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Google Docs is a great platform for collaboration, allowing you to remotely and simultaneously work with others on the documents you create. You can add comments to documents, but once you’re done, you can hide or remove comments in a few different ways.

Google文档是一个很好的协作平台,可让您远程和同时与他人一起处理您创建的文档。 您可以向文档添加注释,但是一旦完成,就可以用几种不同的方式隐藏或删除注释。

A user can add, remove, or accept comments to a Google Docs document, but only if they have the permission to do so. If a user has been given access to a Google Docs document with “commenter” or “editor” permissions, they should have the required permissions to follow these steps.

用户可以添加,删除或接受对Google Docs文档的注释,但前提是他们有权这样做。 如果已授予用户访问具有“评论者”或“编辑者”权限的Google文档文档的权限,则他们应具有执行这些步骤所需的权限。

在Google文档中隐藏评论 (Hiding Comments in Google Docs)

If you want to temporarily hide comments in a Google Docs file from view, you’ll need to switch to a different document mode.


While the “Editing” and “Suggesting” modes will display comments to the right of any document page, you can hide comments by switching to “Viewing” mode instead. This allows you to view it as if it were a printed document.

尽管“编辑”和“建议”模式将在任何文档页面的右侧显示注释,但您可以通过切换到“查看”模式来隐藏注释。 这使您可以将其视为已打印的文档进行查看。

You won’t be able to edit or make changes to the document, but comments will remain hidden from view while this mode is active. To switch to this mode, click View > Mode > Viewing from the top menu.

您将无法编辑或更改文档,但是在此模式下,注释将在视图中保持隐藏状态。 要切换到此模式,请从顶部菜单中单击查看>模式>查看。

To view a Google Docs document in Viewing mode, click View > Mode > Viewing from the top menu.

接受Google文档中的评论或建议 (Accepting Comments or Suggestions in Google Docs)

If a comment or suggestion is added to a Google Docs document, a user has the opportunity to accept or reject it.


To individually accept a comment or edit suggestion, select the Checkmark (accept) icon in the top-right corner of the comment or suggestion box.


This will either acknowledge the comment (and remove it) for standard comments or implement the suggested change for edit suggestions.


To accept a comment or edit suggestion in Google Docs, click the tick icon in the comments box for it.

If you want to accept all edit suggestions in a Google Docs document, select Tools > Review Suggested Edits.


To begin accepting all edit suggestions, press Tools > Review Suggested Edits.

A pop-up menu will appear in the top-right corner of the Google Docs page. To accept all of the suggested edits at once, click the “Accept All” button.

弹出菜单将出现在Google文档页面的右上角。 要一次接受所有建议的编辑,请单击“全部接受”按钮。

To accept all edit suggestions in a document, click the Accept All button.

This will implement all of the suggested edits in your document.


删除Google文档中的评论或建议 (Removing Comments or Suggestions in Google Docs)

While a comment or suggestion is a useful way to gain feedback, you might disagree with the comments or suggestions that are made. If you want to remove them, you can do so.

尽管评论或建议是获得反馈的有用方法,但您可能不同意所提出的评论或建议。 如果要删除它们,可以这样做。

You can individually remove comments by accepting them. This will acknowledge the comment, but remove it from view.

您可以通过接受评论逐一删除评论。 这将确认该评论,但将其从视图中删除。

If you want to delete the comment without acknowledging it, however, you can do so by clicking the three-dot menu icon in a comments box. In the drop-down menu, select the “Delete” option to delete the comment.

但是,如果要删除注释而不确认,则可以通过单击注释框中的三点菜单图标来删除。 在下拉菜单中,选择“删除”选项以删除评论。

Click the three-dots menu icon next to a comment, then click "Delete" to delete the comment.

To remove a suggested edit, click the “X” (delete) icon in the suggestion box. This will reject the edit and permanently hide it from view.

要删除建议的编辑,请在建议框中单击“ X”(删除)图标。 这将拒绝编辑并永久将其隐藏。

Press the cross (delete) icon next in a edit suggestions box to reject the edit.

If you want to reject (and remove) all suggested edits from a Google Docs document at once, you can do so by clicking Tools > Review Suggested Edits.

如果您想一次拒绝(并删除)来自Google Docs文档的所有建议的编辑,可以通过单击工具>查看建议的编辑来进行。

To begin accepting all edit suggestions, press Tools > Review Suggested Edits.

In the “Suggested Edits” box that appears in the top-right, click the “Reject All” button.


In the "Suggested Edits" box, press the "Reject All" option to reject all suggested edits.

This will reject all of the edit suggestions made in your document, removing them from your page.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/683116/how-to-hide-or-remove-comments-in-google-docs/






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