谷歌 广告营收_初看Google收件箱

谷歌 广告营收

Last week, Google released a new invite-only product, Inbox. Inbox is an interface to Gmail — designed not as an alternative service, but as an alternative and augmented interface. As a super-heavy email user, I’ve been taking a look at it since day one and will be reporting my initial findings and impressions in this post. It is through this kind of public feedback — rather than in-app feedback functionality that is available across all Google products — that I believe most change can be brought forth.

上周,Google发布了仅受邀请的新产品Inbox 。 收件箱是Gmail的界面-并非作为替代服务而设计,而是作为替代和增强界面。 作为一个超级沉重的电子邮件用户,从第一天开始我就一直在研究它,并将在这篇文章中报告我的初步发现和印象。 我相信,通过这种公众反馈(而不是所有Google产品都提供的应用内反馈功能),我相信可以带来最大的变化。

If you’d like to know more about Inbox, look through the various online resources already published on the topic. In this post, I’ll express my initial opinion about the service, listing the pros and cons I noticed.

如果您想进一步了解Inbox,请浏览有关该主题的各种在线资源 。 在这篇文章中,我将表达我对服务的初步看法,并列出我注意到的利弊。

总览 (Overview)

Google’s team says the best way to use Inbox is to go all in — and go all in I did. From the night of release, Inbox completely replaced both my mobile and my desktop Gmail application, just so I could see how much of an effect it would have. During that time, I was also at ForumPHP in Paris, so emails kept piling up, making for a perfect opportunity to properly test things.

Google团队表示,使用Inbox的最佳方法是全力以赴,然后再全力以赴。 从发布之夜起,Inbox完全取代了我的移动设备和桌面版Gmail应用程序,因此我可以看到它会产生多大的影响。 在那段时间里,我还在巴黎的ForumPHP上 ,所以电子邮件不断堆积,这是正确测试事物的绝佳机会。

特征 (Features)

While the features that Inbox offers are listed on their website and in various promotional articles, I’ll focus on those that immediately made an impression on me and that I actually used. Inbox uses the same* interface on both mobile devices and desktop browsers, making for a seamless transition between the two at any time.

尽管Inbox提供的功能已在其网站上和各种促销文章中列出,但我将重点关注那些立即使我印象深刻且实际使用的功能。 Inbox在移动设备和台式机浏览器上使用相同的*接口,可随时在两者之间进行无缝转换。

* See discrepancies section below.


做完了! (Done!)

The emails you mark as “done” in the service get archived in Gmail, so the workflow remains nearly identical there.



The sync with Gmail is near instant, and in case you have Gmail installed on your mobile devices alongside Inbox, Gmail notifications will disappear promptly as you deal with your Inbox messages. This is something Twitter and Facebook should learn from — Google has consistently shown them how to implement notification sync across devices from day one, and yet they’ve failed time and again to properly implement this simple feature many users would consider essential.

与Gmail的同步几乎是即时的,如果您在移动设备上与收件箱一起安装了Gmail,则当您处理收件箱邮件时,Gmail通知将立即消失。 这是Twitter和Facebook应该学习的东西-Google从一开始就向他们展示了如何在设备之间实现通知同步,但是他们一次又一次地失败了以正确实现许多用户认为必不可少的简单功能。

预习 (Preview)

When an email matches a certain context, the interface will make a note of it and alert you by displaying a more in-depth snippet about it. This can be anything from travel itineraries and flight information to eBay purchases:

当电子邮件与特定上下文匹配时,界面将对其进行记录并通过显示有关其的更深入摘要来提醒您。 从旅行路线和航班信息到eBay购买都可以是:


An item you bought will be displayed as a badge, and clicking on it will quickly render the entire order information screen.



