



LibreOffice has many useful features, but you can add even more. Much like Firefox add-ons or Chrome extensions, you can add extensions to LibreOffice to expand its capabilities.

LibreOffice具有许多有用的功能,但您可以添加更多功能。 就像Firefox附加组件或Chrome扩展一样,您可以向LibreOffice添加扩展以扩展其功能。

For example, there are extensions that add an enhanced Find & Replace dialog box for Writer (AltSearch), a grammar checker for Writer (Lightproof), a Calendar for Calc, a floating Search window in Calc, and the ability to perform calculations directly in a Writer document (iMath). There are also some extensions built-in to the base installation of LibreOffice.

例如,有些扩展程序添加了针对Writer的增强的“查找和替换”对话框( AltSearch ),针对Writer的语法检查器( Lightproof ), 针对Calc日历,用于Calc的浮动“ 搜索”窗口以及直接在Calc中执行计算的功能编写者文档( iMath )。 LibreOffice基本安装中还内置了一些扩展。

We’ll add the AltSearch extensions to LibreOffice Writer to enhance the Find & Replace dialog box as an example to show you how to install, set up, and use an extension in LibreOffice. There are many available extensions, some that work in all LibreOffice programs and some that are for specific programs, and we’ll show you where to browse and download extensions designed for LibreOffice.

作为示例,我们将向LibreOffice Writer添加AltSearch扩展以增强“查找和替换”对话框,以向您展示如何在LibreOffice中安装,设置和使用扩展。 有许多可用的扩展名,其中一些在所有LibreOffice程序中均可使用,而某些则可用于特定程序,我们将向您展示在何处浏览和下载为LibreOffice设计的扩展。

To begin, if you’re going to install an extension for a specific LibreOffice program, open that program. Otherwise, you can open any of the programs. We’re going to use Writer for our example, so we’ll open Writer. Then, go to Tools > Extension Manager.

首先,如果您要为特定的LibreOffice程序安装扩展程序,请打开该程序。 否则,您可以打开任何程序。 我们将在示例中使用Writer,因此将打开Writer。 然后,转到“工具”>“扩展管理器”。

NOTE: The Extension Manager is the same in all LibreOffice programs, so you can add extensions, even program-specific ones, from within any LibreOffice program. However, in order to test and use a program-specific extension, you need to be in the program for which it was created.

注意:Extension Manager在所有LibreOffice程序中都是相同的,因此您可以从任何LibreOffice程序中添加扩展,甚至包括特定于程序的扩展。 但是,为了测试和使用特定于程序的扩展,您需要位于为其创建程序的程序中。


To browse and download extensions for LibreOffice, visit the LibreOffice Extension Center. You can also access the Extension Center by clicking the “Get more extensions online” link on the Extension Manager dialog box.

要浏览和下载LibreOffice扩展 ,请访问LibreOffice Extension Center 。 您还可以通过单击扩展管理器对话框上的“在线获取更多扩展”链接来访问扩展中心。

NOTE: Some extensions have a warning on their page on the Extension Center saying, “This product has not had a release in over 1 year and may no longer be maintained.” This doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t use the extension. The AltSearch extension has that message, but seems to work fine. If the extension works and does what you want it to do, go ahead and use it. The Extension Center is an official LibreOffice website, so extensions downloaded from that site should work and be free of viruses or malware. However, we still recommend you scan the downloaded files with your favorite antivirus program to be safe.

注意:某些扩展在扩展中心的页面上带有警告,指出:“此产品在1年内未发布版本,可能不再维护。” 这并不一定意味着您不应该使用扩展名。 AltSearch扩展名具有该消息,但似乎工作正常。 如果扩展程序可以正常工作并且可以执行您想要的操作,请继续使用它。 扩展中心是LibreOffice的官方网站,因此从该站点下载的扩展应该可以运行,并且没有病毒或恶意软件。 但是,我们仍然建议您使用自己喜欢的防病毒程序扫描下载的文件,以确保安全。


If you click the link on the Extension Manager dialog box to access the Extension Center, you’ll arrive on the Home page for the center. Click the “Extensions” button at the top of the page to access the list of extensions and a search tool for finding specific types of extensions or extensions for a specific LibreOffice program or for a specific version of LibreOffice.

