

The difference between a good and a bad commit can be huge. It’s no fun having to ask your colleague — or your past self — what a particular change was about, or what the current state of things is. If you commit changes to your codebase the right way, you can avoid headaches down the road.

一次好和一次差的提交之间的差异可能很大。 询问同事或过去的自我,这是什么意思,这是什么有趣的事,或者当前的状况是什么。 如果您以正确的方式提交对代码库的更改,则可以避免日后的麻烦。

This article aims to provide a thorough guide to the best practices of software commits.


何必呢? (Why Bother?)

If you’re already storing your projects on GitHub, you might assume the files are safe and that whenever you need to update code you’ll pull the changes, and that’s enough. All of that might be true. But let’s see what potential problems you can avoid by going the extra mile, and what additional benefits await if you do.

如果您已经将项目存储在GitHub上,则可以假设这些文件是安全的,并且每当需要更新代码时,都将进行更改,这就足够了。 所有这些可能都是正确的。 但是,让我们看看通过加倍努力可以避免哪些潜在的问题,以及这样做还有哪些其他好处。

没有人是孤岛,无论是团队合作还是个人 (No Man Is an Island, Either in Teams or Individually)

The reasoning above typically comes from a developer used to working alone. But the moment they need to share code with somebody else, we can expect that things are going to get messy and require a lot of explanation. Like, a lot.

上面的推理通常来自习惯于独自工作的开发人员。 但是,当他们需要与他人共享代码时,我们可以预料事情会变得混乱,并且需要大量解释。 就像, 很多

Remember that our work doesn’t end at just writing code. We also need to manage things, and that requires a degree of organization and methodology. And while working in teams more readily exposes the problems caused by poor organization, we can also benefit from a better approach when working by ourselves.

请记住,我们的工作并不仅限于编写代码。 我们还需要管理事物,这需要一定程度的组织和方法。 尽管在团队中工作更容易暴露出组织不善所导致的问题,但当我们自己工作时,我们也可以从更好的方法中受益。

原子与膨胀承诺 (Atomic vs Bloated Commits)

We’ve all needed to revert a small change and found ourselves searching for it when a massive commit changes dozens of files and adds multiple features. How much easier would the rollback be if it was located in one commit that only addressed that specific issue?

我们所有人都需要还原一个小的更改,并发现自己在大规模提交更改数十个文件并添加多个功能时正在寻找它。 如果回滚位于仅解决该特定问题的一次提交中,回滚将有多容易?

凌乱,肿胀的方式 (The Messy, Bloated Way)

git add *
git commit -m "new components"

In this example, we can bet that a large number of files are being affected. Additionally, the message “new components” doesn’t tell us much of anything — such as what components, which functionality for those components, and if the functionality is new or a refactor. Also, are any existing bugs being addressed?

在此示例中,我们可以打赌大量文件正在受到影响。 此外,“新组件”消息并没有告诉我们任何信息-例如哪些组件,这些组件的功能以及该功能是新功能还是重构功能。 此外,是否解决了任何现有的错误?

That information will be important when we need to change or recover something. We’ll be trying to find a needle in a haystack, and we might just end up looking at the codebase instead and spending valuable time debugging while we’re at it.

当我们需要更改或恢复某些东西时,这些信息将很重要。 我们将试图在大海捞针中找到一针刺刀,然后我们可能最终只是看一下代码库,并在调试时花了宝贵的时间进行调试。

原子方式 (The Atomic Way)

git add ui/login.html static/js/front-end.js
git commit -m "validate input fields for login"

Now we’re getting somewhere, as we start to have a clearer idea of what’s going on with that one commit.


The trick is that we can semi-automatically commit changes as part of our workflow. That is, doing a block of work that does something very specific (implementing particular functionality, fixing a bug, optimizing an algorithm), testing (and write a unit test, if need be), adding a description while our memories are fresh, and committing right away. Rinse and repeat.

诀窍在于, 我们可以半自动提交更改作为工作流的一部分 。 也就是说,这样做,做了非常具体的(实现特定功能,修复bug,优化的算法),检测工作中一个区块 (写一个单元测试,如果需要的话),添加描述,而我们的记忆是新鲜的,并立即承诺。 冲洗并重复。

良好承诺的结构 (The Structure of a Good Commit)

These rules aren’t carved in stone, but can help you estimate what a good commit might look like:


  • unambiguous: no second guessing about what those commit changes do.

    明确的 :没有第二次猜测那些提交更改会做什么。

  • insightful: clearly describing what the code does, even providing links or extra information when necessary, and marking the bugs or issues that are being addressed.

    有见地 :清楚地描述代码的作用,甚至在必要时提供链接或其他信息,并标记要解决的错误或问题。

  • atomic: addressing one single thing at the time (think of a “block of work”, which could be anything from 20min to 2h, or even 2min if it was a quick bugfix).

