



If you really want to dig into the Android system, you may find that some apps require root access. Rooting has become less necessary over the years, but it’s still useful if you want to run certain types of apps. Here’s the most widely supported method for rooting your device, and why you might want to.

如果您确实想深入研究Android系统,可能会发现某些应用程序需要root访问权限。 多年来生根已经变得没有必要了 ,但是如果您要运行某些类型的应用程序它仍然很有用 。 这是用于支持您的设备的最广泛支持的方法,以及您可能想要这么做的原因。

This post was originally published in 2012. It has since been updated to focus on the most widely supported rooting method instead of a collection of one-click apps.


根到底是什么? (What Is Root, Anyway?)

Android is based on Linux. On Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems, the root user is equivalent to the Administrator user on Windows. The root user has access to the entire operating system, and can do anything. By default, you don’t have root access to your own Android device, and certain apps won’t function without root access. Like other modern mobile operating systems, Android confines apps to restrictive security sandboxes for security purposes.

Android基于Linux 。 在Linux和其他类似UNIX的操作系统上,root用户等效于Windows上的Administrator用户。 root用户可以访问整个操作系统,并且可以执行任何操作。 默认情况下,您无权访问自己的Android设备,并且某些应用程序如果没有root访问权就无法运行。 与其他现代移动操作系统一样,出于安全目的,Android将应用程序限制在严格的安全沙箱中。

The root user account always exists in Android; there’s just no built-in way to access it. “Rooting” is the act of gaining access to this root user account. This is often compared to jailbreaking an iPhone or iPad, but rooting and jailbreaking are fairly different.

root用户帐户在Android中始终存在; 只是没有内置的方式来访问它。 “ Rooting”是获得对该root用户帐户的访问权限的行为。 这通常与将iPhone或iPad越狱相比,但生根和越狱却有很大不同

Technical aspects aside, root access allows you to do a lot of useful things. With root, you can remove bloatware that came on your phone, run a firewall, enable tethering even if your carrier is blocking it, manually back up your system, and use a variety of other tweaks that require low-level system access.

除了技术方面,根访问权限还使您可以做很多有用的事情。 使用root用户,您可以删除手机上的过时软件,运行防火墙,即使运营商阻止了网络共享也要启用网络共享,手动备份系统以及使用其他许多需要进行低级系统访问的调整

Apps that require root aren’t hard to find–they’re available in Google Play, but they won’t work until you gain root access. Some apps have features that only work on a rooted device.

不需要root的应用程序并不难找到-它们可以在Google Play中找到,但是只有获得root访问权后它们才能工作。 某些应用具有仅在有根设备上运行的功能。

You only need to root your phone if you want to run a specific app that requires root access. If you don’t plan on actually doing anything with that root access, don’t bother. You can always root it later if you need to.

仅当您要运行需要root用户访问权限的特定应用程序时,才需要root用户访问手机。 如果您不打算使用该根访问权限实际执行任何操作,请不要打扰。 如有需要,您随时可以将其根。

警告事项 (Warnings)

Android devices don’t come rooted for a reason. In fact, some device manufacturers go out of their way to prevent you from rooting. Here’s why:

Android设备之所以没有扎根是有原因的 。 实际上,某些设备制造商会竭尽全力阻止您生根。 原因如下:

  • Security: Rooting breaks apps out of Android’s normal security sandbox. Apps could abuse root privileges you’ve granted and snoop on other apps, something which isn’t normally possible. In fact, Google prevents you from using Android Pay on rooted devices for this reason.

    安全性 :扎根可以使应用脱离Android的常规安全沙箱。 应用可能会滥用您授予的root特权并窥探其他应用,这通常是不可能的。 实际上,由于这个原因,Google 禁止您在已植根的设备上使用Android Pay

  • Warranty: Some manufacturers assert that rooting voids your device’s warranty. However, rooting will not actually damage your hardware. In many cases, you can “unroot” your device and manufacturers won’t be able to tell if it’s been rooted.

