
Welcome to part 3 in our WordPress hosting series. In part 1 I explained the various options, and in part 2 I showed you how to install WordPress on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) and on WordPress.com.

欢迎来到我们的WordPress托管系列的第3部分。 在第1部分中,我解释了各种选项,在第2部分中,向您展示了如何在VPS(虚拟专用服务器)和WordPress.com上安装WordPress。

In this part I will take you through the steps needed to install WordPress in the cloud, and how to set it up in a shared hosting environment.



For installing WordPress in the cloud I will use Rackspace.com as an example. The reason for doing this is that they have a pre-configured optimized cloud setup that you can deploy on the Rackspace cloud. This saves you a lot of time in setting up all the different components (web, database, permissions etc.) and you have the benefit of using an optimized WordPress install. See the provider overview below to find out more about this Rackspace combo (which doesn’t cost you more than a normal cloud server). By using the deployment image they offer, setting up is also done in a few minutes.

为了在云中安装WordPress,我将以Rackspace.com为例。 这样做的原因是,它们具有预先配置的优化云设置,您可以将其部署在Rackspace云上。 这为您节省了设置所有不同组件(Web,数据库,权限等)的大量时间,并且您受益于使用优化的WordPress安装。 请参阅下面的提供程序概述,以了解有关此Rackspace组合的更多信息(与普通的云服务器相比,该花费不多)。 通过使用他们提供的部署映像,还可以在几分钟内完成设置。

In the screencast in part 2, I used a site that I have in development, HIPAA HQ. For the Rackspace tutorial I made a DNS switch to show you the site running in the WordPress cloud. If you visit it now you’ll see the live version, which is hosted at WPEngine.

在第2部分的截屏视频中,我使用了我正在开发的网站HIPAA HQ 。 对于Rackspace教程,我进行了DNS切换,以向您显示在WordPress云中运行的站点。 如果现在访问它,您将看到实时版本,该版本驻留在WPEngine中。

共享主机 (Shared hosting)

WordPress on shared hosting is the easiest to setup and maintain. I will be using WPEngine as a provider for this tutorial. I chose them since I already am a customer, and they are a perfect example of the current wave of specialized WordPress hosting providers. Like most of these type of providers, they use a self-built setup combined with a highly optimized WordPress installation. The end result is fast and stable, but this is by far the most expensive solution out of the four featured options when it comes to cost per install.

共享主机上的WordPress最容易设置和维护。 我将使用WPEngine作为本教程的提供者。 我选择它们是因为我已经是客户,并且它们是当前专业WordPress托管服务提供商浪潮的完美示例。 像大多数此类提供程序一样,它们使用自行构建的设置以及高度优化的WordPress安装。 最终结果是快速且稳定的,但这是迄今为止四个安装选项中最昂贵的解决方案。

截屏 (Screencast)

The screencast will start with installing WordPress in the cloud, followed by an installation on shared hosting. Enjoy!

截屏视频将首先在云中安装WordPress,然后在共享主机上进行安装。 请享用!

Direct link to the video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/ikcG5eMk9k8

直接链接到YouTube上的视频:http: //youtu.be/ikcG5eMk9k8

提供者概述 (Provider overview)

Cloud providersVPSShared HostingWP.com
Amazon AWSVPS.netWPEngineWordPress.com
Windows AzureDreamPressPagely
云提供商 VPS 共享主机 WP.com
亚马逊AWS VPS.net WPEngine WordPress.com
Windows Azure DreamPress的 每页
机架空间 网络合成

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-hosting-compared-part-3-cloud-shared/





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