分组 (Grouping)

All contextually similar items will be grouped under a single category. The entire set of bidding on an item on eBay, winning the auction, paying for it via PayPal, and then getting the order confirmation email will be grouped under “Purchases”, allowing you to easily skim through and “group-done” the entire set. You know what it’s about — you don’t need to check details — so why not save a minute and just get them all out of the way? Same thing with groups like “Forums”, “Updates”, and so on – as well as any other custom groups you define (think of them as contextually reactive labels).

所有上下文相似的项目都将归为一个类别。 在eBay上对某项目的整个竞标,赢得拍卖,通过PayPal支付,然后获取订单确认电子邮件将归类为“购买”,从而使您可以轻松浏览和“分组完成”整个交易组。 您知道它的意思-无需检查详细信息-那么为什么不花一分钟的时间把它们全部弄乱呢? 与“论坛”,“更新”等组以及您定义的任何其他自定义组相同(将它们视为上下文相关的标签)。


The social networking content is almost identical to that of Gmail – there’s a social group which holds all Twitter, Facebook, etc notifications. What’s different from the original Gmail, however, is that G+ is no longer embedded – you can no longer comment on your posts directly from the interface and must instead go to G+ by clicking on the link in the email. Whether this was done in order to remove the G+ behemoth from the interface and make things faster, or to keep the desktop and mobile version in sync (or both!), I can’t tell, but I won’t miss the feature.

社交网络的内容几乎与Gmail的内容相同-有一个社交团体可容纳所有Twitter,Facebook等通知。 但是,与原始Gmail的不同之处在于,不再嵌入G + –您不再可以直接从界面对您的帖子发表评论,而必须通过单击电子邮件中的链接转到G +。 我是否知道,是否这样做是为了从界面上移除G +庞然大物并使其变得更快,还是使台式机和移动版保持同步(或两者都同步),但我不会错过该功能。

撰写弹出框 (Compose Popover)

One of the features I find myself using most is the compose popover.



By holding your mouse over the compose button, or tapping it in the mobile version, your most frequent recent contacts will show up, right above the “create reminder” and “invite to Inbox” option (if you have the latter available). This lets you immediately get back in touch with the people you converse with most. Tapping the compose button itself one more time once the popover is already open will open a familiar compose window as in Gmail, for quickly crafting an email.

通过将鼠标悬停在撰写按钮上,或者在移动版本中点击它,您最近出现的最常用联系人将显示在“创建提醒”和“邀请收件箱”选项的上方(如果有可用的话)。 这样一来,您就可以立即与最常与您交谈的人保持联系。 弹出窗口打开后,再次点击撰写按钮本身将打开一个熟悉的撰写窗口(如Gmail),以快速制作电子邮件。

离线准备 (Offline Ready)

Inbox is Offline Ready by default – read your preloaded email, mark it as done, categorize it, delete it: All the changes will be synced as soon as you regain internet connection. You can even compose drafts and keep them around for as long as you want, or until you regain your connection and manage to send them.

收件箱默认情况下为“脱机就绪”-阅读预加载的电子邮件,将其标记为已完成,对其进行分类,然后将其删除:恢复互联网连接后,所有更改都将同步。 您甚至可以撰写草稿并将草稿保留在您想要的任何时间,或者直到重新获得联系并设法发送为止。

默认全部回复 (Default Reply-all)

Inbox has switched to a default ‘Reply-all’ sending mode when replying to emails. This is guaranteed to cause a fuss and a half with a lot of people, but personally, I like it – I end up setting Reply all on almost all of my replies anyway, and the switch must have been based off of some data, so I’m quite certain it’ll fit most power users’ use cases.

回复电子邮件时,收件箱已切换为默认的“全部答复”发送模式。 这肯定会引起很多人的大惊小怪,但就个人而言,我喜欢它–我最终将我的几乎所有答复都设置为全部答复,并且切换必须基于某些数据,因此我敢肯定,它将适合大多数高级用户的用例。

提醒和小睡 (Reminders and Snoozing)

One of the most important features of all is the Reminders feature. You can remind yourself to take a look at an email in three hours or even “when I reach home” — that’s right, you can even trigger them by location. Sure, you’d need location reporting activated on your mobile device for that to work, but that’s about it — Google will do its best to make sure everything is as accurate as possible. It’s like the minimal features of IFTTT, Tasker and Google Notes/Reminders all shoved into one whole. Something we’ve previously used Google/Google Now for: “OK Google, remind me to send an email to Mary in 4 hours” can now be done in the inbox directly.

