如何为孩子创建Apple ID并将其添加到您的家人

Apple ID login page

Hand-me-down hardware is a rite of passage for even the most hardened of technology fans, so there may be times where a child receives an old iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Here’s how to create them their own Apple ID and add it to your family.

即使对于最坚强的技术迷来说,手动放下的硬件也是一种习惯,因此有时儿童可能会收到旧的iPhone,iPad或iPod touch。 以下是如何为他们创建自己的Apple ID并将其添加到您的家人的方法。

Apple IDs are vital for helping Apple and apps differentiate between users, and an Apple ID is necessary for making App Store purchases and signing up for iCloud. Both of those things are pretty integral to using an iOS device, so even if you’re handing an old device to a child, they’re going to need an Apple ID to really use it. Don’t leave your Apple ID signed in for them—that’s just asking for trouble.

Apple ID对于帮助Apple和应用程序区分用户至关重要,Apple ID对于进行App Store购买和注册iCloud是必不可少的。 这两件事对于使用iOS设备都是不可或缺的,因此,即使您将旧设备交给孩子,他们也需要使用Apple ID才能真正使用它。 不要让您的Apple ID登录,这只是在麻烦自己。

Once you’ve successfully created a new Apple ID for your child, you can link it to your “family,” meaning you’ll have control over it and any App Store payments will be processed via your method of choice.

为孩子成功创建新的Apple ID之后,您可以将其链接到“ 家人 ”,这意味着您可以控制它,并且所有App Store付款都将通过您选择的方式进行处理。

With that said, here are the steps you need to follow.


如何为孩子创建Apple ID (How to Create an Apple ID for a Child)

To start, open the Settings app and then tap on your name at the top of the screen.


Click your name

Next, tap “Family Sharing” to enter the screen where you can manage all of the accounts associated with a parent’s Apple ID.

接下来,点击“家庭共享”进入屏幕,您可以在其中管理与父母的Apple ID相关联的所有帐户。

Tap Family Sharing

Tap “Add Family Member” and then tap “Create Child Account.”


Tap Add Family Member, followed by "Create Child Account."

The next screen explains that you will be guided through creating a new child’s account and that it will automatically be added to your family. Tap “Next.”

下一个屏幕说明,将指导您创建一个新孩子的帐户,该帐户将自动添加到您的家人中。 点击“下一步”。

Tap Next

On the next screen, enter your child’s birthday and then tap “Next.”


Enter date of birth. Tap Next

The next screen displays the Parental Privacy Disclosure. Read it, and if you agree, tap “Agree.”

下一个屏幕将显示“父母隐私披露”。 阅读它,如果您同意,请点击“同意”。

Tap Agree

The next screen prompts you to enter the security code (CVV) of the card that’s associated with your own Apple ID. If you don’t have one, you’ll be prompted to add one. Tap “Next” when done.

下一个屏幕提示您输入与您自己的Apple ID关联的卡的安全码(CVV)。 如果您没有,则系统会提示您添加一个。 完成后点击“下一步”。

Enter CVV and tap Next

Enter your child’s name and then tap “Next.”


Enter child's name. Tap Next.

Now you can enter a username that will be used for the child’s iCloud email address. Enter a unique name, and then tap “Next.”

现在,您可以输入将用于孩子的iCloud电子邮件地址的用户名。 输入唯一的名称,然后点击“下一步”。

Enter an email address. Tap Next

The next few screens will prompt you to choose three security questions and provide answers. These will be used to unlock an account if you lose the password, so make sure you select something both you and your child will remember.

接下来的几个屏幕将提示您选择三个安全问题并提供答案。 如果您丢失密码,这些密码将用于解锁帐户,因此请确保您选择了您和孩子都会记住的东西。

Select three questions and provide answers. Tap Next.

When you’ve chosen your three questions and entered answers, you will be asked whether you want purchases to require approval from you before they are processed. We’d suggest turning it on.

选择三个问题并输入答案后,系统将询问您是否要购买的商品在处理之前需要获得您的批准。 我们建议将其打开。

Enable purchase confirmation and tap next.

Finally, review the Terms and Conditions and then tap “Agree” to complete the process.


Read the terms and conditions ant tap agree

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/403764/how-to-create-an-apple-id-for-a-child-and-add-it-to-your-family/





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