qt 读取excel表格
This article was written by MysticGeek, a tech blogger at the How-To Geek Blogs.
本文由How-To Geek Blogs的技术博客MysticGeek撰写。
Instead of looking between a hard copy of data and comparing it to the data entered on the spreadsheet you can make Excel read your spreadsheet to you while you are looking at the hard copy version.
Now for this to work we need to add some commands to the quick access toolbar. In the customize dialog, you’ll have to choose All Commands, and then add all the commands that start with “Speak”. (More on customizing the toolbar)
现在要使它起作用,我们需要向快速访问工具栏添加一些命令。 在自定义对话框中,您必须选择“所有命令”,然后添加所有以“说”开头的命令。 (有关自定义工具栏的更多信息)

You should see those items in your quick access toolbar now…

Now select the cells you need to compare in your spreadsheet.

Finally we just need to choose to have Excel speak by rows or speak by columns. Press the Speak Cells button, and Excel starts reading the rows or columns. To stop it just hit the Stop Speaking Cells button.
最后,我们只需要选择让Excel按行发言还是按列发言。 按“说单元格”按钮,Excel将开始读取行或列。 要停止它,只需点击“停止说话的单元格”按钮。

Of course you will need to have speakers connected to your PC for this to work. You can also change the sound and speed of the voice by going into Speech Properties.
当然,您需要将扬声器连接到PC才能正常工作。 您还可以通过进入语音属性来更改声音的声音和速度。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/make-excel-2007-read-spreadsheets-to-you/
qt 读取excel表格