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翻译 为ios复制应用程序_如何在Android上复制iOS 14应用程序库

为ios复制应用程序Khamosh Pathak Khamosh Pathak iOS 14 introduced an “App Library” feature that acts like an app drawer. It’s a place for your apps to be automatically organized into folders by category. Tha...

2020-09-24 10:20:39 2018

翻译 wm_paint重绘图像_如何在Windows 10上使用Paint 3D调整图像大小

wm_paint重绘图像If you need to perform a simple task like resizing an image on your Windows 10 PC, you don’t need to use software with a steep learning curve like Photoshop. You can do it using Microsoft ...

2020-09-24 10:11:00 2147

翻译 如何在Microsoft Outlook中阻止来自特定发件人的电子邮件

There are some people you never want to hear from. You can’t stop them from sending you emails, but you can set up Microsoft Outlook to automatically delete the emails as soon as they arrive. Here’s h...

2020-09-24 09:50:34 4951

翻译 如何从Mac控制飞利浦色相灯

Want to easily control your Hue lights? You don’t have to pick up your phone or yell across the room at Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri. Here are some easy ways to control your Hue lights right from ...

2020-09-24 09:21:46 501

翻译 如何查看Windows上哪个程序正在使用您的所有CPU

Sometimes your Windows 10 PC slows to a crawl, perhaps accompanied by a whirring fan and programs that barely respond. Often the problem is an application that is using a large share of the CPU’s powe...

2020-09-24 08:53:26 916

翻译 您应该购买哪款Apple Watch?

Apple now sells an Apple Watch at every price point. There’s the cutting-edge Series 6 Watch, the new and affordable Apple Watch SE, and the bargain-bin Apple Watch Series 3. But aside from their pric...

2020-09-24 08:11:56 594

翻译 iphone 程序不足_如何将iPhone应用程序从主屏幕移至应用程序库

iphone 程序不足Justin Duino 贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino) Apple added an App Library to the iPhone with the release of iOS 14. Like the App Drawer on Android, any apps not on your home screen will be stored in th...

2020-09-24 08:02:43 913

翻译 iphone粘贴关联_如何将电话号码粘贴到iPhone的电话应用程序中

iphone粘贴关联If you use an iPhone and see a telephone number in a note or on a website, you can often tap it directly to place a call. But if that special link doesn’t show up, you can also “Copy” the ph...

2020-09-24 07:02:33 2384

翻译 ota otg_用免费的OTA电视替换电缆所需的一切

ota otgBlackregis/ShutterstockBlackregis /快门 Don’t go crawling back to cable TV or expensive streaming platforms. Free over-the-air TV (OTA TV) is available at any time, featuring channels including F...

2020-09-24 06:42:09 1032

翻译 mysql 监听tcp6_切换MySQL以监听TCP

mysql 监听tcp6By default, MySQL only allows connections from the localhost address. The configuration file is usually found in /etc/mysql/my.cnf 默认情况下,MySQL仅允许来自本地主机地址的连接。 该配置文件通常位于/etc/mysql/my.cnf中 ...

2020-09-24 05:33:44 3973

翻译 在Ubuntu上安装PHP5和Apache

If you are doing any kind of PHP development, you’ll almost alwaysbe using Apache along with it. Here’s the quick and easy way to get PHP up and running on your Ubuntu box. 如果您正在进行任何形式PHP开发,则几乎总是将Ap...

2020-09-24 04:53:53 234

翻译 linux 视图工具_Linux上日志文件的“实时”视图

linux 视图工具This approach works for any linux operating system, including Ubuntu, and is probably most often used in conjunction with web development work. 这种方法适用于任何Linux操作系统,包括Ubuntu,并且可能最常与Web开发工作结合...

2020-09-24 04:43:47 287

翻译 如何拍摄Apple CarPlay的屏幕截图

Apple 苹果 If you’re using Apple CarPlay (and your vehicle is safely stopped), you can easily take a screenshot of the CarPlay display on your iPhone. 如果您使用的是Apple CarPlay(并且车辆已安全停止),则可以轻松拍摄iPhone上CarP...

