

This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

So, you love WordPress, and want to launch an eCommerce site. You can do just about anything with WordPress. Should it be used for eCommerce, or is it better to use something designed from top to bottom for online shopping, like Magenta, Prestashop or OpenCart?

因此,您喜欢WordPress,并且想要启动一个电子商务网站。 您可以使用WordPress做几乎任何事情。 它应该用于电子商务,还是最好使用从上到下设计的东西进行在线购物,例如Magenta,Prestashop或OpenCart?

There are a wide range of eCommerce solutions out there, both hosted and self-hosted that are worth considering. But by adding an eCommerce plugin to WordPress, you get the same range of online shopping features, plus the familiarity and power of WordPress.

有很多值得考虑的电子商务解决方案,包括托管的自托管的 。 但是,通过向WordPress添加电子商务插件,您可以获得相同范围的在线购物功能,以及WordPress的熟悉度和强大功能。

For most people, there are two WordPress eCommerce solutions I recommend. Many people would agree with me, since they’re two of the most popular options out there, powering half of the world’s online stores. They’re different, and appeal to different people—and one of them will likely appeal to you.

对于大多数人来说,我推荐两种WordPress电子商务解决方案。 许多人会同意我的观点,因为它们是世界上最受欢迎的两种选择,为全球一半的在线商店提供了支持。 它们是不同的,并且对不同的人具有吸引力-其中之一可能会吸引您。

But they’re not the only options. If your needs are a little different, or you don’t like to follow the crowd, or you prefer to research all the options before making a choice, I’ve included a list of other alternatives.

但是,它们并不是唯一的选择。 如果您的需求有所不同,或者您不想跟随人群,或者您希望在做出选择之前先研究所有选择,那么我会列出其他选择。

So, which WordPress eCommerce solution is for you? Read on to find out.

那么,哪种WordPress电子商务解决方案适合您? 请仔细阅读,找出答案。

建议1:利用Shopify为您的WordPress商店提供支持 (Recommendation 1: Leverage Shopify to Power Your WordPress Store)

Approach 1: Start with a proven eCommerce solution, and bring it into WordPress. One that’s well-known, easy to use, and simple to integrate into WordPress is Shopify.

方法1:从行之有效的电子商务解决方案开始,并将其引入WordPress。 Shopify是一种众所周知,易于使用且易于集成到WordPress的工具。

Shopify is a popular hosted online shopping solution. It’s used by 400,000 businesses, and is listed in many Top 10 eCommerce solution roundups.

Shopify是一种流行的托管在线购物解决方案。 有40万家企业使用它,并且在许多“十佳电子商务解决方案”综述中列出。

According to BuiltWith , Shopify is used by 5% of online stores in total, including 9% of the most popular eCommerce sites. That makes it the most popular hosted solution out there by far.

根据BuiltWith的数据 ,Shopify总共有5%的在线商店使用,其中包括9%的最受欢迎的电子商务网站。 这使其成为迄今为止最受欢迎的托管解决方案。

Shopify: The ecommerce platform made for you. Whether you sell online, on social media, in store, or out of the trunk of your car, Shopify has you covered.

Shopify:为您量身打造的电子商务平台。 无论您是在线销售,在社交媒体上,在商店中还是在汽车后备箱中购物,Shopify都能满足您的需求。

So, is it worth choosing Shopify in preference to WordPress? You don’t have to. Shopify can be integrated into WordPress with the use of a plugin.

因此,是否值得优先选择Shopify而不是WordPress? 不用了 Shopify可以使用插件集成到WordPress中。

Why would you choose Shopify to power your WordPress eCommerce site?


  • It’s a great solution if you prefer ease-of-use, and like the idea of getting a head-start with your online store. It has been set up for you, and you just plug it into WordPress.

    如果您更喜欢易用性,并且喜欢在线商店先行一步的想法,那么这是一个很好的解决方案。 它已为您设置,您只需将其插入WordPress。
  • It’s reasonably affordable, and costs between $29 and $299 a month.

  • That price includes 24/7 support.

  • Shopify takes care of security for you.

  • There is more than 100 store designs to choose from, some of which cost.

  • Besides WordPress, Shopify has many other integrations, including selling on Facebook and Twitter.


Further Reading:


建议2:配置WooCommerce为WordPress商店提供支持 (Recommendation 2: Configure WooCommerce to Power Your WordPress Store)

Approach 2: Start with WordPress, and add eCommerce functionality with a plugin that you can customize. The best-known is WooCommerce, and we’ll round up a few other options in the next section.

方法2:从WordPress开始,然后使用您可以自定义的插件添加电子商务功能。 最著名的是WooCommerce,我们将在下一部分中介绍其他一些选项。

WooCommerce is a popular WordPress eCommerce plugin that lets you host your own eCommerce solution. It has been downloaded almost 26 million times, and is listed in many Top 10 eCommerce roundups.

WooCommerce是一个受欢迎的WordPress电子商务插件,可让您托管自己的电子商务解决方案。 它已被下载近2600万次,并在许多十大电子商务综述中列出。

According to BuiltWith, WooCommerce is used by 41% of online stores in total, including 11% of the most popular eCommerce sites. That makes it the most popular solution on the web.