如果单击扩展管理器对话框上的链接以访问扩展中心,则将到达该中心的主页。 单击页面顶部的“扩展名”按钮以访问扩展名列表和搜索工具,以查找特定类型的扩展名或特定LibreOffice程序或特定版本的LibreOffice的扩展名。


Once you’ve found an extension you want to install, download it (it’ll be in the .oxt file format), then go back to the Extension Manager dialog box and click “Add”.



On the Add Extension(s) dialog box, navigate to where you saved your downloaded extension, select the .oxt file, and click “Open”.



Decide for whom you want to install the extension on your computer, for all users or only for yourself, and click the appropriate button.



Some extensions may have a License Agreement you have to accept. If you see the following dialog box, click “Accept” to continue installing the extension.

某些扩展可能具有您必须接受的许可协议。 如果看到以下对话框,请单击“接受”以继续安装扩展程序。


The extension is added to the list on the Extension Manager dialog box. Clicking on the newly installed extension reveals two buttons allowing you to Disable or Remove the extension.

该扩展名将添加到“扩展名管理器”对话框上的列表中。 单击新安装的扩展程序会显示两个按钮,您可以使用它们禁用或删除该扩展程序。


You can disable or remove an extension with the respective buttons. If an extension has additional options you can set, when you select that extension, you’ll see an Options button you can click to change various settings for that extension.

您可以使用相应的按钮禁用或删除扩展名。 如果扩展程序可以设置其他选项,则在选择该扩展程序时,您会看到一个“选项”按钮,您可以单击该按钮以更改该扩展程序的各种设置。

If you’re finished installing and managing extensions, click “Close”.



Using the extension depends on the extension you installed. Some extensions add a toolbar of their own to the toolbar area, some add an item to a menu, and some do both. For some extensions, there is a description on the extension’s web page in the Extension Center that will describe how to access and use it. However, not all extensions have instructions on how to find the menu item or toolbar that was added for the extension. You may have to go searching for the command to use the extension.

使用扩展名取决于您安装的扩展名。 一些扩展将自己的工具栏添加到工具栏区域,一些扩展将项目添加到菜单,而某些扩展两者都执行。 对于某些扩展,扩展中心的扩展网页上有描述,将描述如何访问和使用它。 但是,并非所有扩展都包含有关如何查找为该扩展添加的菜单项或工具栏的说明。 您可能必须去搜索使用扩展名的命令。

For the AltSearch extension, a toolbar with a single button will be added to the toolbar area at the top of the Writer window. You could also go to Tools > Add-Ons > Alternative searching to access the extension. For this extension, the original Find & Replace dialog box is still available by going to Edit > Find & Replace.

对于AltSearch扩展,带有单个按钮的工具栏将被添加到Writer窗口顶部的工具栏区域。 您也可以转到工具>附加组件>替代搜索来访问扩展。 对于此扩展,仍然可以通过转到“编辑”>“查找和替换”来使用原始的“查找和替换”对话框。


If the extensions in your list are being actively maintained, there may be updates to them. To check if any of the extensions have been updated, click “Check for updates”.

如果您列表中的扩展名正在积极维护中,则可能有更新。 要检查任何扩展名是否已更新,请单击“检查更新”。


The Extension Update dialog box opens and a “Checking” message displays in the upper-right corner.



In our case, there were no updates available. If any of your extensions have available updates, they will be listed in the Available extension updates box, where you can select each one and click “Install” to update them. Click “Close” when you’re done updating the extensions.

在我们的情况下,没有可用的更新。 如果您的任何扩展有可用更新,它们将列在“可用扩展更新”框中,您可以在其中选择每个扩展,然后单击“安装”进行更新。 更新完扩展程序后,单击“关闭”。


Extensions serve to make the LibreOffice suite even more useful, and a very viable alternative to Microsoft Office. Feel free to browse through the long list of extensions and see what catches your eye.

扩展使LibreOffice套件更加有用,并且是Microsoft Office的非常可行的替代方案。 随意浏览长长的扩展列表,看看有什么引起您的注意。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/281537/how-to-install-and-manage-extensions-in-libreoffice/


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