

While many users can live their entire smartphone lives without ever needing to touch their phones file system, there are times when more advanced measures are needed. When you need to sideload an app or move a downloaded file, for example, you’re going to need a file manager. Here are our picks for the best that Android has to offer.

尽管许多用户无需触摸手机文件系统即可生活在整个智能手机中,但有时还需要采取更高级的措施。 例如,当您需要侧面加载应用程序或移动下载的文件时,您将需要文件管理器。 以下是我们精选的Android最佳选择。

Before we get into that, however, let’s first talk about one that you won’t see on this list: ES File Explorer. For many, many years, when someone asked about the “best” file manager on Android, that answer was simple, and it was ES. In recent months, however, the developers took the app in a different direction—one not appreciated by its many users. They decided to riddle the application with ads, many of which can actually be perceived as malicious (fake virus warnings and the like), so we can no longer in good conscious recommend this app outside of very, very select situations.

但是,在深入探讨之前,让我们先谈谈您不会在此列表中看到的一个:ES File Explorer。 多年来,当有人问起Android上“最佳”文件管理器时,答案很简单,那就是ES。 但是,近几个月来,开发人员将应用程序引向了另一个方向-许多用户对此并不满意。 他们决定在广告中添加广告,实际上很多广告都可能被视为恶意软件(假病毒警告等),因此我们再也无法在非常特殊的情况下有意识地推荐此应用了。

But if you’re looking for a replacement for ES File Explorer, you’re in the right place.

但是,如果您要寻找ES File Explorer的替代产品,那么您来对地方了。

最适合大多数用户的工具:Solid Explorer (The Best for Most Users: Solid Explorer)

Solid Explorer has been around for a while now, and has gained quite a strong following. Development on the file manager is very active, which is always nice to see—it’s already chock-full of useful features, and the developers do an excellent job of keeping more coming (without making it feel like bloated).

Solid Explorer已经存在了一段时间,并获得了相当多的关注。 文件管理器的开发非常活跃,总是很高兴看到它-已经塞满了许多有用的功能,并且开发人员在保持更多功能(而不让它显得肿)方面做得很好。

There are two versions of Solid Explorer available in the Play Store: Solid Explorer File Manager and Solid Explorer File Manager Classic. The latter is essentially a legacy app that was left in place as some early adopters of the app preferred it to the newer redesign. Our recommendation is for the newer application, not the Classic version.

Play商店提供了两种版本的Solid Explorer:Solid Explorer文件管理器和Solid Explorer File Manager经典。 后者本质上是一个遗留应用程序,因为该应用程序的某些早期采用者宁愿使用它,也不愿使用较新的重新设计。 我们的建议是针对较新的应用程序, 而不是经典版本。

Like you’d expect from a file manager, Solid is easy to use and straightforward. It offers quick access to oft-used files—like photos, music, videos, and even apps—and even allows custom bookmarks to be set for specific locations. If you find yourself accessing the same locations repeatedly, this is a godsend.

就像您对文件管理器所期望的那样,Solid是易于使用和直接的。 它提供了对常用文件(例如照片,音乐,视频甚至应用程序)的快速访问,甚至允许为特定位置设置自定义书签。 如果您发现自己反复访问相同的位置,那就太天了。


Solid’s clean looks and intuitive interface aside, my personal favorite feature is Dual Pane mode. With this enabled (which should be the default setting), flipping the phone into landscape mode will bring up two Solid panes, which is amazing for quick copy/pasting files into new locations. So if you download a new wallpaper and want it in your Pictures folder, this is the best and simplest way to do it.

除了Solid整洁的外观和直观的界面外,我个人最喜欢的功能是Dual Pane模式。 启用此功能(应为默认设置)后,将手机切换为横向模式将弹出两个“实心”窗格,这对于将文件快速复制/粘贴到新位置而言非常令人惊奇。 因此,如果您下载新墙纸并将其放在“图片”文件夹中,则这是最好,最简单的方法。


There are a few other features under Solid’s hood, too. Firstly, it allows for specific folders to be “hidden” so they only show up under a hidden menu. It’s not really meant as a line of security, but can come in handy to keep prying eyes (who don’t know about this hidden location) from accessing files you’d rather keep to yourself.

