

There has been a flurry of posts in discussion lists and online articles recently about a new Google feature called Google Phone Book, which will allow users to perform a reverse lookup search on any phone number. The results page displays a cute little phone icon beside the name of the owner of any phone number you plug in to Google’s search box!

最近,在讨论列表和在线文章中有大量关于Google新功能(称为Google电话簿)的帖子,该功能将允许用户对任何电话号码执行反向查找搜索。 结果页会在您插入Google搜索框的任何电话号码的所有者名称旁边显示一个可爱的小电话图标!

The address of the owner of that phone number is displayed with their name, and beside the address appear links that will take you to a Yahoo! Maps or MapQuest, which will provide detailed and precisely accurate directions that will allow the user to drive directly to their home!

将显示该电话号码所有者的地址及其姓名,并在该地址旁边显示链接,这些链接会将您带到Yahoo!。 MapsMapQuest ,将提供详细且精确的方向,使用户可以直接开车回家!

The only way to make these results more invasive would be to include any known email addresses right beside the phone number, street address and driving directions! In fact, a popular new book for Internet geeks, called Google Hacks, from O’Reilly, offers tips on how to use that feature to refine your search further if you know the state or town of the person you are searching for!

使这些结果更具侵入性的唯一方法是在电话号码,街道地址和行车路线旁边添加任何已知的电子邮件地址! 实际上, O'Reilly出版的一本针对互联网极客的流行新书叫做Google Hacks ,它提供了一些技巧,如果您知道要搜索的人所在的州或镇,则可以使用该功能进一步完善搜索条件!

Fortunately, Google has made it simple to opt-out of this privacy nightmare. Read Google’s description of this “feature”.

幸运的是,Google使退出这种隐私噩梦变得简单。 阅读Google对“功能”的描述

They make it painlessly simple to opt out of the listing and promise removal within 48 hours. And finally, they provide a snail mail address to allow you to opt out of the listing by postal mail if you like.

他们可以轻松选择退出列表并承诺在48小时内将其删除 。 最后,他们提供了一个蜗牛邮件地址,让您可以根据需要选择退出邮寄清单。

Google Phone Book Removal 2400 Bayshore Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043

Google电话簿删除2400 Bayshore Parkway山景城,加利福尼亚州94043

…along with a warning:


"Removing your phone book listing will not remove your personal information from other pages on the Web, or from other reverse phone listing lookup services, such as: Anywho.com, SwithchBoard.com, WhitePages.com, ReversePhoneDirectory.com, PhoneNumber.com, SmartPages.com"

“删除电话簿列表不会将您的个人信息从Web上的其他页面或其他反向电话列表查找服务中删除,例如:Anywho.com,SwithchBoard.com,WhitePages.com,ReversePhoneDirectory.com,PhoneNumber.com ,SmartPages.com”

One other service provides a clear and simple opt-out from the following link:




所以呢? 无论如何,它在电话簿中,对吗? (So What? It’s in The Phone Book Anyway, Right?)

When I first discovered this feature, I spoke with a relative whose response was basically, "So what? All that information is available in your local phone book and if you don’t have that, you can call information nationwide to ask for the listing.”

当我第一次发现此功能时,我与一位亲戚交谈,他的回答基本上是:“那怎么办?所有这些信息都可以在您本地的电话簿中找到,如果没有,您可以致电全国性的信息索取该信息。 。”

Yes, that should be true. But I searched an unlisted phone number of another relative who was nothing short of horrified when they saw their home address, name and phone number pop up on the Google results page. Not only did her unlisted number show up, but so did her full name, which is not available even to her phone provider – because she uses only initials on her account with them. Clearly, these online services draw from other available sources.

是的,那应该是真的。 但是我搜索了另一个未列出的亲戚的电话号码,当他们看到他们的家庭住址,姓名和电话号码出现在Google搜索结果页面上时,吓坏了。 她的不公开号码不仅显示出来,而且她的全名也显示出来了,甚至她的电话提供商也无法使用它,因为她在他们的帐户中仅使用姓名的缩写。 显然,这些在线服务来自其他可用资源。

Those additional services don’t make it nearly as simple to opt-out as Google does — they require that you jump through multiple hoops to find your way out of their invasive databases.


WhitePages.com‘s privacy policy is linked very subtly at the bottom of the page, and was difficult to see, even though I was looking specifically for the link. The privacy policy offers zero options to opt-out of their database, nor does it tell you where to look for help!

WhitePages.com的隐私策略在页面底部非常巧妙地链接,即使我一直在寻找该链接,也很难看到。 隐私政策提供了选择退出其数据库的零选择,也没有告诉您在哪里寻求帮助!

