
本文介绍了亚马逊的云存储服务Amazon Cloud Drive,它提供5 Gb免费存储,与DropBox不同,它强调云端访问而非本地文件夹。文章详细讨论了Cloud Drive的桌面应用程序,包括Windows和Mac版本,以及上传、移动文件的方法。虽然功能相对基础,但其免费空间和对Amazon MP3购买的存储支持使其颇具吸引力。


There are plenty of cloud storage options available, and many now offer 5 Gb of free space. Google have just joined the fray with Drive, and we all know about DropBox of course.

有许多可用的云存储选项,现在许多选项提供5 Gb的可用空间。 Google刚刚与Drive竞争,我们都知道DropBox。

You may of heard about Amazon S3, and EC2, but Amazon also offer another cloud storage solution called Amazon Cloud Drive. It is a more user friendly storage cloud and you get a free 5 Gb storage limit, and any music you buy from Amazon MP3 downloads can be stored there too – without affecting your free 5Gb space.

您可能听说过Amazon S3和EC2,但Amazon还提供了另一个名为Amazon Cloud Drive的云存储解决方案。 它是一个更加用户友好的存储云,您可以获得5 Gb的免费存储限制,并且您从Amazon MP3下载中购买的任何音乐也可以存储在此处-不会影响5 Gb的可用空间。

Amazon have now released a desktop app for both Windows and Mac. It tries to offer some integration with the operating system so that it is easy to upload stuff to your Amazon Cloud Drive.

亚马逊现在已经发布了适用于Windows和Mac的桌面应用程序。 它尝试提供与操作系统的某种集成,以便轻松将内容上传到您的Amazon Cloud Drive。

But is Cloud Drive very useful? How does its features compare with DropBox? Lets take a look.

但是Cloud Drive是否非常有用? 与DropBox相比,它的功能如何? 让我们来看看。

这个概念 (The concept)

The idea behind Cloud Drive is not quite the same as DropBox. With DropBox the idea is: “a folder everywhere” to store your stuff, while Cloud Drive uses the idea that you access the cloud to get to your stuff, there is no locally stored folder.

Cloud Drive背后的想法与DropBox不太相同。 使用DropBox的想法是:“到处都有一个文件夹”来存储您的东西,而Cloud Drive使用您访问云来访问您的东西的想法,却没有本地存储的文件夹。

You can download a file using the desktop apps (we’ll see those later in this article), or you can do it directly from the web interface.


入门 (Getting started)

If you already have an Amazon account (who hasn’t?) starting out is easy. All you need to do is go to the Cloud Drive information page, click the Get Started button, and then sign in with your Amazon credentials. Your cloud drive will be available immediately.

如果您已经有一个Amazon帐户(没有?),那么开始很容易。 您所需要做的只是转到Cloud Drive信息页面 ,单击“入门”按钮,然后使用您的Amazon凭据登录。 您的云驱动器将立即可用。

Tha main interface provides the usual folders you might expect:


Cloud Drive web interface

You can see that all the usual options you might expect are available. You can: upload files, create folders, and delete files. To upload new files, click the large Upload Files button:

您会看到所有可能的常规选项都可用。 您可以:上传文件,创建文件夹和删除文件。 要上传新文件,请点击较大的Upload Files按钮:

uploading files to the web interface

I have created a folder called “Testing” and by clicking into that folder, I can be sure that is where my stuff will be uploaded to. You can selected multiple files (not folders though, there is another way to do that) and Cloud Drive will upload each one in turn. Once complete, you will see your files and a confirmation message:

我创建了一个名为“ Testing”的文件夹,然后单击该文件夹,可以确保将我的东西上传到该文件夹​​。 您可以选择多个文件(尽管不是文件夹,但是有另一种方法可以做到),Cloud Drive会依次上传每个文件。 完成后,您将看到文件和确认消息:

uploading files to the web interface

默认情况下,上传到哪里? (Where do uploads go by default?)

Anything uploaded will go the Uploads folder in your Cloud Drive. you can then move them to another folder which we will get to in later in the article.

上传的所有内容都会转到您的云硬盘中的“上传”文件夹中。 您可以将它们移到另一个文件夹,我们将在本文后面找到。

平板电脑/手机使用 (Tablet/mobile usage)

You can access Cloud Drive from your iPad, and you can view the contents of folders. however, you can’t upload or download files because Flash is needed. Also, there are no mobile apps available to interface with your Cloud Drive.

您可以从iPad访问Cloud Drive,并且可以查看文件夹的内容。 但是,由于需要Flash,因此无法上传或下载文件。 此外,没有可用于与Cloud Drive交互的移动应用程序。

桌面应用 (The desktop apps)

Amazon recently released desktop applications to offer some integration with Cloud Drive. The apps are available for Mac and Windows, and can be downloaded from here.

亚马逊最近发布了桌面应用程序,以提供与Cloud Drive的一些集成。 这些应用程序适用于Mac和Windows,可以从此处下载。

Amazon have chosen to ignore Linux at this point in time, although you could still use the web interface of course.


Once you have installed the desktop app you will have a tray icon (Windows) or a menu bar icon (Mac) for interfacing with Cloud Drive. As I have already said, Cloud Drive does not store things locally, only on the cloud. So there won’t be a Cloud Drive folder like the DropBox one you probably already have.

安装桌面应用程序后,将有一个托盘图标(Windows)或菜单栏图标(Mac)用于与Cloud Drive进行接口。 正如我已经说过的,Cloud Drive不会将内容存储在本地,而只能存储在云上。 因此,不会像DropBox那样存在一个Cloud Drive文件夹。

视窗 (Windows)

You can right-click a file or folder and choose “Send to…” The sub menu that pops out will show “Amazon Cloud Drive” as an option.