2020-09-24 04:24:39 5495

翻译 systemd linux_如何使用systemd在启动时运行Linux程序

systemd linuxFatmawati Achmad Zaenuri/ShutterstockFatmawati Achmad Zaenuri / Shutterstock Need to launch a Linux program at boot? The systemd software provides a way to do it on any Linux distro with ...

2020-09-24 04:14:15 1131

翻译 iphone 自动跳转应用_如何在iPhone上设置“请勿打扰”自动回复消息

iphone 自动跳转应用Apple, Inc. 苹果公司。 If you have “Do Not Disturb” enabled on your iPhone and someone sends you a text message, they may receive an “Auto-Reply” message as a response. Here’s how to configure...

2020-09-24 03:23:17 1059

翻译 如何在Windows 10上使用命令提示符打开Microsoft Edge

You can launch applications and programs using the Command Prompt—and Microsoft Edge is no exception. You can also use Command Prompt to launch Edge in InPrivate Browsing mode, open a specific website...

2020-09-24 02:53:33 8019

翻译 ubuntu 命令窗口_在Ubuntu中清除命令外壳窗口

ubuntu 命令窗口Very simple, either use the clear command: 很简单,可以使用clear命令: clear 明确 or hit Ctrl+L 或按Ctrl + L 翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/clear-the-command-shell-window-in-ubuntu/ubunt...

2020-09-24 01:23:33 469

翻译 ubuntu cpu负载_获取Ubuntu Linux上的平均CPU /系统负载

ubuntu cpu负载Ubuntu linux has a rich set of commands for getting system info. One of the useful pieces of information that a system administrator might need is to know what the overall system load on a...

2020-09-24 00:52:40 721

翻译 使用VMware 5.5.3在Ubuntu Edgy上安装VMware Tools

The VMware Workstation 5.5.3 release notes indicate that itincludes “Experimental support for Ubuntu Linux 6.10, 32-bit and 64-bit”, which means that you can install the VMware tools directly on Ubun...

2020-09-23 23:50:17 151

翻译 如何在Linux上使用Hugo静态站点生成器

Fatmawati Achmad Zaenuri/ShutterstockFatmawati Achmad Zaenuri / Shutterstock Static websites are easy to create and blazingly fast to use. If you learn to use Hugo, you can generate theme-based static...

2020-09-23 23:32:04 988

翻译 如何在Microsoft Word中压缩图像

If you want to reduce the file size of a Microsoft Word documentto more easily share it or save disk space, compressing the images it contains will do the trick. 如果要减小 Microsoft Word文档的文件大小以更轻松地共享它或...

2020-09-23 21:14:41 416

翻译 在Ubuntu上更改您的网卡MAC地址

There are a lot of reasons you might want to manually set your MAC address for your network card. I won’t ask you what your reason is. 有很多原因可能需要您手动设置网卡的MAC地址。 我不会问你你的原因是什么。 To change thissetting, w...

2020-09-23 20:12:38 1441

翻译 如何在Microsoft PowerPoint中创建或删除悬挂缩进

A hanging indent (often called a negative indent) positions the first line of a paragraph a predetermined amount of space behind the following sentences. Here’s how to create or remove a hanging inden...

2020-09-23 19:40:47 1362

翻译 如何在Microsoft Word中添加一个悬挂缩进

A hanging indent is used to position the first line of each paragraph against the margin, with each further line indented. If you want to add hanging indents to a Microsoft Word document, here’s what ...

2020-09-23 19:11:04 2895

翻译 在Linux上显示处理器数量

If you’ve just upgraded your Linux box, or you are wondering how many processors a remote server has, there’s a quick and dirty command you can use to display the number of processors. 如果您刚刚升级了Linux机...

2020-09-23 19:00:55 234

翻译 iphone 启动图_如何通过在iPhone背面点击来启动操作

iphone 启动图Halfpoint/Shutterstock半点/快门 Every year, Apple adds new and interesting accessibility features. As long as you’re runningiOS 14or higher, you have the ability to control the device and laun...

2020-09-23 17:22:20 368

翻译 监控MySQL中的所有SQL查询

Microsoft’s SQL Server has a tool called Profiler that you can use to monitor every SQL query that hits the database. This is extremely useful for programmers as well as database administrators to tro...

