SmartScreen筛选器在Windows 8和10中的工作方式

SmartScreen是Windows 8和10的一项安全功能,通过向Microsoft服务器发送应用信息来阻止危险程序、文件和网站。对于未知应用,它会显示警告。虽然提供额外保护,但可能导致误报。用户可以自行决定是否绕过警告。此外,SmartScreen在隐私方面收集部分数据,但微软声称不用于建立用户关联的程序数据库。

The SmartScreen filter built into Windows 8 and 10 blocks dangerous programs, files, and websites from running. It also warns you before you run an application it doesn’t recognize as safe.

Windows 8和10内置的SmartScreen筛选器可阻止运行危险程序,文件和网站。 它还会在运行不安全的应用程序之前警告您。

SmartScreen is a useful security feature that protects your PC, but it may occasionally warn you before you run a legitimate application if SmartScreen hasn’t seen it before. This feature does report some information to Microsoft so it can function.

SmartScreen是一项有用的安全功能,可以保护您的PC,但是,如果SmartScreen以前没有看到过,它有时会在运行合法应用程序之前向您发出警告。 此功能确实会向Microsoft报告一些信息,因此它可以正常工作。

SmartScreen如何工作 (How SmartScreen Works)

At the operating system level, SmartScreen functions by sending information about every application you download and run to Microsoft’s servers. If the application is something legitimate and fairly popular, like Google Chrome or Apple iTunes, Windows will allow it to run. If it’s something Microsoft knows is harmful, Windows will prevent it from running.

在操作系统级别,SmartScreen通过发送有关您下载并运行到Microsoft服务器的每个应用程序的信息来运行。 如果该应用程序是合法且相当受欢迎的程序(例如Google Chrome或Apple iTunes),则Windows将允许其运行。 如果Microsoft知道这是有害的,Windows将阻止其运行。

If the application is something SmartScreen isn’t familiar with, you’ll see warning message saying that Windows prevented an unrecognized app from starting. You can choose to bypass this message at your own risk, if you’re confident the application is safe.

如果应用程序是SmartScreen所不熟悉的应用程序,您将看到警告消息,提示Windows阻止了无法识别的应用程序的启动。 如果您确信应用程序安全,则可以选择绕过此消息,后果自负。

This operating system level protection works no matter where the application or file comes from. So, if you download an application in Google Chrome, Google’s Safe Browsing service will check if the application is safe. Then, when you try to run it, Windows SmartScreen will check if the application is safe. If that’s all good, Windows Defender or whatever other antivirus you have installed will check whether the application is dangerous. SmartScreen is just another layer of protection.

无论应用程序或文件来自何处,此操作系统级保护都有效。 因此,如果您在Google Chrome浏览器中下载应用程序,则Google的安全浏览服务将检查该应用程序是否安全。 然后,当您尝试运行它时,Windows SmartScreen将检查该应用程序是否安全。 如果这一切都很好, Windows Defender或您安装的任何其他防病毒软件都会检查该应用程序是否危险。 SmartScreen只是另一层保护。

On Windows 10, SmartScreen also blocks malicious websites and downloads in Microsoft Edge and Windows Store apps, just as the Google Safe Browsing service blocks access to dangerous websites in Chrome and Firefox.

在Windows 10上,SmartScreen还会阻止恶意网站和Microsoft Edge和Windows Store应用程序中的下载,就像Google安全浏览服务会阻止访问Chrome和Firefox中的危险网站一样。

如何运行无法识别的应用程序 (How to Run an Unrecognized Application)

If SmartScreen knows an application you download is dangerous, it will refuse to run it and tell you the application was blocked because it is dangerous.


However, SmartScreen will also prevent unknown applications from running. If you try to run an application SmartScreen doesn’t recognize, you’ll see a message saying “Windows protected your PC” and inform you that running the application could put your PC at risk.

但是,SmartScreen也将阻止未知应用程序运行。 如果您尝试运行SmartScreen无法识别的应用程序,则会看到一条消息,提示“ Windows保护了您的PC”,并通知您运行该应用程序可能会使您的PC面临危险。

SmartScreen may be unfamiliar with the application because it’s a new and exotic malware program, or it may just be because it’s a niche program few people use. If you’re confident the program you want to use is safe, you can click the “More info” link in this popup and then click “Run anyway” to bypass the SmartScreen warning.