您可以右键单击文件或文件夹,然后选择“发送到...”。弹出的子菜单将显示“ Amazon Cloud Drive”作为选项。

uploading files via the Windows desktop app

Click that, and your file/folder will be uploaded. You will also get a system tray notification when the upload has completed successfully. When you download a file from the web interface, it will be stored in your Downloads folder unless you have specified a different one in the options menu.

单击该按钮,您的文件/文件夹将被上传。 上传成功完成后,您还将收到系统任务栏通知。 从Web界面下载文件时,除非您在选项菜单中指定了其他文件,否则该文件将存储在“下载”文件夹中。

苹果电脑 (Mac)

There are 2 options for uploading files: you can drag the file/folder to the Cloud Drive icon on your menu bar, or you can right-click, click “Services” and then choose “Upload to Cloud Drive”. Depending on the file type you might have the upload option available on your first right-click.

有2个上传文件的选项:您可以将文件/文件夹拖到菜单栏上的Cloud Drive图标,也可以右键单击并单击“服务”,然后选择“上传到Cloud Drive”。 根据文件类型的不同,您可能会在第一次单击右键时使用上载选项。

uploading files via the Mac desktop app

If you have Growl installed you will receive a notification when the upload is complete:


uploading files via the Mac desktop app

在Cloud Drive中移动文件 (Moving files in your Cloud Drive)

Now that you have uploaded some files and/or folders, the next we need to look at is moving stuff around. This has to be done via the web app.

现在您已经上传了一些文件和/或文件夹,接下来我们需要查看的是移动内容。 这必须通过网络应用程序来完成。

Once logged in, click into your uploads folder, and then use the tick boxes to select files that you want to move. Clicking on the “More Actions” button will provide you with the option to move the files selected:

登录后,单击进入上载文件夹,然后使用对勾框选择要移动的文件。 单击“更多操作”按钮将为您提供移动所选文件的选项:

moving files

Clicking the “Move” option will produce a window where you can choose the folder you would like to move the files to:


moving files

Clicking the “Move Items” button will then carry out the file move and when complete, close the window. There will be a message in the main window confirming that you have moved the files:

单击“移动项目”按钮将执行文件移动,完成后关闭窗口。 主窗口中将显示一条消息,确认您已移动文件:

moving files

结论 (Conclusion)

Amazon Cloud Drive is far more basic than DropBox. It is also lacking in features when compared with many other cloud storage services. However, in some ways that is one of its most redeeming features – simplicity. Although the web interface needs to be tablet enabled, it does everything you need it to with minimum fuss.

Amazon Cloud Drive比DropBox更基本。 与许多其他云存储服务相比,它还缺少功能。 但是,在某些方面,这是其最重要的功能之一-简单。 尽管Web界面需要启用平板电脑功能,但它可以最大限度地满足您的所有需求。

The 5Gb of space is more generous than the free offering from DropBox, and the cost of further space is vey competitive. Amazon charge $20 per year for 20Gb of space compared with $99 per year for 50Gb of space from DropBox. As an added bonus, Amazon will store all your MP3’s purchased from them for free.

5GB的空间比DropBox的免费产品更为慷慨,而进一步的空间成本具有竞争力。 亚马逊每年为20Gb的空间收取20美元的费用,而DropBox每年为50Gb的空间收取99美元的费用。 作为一项额外的奖励,亚马逊将免费存储从他们那里购买的所有MP3。

Now that Amazon have provided the desktop integration software it does make Cloud Drive a bit more usable, so if you are looking for a cheap cloud storage solution give Cloud Drive a try.

现在,亚马逊已经提供了桌面集成软件,它确实使Cloud Drive更加有用,因此,如果您正在寻找便宜的云存储解决方案,请尝试一下Cloud Drive。



亚马逊服务器(Amazon Web Services,简称AWS)是亚马逊公司提供的一种基于计算技术的计算服务平台。亚马逊服务器pdf是指利用AWS提供的服务,在端存储和处理PDF文件。 亚马逊服务器pdf功能强大,可以用于多种用途。首先,它提供了高可靠性和稳定性的存储服务。用户可以将自己的PDF文件上传到AWS的存储系统中,实现文件的备份和存储,避免了传统硬盘存储的易损坏和安全性问题。 其次,亚马逊服务器pdf支持快速的文件访问和共享。用户可以通过网络连接到AWS计算平台,随时随地访问自己的PDF文件,无需担心设备存储空间不足或文件丢失的问题。此外,用户还可以与他人共享文件链接或设置权限,方便团队协作和文件管理。 另外,亚马逊服务器pdf还提供了PDF文件的处理和转换功能。用户可以利用AWS提供的图像处理和文件转换服务,对PDF文件进行编辑、合并、拆分、提取或转换成其他格式,满足个性化的需求。这为用户节省了时间和成本,提高了工作效率。 最后,亚马逊服务器pdf还提供了安全和可扩展的解决方案。AWS采用了多层次的安全措施来保护用户的数据安全,包括数据加密、访问控制和身份验证等。同时,AWS计算平台具有高度的可扩展性,能够根据用户的需求自动调整计算资源,保证了高性能和稳定的服务。 总之,亚马逊服务器pdf为用户提供了便捷、安全、可靠的PDF文件存储和处理服务,帮助用户提高工作效率和数据管理能力。它的广泛应用范围包括企业文档管理、教育与培训资料制作、法律文书处理等领域,为用户带来了许多便利和优势。




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