因此,您刚刚获得了PlayStation 4.现在呢?

Christmas has come and gone, the paper torn off of every box under the tree, and you just scored a brand new PlayStation 4 (or Pro!). Congratulations! It is, at least in this writer’s humble opinion, the best version of the PlayStation that has ever existed—especially the Pro. Let’s make the most of it, shall we?

圣诞节来了又去了,树下的每个盒子都被纸撕掉了,您刚刚获得了全新的PlayStation 4 (或Pro !)的评分。 恭喜你! 至少从作者的拙见来看,这是迄今为止最好的PlayStation版本,尤其是Pro。 让我们充分利用它,对吧?

So, first things first—let’s figure out which PlayStation 4 you have. There are technically three versions of the console at this point: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Slim, and PlayStation 4 Pro. Clearly you can look at the box and see which one you have, and the good news is that most of the things we’re going to talk about will apply to all three version, save for some of the Pro-exclusive features, which we’ll make note of.

因此,首先,首先要弄清楚您拥有哪个PlayStation 4。 目前,控制台共有三种版本 :PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4 Slim和PlayStation 4 Pro。 显然,您可以看一下包装盒,看看其中有哪个,好消息是,我们将要讨论的大多数内容都将适用于所有三个版本,除了某些Pro专有功能外,会记录下来。

调整系统设置 (Tweak Your System Settings)

There are an absolute ton of little tweaks you can make to get a better overall experience from your system—everything from automatically turning on your TV when you turn on the console to taking faster screenshots. Here’s a short list of some of the best things to do—along with links that explain how to do them.

您可以进行大量的小调整,以从系统中获得更好的整体体验-从打开控制台时自动打开电视到获取更快的屏幕截图,所有这些都可以。 以下是一些最佳操作的简短列表,以及说明操作方法的链接。

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg—little tweaks that just make the system a little bit better.


一律使用休息模式 (Always Use Rest Mode)

Rest Mode is one of the nicer things about the PlayStation 4, because it puts the system in an ultra low-power mode that gives it just enough juice to do things like download updates in the background.

休息模式是PlayStation 4的优点之一,因为它使系统处于超低功耗模式,该模式仅给它足够的能量来在后台执行下载更新等操作。

Rest Mode also allows you to charge up the DualShock 4 controller directly from the PS4—a huge upgrade from the PS3, which didn’t allow controller charging while the console was asleep. What a silly omission.

休息模式还允许您直接从PS4给DualShock 4控制器充电,这是对PS3的巨大升级,不允许在控制台处于Hibernate状态时对控制器充电。 真是愚蠢的遗漏。

If you want more info what Rest Mode is and what to expect from here, we have more information on that topic right here.


管理您的自动游戏和更新下载 (Manage Your Automatic Game and Update Downloads)

You know what sucks? Sitting down to play a game and having the system tell you there’s an update. Sure, you can go ahead and start playing without downloading or installing said update (sometimes), but why bother when you can just keep everything up to date automatically?

你知道什么很烂吗? 坐下来玩游戏,让系统告诉您更新了。 当然,您可以继续进行游戏,而无需下载(或有时不安装)该更新,但是当您只需要自动更新所有内容时,为什么还要打扰呢?

Doing this will allow the system to pull system and game updates any time—even when it’s in rest mode. That way, you can always make sure your stuff is ready to go when you sit down to play.

这样做将允许系统随时拉动系统和游戏更新,即使它处于休息模式也是如此。 这样一来,您可以始终确保坐下来玩游戏时准备好自己的东西。

But wait, it gets better: you can also buy games from your phone or PC and have them automatically download without ever touching your console. This is an awesome feature, because you can grab a new game on your lunch break at work and have it ready to play when you walk through the door that evening. No waiting.

但请耐心等待,它会变得更好:您还可以从手机或PC购买游戏,并让它们自动下载而无需触摸控制台。 这是一个了不起的功能,因为您可以在工作中的午休时间抢到一个新游戏,并在当晚走进门时准备好玩。 不用等

To get either of these features to work, just make sure you set your PlayStation to always stay connected to the internet. That’s a pretty crucial step!

要使这两种功能都起作用,只需确保将PlayStation设置为始终保持与互联网的连接即可 。 这是非常关键的一步!

对于父母:设置父母控制 (For Parents: Set Up Parental Controls)

Look, it’s our job as parents to make sure our kids’ brains aren’t filled with stuff that kids’ brains shouldn’t be filled with. But I get it: you can’t constantly sit on top of them and watch every move they make, which is why the PlayStation 4 has parental controls.

看,这是我们作为父母的职责,以确保我们的孩子的大脑不会被孩子的大脑所不应该填充的东西所充满。 但我明白了:您不能一直坐在他们的上方并观看他们所做的每一步,这就是PlayStation 4具有父母控制的原因。

These controls will allow you to restrict the type of content your child has access to, which includes games, Blu-ray movies, PlayStation VR access, and even use of the internet browser. Gotta keep little Eugene safe online!

这些控件将允许您限制孩子可以访问的内容类型,包括游戏,蓝光电影,PlayStation VR访问权限,甚至使用互联网浏览器。 要保证小尤金安全在线!

Parental Controls get fairly granular, and we have a full guide on getting it all set up here. Have fun!

家长控制功能相当细化,我们在此处提供了完整的指南 。 玩得开心!

PlayStation 4 Pro:开启增强模式 (PlayStation 4 Pro: Turn on Boost Mode)

Boost Mode is by far one of the best features of the PlayStation 4 Pro, as it basically allows games that the original PS4 struggled with to run better.