    原子的 :一次只解决一件事情(例如“工作量”,可能是20分钟至2小时,如果是快速的错误修正,则可能是2分钟)。

Let’s look at a template and break it down:


<type/component/subsystem>: <subject>

类型,组件或子系统 (Type, Components, or Subsystem)

This would be a set of functionalities on a software project that can be grouped together. For instance, what AngularJS calls types, or what SrummVM calls subsystems.

这将是可以组合在一起的软件项目上的一组功能。 例如, AngularJS调用类型 ,或者SrummVM调用子系统

例子 (Examples)

On my projects I often use the term “component”, with some examples being:


  • i18n, l18n

  • authentication

  • other, 3rd party

  • QA, tests

  • tools

  • UI, GUI


(必修)科目 (The (Mandatory) Subject)

The subject is a simple, straightforward line that describes what the commit does so that everybody can get a solid idea on their first glance.


When it comes to formatting the subject, I often follow these simple guidelines:


  1. use the imperative (“change” instead of “changed”)

  2. don’t capitalize the first letter

  3. no period (.) at the end

  4. append “(…)” if there’s an optional body available

例子 (Examples)

These would be some valid subjects:


  • i18n: support simplified Chinese (zh-hans)

  • auth: refactor Google Sign-In

  • other: add jQuery 3.4.1

    其他:添加jQuery 3.4.1
  • QA: pass AWS deployment test (…)


As you can see, there’s no guessing involved as to what these commits do, and on the last QA commit we can also see that there’s more information available (perhaps links to the relevant documentation, or further explanation for the fix).


(可选)主体 (The (Optional) Body)

Occasionally, we’ll need to provide more detail than fits in a subject line to provide context, such as when fixing a persistent bug, or when hacking an algorithm.


In these cases, you can simply enter a double break line (so the subject works as a title), and enter as much information as needed.



For our previous QA commit, we could do something like this:


QA: pass AWS deployment test (...)

I added a `DJANGO_SETTINGS_LIVE` environment variable to 
[AWS Elastic Beanstalk](https://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/)'s 
`django.config` file, so that the synchronization management commands 
in `db-migrate` are _only_ executed in production.

As you can see, the body can be harder to follow, and that’s okay, as it’s intended for those who are actively looking for more detail. Anyone can get an idea of what the commit does just by reading the subject, and the body will serve for further context, saving us back-and-forth emails or exchanges on Slack!

如您所见,身体可能很难跟随,这没关系,因为它是为那些正在积极寻求更多细节的人而设计的。 任何人都可以通过阅读主题来了解提交的作用,而正文将为进一步的上下文服务,为我们节省来回的电子邮件或Slack上的交流!

— “Hey, how did you get to …”


— “Read the commit 😑.”


不要忘记解决问题! (Don’t Forget to Address Issues!)

Finally, there’s the issue of addressing issues (pun!). Any decent mid-to-large software development project should use an issue tracker as a way to keep track of tasks, improvements, and bugs — whether it’s Atlassian Jira, Bugzilla, GitHub’s issue tracker, or another.

最后,是解决问题(双关语)的问题。 任何体面的中型到大型软件开发项目都应使用问题跟踪器来跟踪任务,改进和错误-无论是Atlassian JiraBugzillaGitHub的问题跟踪器还是其他。

问题管理 (Issues Management)

In case you didn’t know, with most systems you can manage issues right from the commit message!


You can:


  • close/resolve an issue

    关闭 / 解决问题

  • re-open an issue if it has been closed before


  • hold an issue, should a feature be postponed for later


All it takes is using those keywords with the ID number for the issue.


例子 (Examples)

  • tools: consolidate DB data with cron job; resolve #46

    工具:使用cron作业合并数据库数据; 解决#46
  • UI: add routine to serialize user input; bug found, open #32

    UI:添加例程以序列化用户输入; 发现错误,打开#32
  • auth: comment out Facebook login; hold #12

    auth:注释掉Facebook登录名; 举行#12

Additionally, you can still reference an issue as a way of providing context, even if you don’t want to modify its status — for example, “see #12”.


All of these references will be visible to anybody opening that issue on the tracker, which makes it easy to follow the progress for a given task or bug.


结语 (Wrapping It Up)

You won’t always get it right (I, for one, don’t!). Things will get messy and from time to time you won’t follow the rules you’ve set for yourself or your team — and that’s part of the process. But hopefully, you know that you can be very organized with just a few upgrades to your workflow, saving yourself and your team time over the long run.

您将永远不会做对(我,一个,不要!)。 事情会变得一团糟,您有时会不遵守为自己或团队设定的规则-这是流程的一部分。 但希望您知道,只需对工作流程进行一些升级,您就可以组织得井井有条,从长远来看可以节省您自己和团队的时间。

I’ve also established from experience that it makes little difference whether a project involves ten developers or if it’s handled entirely by you. Simply put, commit changes to your codebase the right way — it’s a crucial part of good project management.

我还根据经验确定,一个项目涉及十个开发人员还是完全由您处理,这几乎没有什么区别。 简而言之, 以正确的方式对代码库提交更改-这是良好的项目管理的关键部分

进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/committing-changes-right-way/






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