
Computer batteries have a limited lifespan and degrade over time, so they’re often the first thing to go in a Mac laptop. You can replace a battery yourself or pay Apple to do it, but you should check its health. first. Any battery life issues you’re having could be due to a runaway process or just heavy use.

电脑电池的使用寿命有限,并且会随着时间的推移而退化,因此,它们通常是Mac笔记本电脑中首先要使用的电池。 您可以自己更换电池,也可以向Apple支付费用,但应检查电池的状况。 第一。 您遇到的任何电池寿命问题都可能是由于过程失控或使用过多所致。

在Mac上检查电池周期计数 (Check the Battery Cycle Count on Your Mac)

A charge cycle is one full charge and discharge of the battery. Every modern Mac battery is rated for 1000 cycles; some older models (pre-2010) are rated for 500 or 300 cycles. While the battery won’t suddenly fail when it reaches its limit, it will start to hold less and less charge as it approaches that limit. Eventually, you’ll need to keep your Mac connected to its power cable to use it.

充电周期是对电池进行一次完全充电和放电。 每个现代Mac电池的额定寿命为1000次。 一些较旧的型号(2010年前)的额定使用寿命为500或300个循环。 虽然电池在达到极限时不会突然失效,但随着接近该极限,它将开始保持越来越少的电量。 最终,您需要将Mac与其电源线保持连接才能使用它。

To check how many charge cycles your battery has been through, hold down the Option key, click the Apple icon at the top left corner of the screen, and then select the “System Information” command. If you don’t hold down the Option key, you’ll see an “About This Mac” command, instead.

要检查电池经过了多少个充电周期,请按住Option键,单击屏幕左上角的Apple图标,然后选择“系统信息”命令。 如果您不按住Option键,则会看到“关于本机”命令。

In the system information window, expand the “Hardware” category on the left, and then select the “Power” option.


In the right pane, you’ll see all the stats for your battery. The “Cycle Count” entry is under the “Health Information” section.

在右侧窗格中,您将看到电池的所有统计信息。 “周期计数”条目位于“健康信息”部分下。

The MacBook in our example has a cycle count of 695. The battery doesn’t need to be replaced yet, but it probably will need to be done later this year. If there is a problem with your battery, the “Condition” entry (which shows Normal in our example) will display something like “Service Battery.”

在我们的示例中,MacBook的循环计数为695。不需要更换电池,但是今年晚些时候可能需要完成更换。 如果您的电池有问题,“条件”条目(在我们的示例中显示“正常”)将显示类似“服务电池”的信息。

获取有关椰子的更多信息 (Get a Bit More Information with coconutBattery)

System Information has most of the data you need to assess your battery’s health, but it’s not very well laid out and could provide a bit more information. For example, it tells you your battery’s current maximum capacity but not it’s original capacity. If you want a little bit more info that’s easier to understand, download the free app coconutBattery.

系统信息包含评估电池运行状况所需的大多数数据,但是布局并不十分完善,可以提供更多信息。 例如,它告诉您电池的当前最大容量,而不是原始容量。 如果您想了解更多易于理解的信息,请下载免费应用程序CoconutBattery

When you run the app, you’ll see something like the screenshot below.


As well as the cycle count, this app shows us that the battery now has a Full Charge Capacity of 7098 mAh. When it was new, it had a capacity of 8755 mAh. Losing 15% capacity over almost three years isn’t too bad at all.

除了周期计数外,该应用程序还向我们显示电池现在的完全充电容量为7098 mAh。 当它是新的时,它的容量为8755 mAh。 在将近三年内损失15%的容量并不是一件坏事。

If you’ve got an older MacBook, the battery almost certainly holds less charge now than it did when it was new. With either System Information or coconutBattery, you can quickly see how much capacity it’s lost and whether it needs to be replaced.

如果您使用的是较旧的MacBook,那么现在的电池几乎可以肯定比新电池少了。 使用“系统信息”或“ coconutBattery”,您可以快速查看丢失的容量以及是否需要更换。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/352868/how-to-check-your-macbook’s-battery-health/

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