

We are living in a world where we cannot imagine the next possibilities revolving around us. In ancient times, people would have never imagined a world where everything stays on technology. Believe it or not, if just for one day we are not able to access the internet, we usually get frustrated and start overthinking what just happened. Technology is rapidly changing our lives and living environment. We can now do every possible thing with the help of technology and we completely rely upon it.

我们生活在一个我们无法想象未来围绕着我们发展的可能性的世界中。 在远古时代,人们永远都无法想象一个世界,一切都取决于技术。 信不信由你,如果只有一天我们无法访问互联网,我们通常会感到沮丧,并开始对发生的事情进行过度思考。 科技正在Swift改变我们的生活和生活环境。 现在,我们可以借助技术来做所有可能的事情,我们完全依靠它。

蓝眼睛技术 (Blue Eyes Technology)

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Humans can now interact with computers and they too can listen, talk and feel our presence. It is just because of the high-end & advanced technologies that computers can now understand humans. No, this is not a joke, its very true. It is possible and Blue Eyes Technology has made it. You might be using your phones & tablets that allows you to access them with face recognition of fingerprint reader, right? This is not completely Blue Eyes. However, with Blue Eyes technology computers can even sense and control the emotions of humans.

现在,人们可以与计算机交互,他们也可以听,说和感觉我们的存在。 正是由于高端和先进的技术,计算机现在才可以理解人类。 不,这不是在开玩笑,这是真的。 这是有可能的,Blue Eyes Technology已经做到了。 您可能正在使用允许您通过指纹读取器的面部识别来访问它们的手机和平板电脑,对吗? 这不是完全的蓝眼睛。 但是,借助蓝眼睛技术,计算机甚至可以感知和控制人类的情绪。

This is what Blue Eyes Technology is.


In the term “Blue Eyes Technology” – Blue stands for Bluetooth for inter-connectivity between the technology used and Eyes signifies the information perceived through eye movements.

“ Blue Eyes Technology”一词中, Blue代表蓝牙,它表示所使用的技术之间的相互连接,并且Eyes表示通过眼睛移动感知到的信息。

Blue Eyes Technology is being conducted since 1997 by the IBM research team and it aims at providing human perceptions to a computer. The main focus is to impart computer with the knowledge of understanding human emotions and feelings and accordingly react to the sensed emotions. All humans have the same level of perception through which they can understand others and blue eyes aims to provide this level of perception in computers. This enables computers to talk, listen, understand, analyze and react to the emotions of human beings.

自1997年以来,IBM研究团队一直在进行“蓝眼睛技术”,该技术的目的是向计算机提供人类的感知。 主要重点是使计算机具备了解人类情感和感觉的知识,并据此对感知到的情感做出React。 所有人类都有相同的感知水平,通过它们他们可以理解他人,而蓝眼睛的目的是在计算机中提供这种感知水平。 这使计算机能够对人类的情感进行交谈,倾听,理解,分析和React。

Now, imagine a beautiful world where humans and computers may work altogether to achieve diverse goals. The world where humans collaborate with computers to build a powerful community of manpower and machines. With Blue Eyes Technology, computer gathers all the information and start interacting with humans. This will be saving a lot of our time and efforts to comply with resources.

现在,想象一个美丽的世界,人类和计算机可以共同努力实现不同的目标。 人类与计算机合作建立强大的人力和机器社区的世界。 借助Blue Eyes Technology,计算机可以收集所有信息并开始与人类互动。 这将节省我们大量的时间和精力以节省资源。

蓝眼睛背后的技术 (Technology Behind Blue Eyes)

Blues Eyes Technology comprises of:


  1. DAU (Data Acquisition Unit)

  2. CSU (Central System Unit)

  3. Suitor

  4. Emotion Mouse

  5. Artificial Intelligence

  6. Manual and Gaze Input

数据采集​​单元 (Data Acquisition Unit)

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The DAU is a type of mobile component that is used in Blue Eyes Technology for gathering physiological information from the sensors and passing it to CSU for further processing and verification. In the above image, you can see the clear interface of DAU. The Bluetooth module is integrated with DAU and the device uses ID cards, LED indicators, LCD and a beeper providing a wireless interface between CSU and the recipient.

