

Programming is a skill that more and more people have been learning over the past few years. In addition to the hundreds of thousands of Americans who work as computer programmers in the USA, there are thousands and thousands more who program for fun or in their spare time.

编程是过去几年中越来越多的人学习的一项技能。 除了 成千上万的美国人在美国 从事计算机编程工作外,还有成千上万的人在业余时间或业余时间进行编程。

However, learning this skill can sometimes feel like an uphill battle with a lot to learn and think about. In an effort to help you out, we have decided to craft an article all about providing you with some tips to help you learn programming faster.

但是,学习此技能有时会像一场艰苦的战斗,需要学习和思考很多东西。 为了帮助您,我们决定撰写一篇有关为您提供一些技巧的文章,以帮助您更快地学习编程。

7 Critical Tips to Learn Programming Faster

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考虑您将学习哪种语言 (Consider Which Language You Will Learn)

Before even learning to program, you need to choose which programming language you will learn. Now, there is no rule about only having to learn a single language, but when you are just starting, there are some that are easier to learn and might make a better option to start with, such as Python and Java.

在学习编程之前,您需要选择要学习的编程语言。 现在,没有关于只学习一种语言的规则,但是当您刚开始学习时,有一些更容易学习并且可能是更好的选择,例如Python和Java。

If you start with a very complex and tough-to-learn language, it may deter you from continuing and getting somewhere with programming. Of course, the language you will learn will also depend on what you want to use the code for, but you can’t discount how important it is to start with something you can handle.

如果您从一门非常复杂且难以学习的语言入手,那么它可能会阻止您继续进行编程。 当然,您将学习的语言也将取决于您要使用该代码的目的,但是您不能低估从开始可以处理的事情起的重要性。

实践,实践和更多实践 (Practice, Practice and More Practice)

You can read all the books you want and watch all the videos you can, but in order to get better at programming, you have to actually get down and practice. The quicker you actually start playing around with the code and practicing, the better. It might be frustrating and hard right off the bat, but the more you practice the better you will get.

您可以阅读所需的所有书籍,并可以观看所有的视频,但是要想更好地编程,就必须认真练习。 实际上,您越快开始玩代码并进行练习,就越好。 这可能令人沮丧并且一发不可收拾,但是练习的次数越多,您就会越好。

Also, practice is an ongoing thing that you should continue doing even after you have learned to program. If you go a long time without programming, you could lose the skills, which is never a good thing. Because of this, you should spend some time keeping fresh and practicing frequently.

同样,练习是一项持续不断的事情,即使您已经学会编程,也应该继续这样做。 如果长时间不进行编程,可能会失去技能,这永远不是一件好事。 因此,您应该花一些时间保持新鲜感并经常练习。

首先学习基础知识 (Learn the Fundamentals First)

While you might want to dive into the advanced concepts and material right away, you need to dip your toes in before diving in the deep end. No matter how simple or easy the fundamentals might seem, it is important to learn them first. If not, you might find yourself scratching your head once you do reach those more advanced steps. The better you understand the basics, the easier the more advanced concepts will be to grasp.

尽管您可能希望立即深入研究高级概念和材料,但在深入进行深入研究之前,您需要先浸入脚趾。 无论基本面看起来多么简单或容易,重要的是要首先学习它们。 如果不是这样,一旦您完成这些更高级的步骤,您可能会发现自己抓挠了头。 您越了解基础知识,就越容易掌握更高级的概念。

玩游戏和学习教程 (Play Games and Work Through Tutorials)

When you are just sitting down and coding for hours on end, it can get a bit monotonous. It may not keep you engaged, and some people might have troubles keeping it up. If that sounds like you, then you might want to either play some games or work through tutorials.

当您坐下来编码数小时时,它可能会变得单调。 它可能不会使您参与其中,并且某些人可能会遇到麻烦。 如果听起来像您,那么您可能想要玩一些游戏或通读教程。

There are several simple and basic coding-related games out there that are not only fun but can also help you learn. Also, there are thousands of tutorials for every different programming language under the sun, which can all help you learn without it being too dull.

