在Windows 8中使用新的Windows资源管理器功能区


The Ribbon interface became a feature in the Microsoft Office suite as of version 2007. The Windows 8 Developer Preview introduced the Ribbon interface into Windows Explorer and it’s been improved in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview.

功能区界面从2007版开始成​​为Microsoft Office套件的功能。Windows 8开发人员预览版将功能区界面引入Windows资源管理器,并且在Windows 8消费者预览版中进行了改进。

By default, the Explorer ribbon is now hidden. Use the down arrow button next to the help button in the upper, right corner of the Explorer window to expand the ribbon.

默认情况下,资源管理器功能区现在处于隐藏状态。 使用资源管理器窗口右上角帮助按钮旁边的向下箭头按钮来展开功能区。


There are three core tabs (Home, Share, and View) and the File menu. The Home tab contains common commands, such as Copy, Paste, New folder, Delete, and Rename.

有三个核心选项卡(“主页”,“共享”和“视图”)和“文件”菜单。 “主页”选项卡包含常用命令,例如“复制”,“粘贴”,“新建文件夹”,“删除”和“重命名”。


The Share tab makes it easy to zip, email, print, and fax files, and share folders.



Contextual tabs displays as you select specific files and folders. For example, if you select an image file, such as a .png file or a .jpg file, the Picture Tools context tab displays providing options only applicable to those types of files. Contextual tabs are color coded so they stand out.

选择特定文件和文件夹时,将显示上下文选项卡。 例如,如果您选择一个图像文件,例如.png文件或.jpg文件,则“图片工具”上下文选项卡将显示仅提供适用于这些类型文件的选项。 上下文选项卡使用颜色编码,因此脱颖而出。


Some of the core tabs may change when you select certain items. When you select Computer in the Navigation pane, the Home tab becomes the Computer tab and the Share tab is not available. The Computer tab provides easy access to the Control Panel and allows you to uninstall or change programs.

选择某些项目时,某些核心选项卡可能会更改。 在“导航”窗格中选择“计算机”时,“主页”选项卡变为“计算机”选项卡,“共享”选项卡不可用。 通过“计算机”选项卡可以轻松访问“控制面板”,并允许您卸载或更改程序。


The Disk Tools contextual tab also becomes available, providing tools for working with hard drives and removable storage, such as Bitlocker, Optimize, Cleanup, and Format.



Windows 8 also has a built-in tool to mount disc images, such as .iso files and .vhd files, and a tool to burn an image to a disc. Selecting the appropriate type of file activates the Disc Image Tools contextual tab.

Windows 8还具有一个内置工具来挂载光盘映像(例如.iso文件和.vhd文件),以及一个将映像刻录到光盘上的工具。 选择适当的文件类型将激活“光盘映像工具”上下文选项卡。


Just as there is in Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 programs, there are popup descriptions that display when you move your mouse over an option on the ribbon. If there is a keyboard shortcut for that option, if displays on the popup.

就像Microsoft Office 2007和2010程序一样,当您将鼠标移到功能区上的某个选项上时,也会显示弹出说明。 如果该选项有键盘快捷键,则在弹出窗口中显示。


If you are more comfortable using the keyboard, the ribbon can be navigated using the keyboard. Press Alt to show keyboard shortcuts for accessing the tabs and the Quick Access Toolbar buttons. Then, press a key for a tab, such as “H” for the Home tab.

如果您更喜欢使用键盘,则可以使用键盘浏览功能区。 按Alt键显示用于访问选项卡的键盘快捷键和“快速访问工具栏”按钮。 然后,按一个选项卡的键,例如“主页”选项卡的“ H”。


Once you’ve pressed the key for a tab, hotkey hints display for the options on that tab. Press the hotkey for the desired option.

按下选项卡的键后,将显示该选项卡上选项的热键提示。 按下所需选项的热键。


The File menu allows you to open a new Explorer window and access the most recently accessed folders and drives in the jump list, called Frequent places, on the right. The jump list was called Favorite Places in the Developer Preview.

通过“文件”菜单,您可以打开一个新的“资源管理器”窗口,并在右侧的“跳转位置”跳转列表中访问最近访问的文件夹和驱动器。 跳转列表在“开发人员预览”中称为“收藏夹”。


The File menu in Windows Explorer now provides easy access to both the command prompt and the Windows PowerShell. You can open both as a normal user or as an administrator. A window opens to the folder currently open in Explorer.

Windows资源管理器中的“文件”菜单现在可以轻松访问命令提示符和Windows PowerShell。 您可以以普通用户或管理员身份打开。 将打开一个窗口,打开资源管理器中当前打开的文件夹。


The Open command window here option is still available by pressing Shift while right-clicking on a folder in Explorer. This also opens a command prompt window to the folder currently open in the Explorer window.

在资源管理器中的文件夹上单击鼠标右键时,按Shift仍可使用“在此处打开命令窗口”选项。 这还会打开一个命令提示符窗口,指向资源管理器窗口中当前打开的文件夹。


The View menu allows you to customize the panes, show and hide File name extensions and hidden items, and also easily Change folder and search options using the Options button.



Selecting the Change folder and search options item from the Options drop-down menu opens the classic Folder Options dialog box, containing the standard options from previous versions of Windows.



You can easily change the layout of the files and folders. The Layout section of the View tab allows you to choose to view the list of files and folders as different sized icons, as a list, as tiles, or in a detailed list.

您可以轻松更改文件和文件夹的布局。 “视图”选项卡的“布局”部分允许您选择以不同大小的图标,列表,图块或详细列表的形式查看文件和文件夹的列表。


The lower, right corner of the Explorer window provides two buttons that allow you to quickly switch between the Large icons view and the Details view.



The Panes section of the View tab allows you to easily customize the Navigation pane and to show or hide the Preview and the Details pane.



The same Quick Access Toolbar from Microsoft Office has been added to Windows Explorer. You can add any of the options from the ribbon to the Quick Access Toolbar simply by right-clicking on the option and selecting Add to Quick Access Toolbar. By default, the Quick Access Toolbar displays above the ribbon. However, you can choose to move it below the ribbon using the same right-click menu.

来自Microsoft Office的相同快速访问工具栏已添加到Windows资源管理器。 您可以通过右键单击选项并选择添加到快速访问工具栏,将功能区中的任何选项添加到快速访问工具栏。 默认情况下,快速访问工具栏显示在功能区上方。 但是,您可以选择使用同一右键单击菜单将其移动到功能区下方。


By default, the Properties and New Folder buttons are available on the Quick Access Toolbar. We added a few buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar, as shown in the following image.

默认情况下,“属性”和“新建文件夹”按钮在快速访问工具栏上可用。 我们在快速访问工具栏中添加了一些按钮,如下图所示。


A lot of people mourned the loss of the “Up” button in Windows 7 Explorer. It’s been brought back in Windows 8 and is available directly to the left of the address bar.

很多人对Windows 7资源管理器中“向上”按钮的丢失感到遗憾。 它已在Windows 8中带回,可直接在地址栏的左侧使用。


The ribbon interface may take some time to get used to, but it exposes close to 200 file management commands some of which used to be buried in menus, dialog boxes, or right-click menus. Windows 8 Explorer makes file management easier and more convenient.

功能区界面可能需要一些时间才能习惯,但它公开了将近200个文件管理命令,其中一些命令以前被埋在菜单,对话框或右键单击菜单中。 Windows 8资源管理器使文件管理更容易,更方便。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/108483/using-the-new-windows-explorer-ribbon-in-windows-8/

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