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Like Netflix and other streaming platforms, Disney+ caters to multilingual and hard-of-hearing customers by offering subtitles for its movies and TV shows. If you want to enable, disable, or customize the subtitles on Disney+, here’s what you’ll need to do.

Netflix其他流媒体平台一样 ,迪士尼+通过为其电影和电视节目提供字幕来迎合多语种和听力高的客户。 如果要在迪士尼+上启用,禁用或自定义字幕,这是您需要做的。

在Disney +上启用或禁用字幕 (Enabling or Disabling Subtitles on Disney+)

Subtitles are available for all major Disney+ TV shows and movies. You can enable or disable them during playback on Disney+ in your web browser, in the Disney+ mobile app, or on other platforms such as Apple TV.

字幕可用于所有主要的迪士尼+电视节目和电影。 您可以在Web浏览器,Disney +移动应用程序或Apple TV等其他平台上的Disney +上播放期间启用或禁用它们。

While the instructions will vary a little, the Disney+ experience is very similar on almost all platforms, from games consoles to smart TVs. If your own platform isn’t listed, you should find that the steps below work in a similar way.

尽管说明会有所不同,但从游戏机到智能电视,几乎所有平台上的Disney +体验都非常相似。 如果未列出您自己的平台,则应发现以下步骤以类似的方式工作。

在您的Web浏览器中 (In Your Web Browser)

To enable or disable subtitles from the Disney+ website, you’ll need to first begin playing something from Disney+ in your web browser.

要从Disney +网站启用或禁用字幕,您需要首先在网络浏览器中开始播放Disney +中的字幕。

Hover over the playing movie or TV show in your browser to display the playback controls. In the top-right corner, click the “Language Controls” button (shaped like a keyboard).

将鼠标悬停在浏览器中播放的电影或电视节目上以显示播放控件。 在右上角,单击“语言控件”按钮(形状类似于键盘)。

To access Disney+ subtitles, press the language settings icon (shaped like a keyboard) in the top-right corner of the playback window.

This will bring up the audio and subtitles options for the playing content. By default, subtitles are disabled.

这将弹出播放内容的音频和字幕选项。 默认情况下,字幕是禁用的。

To enable them, scroll through and select one of the available languages in the “Subtitles” category. Your video will begin displaying the subtitles in your chosen language immediately.

要启用它们,请滚动浏览并在“字幕”类别中选择一种可用的语言。 您的视频将立即开始以您选择的语言显示字幕。

Select one of the language in the "Subtitles" category to enable subtitles on Disney+

If you want to disable subtitles, repeat the steps above, selecting “Off” from the “Subtitles” list instead. This will remove them from your video.

如果要禁用字幕,请重复上述步骤,然后从“字幕”列表中选择“关”。 这会将它们从您的视频中删除。

Select "Off" from the "Subtitles" category to disable subtitles on Disney+

在iPhone,iPad或Android设备上 (On iPhone, iPad, or Android Devices)

If you’re using a mobile device running Android, or you have an iPhone or iPad, you’ll find the playback screen similar to the one used on the Disney+ website.

如果您使用的是运行Android的移动设备,或者拥有iPhoneiPad ,则将找到类似于Disney +网站上使用的播放屏幕。

To enable or disable subtitles, begin playing a video and then tap the “Language Controls” icon that resembles a keyboard in the top-right corner. Select the subtitles language you want to enable from the “Subtitles” category (for instance, “Deutsch” for German).

要启用或禁用字幕,请开始播放视频,然后点击右上角类似于键盘的“语言控制”图标。 从“字幕”类别中选择要启用的字幕语言(例如,德语为“ Deutsch”)。

If you already have subtitles enabled, select “Off” instead.


In the Disney+ mobile app, select one of the languages from the "Subtitles" menu. Otherwise, select "Off" to disable them.

在其他平台上 (On Other Platforms)

Other platforms will have different interfaces, but you will be able to access the subtitles menu as you play Disney+ movies and TV shows.

其他平台将具有不同的界面,但是在播放Disney +电影和电视节目时,您将能够访问字幕菜单。

Enabling Disney+ subtitles on the Xbox One or PlayStation 4, for instance, follows a similar pattern to the methods above by accessing the language controls icon and selecting an available language.

例如,通过访问语言控件图标并选择一种可用的语言,在Xbox One或PlayStation 4上启用迪士尼+字幕的方式与上述方法类似。

On an Apple TV, however, swiping down with your remote will give you access to the menu, where you can enable or disable subtitles from the “Subtitles” tab.

但是,在Apple TV上,向下滑动遥控器可让您访问菜单,您可以在菜单中从“字幕”选项卡启用或禁用字幕。

如何在Disney +上自定义字幕 (How to Customize Subtitles on Disney+)

It’s possible to customize the subtitles shown on Disney+ videos, allowing you to change the font, color, and overall design of the closed captions.


This is only possible if you’re playing Disney+ content in your web browser, however. At the time of writing, you can’t customize the subtitles shown in the Disney+ mobile app, or in the Disney+ app on other platforms.

但是,仅当您在Web浏览器中播放Disney +内容时才有可能。 在撰写本文时,您无法自定义迪士尼+移动应用程序或其他平台上迪士尼+应用程序中显示的字幕。

To do this, begin playing a movie or TV show on the Disney+ website. During playback, hover over the video content with your mouse to display the playback controls and then select the “Language Controls” icon in the top-right corner (shaped like a keyboard).

为此,请开始在Disney +网站上播放电影或电视节目。 在播放过程中,将鼠标悬停在视频内容上以显示播放控件,然后选择右上角的“语言控件”图标(形状类似于键盘)。

To access Disney+ subtitles, press the language settings icon (shaped like a keyboard) in the top-right corner of the playback window.

This will bring up the audio and subtitles options.


To customize your subtitles, click the “Settings Gear” icon on the right-hand side.


Press the settings cog icon in the audio and subtitles menu to customize your Disney+ subtitles.

This will bring up the “Subtitle Styling” menu. From here, you can select a new font from the “Font” drop-down menu.

这将弹出“字幕样式”菜单。 在这里,您可以从“字体”下拉菜单中选择一种新字体。

Any changes you make can be previewed at the top of the menu.


Select a font for your Disney+ subtitles from the "Font" drop-down menu.

You can also set font color, sizing, and opacity settings from the options provided.


Choose your font color, opacity, and sizing from the available options.

Further changes, including the ability to set a font border, background color and opacity, and window color and opacity are also available.


Change these settings to suit your own tastes and requirements.


Select font edging, background and window color, and background and window opacity values from the options provided.

If you want to reset your subtitles to the default Disney+ style, click the “Reset To Default” button at the bottom of the menu.


To reset your Disney Plus subtitle settings, scroll to the bottom of the "Subtitle Styling" menu and click the "Reset To Default" button.

Any changes you make to your subtitles will be applied automatically.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/686878/how-to-enable-and-customize-subtitles-on-disney/





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