linda wanted to use html blocks to handle the bulk of the content," Scott said. "However, PostNuke only searches major modules, not html pages. So I integrated Content Express — a PostNuke module that provides the site with a very friendly admin interface for adding html pages and controlling the site navigation, as well as a search engine for html pages. Unfortunately, Content Express wasn’t built for multi-site configuration, so I also had to figure out what it was doing to know how to integrate it for the multi-site installation."

斯科特说:“琳达希望使用html块来处理大部分内容。” “但是,PostNuke仅搜索主要模块,而不是html页面。因此,我集成了Content Express-PostNuke模块,该模块为站点提供了非常友好的管理界面,用于添加html页面和控制站点导航,以及html搜索引擎不幸的是,Content Express不是为多站点配置而构建的,因此我还必须弄清楚它在做什么,以便知道如何将其集成到多站点安装中。”

两周成功! (Two Week Success!)

Within two weeks, I was laying out pages and uploading data. To complete the site, Scott integrated free PostNuke modules to provide an ezine, forum, job bank, and banner/ad management. The only software I had to purchase was a classified ads module and shopping cart for $59, plus a $30 theme. The rest of the modules were free.

在两周内,我布置了页面并上传了数据。 为了完善该站点,Scott集成了免费的PostNuke模块,以提供电子杂志,论坛,职位库和横幅/广告管理。 我唯一需要购买的软件是分类广告模块和购物车,价格为59美元,主题价格为30美元。 其余模块是免费的。

Because I had educated myself on Website design and defined the site specifications so well, Scott knew clearly from the start what was expected. This made his job much easier, and, combined with his open source integration strategy, saved a lot of time and money. By the end of two months, the site I’d dreamed about was up – within my budget and without sacrificing one feature or requirement.

因为我已经对网站设计进行了自我教育,并且很好地定义了网站规格,所以Scott从一开始就清楚地知道了预期的内容。 这使他的工作变得容易得多,并且与他的开源集成策略相结合,节省了大量时间和金钱。 到两个月末,我梦dream以求的网站已经投入使用-在我的预算之内,并且没有牺牲任何功能或要求。

其他资源 (Additional Resources)

Web Marketing and eCommerce http://www.wilsonweb.com/


Apromotionguide.com — free Website promotion tutorial http://apromotionguide.com/

Apromotionguide.com —免费网站推广教程http://apromotionguide.com/

PostNuke.com — open source Weblog/content management system http://www.postnuke.com/

PostNuke.com-开源Weblog /内容管理系统http://www.postnuke.com/

Content Express — open source Web content management system http://pn.arising.net/ce/

Content Express-开源Web内容管理系统http://pn.arising.net/ce/

WhatsNews — open source ezine module http://nuke-modules.gading.de/


phpAdsNew — open source ad server http://www.phpadsnew.com/one/

phpAdsNew —开源广告服务器http://www.phpadsnew.com/one/

phpBB — open-source bulletin board package http://www.phpbb.com/


phProfession — open source job bank http://www.phpsolutions.co.uk/index.php


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ecommerce-site-2-months-99/


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