2020-09-23 16:43:20 276

翻译 spotify 缓存_如何取消Spotify Premium

spotify 缓存Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming services available. But if you’re trying to cut costs, or you’re just not using it anymore, you can easily cancel your Spotify Premium subs...

2020-09-23 16:12:57 971

翻译 移动端弹出模态窗口js_您可以移动Windows 10的通知弹出窗口吗?

移动端弹出模态窗口jsWindows 10’s notification “toasts” appear near the bottom-right corner of your screen by default. Windows itself doesn’t let you move the notifications, but there are some ways you can move...

2020-09-23 16:02:41 390

翻译 在Windows XP中查找丢失的USB驱动器

Have you ever plugged in a USB drive or any external device with a hard drive and wondered why you cannot see it in My Computer? 您是否曾经插入USB驱动器或任何带有硬盘驱动器的外部设备,并想知道为什么无法在“我的电脑”中看到它? More than likely t...

2020-09-23 15:52:23 306

翻译 如何在Mac,iPhone和iPad之间手动切换AirPods

Oksana.Bondar / ShutterstockOksana.Bondar / Shutterstock If you love your AirPods or AirPods Pro, you might want to use them with all of your Apple devices. Here’s how you can manually switch your Air...

2020-09-23 15:43:11 6806

翻译 确定SQL Server中表的大小

Ever wonder how big a table really is in your database? You know there are a million rows in the table, but how much space is that really taking? 有没有想过您的数据库中实际上有多大表? 您知道表中有一百万行,但实际上占用了多少空间? SQL Ser...

2020-09-23 14:54:19 251

翻译 如何在Mozilla Firefox中启用(或禁用)Cookie

When you browse the internet with cookies enabled, websites can save your passwords and other data (with your consent), making your browsing experience a bit more enjoyable. Here’s how to enable (or d...

2020-09-23 14:44:52 2803

翻译 gts seata_NVIDIA GeFORCE 8600 GTS

gts seataWith older versions of Windows and still through XP I tend to be a graphical minimalist geek. I would always use the most minimal graphics effects possible. Now that I have finally moved to V...

2020-09-23 14:04:44 193

翻译 apple 兑换代码使用_使用Apple的Windows Safari整理书签

apple 兑换代码使用Keeping your bookmarks organized is a critical task for any web browser, so let’s see how the new Safari for Windows handles bookmarks. 对于所有Web浏览器而言,使书签保持井井有条是一项至关重要的任务,因此让我们看看新的Windows版S...

2020-09-23 12:54:12 403

翻译 慢速dos攻击解决_解决慢速弹射器搜索问题

慢速dos攻击解决If you’ve become addicted to using keyboard launchers like I have, you might have encountered the scenario where Katapult became extremely slow for no apparent reason. The problem is most lik...

2020-09-23 11:44:09 218

翻译 在国内如何使用gmail_如何在Gmail中召回电子邮件

在国内如何使用gmailWe’ve all had moments where we’ve immediately regretted sending an email. If you’re in that position and you’re using Gmail, you have a small window in which to undo your mistake, but you ...

2020-09-23 11:15:24 2266

翻译 imac mini 双系统_iMac,Mini和Pro:Apple的台式Mac比较

imac mini 双系统Hadrian/Shutterstock哈德良/ Shutterstock If you’re shopping for a new desktop Mac, you’ll almost certainly be drawn to the iMac. However, Apple also makes the iMac Pro, Mac mini, and a fresh...

2020-09-23 10:46:47 1093

翻译 使Firefox使用多行选项卡

If you are a Firefox power user like I am, then you probably have dozens of tabs open all the time. After trying a number of different options, I’ve finally settled on using multiple rows of tabs as t...

2020-09-23 10:25:27 273

翻译 android tv 使用_如何在Android TV上设置和使用家长控制

android tv 使用Syafiq Adnan/Shutterstock.comSyafiq Adnan / Shutterstock.com Parental controls are essential for you to ensure you know exactly what your kid is watching and when they’re watching it. Wit...

2020-09-23 09:57:35 1481



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