FaceTime中存在一个巨大的错误。 立即停用

MichaelJayBerlin/Shutterstock.com. MichaelJayBerlin / Shutterstock.com。

Anyone can call you on FaceTime and hear audio or see video from your phone before you answer. This bug is going viral on social media, and the only protection is disabling FaceTime.

在您接听电话之前,任何人都可以在FaceTime上给您打电话并收听音频或观看电话中的视频。 此错误在社交媒体上风行一时,唯一的保护措施是禁用FaceTime。

Update: Apple has now disabled group FaceTime server-side. However, this may not have fixed the problem. We still recommend disabling FaceTime until the problem is fixed.

更新 :Apple现在已禁用组FaceTime服务器端 。 但是,这可能无法解决问题。 我们仍然建议禁用FaceTime,直到问题解决。

We learned of this via 9to5Mac. In summary, all you have to do is start a FaceTime call. While the call is dialing, swipe up from the bottom of the screen, tap “Add Person,” and add your own phone number. A group FaceTime call will begin and include the other person, even if they haven’t answered yet. It looks like they’ve answered, but the call will still be ringing on their lock screen.

我们通过9to5Mac得知了这一点。 总之,您要做的就是开始FaceTime调用。 拨打电话时,从屏幕底部向上滑动,点击“添加人”,然后添加您自己的电话号码。 即使他们尚未应答,也将开始一个FaceTime群组通话并包括另一个人。 看来他们已接听电话,但通话仍会在锁定屏幕上响铃。

All you can do is disable FaceTime to prevent people from snooping on you. If you see a FaceTime request on your phone, someone could be listening to you. There’s no way to limit FaceTime only to your friends, from what we know.

您所能做的就是禁用FaceTime,以防止他人窥探您。 如果您在手机上看到FaceTime请求,则可能有人在监听您。 据我们所知,无法将FaceTime仅限于您的朋友。

Apple told BuzzFeed News that is “aware of this issue and we have identified a fix that will be released in a software update later this week.”

苹果对BuzzFeed News表示“已经意识到了这个问题,我们已经确定了一个修复程序,它将在本周晚些时候的软件更新中发布”。

That’s completely insane. A bug this big needs to be fixed immediately. Apple should shut down FaceTime for everyone if that’s what it takes.

太疯狂了 如此大的错误需要立即修复。 如果需要的话,Apple应该为所有人关闭FaceTime。

Now you can answer for yourself on FaceTime even if they don’t answer🤒#Apple explain this.. pic.twitter.com/gr8llRKZxJ

现在,你可以回答自己上的FaceTime,即使他们不answer🤒 #Apple解释这个.. pic.twitter.com/gr8llRKZxJ

— Benji Mobb™ (@BmManski) January 28, 2019

— Benji Mobb™(@BmManski) ,2019年1月28日

Since Apple isn’t approaching this problem with enough urgency, we recommend disabling FaceTime for now.


On an iPhone or iPad, head to Settings > FaceTime and toggle FaceTime off. You’ll have to repeat this process on all your devices—for example, if you have both an iPhone and iPad.

在iPhone或iPad上,转到“设置”>“ FaceTime”,然后关闭“ FaceTime”。 您必须在所有设备上重复此过程-例如,如果您同时拥有iPhone和iPad。

To disable FaceTime on a Mac, open the FaceTime app and select FaceTime > Turn FaceTime Off. You’ll have to repeat this step on all your Macs, too.

要在Mac上禁用FaceTime,请打开FaceTime应用,然后选择FaceTime>关闭FaceTime。 您还必须在所有Mac上重复此步骤。

FaceTime settings on iPhone

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/theres-a-huge-bug-in-facetime.-disable-it-now/





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