如何在macOS Sierra和iOS 10中使用通用剪贴板

In macOS Sierra and iOS 10, Apple added a new feature to Continuity called “Universal Clipboard”. Universal Clipboard allows you to copy something on your iPhone, and paste it on your Mac–or vice-versa–using iCloud.

macOS Sierra和iOS 10中,Apple向Continuity添加了一项名为“通用剪贴板”的新功能。 通用剪贴板允许您在iPhone上复制某些内容,然后使用iCloud将其粘贴到Mac上(反之亦然)。

Universal clipboard isn’t an advanced feature. For example, you can only copy and paste one operation at a time, so anything currently in the clipboard will be overwritten when you copy something new. Additionally, anything in the universal clipboard will expire after about two minutes.

通用剪贴板不是高级功能。 例如,一次只能复制和粘贴一个操作,因此,当您复制新内容时,剪贴板中当前的任何内容都将被覆盖。 此外,通用剪贴板中的所有内容都将在两分钟后过期。

For Continuity to work, you’ll want to make sure that all devices are connected to the same iCloud account and Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are enabled. We were able to copy and paste text via a mobile data connection, but had a few issues pasting images until we enabled Wi-Fi.

为了使Continuity正常工作 ,您需要确保所有设备都连接到相同的iCloud帐户,并且启用了Bluetooth和Wi-Fi。 我们能够通过移动数据连接复制和粘贴文本,但是在启用Wi-Fi之前粘贴图像存在一些问题。

Let’s show you briefly how the copy and pasting process is performed, first from iPhone to Mac.


To copy a short bit of text in Safari from iPhone to Mac, select the bit of text on iPhone you want to copy. You can either tap the “Copy” button that appears from the resulting context menu. You can also tap the share button at the bottom of screen and tap “Copy”.

要将Safari中的一小段文本从iPhone复制到Mac,请在iPhone上选择要复制的文本。 您可以点击出现的上下文菜单中出现的“复制”按钮。 您也可以点击屏幕底部的共享按钮,然后点击“复制”。

Now, to paste the copied text into a new Note on Mac, open the Notes app, create a new note or open an existing one, and either head to Edit > Paste or press Command+V on your keyboard.

现在,要将复制的文本粘贴到Mac上的新便笺中,请打开“便笺”应用程序,创建新便笺或打开现有便笺,然后转到“编辑”>“粘贴”或按键盘上的Command + V。

As the following screenshot shows, the copied text now appears in the new note.


The destination app to which you paste clipboard items shouldn’t matter. Whether it’s Pages, Notes or Word, if you can paste, it should work. Similarly, you should be able to copy from any app as well. Know however, results may vary, and in our experience, using native Apple apps will yield the most reliable copy/paste operations.

将剪贴板项目粘贴到的目标应用程序无关紧要。 无论是Pages,Notes还是Word,如果可以粘贴,它都可以工作。 同样,您也应该能够从任何应用程序进行复制。 但是请注意,结果可能会有所不同,根据我们的经验,使用本地Apple应用程序将产生最可靠的复制/粘贴操作。

Just as you can paste from iOS to macOS, so can you from macOS to iOS as well. Let’s copy and paste an image from Preview on Mac, to a note on iPhone.

正如可以从iOS粘贴到macOS一样,也可以从macOS粘贴到iOS。 让我们将Mac上的Preview中的图像复制并粘贴到iPhone上的便笺中。

First, open the image in Preview and copy it using the Edit > Copy or by pressing Command+C on your keyboard.

首先,在“预览”中打开图像,然后使用“编辑”>“复制”或按键盘上的Command + C进行复制。

With the Notes app open, create or open a note. Tap on the note and then “Paste” from the resulting context menu.

打开“便笺”应用程序后,创建或打开便笺。 点击注释,然后从出现的上下文菜单中“粘贴”。

There may be a bit of a delay because the image has to first sync to iCloud and then to your iPhone or iPad, but soon enough, the image should be pasted into the target app.


If you copy an image from iOS to Mac, you will see a notification that the item is being pasted from your iPhone to your Mac.



In many cases, using the universal clipboard may not be the best method. For example, it isn’t more convenient than using AirDrop. What’s more, with some apps such as Reminders and Notes, content is normally synced, so you could just add content into a new note on the source device and it will appear automatically on the target device.

在许多情况下,使用通用剪贴板可能不是最好的方法。 例如,它没有比使用AirDrop更方便。 而且,对于某些应用程序(如提醒和便笺),内容通常会进行同步,因此您只需将内容添加到源设备上的新便笺中,便会自动出现在目标设备上。

There’s no doubt that universal clipboard has its uses, though. It just works, it’s seamless, and when it comes to pasting something into non-native apps, it is definitely useful. Further, there may be instances where you simply don’t want to AirDrop a file, in which case, universal clipboard is an excellent solution.

毫无疑问,通用剪贴板有其用途。 它可以正常工作,而且是无缝的,并且在将某些内容粘贴到非本机应用程序中时,它绝对有用。 此外,在某些情况下,您根本不想空投文件,在这种情况下,通用剪贴板是一个很好的解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/274646/how-to-use-universal-clipboard-in-macos-sierra-and-ios-10/





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