黑马程序员day01_Day Camp 4开发人员:PHP应用程序安全性


Application security is on everybody’s mind these days. Every day we hear of another site hacked or another data breach. Does your team do everything it can to keep your site secure and your data safe?

这些天,每个人都在考虑应用程序安全性。 我们每天都听到另一个网站遭到黑客入侵或另一个数据泄露事件。 您的团队会尽一切努力来确保您的网站安全和数据安全吗?

Day Camp 4 Developers is a semi-regular online meetup of developers who want to teach people things that don’t appear in the regular curriculum of your average conference. It’s about exploring PHP in specific ways that don’t have to conform to a generalist lineup to please as many people as possible, but instead narrow the focus to a specific area of development or soft skills around it.

Day Camp 4 Developers开发人员的半定期在线聚会,他们想教人们普通会议常规课程中没有出现的事情。 它是关于以特定方式探索PHP ,而这些方式不必遵循通才阵容,以取悦尽可能多的人,而是将重点缩小到特定的开发领域或围绕它的软技能。

Day Camp 4 Developers logo

Cal Evans, the godfather of PHP, draws in a very interesting crowd every single time and makes sure the topics are contextually linked, but unique and interesting across the spectrum.

PHP的教父Cal Evans每次都吸引非常有趣的人群,并确保主题在上下文中相关联,但在整个范围内都是独特而有趣的。

Previous iterations of the event dealt with everything from telecommuting and speaking in front of an audience to performance, in-depth debugging, and building good APIs.


This time, DC4D’s focus is application security in the PHP world, featuring such acclaimed speakers as Ben Ramsey (speaking about OAuth2), Adam Englander (explaining cryptography), Scott Arciszewski (on Libsodium), Sammy Powers (talking about randomness in PHP) and finally, Eric Mann (who’ll be teaching us about the proper way to store passwords and credentials in code).

这次,DC4D的重点是PHP世界中的应用程序安全性,著名的演讲者包括Ben Ramsey(谈论OAuth2),Adam Englander(解释密码学),Scott Arciszewski(在Libsodium上 ),Sammy Powers(谈论PHP的随机性)和最后,埃里克·曼(Eric Mann)(将教我们如何在代码中存储密码和凭据的正确方法)。

The “conference” is wholly online, much like Laracon Online earlier this year, allowing for freedom from the 9-to-5 curse. There are several ticket tiers available for purchase:

“会议”是完全在线的,就像今年早些时候的《 Laracon在线》一样,允许9到5的诅咒自由。 有几种可供购买的机票等级:

  • attendee and video only are essentially identical, the latter only allowing you access to the videos after it’s all done, convenient if you can’t make it on the day of the talks.


  • office party will let you stream the videos around the office. Logistically, there’s nothing preventing you from doing so on lower tiers as well, but the assumption is that we all appreciate each other’s work and are willing to pay for one another’s time fairly.

    办公室聚会将使您可以在办公室中流式传输视频。 从逻辑上讲,也没有什么可以阻止您在较低级别上这样做,但是假设是我们大家都很欣赏彼此的工作,并且愿意公平地付出彼此的时间。

  • enterprise allows multi-office (or even theater) streaming – it’s “office party on steroids“.

    企业允许多办公室(甚至剧院)流媒体播放–这是“ 类固醇办公室聚会 ”。

Office party in a theater?

If you’re interested in checking out some of the past videos, they can be purchased individually here, but I really do recommend you treat this session as your test drive – the topics are interesting and extremely important, particularly these days. And hey, if you need testimonials, there’s a whole page of influentials praising the event.

如果您有兴趣查看一些过去的视频,可以在这里单独购买,但我确实建议您将本次会议视为您的试驾活动-主题很有趣,而且非常重要,尤其是在如今。 嘿,如果您需要个人鉴定,则有一整页有影响力的人士称赞该活动。

Will you be tuning in?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/day-camp-4-developers-php-application-security/






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