那里有几种简单且与编码有关的基本游戏,它们不仅很有趣,而且可以帮助您学习。 另外,在阳光下,每种编程语言都有成千上万的教程,可以帮助您学习而又不会太枯燥。

确定登录 (Be Sure to Log )

While you might not think about it, logging is one of the most important tools any programmer or developer will have. Logging is all about getting more data about what your code is doing, which can help with debugging and programming itself. It is also helpful in managing complex programming.

尽管您可能没有考虑过,日志记录是任何程序员或开发人员都会拥有的最重要的工具之一。 日志记录就是获取有关代码执行情况的更多数据,这可以帮助调试和编程本身。 它还有助于管理复杂的程序。

Of course, if you are going to log, you will need some log management to keep things well managed. Check out this link to learn more about log management: Configuring centralized logging from Python apps · Papertrail log management

当然,如果您要记录日志,则需要进行一些日志管理以使事情得到很好的管理。 查看此链接以了解有关日志管理的更多信息: 从Python应用程序配置集中式日志·Papertrail日志管理

不要害怕寻求帮助 (Don’t Be Scared to Seek Out Help)

While most coding work is done alone, that doesn’t mean you need to learn alone. The internet is full of literally thousands of different resources that can help you learn about coding. Whether this is posting a question on a subreddit, participating in a forum discussion or even personally reaching out to a programmer you know.

尽管大多数编码工作都是单独完成的,但这并不意味着您需要独自学习。 互联网上充斥着数以千计的不同资源,可以帮助您学习编码。 这是在subreddit上发布问题,参与论坛讨论,还是亲自联系您认识的程序员。

Some people hate asking for help, but the quicker you get over that fear, the quicker you will be able to learn to code and program effectively. Many people are eager to help out newcomers, so you should easily be able to find help and answers to your questions.

有些人讨厌寻求帮助,但是您越早克服这种恐惧,您就能越快地学会有效地编码和编程。 许多人都渴望帮助新来的人,因此您应该可以轻松找到问题的帮助和答案。

休息一下,不要让自己筋疲力尽 (Take Some Breaks and Don’t Burn Yourself Out)

Take Some Breaks and Don’t Burn Yourself Out

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When working on code and trying to learn how to program better, you can often be sitting down at a desk or computer for hours and hours at a time. As you could imagine, this can be terrible for your body and it is recommended that you get up and take some breaks.

在编写代码并尝试学习如何更好地编程时,您通常经常一次坐在办公桌或计算机上几个小时。 如您所料,这 对您的身体可能会很糟糕, 建议您起身休息一下。

In addition to that, it is easy to get discouraged or “stuck” when trying to learn or fix a problem. Sometimes, all it takes is a few minutes of clarity and stretching to get you back on track. This could save you a lot of time and energy in the long run, as well.

除此之外,在尝试学习或解决问题时很容易灰心或“卡住”。 有时,只需花费几分钟的时间就可以使您回到正轨,并保持清晰。 从长远来看,这也可以节省大量时间和精力。

In conclusion, we hope that this article has been able to help you learn a few more tips and tricks to increase how quickly you are able to learn to program. Of course, these tips aren’t guaranteed to turn you into the fastest coder ever, but they definitely should help.

总之,我们希望本文能够帮助您学习更多的提示和技巧,以增加学习编程的速度。 当然,不能保证这些技巧可以使您成为有史以来最快的编码器,但是它们绝对可以提供帮助。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2018/10/7-critical-tips-to-learn-programming-faster.html


