



Earlier this week we asked you to share how (if at all) you monitor your bandwidth for both home networks and mobile devices. We’re back to share your favorite tools and tips.

本周早些时候,我们要求您分享如何(如果有的话)监视家庭网络和移动设备的带宽。 我们会回来分享您喜欢的工具和技巧。

Image available as wallpaper at ChrisHarrison.net.

图像可在 ChrisHarrison.net上 用作壁纸

监控家用计算机 (Monitoring the Home Computer)


The majority of readers (77%) monitor their connections in some way either at home, on their mobile devices, or both. The reasons for monitoring ranged from necessity (to avoid overage fees) to curiosity (because they liked tracking or to, for example, keep their ISP honest).

大多数阅读器(77%)以某种方式在家里,在移动设备上或在两者上监视其连接。 进行监视的原因从必要性(避免超支费用)到好奇心(因为他们喜欢跟踪或保持ISP诚实)。

Quite a few people, thanks to a single-computer environment, were able to use a local application to monitor their bandwidth. James writes:

多亏了单计算机环境,很少有人能够使用本地应用程序监视其带宽。 詹姆斯写道:

3G WatchDog for my Android Phone NetBalancer Pro (thanks How-To Geek) for my home network.

适用于我的家庭网络的Android Phone NetBalancer Pro的 3G WatchDog ( 感谢How-To Geek )。

If you’re interested in using NetBalancer Pro check out our previous tutorial here.

如果您对使用NetBalancer Pro感兴趣,请在此处查看我们以前的教程

Bob was one of the many readers who relied on NetLimiter:


Yes, unfortunately. I have a 250GB monthly cap, which i manage to stay under quite easily most times, but once or twice i have gone over and received a warning from my ISP, so i now use ‘netlimiter’ to keep on track of things.

是的,很不幸的。 我每月有250GB的上限,大多数时候我都设法保持在这个上限之下,但是一次又两次,我已经过去了,并收到了我的ISP的警告,因此我现在使用“ netlimiter ”来跟踪情况。

If you’re looking for a program that you can install on multiple computers and sync the data, Travicane highlights Networx:


I started using NetWorx freeware version for about 2 weeks ago. Claims to sync usage (option to exclude internal Network traffic) for all systems on a home network. So far it shows about 1.3 GB per day.

我大约2周前开始使用NetWorx免费软件版本。 声明同步家庭网络上所有系统的使用情况(排除内部网络流量的选项)。 到目前为止,它每天显示约1.3 GB。

Travicane was but one of the many readers that loved NetWorx, Joleca started using it after a run in with Comcast:


Networx – with Comcast’s bandwidth cap, its the best out there and its free…

Networx –拥有Comcast的带宽上限,目前为止最好的带宽和免费的...

Went over Comcast’s cap once (about 3 months into having and wasn’t aware of any caps).. They CALLED me and said if I went over again, they would cut off my access for “1 year”.. Stumbled across Networx shortly after that and installed on all 3 network computers in the house.. It monitors and tracks all network computers and gives you the full report on each device (no need to add up the totals), and it will ignore the traffic within your lan.. If you have a laptop and use outside of your home network, you can set it to only track your home IP address and ignore outside traffic.

曾经翻过Comcast的封顶(大约3个月了,还没有任何封顶)。他们打电话给我,说如果我再过一次,他们将切断我的访问权限,为“一年”。.跌跌撞撞地穿过Networx之后,将其安装在房屋中的所有3台网络计算机上。它将监视和跟踪所有网络计算机,并为您提供每台设备的完整报告(无需总计),并且它将忽略局域网内的流量。 。如果您有一台笔记本电脑并在家庭网络之外使用,则可以将其设置为仅跟踪家庭IP地址,而忽略外部流量。

We wrote up a guide to using NetWorx earlier this year to help out a reader who was struggling to prove he wasn’t the roommate that was causing the bandwidth overages. If you’re curious about NetWorx our guide will walk you through setting it up.

我们在今年早些时候撰写了使用NetWorx的指南,以帮助那些努力证明自己不是造成带宽超支的室友的读者。 如果您对NetWorx感到好奇, 我们的指南将引导您完成设置

For readers with more complex home networks, router-based traffic monitoring was the way to go. Many readers used custom firmware upgrades like DD-WRT and Tomato to enhance their monitoring abilities. Krysaenaar writes:

对于拥有更复杂家庭网络的读者而言,基于路由器的流量监控是必经之路。 许多读者使用DD-WRTTomato等自定义固件升级来增强其监视能力。 Krysaenaar写道:

DD-WRT on my Linksys Router. I have a 250GB cap so i need to monitor my WAN usage from one central location.

我的Linksys路由器上的DD-WRT 。 我有250GB的上限,因此我需要从一个中央位置监视我的WAN使用情况。

Steve writes:


I use the built in bandwidth monitoring of Tomato firmware on my Linksys wrt54g-tm router. I’ve checked it with my Comcast account online monitor and it’s accurate within 1 meg every month.

我在Linksys wrt54g-tm路由器上使用Tomato固件的内置带宽监视。 我已经使用我的Comcast帐户在线监控器对其进行了检查,每个月的准确度在1微克以内。

If your ISP has a report system it’s definitely wise to check your readings against their readings.


监控移动设备 (Monitoring the Mobile Device)


Years ago monitoring your mobile data usage would have been silly; there was little to do on a mobile phone that would pile up overage charges. These days, however, it’s all too easy to stream video and download content that sucks up your bandwidth. Many readers reported monitoring their mobile bandwidth and used an array of applications.