到目前为止,增强模式是PlayStation 4 Pro的最佳功能之一,因为它基本上可以使原始PS4苦苦挣扎的游戏运行得更好。

The Pro has a much faster GPU and RAM than its predecessor, which has issue running some newer titles that push the console to its limits. Boost Mode leverages the increased power found in the Pro to make these games run ultra smooth—in other words, it’s something you’re going to want to turn on.

Pro具有比其前身更快的GPU和RAM,运行一些较新的游戏时出现问题,将游戏机推向极限。 增强模式利用Pro中增强的功能使这些游戏运行超级流畅-换句话说,您需要打开它。

The good news is that we have a much deeper explanation of Boost Mode, as well as how to enable it, right here. You’re welcome.

好消息是,我们在此处对Boost模式以及如何启用它进行了更深入的说明。 别客气。

订阅PlayStation Plus进行在线播放,立即订阅PlayStation进行游戏流 (Subscribe to PlayStation Plus for Online Play and PlayStation Now for Game Streaming)

Finally, Sony offers a couple of monthly subscription services you may want to take advantage of in PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now.

最后,索尼在PlayStation Plus和PlayStation Now中提供了一些您可能想利用的每月订阅服务。

PlayStation Plus is Sony’s version of Xbox Live Gold, which allows for online gameplay—so, basically, if you want to hit up online gaming sessions with your homeboys, you’ll need this. But it also goes a step further by offering free game titles every month—you need only “purchase” these free titles to get instant access to them. You’ll also get discounts on other titles and DLCs. For example, Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds (the game’s first DLC) was $15 for PlayStation Plus members, and $20 for everyone else.

PlayStation Plus是Sony的Xbox Live Gold版本 ,它可以进行在线游戏-因此,基本上,如果您想与男生参加在线游戏,则需要此功能。 但是,它还通过每月提供免费游戏而走得更远-您只需“购买”这些免费游戏即可立即访问它们。 您还将获得其他商品和DLC的折扣。 例如,《 地平线零黎明:冰雪奇缘》 (游戏的第一个DLC)对PlayStation Plus会员而言为15美元,对其他所有人而言为20美元。

The service itself will set you back $10 a month or $60 a year, but you can sometimes catch it on sale. Either way, the benefits are pretty much worth it.

这项服务本身会让您每月花费10美元或每年60美元,但有时您可以将其出售。 无论哪种方式,这些好处都是值得的。

There’s also PlayStation Now, which is the company’s online game streaming service that offers a back catalog of PlayStation 3 games. The cool thing here is that it’s not limited just the PlayStation console—you can also use PS Now on Windows. Yeah: you can stream PlayStation games to your PC. It’s awesome.

还有PlayStation Now ,这是该公司的在线游戏流媒体服务,提供PlayStation 3游戏的后退目录。 这里很酷的是,它不仅限于PlayStation控制台-您还可以在Windows上使用PS Now。 是的:您可以将PlayStation游戏流式传输到PC。 这很棒。

PlayStation Now will set you back $20 a month, and I’ll admit that it’s harder to justify this cost than PlayStation Plus. But if you are feeling all nostalgic for some old PS3 action, this is the only way to scratch that itch without digging out your old console.

PlayStation Now现在会让您每月花费20美元,我承认,要证明这笔费用比PlayStation Plus难得多。 但是,如果您对旧的PS3动作怀有全部怀旧之情,那么这是在不挖掘旧游戏机的情况下避免这种痒的唯一方法。

获取您需要的所有配件 (Get All the Accessories You Need)

There’s no shortage of accessories available for the PlayStation 4, but that doesn’t mean they’re all good—in fact, it can be a challenge to sort through the fluff and pick the things that are actually worth spending your hard-earned money on.

PlayStation 4并不缺少可用的配件,但这并不意味着它们都很好-实际上,整理绒毛并挑选实际上值得您辛苦赚来的钱可能是一个挑战上。

The good news is that we have an excellent roundup of all the best accessories available on our sister site, Review Geek. Seriously, go take a look at it—you’ll most certainly find some stuff you can’t live without.

好消息是,我们在姊妹网站 Review Geek 上提供了所有最佳配件的出色综述。 认真地看一看,您一定会发现一些生活中不可缺少的东西。

管理您的朋友和在线状态 (Manage Your Friends and Online Status)

You’re understandably going to want to add all your homeboys (and girls) to your PlayStation friends list. There’s actually a lot you can do with this, so here’s a collection of things you should probably know about, all of which will come in handy as you familiarize yourself with your new system:

可以理解的是,您想要将所有男生(和女生)添加到PlayStation好友列表中。 实际上,您可以做很多事情,因此,这里有一些您可能应该了解的事情,当您熟悉新系统时,所有这些都将派上用场:

When it comes down to it, there is no “best” console, but the PlayStation 4 Pro is my personal favorite, if only for the great PlayStation exclusive games. Speaking of: do yourself a favor and pick up The Last of Us and Horizon Zero Dawn as soon as you can. You won’t regret it.

归根结底,没有“最佳”游戏机,但是PlayStation 4 Pro是我个人的最爱,即使仅适用于出色的PlayStation独家游戏。 谈到:帮自己一个忙,尽快拿起《我们的最后》和《 地平线零黎明》 。 你不会后悔的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/336903/so-you-just-got-a-playstation-4-now-what/





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