    保修 :一些制造商断言扎根会使您的设备保修无效 。 但是,生根实际上不会损坏您的硬件。 在许多情况下,您可以“取消根目录”您的设备,而制造商将无法确定该设备是否已被根目录。

  • Bricking: As usual, you do this at your own risk. Rooting should generally be a very safe process, but you’re on your own here. If you mess something up, you can’t just expect free warranty service to fix it. If you’re worried, do a bit of research first and see if other people report success rooting your device with the tool you’re planning on using.

    砌砖 :通常,您需要自己承担风险。 生根通常是一个非常安全的过程,但是您自己就在这里。 如果您搞砸了,就不能指望免费保修服务来解决它。 如果您担心的话,请先做一些研究,看看其他人是否报告您使用计划使用的工具将设备植根成功。

In addition, rooting may void your warranty, at least for certain types of repairs. Check out our explainer on the subject for more information.

此外,至少在某些类型的维修中,生根可能会使您的保修无效。 查看有关该主题的解释器以获取更多信息。

根植Android手机的多种方法 (The Many Ways to Root an Android Phone)


There are many ways to root an Android phone, and which one you should use depends on your phone. In general, rooting will involve one of these processes:

根植Android手机的方法有很多,应该使用哪种方法取决于您的手机。 通常,生根将涉及以下过程之一:

  • Unlock the Bootloader: Google and device manufacturers don’t officially support rooting, but they do provide an official way to gain low-level access to some devices, which then allows you to root. For example, Nexus devices are intended for developers, and you can easily unlock the bootloader with a single command. You can then root your device by flashing a .zip file containing the su binary from the recovery screen. Tools like the Nexus Root Toolkit for Nexus devices automate this process. Other manufacturers also offer ways to unlock the bootloader, but only for certain devices.

    解锁Bootloader :Google和设备制造商不正式支持生根,但确实提供了一种官方方式来获得对某些设备的低级访问权限,然后允许您进行生根。 例如,Nexus设备专用于开发人员,您可以使用一个命令轻松解锁引导加载程序。 然后,您可以通过在恢复屏幕中闪烁一个包含su二进制文件的.zip文件来为您的设备生成根目录。 Nexus设备的Nexus Root Toolkit等工具自动执行此过程 。 其他制造商还提供了解锁引导加载程序的方法,但仅适用于某些设备。

  • Exploit a Security Vulnerability: Other devices are locked down. Their manufacturers provide no official way to unlock their bootloaders and tamper with their software. These devices can still be rooted, but only by discovering a security vulnerability on the device and exploiting it to install a su binary onto their system partition. An OTA update might fix the security vulnerability as well as unroot the device. For example, there was an $18,000 bounty for the first person who could root a Samsung Galaxy S5 running on Verizon or AT&T. A vulnerability was found, but future updates could prevent the vulnerability from working and remove the ability to root the Galaxy S5.

    利用安全漏洞 :其他设备已被锁定。 他们的制造商没有提供官方方法来解锁其引导加载程序并篡改其软件。 这些设备仍然可以植根,但是只能通过在设备上发现安全漏洞并利用该漏洞在其系统分区上安装su二进制文件。 OTA更新可能会修复安全漏洞,并取消设备的root用户权限。 例如,第一个可以植根于Verizon或AT&T上的Samsung Galaxy S5的人可获得$ 18,000的赏金。 发现了一个漏洞,但以后的更新可能会阻止该漏洞起作用,并导致无法根植Galaxy S5。

  • Flash CyanogenMod or Another Custom ROM: Technically, this is an extension of one of the above methods. Unlocking the bootloader and exploiting a security vulnerability can each allow you to flash Custom ROMs like CyanogenMod, which often come pre-rooted. CyanogenMod includes a simple toggle on its settings screen that allows you to enable or disable root access. Upgrading to a new version of CyanogenMod or your custom ROM won’t unroot your device if the ROM comes with an integrated way to enable root.