根据BuiltWith的数据 ,总共41%的在线商店使用WooCommerce,其中包括11%的最受欢迎的电子商务网站。 这使其成为网络上最受欢迎的解决方案。

WooCommerce: The most customizable eCommerce platform for building your online business.


Why would you choose WooCommerce to power your WordPress eCommerce site?


  • WooCommerce is a great solution if you value configurability. You can set up security the way you like and are willing to commit the necessary time and effort.

    如果您重视可配置性,WooCommerce是一个很好的解决方案。 您可以按照自己喜欢的方式设置安全性,并愿意花费必要的时间和精力。
  • You can extend WooCommerce’s functionality even further with plugins.

  • It’s free!

  • There’s no direct support, but there is a helpful community.

  • There is a wide range of themes out there (including many from third-party developers), some of which cost.

  • You choose and set up your own WordPress security. Learn how here.

    您选择并设置自己的WordPress安全性。 在这里了解如何

Further reading:


其他WordPress电子商务插件选项 (Other WordPress eCommerce Plugin Options)

While WooCommerce is a great plugin, WordPress has a very rich eCommerce ecosystem. Here are some other good options:

虽然WooCommerce是一个很棒的插件,但WordPress具有非常丰富的电子商务生态系统。 以下是一些其他不错的选择:

  • WP eCommerce (1 site $99, 2-5 sites $175, unlimited $250)

    WP eCommerce (1个站点$ 99,2-5个站点$ 175,无限制$ 250)

  • Cart 66 ($199/year)

    Cart 66 ($ 199 /年)

  • Shopp (free download, merchant support $75/year, developer support $299/year)

    Shopp (免费下载,商户支持$ 75 /年,开发人员支持$ 299 /年)

  • MarketPress (free, Premium $49/month)

    MarketPress (免费,高级版每月49美元)

  • Easy Digital Downloads (free with no extensions, which can be purchased individually, or in a Starter Package $108.50 or Core Bundle $799)

    轻松数字下载 (免费,不带扩展,可以单独购买,也可以购买入门包$ 108.50或核心捆绑包$ 799)

Or check out over 500 eCommerce plugins listed by WordPress.


Further reading:


并且不要忘记一个好的托管服务提供商 (And Don’t Forget a Good Hosting Provider)

Whether you value ease-of-use or power and configurability, WordPress makes a great choice for an online store. But for maximum success you’re going to need to install it on a good web hosting provider. Work through the checklists in our article The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Hosting Provider.

无论您是重视易用性还是功能和可配置性,WordPress都是在线商店的绝佳选择。 但是要获得最大的成功,您将需要将其安装在良好的网络托管提供商上。 仔细阅读我们的文章“选择托管服务提供商的终极指南”中的清单。

Or just go with SiteGround, Sitepoint’s preferred hosting provider. They are optimized for eCommerce and include free application installation, a free CDN and caching options along with great security and support. SitePoint fans currently receive up to 65% off the SiteGround hosting plan of your choice.

或者只是与Sitepoint首选的托管服务提供商SiteGround一起使用。 它们针对电子商务进行了优化 ,包括免费的应用程序安装,免费的CDN和缓存选项以及出色的安全性和支持。 目前,SitePoint粉丝可从您选择的SiteGround托管计划中获得最高65%的折扣

Have you already set up a WordPress-based eCommerce site? What were the choices you made and lessons you learned? Let us know in the comments.

您是否已经建立了一个基于WordPress的电子商务网站? 您做出了哪些选择和汲取了哪些教训? 让我们在评论中知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/can-use-wordpress-ecommerce/

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搭建一个完整的电子商务网站需要以下步骤: 1. 选择合适的主机和域名 首先,你需要选择一个可靠的主机和域名,确保你的网站可以稳定运行并且易于访问。建议选择一个可靠的主机商,如阿里云、腾讯云、AWS等。 2. 安装WordPress WordPress是一个流行的网站建设平台,你需要在你的主机上安装WordPress。可以通过主机商提供的控制面板自动安装,也可以手动安装。 3. 选择和安装一个电子商务主题 选择一个适合电子商务的主题,可以让你的网站更具商业气息。在WordPress主题库中可以找到很多免费的电子商务主题,也可以选择购买一些高质量的商业主题。 4. 安装必要的插件 安装必要的插件可以帮助你扩展网站的功能,如SEO插件、安全插件、缓存插件等。同时,你需要安装电子商务插件,如Woocommerce,它可以让你方便地管理产品、订单等。 5. 设计网站布局和页面 设计网站布局和页面可以让你的网站更具吸引力和易用性。你需要设计一个优雅的首页、产品页面、购物车页面、结算页面等。 6. 添加产品和设置支付方式 添加产品并设置支付方式可以让你的网站真正成为一个电子商务网站。在Woocommerce中,你可以方便地添加产品、设置价格、库存等。同时,你需要设置一个安全的支付方式,如支付宝、微信支付、PayPal等。 7. 测试和发布网站 在发布网站之前,你需要对网站进行测试,确保它可以正常运行并且易于使用。测试包括页面加载速度、购物流程、支付功能等。如果没有问题,你可以发布网站并开始营销推广。 总的来说,搭建一套完整的电子商务网站需要一定的技术知识和时间。如果你不懂如何搭建,可以选择找专业的团队来帮助你。


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