
The Apple logo.

If you have Location Services enabled for the Camera app on your iPhone or iPad, every photo you take includes GPS info about where it was taken. Starting with iOS 13, though, you can choose to share photos without location data.

如果您在iPhone或iPad上为“相机”应用启用了“ 位置服务” ,则拍摄的每张照片都会包含有关拍摄地点的GPS信息 。 不过,从iOS 13开始,您可以选择不包含位置数据的照片共享。

共享一张照片(或一组照片)时关闭位置数据 (Turn Off Location Data When Sharing One Photo (or Group of Photos))

To get started, open the Photos app and browse to a photo (or photos) you want to share without location data. To share multiple photos, select and tap each one, and then tap the Share button. To share a single photo, tap it, and then tap the Share button at the bottom left.

首先,请打开“照片”应用,然后浏览到要共享的照片(不带位置数据)。 要共享多张照片,请选择并点按每张照片,然后点按“共享”按钮。 要共享单张照片,请点击它,然后点击左下角的“共享”按钮。

Tap the Share button in the Photos app.

In the Share menu that appears, tap “Options” at the top of the screen (it’s under the number of photos you selected).


If you see “Location Included” next to “Options,” this means location data is currently enabled for that photo or photos. We’re about to change that, though.

如果您在“选项”旁边看到“包含位置”,则表示当前已为该照片启用了位置数据。 不过,我们将要更改它。

Tap "Options" before sharing a photo on iPhone.

In the Options menu that appears, look for the “Include” section. Toggle-Off the “Location” option for the selected photos.

在出现的“选项”菜单中,查找“包含”部分。 切换所选照片的​​“位置”选项。

If you don’t see the “Location” option here, then either location data is turned off for the Camera app (see below), or no location data is associated with that particular photo.


Toggle-Off "Location."

Tap “Done” to return to the Share menu. You should now see “No Location” under the photo selection message.

点击“完成”以返回“共享”菜单。 现在,您应该在照片选择消息下方看到“无位置”。

The "No Location" label in the Camera app.

Now, whether you share your photo via SMS, email, or on an app, no location data will be included.


Keep in mind, however, this method will only work for this one instance. The photo’s location info is still stored on your iPhone. If you want to share it again in the future without location info, you’ll have to repeat the process above.

请记住,但是,此方法仅适用于该实例。 照片的位置信息仍存储在您的iPhone中。 如果您以后想在没有位置信息的情况下再次共享它,则必须重复上述过程。

更妙的是:在Camera App中关闭位置信息 (Even Better: Turn Off Location in the Camera App)

If you find yourself frequently disabling the location data before sharing photos, you might want to consider turning it off in the Camera app. This way, none of your new photos will include location data.

如果发现自己在共享照片之前经常禁用位置数据,则可能需要考虑在“相机”应用中将其关闭 。 这样,您的新照片都不会包含位置数据。

To turn off Camera location access, open “Settings,” and then navigate to Privacy > Camera. In the “Allow Location Access” section, tap “Never.”

要关闭摄像头位置访问,请打开“设置”,然后导航至“隐私”>“摄像头”。 在“允许位置访问”部分,点击“从不”。

Note, however, that you won’t be able to take advantage of any features that rely on location data after you do this. For example, the Photos app won’t be able to show where you took your photos on a map or group photos you’ve taken by location.

但是请注意,执行此操作后,您将无法利用依赖于位置数据的任何功能。 例如,“照片”应用将无法显示您在地图上的拍摄位置或按位置拍摄的集体照片。

The "Allow Location Access" section in the Camera app.

While any photos you take in the future won’t include GPS metadata, all of those you took before turning off this feature will still include it.


If you want to permanently remove location data from photos you’ve already taken, you’ll have to use a utility that will allow you to modify or remove each photo’s EXIF metadata. This process can be confusing, so it’s usually best left as a last resort for situations in which maintaining privacy is extremely important.

如果您要从已拍摄的照片中永久删除位置数据,则必须使用实用程序,该实用程序将允许您修改或删除每张照片的EXIF元数据 。 此过程可能会造成混淆,因此通常最好将其作为维护隐私极为重要的情况的最后手段。

Stay safe, and good luck!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/682563/how-to-remove-location-data-when-sharing-photos-on-iphone/





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