    Flash CyanogenMod或另一个自定义ROM :从技术上讲,这是上述方法之一的扩展。 解锁引导加载程序并利用安全漏洞,每个都可以使您闪存自定义ROM(例如CyanogenMod),它们通常已预先植根。 CyanogenMod在其设置屏幕上包括一个简单的切换,可让您启用或禁用root访问。 如果ROM带有集成的启用root的方式,则升级到CyanogenMod的新版本或自定义ROM不会取消设备的root权限。

In this article, we’ll primarily be discussing users who fall into the first camp, who have an unlockable bootloader. If your phone requires an exploit, we won’t be able to help you, since the process is different for just about every phone. You’ll have to search a forum like XDA Developers for more information on how to root your specific device. This guide previously featured one-click root apps Kingo Root and Towelroot, and those may still support some older phones as well.

在本文中,我们将主要讨论属于第一阵营的用户,他们拥有可解锁的引导加载程序。 如果您的电话需要利用,我们将无法为您提供帮助,因为每个电话的处理过程都不同。 您必须在XDA Developers之类的论坛上进行搜索,以获取有关如何植根特定设备的更多信息。 本指南以前以一键式根应用程序Kingo RootTowelroot为特色 ,它们可能仍然支持某些旧手机。

If your device does have an unlockable bootloader, however, then read on. We generally recommend the TWRP method over one-click root programs because you learn exactly how everything works, which will help you troubleshoot if something goes wrong in the future–one-click root programs aren’t as transparent. Before you begin this process, you’ll need to unlock your bootloader the official way, and then install the TWRP recovery environment using these instructions. We’ll then use TWRP to root your phone.

但是,如果您的设备确实具有可解锁的引导加载程序,请继续阅读。 通常,我们建议对一键式根程序使用TWRP方法,因为您可以确切地了解一切工作原理,这将有助于您在将来出现问题时进行故障排除-一键式根程序不那么透明。 在开始此过程之前,您需要以正式方式解锁引导加载程序 ,然后按照以下说明安装TWRP恢复环境 。 然后,我们将使用TWRP将您的手机扎根。

如何将SuperSU刷新到手机并获得根访问权限 (How to Flash SuperSU to Your Phone and Gain Root Access)

Alright, so you’ve unlocked your bootloader, and you’ve installed TWRP. Great! You’re actually almost there. To gain root access, we’re going to use a program called SuperSU, which gives you the ability to grant root access to other apps.

好了,所以您已经解锁了引导加载程序,并安装了TWRP。 大! 您实际上快到了。 要获得root用户访问权限,我们将使用一个名为SuperSU的程序,该程序使您能够向其他应用程序授予root用户访问权限。

SuperSU is available in the Google Play Store, but that version doesn’t actually give you root access–in fact, you need root access to use it in the first place! Talk about a Catch-22. Thankfully, SuperSU is also available as a .zip file that we can “flash” with TWRP. Doing so will grant you root access along with the management features of SuperSU’s Android app.

SuperSU在Google Play商店中可用,但是该版本实际上并未授予您root访问权限-实际上,您首先需要root访问权限才能使用它! 谈论Catch-22。 值得庆幸的是,SuperSU也可以以.zip文件的形式提供,我们可以使用TWRP“刷新”该文件。 这样做将授予您root权限以及SuperSU的Android应用程序的管理功能。

So, to start, head to this link, which will take you to the latest version of SuperSU available for download. Download the .zip file to your computer, plug in your phone with a USB cable, and drag the SuperSU zip to your phone’s internal storage or SD card.

因此,首先请转到此链接 ,它将带您到最新版本的SuperSU可供下载。 将.zip文件下载到计算机,用USB电缆插入手机,然后将SuperSU zip拖到手机的内部存储或SD卡中。

Next, reboot your phone into TWRP recovery. Doing this is a bit different on every phone–for example, you may have to hold the Power and Volume Down buttons simultaneously, then use the volume keys to boot “Recovery Mode”. Google instructions for your specific model to see how it’s done.

接下来,将手机重新启动到TWRP恢复。 在每部手机上执行此操作都有些不同,例如,您可能必须同时按住电源和降低音量按钮,然后使用音量键启动“恢复模式”。 Google针对您的特定模型的说明,说明如何完成。

Once you’ve done so, you’ll be greeted with the familiar TWRP home screen. Click the Install button.