SmartScreen可能不熟悉该应用程序,因为它是一个新奇的恶意软件程序,或者仅仅是因为它是一个很少有人使用的利基程序。 如果您确信要使用的程序是安全的,则可以单击此弹出窗口中的“更多信息”链接,然后单击“仍然运行”以绕过SmartScreen警告。

那么隐私呢? (What About Privacy?)

SmartScreen has to talk to MIcrosoft’s servers to check whether the applications you download are safe or not. Microsoft lists all the information SmartScreen sends here. When you download an application, Windows sends the download URL, a hash of the full application file, digital signature information, file size, hosting IP address, and “some additional data” to the application reputation service. The service then responds and tells SmartScreen whether the file is known-good, known-bad, or unknown.

SmartScreen必须与MIcrosoft的服务器对话,以检查您下载的应用程序是否安全。 Microsoft 在此处列出SmartScreen发送的所有信息 。 当您下载应用程序时,Windows将下载URL,完整的应用程序文件的哈希 ,数字签名信息,文件大小,托管IP地址和“一些其他数据”发送到应用程序信誉服务。 然后,该服务会做出响应,并告诉SmartScreen该文件是已知的好文件,已知的坏文件还是未知文件。

When you visit a website in Microsoft Edge, Windows checks the address against a downloaded list of high-traffic, popular web addresses stored on your PC. If it matches, Windows doesn’t check it any further. If the address doesn’t appear in the list, Windows sends the address to the URL reputation service. The service then responds and tells SmartScreen whether the website is known to be dangerous or not. If it is, Microsoft Edge displays a warning message. This is similar to how the Google Safe Browsing service works in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.

当您在Microsoft Edge中访问网站时,Windows会根据PC上存储的高流量,受欢迎的网址的下载列表来检查地址 。 如果匹配,Windows将不再对其进行检查。 如果该地址未出现在列表中,则Windows将该地址发送到URL信誉服务。 然后,该服务会做出响应,并告诉SmartScreen网站是否已知危险。 如果是这样,Microsoft Edge将显示警告消息。 这类似于Google安全浏览服务在Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox和Apple Safari中的工作方式。

Some people have raised concerns that Microsoft could track which applications particular PCs run. Microsoft responded to these concerns, saying they’re not building a database of programs linked to specific users:

有人担心Microsoft可能会跟踪特定PC运行的应用程序。 微软回应了这些担忧 ,称他们并未建立与特定用户链接的程序的数据库:

“We can confirm that we are not building a historical database of program and user IP data. Like all online services, IP addresses are necessary to connect to our service, but we periodically delete them from our logs. As our privacy statements indicate, we take steps to protect our users’ privacy on the backend. We don’t use this data to identify, contact or target advertising to our users and we don’t share it with third parties.”

“我们可以确认我们没有建立程序和用户IP数据的历史数据库。 与所有在线服务一样,连接到我们的服务也需要IP地址,但是我们会定期从日志中删除它们。 正如我们的隐私声明所表明的那样,我们采取措施在后端保护用户的隐私。 我们不会使用这些数据来识别,联系或定向给我们的用户广告,也不会与第三方共享。”

At the end of the day, SmartScreen is a security feature, so we recommend keeping it around.


如何禁用SmartScreen (How to Disable SmartScreen)

Many people, however, will want to disable SmartScreen. Again: we don’t recommend doing so, as it’s a helpful additional layer of security that can protect your PC. SmartScreen still allows you to run unknown applications — it just takes two additional clicks. And, if SmartScreen blocks something, it’s almost guaranteed to be a malicious program you shouldn’t run.

但是,许多人都希望禁用SmartScreen。 再一次:我们不建议您这样做,因为它是可以保护您的PC的有用的附加安全层。 SmartScreen仍然允许您运行未知的应用程序-只需单击两次即可。 而且,如果SmartScreen阻止了某些内容,几乎可以保证它是一个您不应该运行的恶意程序。

However, you can disable SmartScreen if you want to. On Windows 10’s Creators Update, you’ll find SmartScreen options at Windows Defender Security Center > App & browser control. On Windows 8, you’ll find these options at Control Panel > System and Security > Action Center > Security > Windows SmartScreen.

但是,您可以根据需要禁用SmartScreen 。 在Windows 10的Creators Update上,您可以在Windows Defender安全中心>应用程序和浏览器控件中找到SmartScreen选项。 在Windows 8上,您可以在控制面板>系统和安全性>操作中心>安全性> Windows SmartScreen中找到这些选项。






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