Instead, the site owners tell you that they collect reams of information about how you use their site, what sites you visited in their network, any "voluntarily provided information" (which is required to register at the site) and who they share that information with. But they provide no published way to remove yourself from their database once you’re listed, no matter where they got their information.

相反,网站所有者告诉您,他们收集有关您如何使用其网站,您在其网络中访问过哪些网站,任何“自愿提供的信息”(需要在网站上注册)以及与谁共享该信息的信息。用。 但是,无论您从何处获得信息,一旦列出您的信息,他们都不会提供从数据库中删除自己的公开方法。

The only hint of an opt-out option is via a simple email address, privacy@w3data.com This email address is a requirement of WhitePages.com’s membership in BBBonline’s Privacy Program, which is open to anyone who meets the Program’s minimum requirements: posting a privacy policy and providing an email contact to a privacy representative. Oh, and are willing to pay BBBonline for the privilege of displaying their rather meaningless “privacy lock” logo. Why is it meaningless? Well, just how private is a site that allows easy access to private personal information via a site search feature? And why do they deserve the trust of site visitors?

选择退出的唯一提示是通过一个简单的电子邮件地址privacy@w3data.com。此电子邮件地址是WhitePages.com在BBBonline隐私计划中的成员身份的要求,该账户对符合该计划最低要求的任何人开放:隐私权政策,并提供电子邮件联系给隐私权代表。 哦,并且愿意为BBBonline支付显示其毫无意义的“隐私锁定”徽标的特权。 为什么没有意义? 那么,一个站点有多私有,可以通过站点搜索功能轻松访问私有个人信息? 为什么他们值得现场访问者信任?

When you perform a search for any number in the "white pages" of SwitchBoard.com, it returns a page full of banner ads, some of which are pop-ups in which form fields are pre-filled with the name of the person you searched on! This allows you to easily search other sources for someone who has, so far, been successful at staying out of the online databases! And those paid services will pry into other public records databases to track them down!

当您在SwitchBoard.com的“白页”中搜索任何数字时,它会返回一个充满横幅广告的页面,其中一些是弹出式窗口,其中的表单字段中预先填写了您的人物姓名搜索! 这样,您就可以轻松地从其他资源中搜索到目前为止已经成功退出在线数据库的人! 这些付费服务将进入其他公共记录数据库以进行追踪!

网站上广告中更具侵入性的预填充表单 (More Invasive Pre-Populated Forms in Ads on Sites)

Then, there is the pre-populated form in an advertisement that leads you to KnowX.com where, if the person you seek is not listed in the publicly available free listings, they will search public records for a fee, but only if you are a member of KnowX.com.

然后,广告中会出现一个预先填充的表格,该表格会将引向KnowX.com ,如果您所寻找的人未在公开的免费列表中列出,他们将搜索公共记录以收取费用,但前提是您是KnowX.com的成员。

To become a member, you must (surprise!) provide your own detailed contact and credit card information, which they could file for sale to anyone willing to pay for it (and how would you ever know?). Their privacy policy might better be labeled a "Lack of Privacy Policy", given that they plainly state within it:

要成为会员,您必须(感到惊讶!)提供您自己的详细联系方式和信用卡信息,他们可以将其出售给愿意付款的任何人(您将如何知道?)。 考虑到他们的隐私政策明确声明,最好将其隐私政策标记为“缺乏隐私政策”:



No. Public records, by law, must be available from the official public records office to anyone who requests them. Accordingly, because individuals cannot opt out of public records databases generally, KnowX.com does not offer individuals the opportunity to opt out of our public records databases."

不能。根据法律,任何要求公开记录的人都必须可以从官方公开记录处获得。 因此,由于个人一般无法选择退出公共记录数据库,因此KnowX.com不会为个人提供选择退出我们的公共记录数据库的机会。”

Oh well, you’re stuck if you are listed by KnowX.com, but it’s good to know that if you are not listed in the top level of their records, they’ll give you options of browsing through up to 38 other databases for varying fees! …Only if you’re a member. Fortunately, they allow everyone to see their prices. They provide a long list of the prices they’ll charge as they strive to invade everyone’s privacy.

哦,好吧,如果您在KnowX.com上被列出来就被困住了,但是很高兴知道,如果您没有在他们的记录的顶层列出来,他们会为您提供浏览多达38个其他数据库的选项各种费用! …只有您是会员。 幸运的是,它们允许每个人看到他们的价格。 他们提供了一长串的价格清单,他们在努力侵犯每个人的隐私时会收取的价格

Curiously, that page is only approachable from within their site from a plainly visible "Prices" link, but takes you to a log in screen when approached by an exterior link.