完成此操作后,您将看到熟悉的TWRP主屏幕。 单击安装按钮。

NOTE: You should probably make a backup in TWRP before continuing with this process.



The following screen will appear. Scroll down and navigate to the SuperSU ZIP file you transferred earlier.

将出现以下屏幕。 向下滚动并导航到您先前传输的SuperSU ZIP文件。


Tap the SuperSU zip and you’ll see this screen. Swipe to confirm the flash.

点击SuperSU zip,您将看到此屏幕。 滑动以确认闪光。


It should only take a moment to flash the SuperSU package.  When it finishes, tap the “Wipe cache/Dalvik” button that appears and swipe to confirm.

只需花费一点时间即可刷新SuperSU软件包。 完成后,点击出现的“ Wipe cache / Dalvik”按钮,然后滑动以确认。


When that finishes, tap the “Reboot System” button to boot back into Android.


If TWRP asks if you want to install SuperSU now, choose “Do Not Install”. Sometimes, TWRP can’t detect that you already have SuperSU, so it’ll ask to flash its built-in version. But it’s almost always best to flash the latest version of SuperSU yourself, which we’ve just done.

如果TWRP询问您是否现在要安装SuperSU,请选择“不安装”。 有时,TWRP无法检测到您已经拥有SuperSU,因此它会要求刷新其内置版本。 但是,几乎总是最好自己刷新最新版本的SuperSU,我们已经完成了。


使用SuperSU应用程序管理根权限 (Managing Root Permissions With the SuperSU App)

When you reboot your phone, you should see the new SuperSU icon in your app drawer. SuperSU controls which other apps on your phone get root permissions. Whenever an app wants to request root permissions, it has to ask your SuperSU app, which will show a request prompt.

重新启动手机时,您应该在应用程序抽屉中看到新的SuperSU图标。 SuperSU控制手机上哪些其他应用程序具有root权限。 每当应用程序想要请求root权限时,它都必须询问您的SuperSU应用程序,该应用程序将显示请求提示。

To make sure root is working properly, you can download the Root Checker app and verify your rooted status. Alternatively, download a root-only app you’ve been wanting to try, and see if it asks you for superuser permissions.

为了确保root用户正常工作,您可以下载Root Checker应用程序并验证您的root用户状态。 或者,下载您一直想尝试的仅root用户应用程序,然后查看其是否询问您超级用户权限。

For example, if we open and try to add an app to Greenify–a handy battery-saving app for rooted phones–we’ll see this popup, asking for root access. If you click Grant and you get a success message, you have successfully achieved root on your phone.

例如,如果我们打开并尝试向Greenify添加一个应用程序-用于生根电话的省电应用程序-我们将看到此弹出窗口,要求进行root访问。 如果单击“授予”,并且您收到一条成功消息,则说明您已成功在手机上取得root权限。

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To manage root permissions, open your app drawer and tap the SuperSU icon. You’ll see a list of apps that have been granted or denied superuser access. You can tap on an app to change its permissions.

要管理root权限,请打开您的应用程序抽屉,然后点击SuperSU图标。 您将看到已被授予或拒绝超级用户访问权限的应用程序列表。 您可以点击某个应用以更改其权限。

If you ever want to unroot, open the SuperSU app, go to its Settings screen, and tap the “Full unroot” option. It will attempt to unroot your device. If it works for you, this is definitely the easiest way to unroot your phone.

如果要取消root,请打开SuperSU应用程序,进入“设置”屏幕,然后点击“完全取消root”选项。 它将尝试取消设备的根目录。 如果适合您,这绝对是取消手机root的最简单方法。

But for now, the world is your root-friendly oyster. You can check out our list of great root apps for ideas, or install the Xposed framework for some seriously cool tweaks. Good luck!

但就目前而言,世界是您的根源牡蛎。 您可以查看我们的优秀根应用程序列表以获取想法,或者安装Xposed框架进行一些非常酷的调整 。 祝好运!

Image Credit: Norebbo

图片来源: Norebbo







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