有源蜂鸣器驱动程序_Windows 10现在处于8.25亿有源设备上:这对程序员意味着什么


In November 2017, Windows announced that their Windows 10 operating system had been downloaded onto 600 million active devices. This was a big deal at the time, representing an extra 100 million users in less than six months. However, in May 2019, that record was smashed as it emerged that there are now 825 million devices running Windows 10. This makes it the world’s most popular operating system for desktops and laptops, finally surpassing Windows 7. This comes as 2018 finished with Microsoft as the most valuable company in the world.

2017年11月,Windows宣布其Windows 10操作系统已下载到6亿台活动设备上 。 当时这是一笔大买卖,在不到六个月的时间内增加了1亿用户。 但是,在2019年5月,该记录被打破,因为现在有8.25亿台设备运行Windows 10.这使其成为全球最受欢迎的台式机和笔记本电脑操作系统,最终超过Windows 7.2018年微软结束作为世界上最有价值的公司。

Windows 10 Is Now On 825 Million Active Devices: What It Means For Programmers

The scale of Microsoft’s popularity is important for programmers. This company will lead the way in technological developments, whether it is in the form of machine learning or creating more powerful applications. Understanding how the masters achieve such a widely used operating system can help computer coders to appeal both to the tech obsessed and the average user.

微软的受欢迎程度对程序员来说很重要。 无论是以机器学习形式还是创建更强大的应用程序形式,这家公司都将引领技术发展。 了解母带如何实现如此广泛使用的操作系统,可以帮助计算机编码人员吸引痴迷的技术和普通用户。

When Will The Billion Mark Be Reached?


In the world of tech, a billion is a special number. Facebook hit a billion users way back in 2013, just eight years after its launch, and is set to hit the two billion mark imminently. YouTube managed the same in the same year, while Instagram didn’t gather a billion users until 2010. It is an elite club, but it is a milestone that Microsoft will want to celebrate as part of a marketing campaign aimed at convincing Windows 7 users to upgrade and Mac OS users to cross the aisle. At current rates of growth, more than a billion devices are likely to have installed Windows 10 before the end of 2019.

在科技界,十亿是一个特殊的数字。 Facebook成立仅八年后,在2013年就达到了十亿用户,并且即将达到20亿大关。 YouTube在同一年进行了同样的管理,而Instagram直到2010年才吸引十亿用户。这是一个精英俱乐部,但这是微软希望庆祝的里程碑,这是旨在说服Windows 7用户的营销活动的一部分升级和Mac OS用户越过通道。 按照目前的增长率,到2019年底之前,可能有超过十亿台设备安装了Windows 10。

Developments Coming In AI


So what does this mean for the world of computer programmers? Becoming familiar with Windows 10 is a good way to understand the ultimate aims of the company. You will notice a greater focus on artificial intelligence than there has ever been on previous versions of Windows. This comes in the form of personal assistant, Cortana. Aiming to rival the likes of Siri from Apple and Alexa from Amazon, it is all a case of who has the most advanced AI. Computer programmers should focus on machine learning if they want to launch a successful tech company in the coming years.

那么这对计算机程序员的世界意味着什么呢? 熟悉Windows 10是了解公司最终目标的好方法。 您会发现,与以前版本的Windows相比,对人工智能的关注更大。 这以私人助理Cortana形式出现 。 为了与苹果公司的Siri和亚马逊公司的Alexa竞争,这都是谁拥有最先进的AI的案例。 如果计算机程序员希望在未来几年内创建一家成功的技术公司,则应专注于机器学习。

The Windows Terminal App

Windows Terminal应用程序

Another way Windows has continued to stay relevant is with the the launch of its Terminal app. This is specifically aimed at programmers, with fast and efficient command-line tools. Having a look around this app will give you some insight into the epic coding that went into creating Windows 10. With multiple tabs and easy to read text, it is a way of making coding easier. Once again, this shows Microsoft’s ability to reach out to a wider audience and bring the average consumer on board.

Windows继续保持相关性的另一种方式是启动其终端应用程序。 这是专门针对程序员的 ,它具有快速有效的命令行工具。 环顾此应用程序将使您对创建Windows 10时的史诗编码有一些了解。借助多个选项卡和易于阅读的文本,这是使编码更容易的一种方法。 这再次显示出Microsoft能够接触更广泛的受众并使普通消费者参与其中的能力。

PowerToys For Windows 10

适用于Windows 10的PowerToys

PowerToys are about as fun as they sound, allowing computer programmers to maximize the potential of their Windows 10 powered device. If you are lucky enough to remember Windows 95, then you’ll already have experience with the software. However, the new launch of PowerToys for Windows 10 is exciting a lot of coding enthusiasts. Everything is geared towards efficiency and improved workflow, so that productivity is king, and programming is fun and easy.

PowerToys听起来和声音一样有趣,从而使计算机程序员可以最大程度地发挥Windows 10驱动设备的潜力。 如果您很幸运地记得Windows 95,那么您已经具有使用该软件的经验。 但是,适用于Windows 10的PowerToys的新推出使许多编码爱好者兴奋不已。 一切都旨在提高效率和改善工作流程,从而使生产力为王,编程既有趣又容易。

Windows 10 is like a dream for tech lovers. It inspires ambitious coders, offering something for everyone from the average web browser to high level computer programmers. The news that 825 million active devices now use the operating system is no surprise, but it is a landmark achievement. The future of AI and coding is looking very exciting.

Windows 10就像是技术爱好者的梦想。 它激发了雄心勃勃的编码人员,为从普通Web浏览器到高级计算机程序员的所有人提供了东西。 现在有8.25亿台有源设备使用操作系统的消息不足为奇,但这是一个里程碑式的成就。 人工智能和编码的未来看起来非常令人兴奋。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2019/05/windows-10-is-now-on-825-million-active-devices-what-it-means-for-programmers.html


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