所有信息从何而来? (Where Does All The Information Come From?)

Where do all these sites get their information? Few seem to want to discuss where they source individuals’ details, but one (ATT-owned Anywho.com) tells you at their FAQs page that their database is not populated by extracting information from your long distance billing records.

所有这些站点从哪里获取信息? 似乎很少有人想讨论他们在何处获取个人详细信息,但其中一个(ATT拥有的Anywho.com)在其“ 常见问题”页面上告诉您,他们的数据库并未通过从您的长途计费记录中提取信息来填充。

Q: Where does AnyWho get the directory information?


A: All of the residential white pages are public information obtained from local telephone records for published telephone listings. Non Published directory assistance records are not provided and are not displayed. None of the listings contained in the white pages are obtained from AT&T billing records.

答:所有住宅白页都是从本地电话记录中获得的公开信息,用于发布的电话清单。 未提供未发布的目录服务记录,也不会显示。 白页中包含的清单均未从AT&T帐单记录中获得。

Visit this page to opt-out of their listings, or mail:


ATT AnyWho Directory Service Attention: Listing Removals P.O. Box 944028 Maitland, FL 32794-4028

ATT AnyWho目录服务注意:清单删除PO Box 944028 Maitland,FL 32794-4028

全面的信息意识已经在这里 (Total Information Awareness Is Already Here)

By far, the most invasive and extreme of the information services is InfoSpace.com, a clear predecessor to the ‘Total Information Awareness Office.’

到目前为止,信息服务中最具侵入性和极限的是InfoSpace.com,它显然是“ 全面信息意识办公室 ”的前身。

InfoSpace returns a results page on the reverse phone lookup that not only lists the name and address of the owner of that number, but also:


  • those dreaded mapquest.com links to driving directions to their home,

  • the average value of a home in their neighborhood,

  • their email address (if InfoSpace has managed to get your search target to give it to them),

  • lists of names and addresses of their neighbors,

  • Websites in their listed city or town, and

  • classified ads from local listings.


There are dozens more links on the page purporting to represent services in the same town, but which are actually just links to advertiser sites with the ability to search for local dates from Match.com or apartments or restaurants, etc. Fortunately, there is one more very important link on that results page! If you want to get your own phone number and personal info removed from this database, there’s a link labeled "update/remove" beside your results. You can click this to request that they delete your information.

页面上还有数十个链接旨在表示同一镇上的服务,但实际上这些链接仅是指向广告客户网站的链接,这些网站可以从Match.com或公寓或餐馆等中搜索本地日期。幸运的是,这里有一个结果页面上更重要的链接! 如果您想从该数据库中删除您自己的电话号码和个人信息,则结果旁边会有一个标记为“更新/删除”的链接。 您可以单击此按钮,要求他们删除您的信息。

When you do that, they request an email address, so there is some (unearned) trust required in order to ask for removal. This seems reasonable enough, since one could otherwise update anyone’s information. But… wait a minute! What’s to stop someone from adding false information, providing their own email address for verification, then answering the email to confirm those changes?

当您这样做时,他们会要求一个电子邮件地址,因此需要一些(未经学习的)信任才能请求删除。 这似乎很合理,因为否则可以更新任何人的信息。 但是……等等! 如何阻止某人添加虚假信息,提供其自己的电子邮件地址进行验证,然后回复电子邮件以确认那些更改?

良好的关系并非建立在侵犯隐私上 (Great Relationships Are Not Built on Privacy Invasion)

The result page of the reverse lookup at InfoSpace displays a small graphic logo link for "Acxiom" in the lower left corner of some results pages, which, when clicked, takes you to Acxiom.com, whose tag line is "Great Relationships". A link on the front page takes you to another titled "What we do". Here, they proudly state,

在InfoSpace上进行反向查找的结果页面在某些结果页面的左下角显示一个小的“ Acxiom”图形徽标链接,单击该链接可将您带到Acxiom.com ,其标记行是“ Great Relationships”。 首页上的链接将您带到另一个标题为“我们做什么”。 在这里,他们自豪地说:

"At Acxiom, we create and deliver customer and information management solutions that enable many of the largest, most respected companies in the world to build great relationships with their customers. Acxiom achieves this by blending data, technology and services to provide the most advanced customer information infrastructure."


That seems like a very long-winded way to say that they, too, are data aggregators, who make a living by selling consumer information to anyone who’s willing to pay for it. Great relationships? It takes three clicks from their "Privacy" link to get to a page that tells you that it is possible to opt-out!

