鼠标左键按钮不起作用? 这是解决方法

A gaming mouse
Third of november/Shutterstock.com 11月3日/Shutterstock.com

Even something as simple as a mouse button can fail. If your mouse’s left-click button is sticking, isn’t consistently responding, or is accidentally double-clicking, this often indicates a hardware problem with the mouse. It could be a software issue, however.

甚至像鼠标按钮这样简单的操作也会失败。 如果鼠标的左键单击不动,响应不连续或意外双击,则通常表明鼠标存在硬件问题。 但是,这可能是软件问题。

这可能是硬件问题; 这是检查方法 (It’s Probably a Hardware Problem; Here’s How to Check)

In our experience, most mouse left-click (or right-click) issues point to hardware failure. If the mouse’s left-click button doesn’t work, only sometimes responds, accidentally “unclicks” as you drag, misclicks, or double-clicks when you click once, that’s a pretty good sign there’s something wrong with the hardware in the left-click button itself.

根据我们的经验,大多数鼠标左键单击(或右键单击)问题都指向硬件故障。 如果鼠标的左键单击按钮不起作用,仅有时会响应,当您单击一次鼠标时会意外地“取消单击”,误单击或双击,这是一个很好的信号,说明左侧的硬件存在问题-单击按钮本身。

There’s an extremely easy way to check whether you have a hardware issue or a software issue: Unplug your mouse from your current computer, plug it into another computer, and test the left-click button. If you have a wireless mouse, either plug its RF dongle into another computer or pair it via Bluetooth with another computer.

有一种非常简单的方法可以检查您是否遇到硬件问题或软件问题:从当前计算机上拔下鼠标,将其插入另一台计算机,然后测试左键单击按钮。 如果您有无线鼠标,则将其RF加密狗插入另一台计算机,或者通过蓝牙将其与另一台计算机配对。

If the problem is the same when the mouse is plugged into another computer, you know you have a hardware problem. If the mouse works perfectly on another computer, there’s a software configuration issue with your current computer.

如果将鼠标插入另一台计算机时问题仍然相同,则表明您遇到了硬件问题。 如果鼠标可以在另一台计算机上正常工作,则说明当前计算机存在软件配置问题。

You can also try connecting another mouse to your current PC. Does it have the same problem? If not, there’s likely a hardware issue. If both mice have the same strange left-click issues, there’s definitely a software issue with your PC.

您也可以尝试将其他鼠标连接到当前PC。 是否有同样的问题? 如果没有,则可能是硬件问题。 如果两个鼠标都具有相同的奇怪的左键单击问题,则说明您的PC肯定存在软件问题。

There could also be a problem with a USB port on your system—if it’s a wired mouse, try plugging your mouse into another USB port. If you have a wireless mouse with a USB dongle, move the dongle to another USB port.

系统上的USB端口也可能有问题-如果是有线鼠标,请尝试将鼠标插入另一个USB端口。 如果您的无线鼠标带有USB加密狗,请将加密狗移至另一个USB端口。

Keep in mind that some problems can be spotty or intermittent, especially if the hardware is just starting to fail. The mouse button may work great much of the time and only fail sometimes. Use the mouse with another PC for long enough to confirm that it’s working correctly.

请记住,某些问题可能是零星的或间歇性的,尤其是在硬件刚刚开始出现故障的情况下。 鼠标按钮可能在大多数情况下都能正常工作,有时只会失败。 将鼠标与另一台PC一起使用足够长的时间,以确认其正常工作。

如何修复损坏的鼠标按钮 (How to Fix a Broken Mouse Button)

Repairing the internals of a computer mouse
Denys Kurbatov/Shutterstock.com 丹尼斯·库尔巴托夫(Denys Kurbatov)/Shutterstock.com

All mouse buttons will eventually fail if you use them enough. Mouse buttons are rated for a certain number of clicks. For example, the latest version of Razer’s popular DeathAdder Elite gaming mouse is rated for “up to 50 million clicks.” A cheaper mouse may be rated for many fewer clicks. After that, the physical mechanism in the mouse button wears down, and it stops working correctly.

如果您足够使用所有鼠标按钮,它们最终将失败。 鼠标按钮具有一定的点击次数。 例如,雷蛇(Razer)最受欢迎的DeathAdder Elite游戏鼠标的最新版本被评级为“高达5000万次点击”。 较便宜的鼠标可能会获得较少的点击次数。 此后,鼠标按钮中的物理机制将耗竭,并且无法正常工作。

If your mouse is still in warranty, we recommend you contact the manufacturer and take advantage of it. The company should repair the mouse for you—or, more likely, send you a new one.

如果您的鼠标仍在保修期内,建议您与制造商联系并充分利用它。 该公司应该为您修理鼠标,或者更有可能为您提供新鼠标。

If your mouse is out of warranty, well, it may be time to buy a new mouse. Or, if you’re willing to get your hands dirty, you can try repairing it yourself. The exact process will vary depending on your model of mouse and precisely what’s broken. For example, iFixit has a general guide to repairing mouse buttons. YouTube is full of advice for individual mouse models, such as this guide to re-tensioning a spring in a Logitech Performance MX mouse. The problem may be simpler than it seems—you may just need to open the mouse and clean out some dust getting in the way. We recommend searching for your mouse’s model name and “fix left click,” “fix mouse button,” or a similar search for some customized information.