提醒功能是所有功能中最重要的功能之一。 您可以提醒自己在三个小时内甚至在“我到家后”查看电子邮件-没错,您甚至可以按位置触发它们。 当然,您需要在移动设备上激活位置报告才能正常工作,但仅此而已-Google会尽力确保所有内容都尽可能准确。 就像IFTTT,Tasker和Google Notes / Reminders的最小功能全部整合为一个整体一样。 我们以前在Google / Google Now中使用过的东西:“确定,请提醒我在4小时内发送电子邮件给Mary”现在可以直接在收件箱中完成。

Setting a reminder to bake a cake in five hours is as easy as clicking reminder, selecting the time, saving and then just relaxing and forgetting about it. The reminder won’t be visible until it’s almost time to trigger it. You can see a list of all your reminders in the Reminders group (left menu), which will also list all your previous reminders from Google Reminders and Google Notes – even before Inbox.

设置提醒以在五个小时内烤出蛋糕就像单击提醒,选择时间,保存然后轻松地忘却它一样简单。 直到快要触发该提醒时,该提醒才可见。 您可以在“提醒”组(左侧菜单)中看到所有提醒的列表,该列表还将列出您之前在Google提醒和Google Notes中的所有提醒,甚至在收件箱之前。

There’s a caveat, though: look at the section on discrepancies below.


缺少功能和错误 (Missing Features and Bugs)

While Inbox, in its current state, does indeed provide functionality beyond a normal email client and makes life much easier, there are areas in which it could definitely improve before becoming the email client that’s about to doom its competition.


移动设备和台式机之间的布局和UX差异 (Layout and UX discrepancies between mobile and desktop)

On mobile, it’s quite easy to force the app into fetching fresh content – just pull down and the refresh symbol appears. On desktop, not so much. There’s no refresh button, and using the browser’s reload button is madness in this age of ultra bloated front end apps – it would take ten times longer for the page to reopen than to just wait for the autofetch to kick in.

在移动设备上,很容易迫使应用程序获取新内容-只需将其拉下便会出现刷新符号。 在台式机上,没有那么多。 没有刷新按钮,而在这个浏览器过于膨胀的时代,使用浏览器的“重新加载”按钮很疯狂-重新打开页面所需的时间比仅等待自动获取启动的时间长十倍。

Furthermore, when looking at an email, there is a toolbar on top that holds the “done” button.



On desktop, in long emails, there’s a definite lack of it. The button (and the toolbar containing it) should become sticky after the scroll area moves past them into a long email, so that an email can be marked as “done” after it’s read, without having to scroll back to the top:

在台式机上,很长的电子邮件中绝对缺少它。 在滚动区域将它们移到较长的电子邮件中之后,该按钮(及其包含的工具栏)应变为粘滞状态,以便在阅读电子邮件后可以将其标记为“完成”,而不必滚动至顶部:


This doesn’t happen on mobile, and it’s a UX gaffe that should be fixed.



Another slip-up is the lack of location selection on desktop while setting reminders — you can easily set location-based reminders on mobile, but the laptop is lacking the option. This is a shame for two reasons: Firstly, laptops are mobile (or at least ‘moveable’) devices, and HTML5 has a location API. This feature missing makes no sense. Secondly, to set a reminder for a location, you’d have to use a mobile device, and that sometimes isn’t possible. Maybe you don’t have it with you, maybe you don’t have internet access on it (at a conference perhaps?), or who knows what else. Maybe I’m planning to lug my laptop around all day?