几年前,监控您的移动数据使用情况很愚蠢; 手机上几乎没有什么可堆积超额费用的事情。 但是,如今,流视频和下载占用带宽的内容太容易了。 许多读者报告称监视其移动带宽并使用了一系列应用程序。

For iOS, the most popular application was Consume. Every reader who reported monitoring their iPhone was either using Consume or the built-in data monitoring tools. When it came to Android monitoring things got a little more diverse. James, quoted above in the home monitoring section, kicked off by suggesting 3G WatchDog. Fireball followed up with:

对于iOS,最受欢迎的应用程序是Consume 。 每个报告监视其iPhone的读者都在使用Consume或内置的数据监视工具。 当涉及到Android监视时,事情变得更加多样化。 James在上面的家庭监控部分中引用了3G WatchDog 。 火球后续行动:

DroidStats for my Android Monitors 3G, Wi-Fi, SMS and talking time.


Not a bad little app if you need to keep an eye on other kinds of usage (such as SMS). Jim uses a set of apps to keep tabs on his usage and whether his provider is accurately reporting it:

如果您需要关注其他类型的使用情况(例如SMS),那么它不是一个坏应用程序。 Jim使用一组应用程序来监视其使用情况以及其提供者是否准确地报告了该使用情况:

On my Android phone, I use Traffic Statistics and Network Monitor Pro cross checking bandwidth usage with my AT&T app. There have been time that my bandwidth usage has spiked and now I monitor it and set alarms in Traffic Statistics and NW Montior Pro.

在我的Android手机上,我将流量统计Network Monitor Pro与AT&T应用程序进行交叉检查带宽使用情况。 曾经有一段时间我的带宽使用量激增,现在我对其进行监视并在“流量统计”和NW Montior Pro中设置警报。

If you’re wondering whether or not you should monitor, MrMike highlights an interesting reason to do so:


What’s important is how the carrier measures your data traffic.


Right now, Verizon says I used 151.58 MB on my Droid X as of yesterday.

现在,Verizon说,截至昨天,我在Droid X上使用了151.58 MB。

3G Watchdog Pro says I used 47.87 as of about an hour ago.

3G Watchdog Pro表示,大约一个小时前,我使用了47.87。

Interesting, no?


Grandfathered unlimited, but for how long?


It seems like it would be worth having a monitor that logs simply so you can argue your case later when your provider insists you owe them $$$$ in data overages.


监控吗 我们不需要Stinkin'监控 (Monitoring? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Monitoring)


Finally we had the 23% of readers who don’t monitor at all—largely because they didn’t need to and thus were the envy of the readers with ISPs run by the Grinch. Among these readers were was either no cap or an extra fee for the privilege. Wayne, for example, pays extra for a cap-free connection:

最终,我们有23%的读者根本不监控,主要是因为他们不需要监控,因此让读者对Grinch运行的ISP感到羡慕。 在这些读者当中,要么没有上限,要么没有特权的额外费用。 例如,韦恩(Wayne)为无上限连接支付了额外费用:

I don’t monitor bandwidth. I pay Time Warner for their fastest and best internet package. As of right now, I don’t have a bandwidth cap. The package I have is not advertised and costs me about $70.00 per month which is much more than the general package they do advertise. However I usually enjoy 5 times the speed or about 30 Mbps here in Southern California.

我不监视带宽。 我付给时代华纳最快,最好的互联网套餐。 截至目前,我没有带宽上限。 我没有宣传的套餐,每月花费我约70美元,这比他们宣传的普通套餐要高得多。 但是在南加州,我通常享受5倍的速度或30 Mbps的速度。

Others, like Morely have cap-free services by default:


I have 25Mbps both up and down fiber at home, and I refuse to get a smartphone because of the ridiculous caps on bandwidth; so I don’t monitor bandwidth.

我家里的上下光纤都有25Mbps的带宽,由于带宽的限制,我拒绝购买智能手机。 所以我不监控带宽。

Finally there are the readers who, despite having a cap, simply disregard it. Jon_hill writes:

最后,有些读者尽管有上限,却无视它。 乔恩·希尔写道:

I don’t. TalkTalk give me a 40GB cap, but they don’t seem overly strict about it. I have downloaded near twice that and they have not complained.

我不。 TalkTalk给了我40GB的上限,但是他们似乎并不太严格。 我下载了近两倍的文件,他们没有抱怨。

Many companies have a “cap” so they can deal with customers they want to get rid of for abusing the system or causing trouble of some sort. If you’re not degrading the quality of the service your neighbors are paying for too, most ISPs tend to look the other way. Surely they know that no one would get an expensive broadband account just to check their email!

许多公司都有“上限”,因此他们可以与想要摆脱滥用系统或造成某种麻烦的客户打交道。 如果您也没有降低邻居支付的服务质量,那么大多数ISP都会选择另一种方式。 当然,他们知道没有人会得到一个昂贵的宽带帐户,仅用于检查他们的电子邮件!

Hit up the original Ask the Readers post to read the rest of the comments. Have a bandwidth monitoring tip or trick? Sound off here to share it.

点击原始的“询问读者”帖子以阅读其余评论。 有带宽监控技巧吗? 请在这里分享声音。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/67691/what-you-said-do-you-monitor-your-bandwidth-usage/






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