这似乎是一个漫长的说法,说他们也是数据聚合者,他们通过向愿意付费的人出售消费者信息来谋生。 良好的关系? 从他们的“隐私”链接单击三下,即可转到一个页面,告诉您可以选择退出!

Consumers may request an Opt-out Form by contacting Acxiom’s Consumer Advocate Hotline, 501-342-2722 (toll free 1-877-774-2094 option #5 in telephone tree and be prepared to leave your information on their recorder. There’s no human contact here — you must simply trust that they will respect your privacy and protect your information, hmmmm.) or sending an email to optout@acxiom.com

消费者可以通过联系Acxiom的消费者倡导热线501-342-2722(电话树中的免费电话1-877-774-2094选项#5)索取退出表格,并准备将您的信息留在记录仪中。请与此处联系-您必须完全相信他们会尊重您的隐私并保护您的信息, 。)或发送电子邮件至optout@acxiom.com

“无论如何,您的隐私权为零,克服它!” ("You Have Zero Privacy Anyway, Get Over It!")

In January of 1999 Sun Microsystems CEO, Scott McNealy said, "You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it!" Privacy advocates and industry analysts were stunned and surprised by the comment.

在1999年1月, Sun Microsystems首席执行官Scott McNealy说:“反正您的隐私为零。克服它!” 该评论震惊了隐私倡导者和行业分析师。

Now, Google’s new phone book feature is drawing fire from the public, and generating lots of heated discussion online. My own opinion is that we may soon be looking back and wondering why nothing was done to stop this continuing encroachment on our private lives by inevitability of ever-converging databases.

现在,Google的新电话簿功能引起了公众的广泛关注,并在网上引起了热烈的讨论。 我个人的观点是,我们可能很快就会回头,想知道为什么没有采取任何措施来阻止数据库不断融合的不可避免地继续侵害我们的私人生活。

If only Google were the only privacy concern we had to face! It’s becoming more difficult by the day to stay out of databases that may soon have more information available in one click than anyone ever thought they needed to know about you. Privacy is becoming a rather quaint notion and, inevitably, unfortunately it may soon disappear entirely. Stalkers, identity thieves and marketers have never had it so good when it comes to finding victims, tracking them down and selling them things by phone at dinnertime.

如果只有Google是我们唯一要面对的隐私问题! 如今,离开数据库的难度越来越大,而数据库很快就会一键可用,这比任何人以为他们需要了解您的信息都要多。 隐私正在成为一个相当古怪的概念,不幸的是,不可避免地,它可能很快就会完全消失。 在寻找受害者,追踪受害者并在晚餐时间通过电话向他们出售物品时,缠扰者,身份盗窃者和营销商从未如此出色。

One positive privacy development is the upcoming "Do not call registry", set to debut in July.

一项积极的隐私发展是即将在7月份首次亮相的“ 请勿致电注册表 ”。

That new law puts some teeth into the fight against telemarketers by levying fines of up to $11,000 per violation. Too bad we can’t so easily rid ourselves of the stalkers and identity thieves.

这项新法律对每次电话推销者的罚款高达11,000美元。 太糟糕了,我们不能轻易摆脱缠扰者和身份盗窃者。

隐私权连结 (Privacy Links)

Removal Request Links








Email Opt-out Addresses


optout@acxiom.com (Acxiom.com)privacy@w3data.com

optout@acxiom.com (Acxiom.com) privacy@w3data.com

Phone Numbers


Note that these are correct at the time of writing.


501-342-2722 (toll free 1-877-774-2094 choose option #5) (Acxiom.com)


Postal Mail Addresses


Note that these are correct at the time of writing.


Google Phone Book Removal 2400 Bayshore Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043

Google电话簿删除2400 Bayshore Parkway山景城,加利福尼亚州94043

ATT AnyWho Directory Service Attention: Listing Removals P.O. Box 944028 Maitland, FL 32794-4028

ATT AnyWho目录服务注意:清单删除PO Box 944028 Maitland,FL 32794-4028

Online Privacy Resources


The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 (G-L-B)


The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 2000 (COPPA)


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)


Americans for Computer Privacy


Center for Democracy and Technology


Computer Security Institute


e-Company Privacy Guide


Electronic Frontier Foundation


Electronic Privacy Information Center




Health Privacy Project




Online Privacy Alliance


Pew Internet and American Life Project




Privacy Coalition


Privacy Council


Privacy Foundation


Privacy International




Privacy Place


Privacy Rights Clearing House






Wired News Privacy Collection


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/live-death-privacy-online/






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