另一个不足之处是设置提醒时在桌面上缺少位置选择-您可以在移动设备上轻松设置基于位置的提醒,但笔记本电脑缺少此选项。 感到遗憾的原因有两个:首先,笔记本电脑是移动(或至少是“可移动”)设备,而HTML5具有位置API。 缺少此功能没有任何意义。 其次,要设置位置提醒,您必须使用移动设备,有时这是不可能的。 也许您没有随身携带的东西,也许您没有互联网连接(也许在会议上?),或者谁知道呢。 也许我打算整天拖着笔记本电脑?

These minor discrepancies are not dealbreakers, but they are annoying and can (and should) be easily fixed.


没有回复 (No reply-from)

The lack of a “reply from” feature means you always reply from the same email address to which you got the email. For users like me, who use a single Gmail account to aggregate emails from all other email accounts, business and personal, this is particularly troubling. Not only because I don’t use that Gmail address for sending emails, but also because that’s my one email address I’ve kept private in all the years to avoid spammers and various forced signups.

缺少“答复人”功能意味着您总是使用收到电子邮件的相同电子邮件地址进行答复。 对于像我这样的用户,他们使用一个Gmail帐户来汇总来自所有其他电子邮件帐户(企业和个人)的电子邮件,这尤其麻烦。 不仅因为我不使用该Gmail地址发送电子邮件,还因为这是我多年来一直不公开的一个电子邮件地址,以避免垃圾邮件发送者和各种强制注册。

弹出答复越野车,答复布局分崩离析 (Popout reply buggy, reply layout falls apart)

A flat-out UI bug, the Popout reply feature that worked so well in Gmail doesn’t work here, even though the option is there when composing a reply. The UI also sometimes falls apart for no apparent reason:

完全没有问题的UI错误,即在Gmail中效果很好的弹出回复功能,即使在撰写回复时提供该选项,也无法在此正常工作。 UI有时也由于没有明显的原因而崩溃:


某些电子邮件的渲染失败 (Failed rendering of certain emails)

In Gmail, a Disqus moderator approval email looked like this:



In Inbox, it looks like this:



I have no doubt about this being Disqus’ fault, based on the HTML of their email, but it’s still important to note that the difference is there, and if it happens with Disqus, it might happen with other emails too. This is a pretty big issue – who’s breaking standards here? Is it really Disqus failing to properly HTMLify their emails? Or is it more serious, and Inbox doesn’t render as per standards?

基于他们的电子邮件HTML,我毫不怀疑这是Disqus的错,但仍然需要注意的是,仍然存在差异,并且如果Disqus发生了这种差异,其他电子邮件也可能发生了。 这是一个很大的问题–谁在这里违反标准? 确实,Disqus无法正确地对其电子邮件进行HTML化吗? 还是更严重,而Inbox无法按照标准渲染?

This happens on mobile too:



Inbox is missing a Show Original option, so you can’t really inspect the HTML of an email with the click of a button, but an inspection of the tag soup through the Chrome Dev Tools reveals that a large chunk of HTML is actually missing.





vs Inbox:



无需双重菜单 (Needless dual menu)


See the three vertical dots in the top right? “Which three dots, the upper or the lower?”, you might be asking. Exactly – there are two menus with the same icon, both pertaining to the context of one email. If you want to flag it as spam (as I do with this email) or move it to another label, you need to use the upper one.

看到右上方的三个垂直点吗? 您可能会问:“上,下三个点是哪个?” 确实–有两个带有相同图标的菜单,都与一封电子邮件的上下文有关。 如果您想将其标记为垃圾邮件(就像我对这封电子邮件所做的那样)或将其移动到另一个标签,则需要使用上方的标签。


If you want to reply or forward, you’ll need to use the lower one.



The UI being full of these little quirks tells me it was a rush job or a conflict between design teams, and that’s something we’re not used to with Google.