Solid的内部还有其他一些功能。 首先,它允许“隐藏”特定文件夹,因此它们仅显示在隐藏菜单下。 这并不是真正意义上的安全保护措施,但它可以派上用场,以防止他人窥探您本想保护自己的文件(这些人不知道这个隐藏位置)。


Solid also has full root support for rooted handsets, which is a crucial tool for users looking for advanced functionality. And for users who are picky about how their file manager looks, you can even customize the look. It really is the full package.

Solid还对有根手机具有完全的根支持,这对于寻求高级功能的用户而言是至关重要的工具。 对于挑剔文件管理器外观的用户,您甚至可以自定义外观。 它确实是完整的软件包。

Solid Explorer is free to try out for 14 days, but requires a $1.99 in-app purchase after that. It’s worth it.

Solid Explorer可以免费试用14天,但之后需要以1.99美元的价格进行应用内购买。 这很值得。

最适合快速任务:Android的内置文件管理器 (The Best for Quick Tasks: Android’s Built-in File Manager)

Okay, so you don’t want to shell out money on something you’re going to use once or twice to access your recently downloaded files. I get it, and there’s a solution here too: Android’s built-in file manager.

好的,所以您不想花大钱购买要使用一两次的文件来访问最近下载的文件。 我明白了,这里也有解决方案:Android的内置文件管理器。

As simple as I would like for this to be, it gets a little convoluted depending on what version of Android you’re running. For example, the “Downloads” button in the Nougat’s app drawer opens what is essentially a full file manager. It offers quick access to downloads, videos, audio, recent files, and even Google Drive. That pretty much covers the bases for most users.

就像我想要的那样简单,它会根据您所运行的Android版本而有些混乱。 例如,在Nougat应用程序抽屉中的“下载”按钮可以打开实质上是完整文件管理器的文件。 它提供了对下载,视频,音频,最新文件甚至Google云端硬盘的快速访问。 这几乎涵盖了大多数用户的基础。


If you’re not on Nougat, however, things get a little…less useful. First off, the Downloads app shows exactly that: downloads. Nothing more. If you want  more access, then you’ll have to first install this app (Marshmallow users only), which will create a quick link on your home screen to the Marshmallow file manager. And even then, it isn’t nearly as full featured as the Nougat file manager. This will open what is essentially the root of the internal storage on the device. From there, you can navigate to your desired location.

但是,如果您不在牛轧糖上,事情会变得有点…没用。 首先,“下载”应用程序完全显示以下内容:下载。 而已。 如果您想获得更多访问权限,则必须首先安装此应用程序 (仅棉花糖用户),这将在主屏幕上创建指向棉花糖文件管理器的快速链接。 甚至到那时,它的功能还不及Nougat文件管理器。 这将打开实质上是设备内部存储的根目录。 从那里,您可以导航到所需的位置。


It’s also worth talking about the built-in file manager on non-stock devices. If you have a Samsung or LG device, for example, your phone shipped with each manufacturers respective file manager app. For 90 percent of users, this is probably good enough. Roll with it!

值得一提的是非库存设备上的内置文件管理器。 例如,如果您有Samsung或LG设备,则您的手机将与每个制造商一起提供各自的文件管理器应用程序。 对于90%的用户来说,这可能已经足够了。 滚吧!


Like with all other lists, this isn’t a be-all-end-all. There will undoubtedly be users who have a very specific use case and want specific features as a result. Those users may love something like Total Commander or FX File Explorer—both very good file managers, but a little more niche than what we’d normally want to recommend as the “best.” For most users, the above two options should cover everything you need.

像所有其他列表一样,这不是万能的。 无疑,会有一些用户拥有非常特定的用例,并因此需要特定的功能。 这些用户可能喜欢Total CommanderFX File Explorer之类的东西,它们都是非常好的文件管理器,但比我们通常希望推荐的“最佳” 文件略胜一筹。 对于大多数用户而言,以上两个选项应该可以满足您的所有需求。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/281189/the-best-file-managers-for-android/





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