如果您的鼠标不在保修范围内,可能是时候购买新鼠标了 。 或者,如果您愿意弄脏手,可以尝试自己修理。 确切的过程将根据您的鼠标型号以及发生的故障而有所不同。 例如,iFixit具有维修鼠标按钮的一般指南。 YouTube上有很多有关单个鼠标模型的建议,例如本指南中有关在Logitech Performance MX鼠标中重新张紧弹簧的指南。 该问题可能比看起来简单,您可能只需要打开鼠标并清除一些灰尘即可。 我们建议您搜索鼠标的型号名称,并单击“固定左键单击”,“固定鼠标按钮”或类似的搜索来搜索一些自定义信息。

如何解决左键单击软件问题 (How to Troubleshoot Left-Click Software Issues)

If your mouse works perfectly fine on another PC but doesn’t work correctly on yours, then congratulations! You can fix the glitch. You just need to find out what software issue you have.

如果您的鼠标在另一台PC上运行正常,但在您的PC上无法正常运行,那么恭喜您! 您可以修复故障。 您只需要找出您遇到的软件问题即可。

Before we start, if you’re having trouble following these tips due to mouse clicking problems, you can enable Mouse Keys by pressing Left Alt+Left Shift+Num Lock. You can then control your mouse cursor from your keyboard.

在开始之前,如果由于鼠标单击问题而无法遵循这些提示,则可以通过按Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock启用鼠标键。 然后,您可以从键盘控制鼠标光标

On Windows, it’s possible to swap your left and right mouse buttons. If you’ve done this, your left mouse button may not appear to function normally—it’s functioning as the right one, while the right one is functioning as the left one. This is intended for left-handed people using a right-handed mouse.

在Windows上,可以交换鼠标左键和右键。 如果执行了此操作,则您的鼠标左键可能似乎无法正常工作-它起着右键的作用,而右手起着左键的作用。 这适用于使用右手鼠标的惯用左手的人。

On Windows 10, head to Settings > Devices > Mouse. Under “Select your primary button,” ensure the option is set to “Left.” On Windows 7, head to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Mouse and ensure “Switch primary and secondary buttons” isn’t checked.

在Windows 10上,转到“设置”>“设备”>“鼠标”。 在“选择您的主要按钮”下,确保将选项设置为“左”。 在Windows 7上,转到“控制面板”>“硬件和声音”>“鼠标”,并确保未选中“切换主要和次要按钮”。

Swapping the left and right mouse button on Windows 10

The ClickLock feature can also cause strange issues. With this enabled, you can briefly press the mouse button and release it. Windows will treat the mouse button as held down until you click again. This can help you highlight and drag if you have difficulty holding the mouse button down, but it’s strange and confusing behavior if this setting somehow accidentally got turned on and you aren’t aware of it.

ClickLock功能还会导致奇怪的问题。 启用此功能后,您可以短暂地按下鼠标按钮并将其释放。 Windows会将鼠标按钮视为按下状态,直到再次单击为止。 如果您难以按住鼠标键,这可以帮助您突出显示和拖动,但是如果以某种方式意外打开了此设置并且您不知道它,这将是一种奇怪而令人困惑的行为。

On both Windows 10 and 7, head to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Mouse. Ensure the “Turn on ClickLock” option is unchecked here.

在Windows 10和7上,转到“控制面板”>“硬件和声音”>“鼠标”。 确保此处未选中“打开ClickLock”选项。

Disabling the ClickLock option on Windows

It’s possible that a hardware driver issue could be causing issues with recognizing your mouse button’s clicks, too. We’ve never seen this problem in the wild, but it’s worth checking. To test this, open the Device Manager. You can do so by right-clicking the Start button on Windows 10 and selecting “Device Manager.”

硬件驱动程序问题也可能会导致识别鼠标按钮的点击问题。 我们从未在野外看到过这个问题,但是值得检查。 要对此进行测试,请打开“ 设备管理器” 。 您可以通过右键单击Windows 10上的“开始”按钮并选择“设备管理器”来实现。

Expand the “Mice and other pointing devices” section, locate your mouse, right-click it, and select “Update Driver.” Click “Search automatically for updated driver software,” and Windows will attempt to find new drivers that match the mouse.

展开“鼠标和其他指针设备”部分,找到鼠标,右键单击它,然后选择“更新驱动程序”。 单击“自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件”,Windows会尝试查找与鼠标匹配的新驱动程序。

If you see multiple mouse devices here, repeat the process for each.


Updating a mouse device's drivers in the Device Manager

Many other websites offer a wide variety of troubleshooting tips that we doubt are helpful. As always it’s a good idea to reboot your PC and see if that fixes the problem. And, sure, you could try booting into Safe Mode to see if there’s a strange hardware issue. But scanning your system files for corruption probably isn’t going to help.

许多其他网站提供了各种疑难解答提示,我们怀疑这些提示是否有用。 与往常一样, 重启PC并查看是否可以解决问题是个好主意。 而且,当然,您可以尝试启动到安全模式,以查看是否存在奇怪的硬件问题。 但是扫描系统文件中的损坏可能不会有帮助。

Let’s face it: Most left-click problems with mice are due to hardware failure. Unless you’ve accidentally enabled a particular setting in Windows, the real solution to a left-click problem is generally replacing (or repairing) the mouse itself.

让我们面对现实:鼠标的大多数左击问题是由于硬件故障引起的。 除非您意外地在Windows中启用了特定设置,否则解决左键单击问题的真正方法通常是替换(或修复)鼠标本身。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/428533/mouse-left-click-button-not-working-heres-how-to-fix-it/





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