自定义上下文解析器和扩展 (Custom Context Parsers and Extensions)

While it’s nice that Inbox recognizes some context and prettifies it up somewhat, pointing it out to the user, it would be nice if we could define custom context filters and apply them to our interfaces. For example, I get dozens of Disqus notifications per day – comments needing approval and such. It would be nice if I could somehow teach Inbox to group the emails from Disqus that come from the SitePoint domain (but ONLY from the SitePoint domain) and alter their message preview to one containing the bulk of the comment with regular expressions.

尽管Inbox可以识别一些上下文并对其进行美化,将其指出给用户,这很不错,但是如果我们可以定义自定义上下文过滤器并将其应用于我们的界面,那就很好了。 例如,我每天收到数十条Disqus通知-需要批准的评论等。 如果我能以某种方式教Inbox将来自SitePoint域(但仅来自SitePoint域)中来自Disqus的电子邮件进行分组,并将其消息预览更改为包含正则表达式的大部分注释,则将非常好。

I’ll dare to dream further and say that I should even be able to define custom intents on my emails which would execute a set of operations on a message that I would usually need to perform manually. For example, approving a comment is done by replying “approve”, spamming is done by replying “spam” and deleting.. you get the gist.

我敢于做进一步的梦,说我什至应该能够在我的电子邮件上定义自定义意图,从而对通常通常需要手动执行的消息执行一系列操作。 例如,批准评论是通过答复“批准”来完成的,垃圾邮件是通过答复“垃圾邮件”并删除的来完成的。


Why not let us be able to define these options in the context menu of a subject line, so that I can just click one of the three options (Approve, Spam, Trash) and execute this context operation? This would take minutes out of every hour, for sure.

为什么不让我们能够在主题行的上下文菜单中定义这些选项,以便我可以单击三个选项(批准,垃圾邮件,已删除邮件)之一并执行此上下文操作? 当然,这需要花费一分钟的时间。

This is something that could be easily built with a Chrome extension, but why not make it official, open an “Inbox extensions” API that people can install into their UI directly on the back end (thus getting it in the mobile app, too) and let the magic happen? Sure, we’d open ourselves to memory leak hell that we already currently have with Chrome’s Web Store and the extensions present there, but it would let us “email power users” shave off a significant number of hours per month.

使用Chrome扩展程序可以轻松构建此功能,但是为什么不使其正式发布,请打开“收件箱扩展程序” API,人们可以直接在后端将UI安装到他们的UI中(因此也可以在移动应用程序中获得它)让魔术发生? 当然,我们会让自己打开内存泄漏的地狱,而Chrome的Web Store及其那里的扩展程序目前已经存在,但是这将使我们“向高级用户发送电子邮件”每月节省大量时间。

主题行中的信息太少 (Too little info in subject lines)

Building on the previous complaint, the subject lines in Inbox are much shorter than in Gmail. This obscures some information and makes it difficult for power users to discern the value of an email through its subject alone. For example, Disqus will send you email notifications if you’re an admin whenever a comment needs approving.

基于先前的投诉,收件箱中的主题行比Gmail中的主题行短得多。 这会掩盖某些信息,使高级用户难以仅通过电子邮件主题来识别电子邮件的价值。 例如,如果您是管理员,则当需要批注时,Disqus会向您发送电子邮件通知。

If you’re an admin on several websites, or some websites you’re an admin on are only partially managed by you and other people approve comments on other posts, you’d be hard pressed to find out if a comment on a post from your or someone else’s jurisdiction needs approval. In Gmail, this was dead easy — longer subject lines led to more clarity as to the nature of the email, thus enhancing workflow.

如果您是多个网站的管理员,或者您所管理的某些网站仅由您部分管理,而其他人则批准对其他帖子的评论,那么很难找到来自以下位置的帖子评论您或其他人的司法管辖区需要批准。 在Gmail中,这非常容易-更长的主题行可以使电子邮件的性质更加清晰,从而增强了工作流程。

Yes, this is nitpicking and Disqus does have a famously bad interface/API/architecture, but it’s a real world example nonetheless — longer subject lines are better than shorter subject lines.

