csdn文档裁剪_如何删除Microsoft Office文档中裁剪的屏幕截图中未使用的部分?

在Microsoft Office文档中裁剪屏幕截图后,未使用的部分仍会保留,这可能造成安全风险。可通过压缩图片并删除裁剪区域来永久移除这些内容,以保护敏感信息。



When you add a screenshot to a Microsoft Office document and crop it, you most likely give no further thought to the unused portions, but did you know that they are still there and could pose a security risk if they contain sensitive information? Today’s SuperUser Q&A helps a worried reader retain only those parts of the screenshots needed while permanently getting rid of the rest.

在将屏幕快照添加到Microsoft Office文档并进行裁剪时,您很可能没有进一步考虑未使用的部分,但是您是否知道它们仍然存在,并且如果它们包含敏感信息,可能会带来安全风险? 如今的超级用户问答可以帮助担心的读者仅保留所需的屏幕截图部分,而永久删除其余部分。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader user462760 wants to know how to stop Microsoft Office from retaining the unused parts of cropped screenshots in documents:

SuperUser阅读器user462760想知道如何阻止Microsoft Office将裁剪的屏幕截图的未使用部分保留在文档中:

I made a worrying discovery that after cropping a screenshot in Word, PowerPoint, and likely other Microsoft Office programs, the unused parts of cropped screenshots are retained. This has made me fairly paranoid as I frequently take screenshots and crop them to show the relevant piece of information before sending the documents off to others.

我做了一个令人担忧的发现,即在Word,PowerPoint和其他Microsoft Office程序中裁剪了屏幕截图后,裁剪后的屏幕截图中未使用的部分会保留下来。 这让我颇为偏执,因为我经常拍摄屏幕截图并裁剪它们以显示相关信息,然后再将文档发送给其他人。

I had assumed that when I saved a document, the unused portions of cropped images were discarded, but looking at work from years ago, I can still uncrop the unused parts of the images to view the original screenshots in their entirety.


Is there a way to disable this? This seems like a ridiculous security flaw.

有没有办法禁用此功能? 这似乎是一个荒谬的安全漏洞。

Is there a way to stop Microsoft Office from retaining the unused parts of cropped screenshots in documents?

有没有一种方法可以阻止Microsoft Office在文档中保留裁剪的屏幕截图的未使用部分?

答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor Steven has the answer for us:


Delete Cropped Areas of a Picture


Even after you crop parts of a picture, the cropped parts remain as part of the picture file. You can reduce the file size by removing the croppings from the picture file. It is also a good idea to do this to help prevent other people from viewing the parts of the picture that you have removed.

即使在裁切了图片的一部分之后,裁切后的部分仍保留为图片文件的一部分。 您可以通过从图片文件中删除裁切来减小文件大小。 这样做也是一个好主意,以帮助防止其他人查看已删除图片的各个部分。

Important: This cannot be undone. Therefore, you should only do this after you are sure that you have made all the crops and changes that you want.

重要提示:无法撤消。 因此,只有在确定已完成所需的所有作物和更改后,才应执行此操作。

1. Click the picture or pictures that you want to discard unwanted information from.


2. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Adjust group, click Compress Pictures.

2.在“ 图片工具”下 ,在“ 格式”选项卡上的“ 调整”组中,单击“ 压缩图片”


Note: If you do not see the Picture Tools and Format tabs, make sure that you selected a picture. You might have to double-click the picture to select it and open the Format tab.

注意:如果看不到“ 图片工具”和“ 格式”选项卡,请确保选择了图片。 您可能需要双击图片以将其选中,然后打开“ 格式”选项卡。

3. Under Compression Options, select the Delete cropped areas of pictures check box. To remove croppings for the selected picture or pictures only and not all of the pictures in the file, select the Apply only to this picture check box.

3.在“ 压缩选项”下 ,选中“ 删除图片的裁剪区域”复选框 。 若要仅删除所选图片的裁切,而不删除文件中所有图片的裁切,请选中“ 仅应用于此图片”复选框。

Tip: For more information about reducing the file size of the pictures and compressing pictures, see Reduce the file size of a picture.


Source: Delete cropped areas of picture (Crop a picture or a shape with a picture fill) – Microsoft

来源: 删除图片的裁剪区域(裁剪图片或带有图片填充的形状) – Microsoft

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/221728/how-do-you-remove-the-unused-parts-of-cropped-screenshots-in-microsoft-office-documents/






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