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### 回答1: 《Linux C编程一站式学习》是由宋劲杉编写的一本关于Linux C编程的教材,主要介绍了Linux系统下C语言的基础知识和常用编程技巧。这本教材以文章简洁明了、逻辑性强、实例丰富等特点而受到广大编程学习者的欢迎。 《Linux C编程一站式学习》首先从Linux环境的搭建开始,介绍了Linux操作系统的基本概念和架构,包括文件系统、进程管理、内存管理等方面的知识。随后,教材详细介绍了C语言的基本语法、数据类型、运算符等内容,帮助读者建立起对C语言的基本理解。 接下来,教材介绍了Linux下的C编程工具和开发环境,包括GCC编译器、Makefile文件、调试工具等,使读者能够顺利地进行C程序的编译和调试。同时,还提供了大量的实例代码和实践项目,帮助读者通过实际操作加深对C语言和Linux编程的理解。 此外,《Linux C编程一站式学习》还专门介绍了Linux下的网络编程、多线程编程、进程间通信等高级主题。这些内容有助于读者深入了解Linux系统的底层机制和编程技巧,提升自己的编程能力。 总而言之,《Linux C编程一站式学习》是一本系统全面介绍Linux下C编程的教材,适合初者和有一定编程基础的读者阅读。通过学习此书,读者能够掌握Linux环境下的C语言编程技能,为进一步深入学习和应用打下坚实的基础。 ### 回答2: 《Linux C编程一站式学习》是由宋劲杉编写的一本关于Linux C编程的教材。该书主要针对初者,通过系统地介绍Linux系统、C语言及相关编程知识,帮助读者快速入门并掌握Linux C编程。 这本书共包含七个章节,分别是Linux的基础知识、Linux常用命令、Linux系统编程基础、C语言基础、C语言高级特性、Linux C编程实例和Makefile的使用。 在第一章的基础知识部分,作者详细介绍了Linux操作系统的历史、特点以及常见的发行版。第二章中,读者将学习到如何使用常用的Linux命令进行文件操作、目录管理以及常见的文本处理任务。 第三章和第四章分别介绍了Linux系统编程的基础知识和C语言的基础知识。在这两章中,读者将学习到如何使用系统调用、文件I/O、进程控制和信号处理等Linux系统编程关键技术,同时也将会C语言的基本语法、数据类型、函数等知识。 第五章则深入讲解了C语言的高级特性,包括指针、内存管理、结构体、位运算等。这些知识对于理解和编写复杂的C程序非常重要。 第六章和第七章给出了一些实例,通过实际的代码演示如何使用Linux C编程进行文件操作、进程间通信、网络编程等。 此外,《Linux C编程一站式学习》还介绍了Makefile的使用,这是一个用于自动化编译和构建项目的工具,对于更加高效地管理和组织C程序非常有用。 总之,通过阅读《Linux C编程一站式学习》,读者可以全面了解Linux系统、C语言和相关编程知识,并通过实例的演示掌握Linux C编程技巧和方法,是一本非常实用的学习资料。 ### 回答3: 《Linux C编程一站式学习》是宋劲杉先生所著的一本关于Linux下C编程的书籍。这本书以实例为基础,讲解了Linux下C编程的各个方面,涉及了C语言基础知识、Linux系统调用、进程管理、线程编程、文件操作等内容。 书籍以通俗易懂的语言和丰富的实例详细介绍了C语言的基本语法和开发环境的搭建,对初者非常友好。在讲解Linux系统调用时,通过介绍进程管理、线程编程以及进程间通信等内容,帮助读者深入理解Linux操作系统的原理和机制。 值得一提的是,书中重点讲解了gcc编译器的使用方法和调试技巧,使读者能够更好地理解和掌握C语言程序的编译和调试过程。此外,书中还介绍了常见的Linux工具和库函数,如make、gdb、pthread等,帮助读者提高开发效率和代码质量。 总体来说,《Linux C编程一站式学习》是一本非常实用的Linux C编程入门教材。通过阅读本书,读者可以系统地学习并运用C语言进行Linux下的程序开发。无论是新手入门还是有一定经验的开发者,都可以从中受益。此外,书籍中的实例代码也可以帮助读者进一步加深对C语言的理解和应用。 推荐这本书给对Linux C编程感兴趣的读者,它会成为你学习和掌握Linux下C编程的良好指南。


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