是的,这很挑剔,Disqus确实有一个众所周知的不良接口/ API /体系结构,但这仍然是一个真实的示例-较长的主题行比较短的主题行更好。

自动翻译 (Automatic Translation)

Inbox should detect foreign language emails and automatically offer to translate them to my UI language of choice. I should not have to install a custom translate extension, and I shouldn’t have to paste the content into Google Translate to figure out its meaning.

收件箱应检测到外语电子邮件,并自动提供将其翻译为我选择的UI语言的功能。 我不必安装自定义的翻译扩展程序,也不必将内容粘贴到Google Translate中以了解其含义。


Considering this is already done in Google+, there shouldn’t be many problems implementing it here, too.


可用性 (Availability)

Unfortunately, Inbox is not yet available for most people. It’s an invite-only app, so you can only be invited by someone who already has access. What’s more, not all those with access immediately get invites to send out – you need to be a very early adopter, an online personality with at least some kind of decent public exposure, or a Google employee. Needless to say, this upset a throng of people who took to the Play store and spammed the review section with one-star reviews solely on the basis of not being invited to the party, potentially skewing the results for newcomers down the line.

不幸的是,大多数人还无法使用Inbox。 这是一个仅限邀请的应用,因此您只能由已经具有访问权限的人邀请。 更重要的是,并非所有的访问马上得到邀请发送出去-你需要一个非常早期的采用者,至少有某种体面的公开曝光,或谷歌员工一份网上的性格。 不用说,这惹恼了很多人前往Play商店,并且仅仅由于没有被邀请参加聚会而向评论区域发送一星级评论,这可能会使新来者的结果产生偏差。

Another potential hurdle for many Google users and customers is the fact that Inbox is not available in the Google Apps suite (yet). Those who complain about this should, however, realize that Inbox is far from fine-tuned to perfection, and releasing a flawed product into a paid suite would be more harmful to a paying community than not releasing one at all. The memory expense alone is mindboggling, and running both a tab with Inbox and a tab with Gmail will often be so expensive you’ll need a high end computer to keep up.

对于许多Google用户和客户来说,另一个潜在的障碍是,Inbox在Google Apps套件中尚不可用。 但是,那些对此表示抱怨的人应该意识到,Inbox远非微调到完美,并且将有缺陷的产品发布到付费套件中,对付费社区比根本不发布任何产品更为有害。 仅内存开销就令人难以置信,同时运行带有Inbox的选项卡和带有Gmail的选项卡通常非常昂贵,您将需要一台高端计算机来跟上。


Note: All the bugs discussed in this post have been reported to the Inbox team, but if you have access, please do the same in order to expedite the fixing process.


结论 (Conclusion)

After having used the service for a couple of days, I can safely say that it’s on the way to replacing Gmail for me, but not quite there yet. I need structure and more detail. I don’t want my email too filtered and crippled, I want it empowered with context. Keep the monetization filters and algorithms, but let us customize the interface and email contexts as we see fit, and fix the discrepancies, and you have a Gmail killer. Until then, this won’t be much more than a fancy Gmail skin that works intermittently.

使用该服务几天后,我可以肯定地说它正在为我替换Gmail,但还没有到此。 我需要结构和更多细节。 我不想让我的电子邮件过于过滤和残缺,我希望它具有上下文功能。 保留获利过滤器和算法,但让我们根据需要自定义界面和电子邮件上下文,并修复差异,您便有了Gmail杀手er。 在那之前,这不会只是间歇性工作的精美Gmail外观。

With all that said, if you’re really itching for an invite, let me know what you think the one feature you’ll be using most in Inbox is, and I’ll try and throw your name into a raffle, giving out the invites I still have after 48 hours.


Have you tried Inbox? What did you think? Will you continue using it?

您是否尝试过收件箱? 你觉得呢? 您会继续使用吗?


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