DAU是一种移动组件,在Blue Eyes Technology中用于从传感器收集生理信息并将其传递给CSU进行进一步处理和验证。 在上图中,您可以看到DAU的清晰界面。 蓝牙模块与DAU集成在一起,该设备使用ID卡,LED指示灯,LCD和蜂鸣器,在CSU和接收者之间提供无线接口。

中央系统单元 (Central System Unit)

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The data gathered by DAU is forwarded to CSU which then performs low-level Bluetooth communication and stores the data. The CSU mainly comprises of a wireless Bluetooth module and codec that is integrated into a computer. The ultimate aim of CSU is to buffer the incoming data and provide a user interface for visualization. Moreover. it also performs raw data analysis for the incoming data.

DAU收集的数据被转发到CSU,然后CSU执行低级蓝牙通信并存储数据。 CSU主要包括无线蓝牙模块和集成到计算机中的编解码器。 CSU的最终目的是缓冲传入的数据并提供可视化的用户界面。 此外。 它还对传入的数据执行原始数据分析。

情感鼠标 (Emotion Mouse)

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A normal human while operating the computer system spends 30% of their time touching input devices like keyboard and mouse. The mouse is the simplest way of obtaining physiological data and determining the state of emotion. A user model for reflecting the personality of a particular user is built inside the mouse to analyze the emotions and feelings of humans.

正常的人在操作计算机系统时会花费30%的时间来触摸键盘和鼠标等输入设备。 鼠标是获取生理数据和确定情绪状态的最简单方法。 在鼠标内部建立了用于反映特定用户的性格的用户模型,以分析人类的情感和感觉。

These are the key components used in Blue Eyes Technology. There are some other points to be noted:

这些是Blue Eyes Technology中使用的关键组件。 还有一些其他要注意的地方:

  • Artificial Intelligence Speech Recognition is used to scan the speaking personality of any user. The words entered by any user as input are matched against pre-stored words. The user provides its identification through voice speaking with the help of a microphone.

    人工智能语音识别用于扫描任何用户的说话个性。 任何用户输入的单词都将与预先存储的单词匹配。 用户在麦克风的帮助下通过语音说话来提供其标识。
  • After the identification is matched, those words are then filtered and stored in ADC and then to RAM.

  • Manual and Gaze input which is also known as Magic Pointing helps in reducing the cursor movement that is required for target selection

  • There are two approaches of Magical Pointing – Liberal, in which the cursor is warped to the every new object user is looking. Conservative, in which warping of the cursor is activated when manual input has been actuated.

    魔术指向有两种方法-自由,将光标弯曲到用户正在查看的每个新对象。 保守的,当手动输入被激活时,光标的变形被激活。
  • The last and final component is Suitor helping in a way by fetching more information from the user desktop and notices where the user’s eyes are focused on the screen.


使用蓝眼睛技术的好处 (Benefits of Using Blue Eyes Technology)

  • It can be used in the retailing record, power stations, operation theatres, flight control centres, and in video games

  • It can be useful in creating face responsive display and perceptive environment generic control rooms

  • It helps in eye monitoring, physiological monitoring, and behavioural condition monitoring

  • It can be used in the automobile industry and captain bridges


蓝眼睛技术的重要性 (Importance of Blue Eyes Technology)

  1. To analyze and identify the change of indication which can cause threat. Sometimes humans may not notice the change so we need a permanent solution for that.

    分析并识别可能导致威胁的指示变化。 有时人类可能不会注意到变化,因此我们需要一个永久的解决方案。
  2. Also, if we built a machine that can communicate and interact with humans, understand their feeling and emotions would bring a revolution in modern technology

  3. A computer can act like a human, behave like a human, understands like a human, and feels like a human may bring an explicit change in the world


结论 (Conclusion)

Blue Eyes Technology could reduce the gap between humans and computers by elevating true feeling and emotions in machines. In future, life would be more simplified and who knows if we can talk with a system of the body with real feelings and emotions. Also, the technology could bring a revolutionary change in medical science, automobile industries, and in various other sectors.

蓝眼睛技术可以通过提升机器的真实感觉和情感来缩小人与计算机之间的距离。 将来,生活会更加简化,谁知道我们是否可以与具有真实感受和情感的身体系统对话。 而且,这项技术可能会在医学,汽车工业以及其他各个领域带来革命性的变化。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2019/08/blue-eyes-technology.html






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