
Welcome back to On Our Radar! This week we learned there’s no place like

欢迎回到我们的雷达! 这周我们了解到没有像127.0.0.1这样的地方

在我们的雷达上 (On Our Radar)

It was a week of revisiting older threads and asking lots of questions. Mawburn got the Pair Programming conversation started, and we’d love to know what your experience with Pair Programming has been. Does it feel like someone’s looking over your shoulder? is it useful for on boarding or when someone leaves? Does it create ultimately better, less buggy code? Does it help to have someone watch you code, or does it irritate you? We learn a lot by seeing how others tackle problems, has this been the case for you?

这是回顾旧线程并提出许多问题的一周。 Mawburn开始了结对编程对话,我们很想知道您对结对编程的经验。 感觉像有人在看着你的肩膀吗? 它对登机或某人离开有用吗? 它最终会创建更好,更少错误的代码吗? 让某人监视您的代码是否有帮助,还是会激怒您? 通过观察其他人如何解决问题,我们学到了很多东西,对您来说是这样吗?

Ohnoo recently joined our forums and, as a beginner in CSS, has some basic questions. Do you remember when you were first starting with CSS? Theory is the easiest thing in the world, but putting it all into practice can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when you’re starting out. Take a look at basic CSS layouts, refresh or test your basic CSS knowledge, and help a fellow web dev out.

Ohnoo最近加入了我们的论坛,作为CSS的初学者,他有一些基本问题。 您还记得刚开始使用CSS的时候吗? 理论是世界上最简单的事情,但是将其付诸实践有时会令人不知所措,尤其是当您刚入门时。 查看基本CSS布局 ,刷新或测试您的基本CSS知识,并帮助其他Web开发人员。

Louis asks some hard questions for our Forum: are we in a scripting dependency backlash? Is overusing JavaScript-driven UIs and MV frameworks ultimately good or bad for the JavaScript community?

路易为我们的论坛提出了一些棘手的问题:我们是否处于脚本依赖依赖性的高潮中? 过度使用JavaScript驱动的UI和MV框架最终对JavaScript社区有利还是不利?

It wasn’t just JavaScript that was making waves in the Forum this week. Scott were pretty curious about PHP7, too, and wondered if PHP is making a strong comeback with PHP7.

在本周论坛上引起轰动的不仅是JavaScript。 斯科特(Scott)也对PHP7很好奇,并想知道PHP是否会与PHP7一起强势回归

简而言之 (In Short)

Ralph is fairly curious about the cloud. From SaaS, IaaS, PaaS and DaaS, what is this thing even? Surely not a marketing gimmick?

拉尔夫对云非常好奇。 从SaaS,IaaS,PaaS和DaaS来看, 这到底是什么 ? 当然不是营销头吗?

Alex makes us think about the future of UI, and discusses using one’s nose. Yup. Nose UI.

亚历克斯让我们思考UI的未来,并用鼻子讨论 。 对。 鼻子UI。

This week in JavaScript has a fine rundown of ES6, Angular and Ember, as well some very good coding via CodePen.


Meanwhile in .Net we look at Azure, ECMA6, Visual Studio, and a fairly interesting chess game series.

同时,在.Net中,我们研究Azure,ECMA6,Visual Studio和一个相当有趣的国际象棋游戏系列。

你的一块 (Your piece)

Have you signed up to our exclusive newsletter yet? There’s something for every web dev with links from the Forums, SitePoint, Learnable, Versioning and the web.

您是否已订阅我们的独家新闻通讯? 每个Web开发人员都可以从论坛,SitePoint,Learnable,Versioning和Web获得链接。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-pair-programming-cloud-php7-javascript/





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