


After you send an email, it’s pretty much outside your control. Gmail’s new Confidential Mode tries to give you a bit of control back by offering message expiration dates and making it trickier for email to be forwarded on.

发送电子邮件后,它几乎超出了您的控制范围。 Gmail的新“机密模式”通过提供邮件的到期日期并使其转发电子邮件更加麻烦,从而尝试给您一些控制。

Confidential Mode, part of the new Gmail interface, works because it doesn’t technically use standard email protocols to deliver the message. Confidential messages are hosted on Google’s servers, instead. This has its downsides—recipients who aren’t viewing the email in Gmail have to click a link to open messages in a browser, for example. Still, it’s a decent attempt at making email secure, and it’s pretty seamless when all parties are using Gmail. Here’s how it works.

机密模式是Gmail新界面的一部分 ,之所以能够工作,是因为从技术上讲,它不使用标准电子邮件协议来传递邮件。 机密消息托管在Google的服务器上。 这有其缺点-例如,未在Gmail中查看电子邮件的收件人必须单击链接以在浏览器中打开邮件。 不过,这是确保电子邮件安全的一项不错的尝试,当所有各方都使用Gmail时,它是无缝的。 运作方式如下。

发送机密电子邮件 (Sending Confidential Emails)

Google is rolling Confidential Messages out as we write this. Make sure you’re using the new Gmail and it should show up eventually. When it rolls out to you, you’ll see a new “Turn Confidential Mode On/Off” button in the toolbar at the bottom of a compose message window.

在撰写本文时,Google正在推出“机密消息”。 确保您使用的是新版Gmail,并且最终应会出现。 当它向您推出时,您将在撰写邮件窗口底部的工具栏中看到一个新的“打开/关闭保密模式”按钮。

Click it and Gmail asks when you’d like the email to expire, and whether you’d like to enable SMS verification.


You just write your email, as usual. A badge lets you know you’re in Confidential Mode.

您只需照常写电子邮件。 徽章可让您知道您处于保密模式。

You also send your email as usual, though if you enabled the SMS feature, you might be asked for a phone number.


Note: If you don’t want to wait for the due date for a message you sent to expire, you can also open the message anytime in your Sent folder. You’ll see an option there to disable access immediately.

注意 :如果您不想等待发送邮件过期的截止日期,也可以随时在“已发送”文件夹中打开该邮件。 您会在此处看到一个选项,立即禁用访问。

So that’s what sending looks like, but what will the person to whom you send a confidential message have to deal with on their end?


接收机密电子邮件 (Receiving Confidential Emails)

Receiving theses confidential emails is seamless if the recipient is a Gmail user with the new version enabled. Here’s what it looks like:

如果收件人是启用了新版本的Gmail用户,则无缝接收这些机密电子邮件。 看起来是这样的:

The Forward button is disabled, and there’s a banner explaining the feature. But other than that, this looks like a standard email.

“前进”按钮被禁用,并且有条幅说明该功能。 但是除此之外,这看起来像是一封标准电子邮件。

When the email expires the text disappears entirely:


Not complicated, right? Sadly things are a little different if the recipient is not a Gmail user, or even if they’re a Gmail user who uses a third party email client. Instead of seeing the message, they’ll see a link like this:

不复杂吧? 不幸的是,如果收件人不是Gmail用户,或者即使他们是使用第三方电子邮件客户端的Gmail用户,情况也会有所不同。 他们没有看到消息,而是看到了这样的链接:

They have to click this link to open the confidential message in their browser. It’s a little clumsy, but it gets the job done.

他们必须单击此链接才能在浏览器中打开机密消息。 这有点笨拙,但是可以完成工作。

显而易见的解决方法:屏幕截图和复制/粘贴 (The Obvious Workaround: Screenshots and Copy/Paste)

This feature stops people from simply hitting “Forward” to share your message, but it doesn’t stop them from sharing it. There’s nothing preventing someone from copying and pasting the contents of your message into a new message and sending that on to other people. There’s also nothing preventing them from taking a screenshot. If the person you’re emailing can’t be trusted, this feature won’t make a difference other than signaling that you’d prefer the message stay private.

此功能可以阻止人们仅单击“转发”即可共享您的消息,但并不能阻止他们共享消息。 没有什么可以阻止某人将您的消息内容复制并粘贴到新消息中并将其发送给其他人的。 也没有什么可以阻止他们拍摄屏幕截图 。 如果您不信任您发送电子邮件的人,则此功能除了表明您希望邮件保持私密性外,不会有所作为。

电子邮件不安全 (Email Isn’t Secure)

The other thing to keep in mind is that email isn’t secure. It wasn’t designed to be. Messages are sent unencrypted, and it’s trivial for hackers to intercept them. Yet no one uses encrypted messages, because they’re such a pain to set up.

要记住的另一件事是电子邮件并不安全。 它不是设计成这样。 邮件未加密地发送,对于黑客来说,拦截它们是微不足道的。 但是, 没有人使用加密的消息 ,因为设置起来很麻烦。

This new Gmail feature offers a compromise, of sorts. It’s mostly only useful between Gmail users, but it’s hard to imagine how it could work otherwise. My take: don’t use this to send banking information or passwords, but give it a shot for personal matters for which you’d rather not create a lasting record.

Gmail的这项新功能提供了多种折衷方案。 它主要仅在Gmail用户之间有用,但是很难想象它在其他情况下如何工作。 我的看法:请勿使用此方法发送银行信息或密码,而可以针对您不想创建持久记录的个人事务提供帮助。







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