


It’s easy enough to delete one Facebook post at a time, but there’s no built in way to delete posts in batch. For that, you’ll need to turn to a browser extension.

一次删除一个Facebook帖子很容易,但是没有内置的方式可以批量删除帖子。 为此,您需要使用浏览器扩展程序。

Facebook has had a bad few months. The Cambridge Analytica fiasco is only the latest thing making people re-evaluate how Facebook fits into their lives. You could always totally quit Facebook if you want, but for many that’s not an option. Maybe you need it for work, maybe you need it to participate in groups or message friends, or maybe you just like using it. But what about all those old, embarrassing or sensitive posts? Or what if you want to wipe all your old posts and just start fresh?

Facebook经历了糟糕的几个月。 Cambridge Analytica的惨败只是使人们重新评估Facebook如何适应其生活的最新事物。 如果愿意,您总是可以完全退出Facebook ,但是对于许多人来说,这不是一个选择。 也许您需要它来工作,也许需要它来参加小组或向朋友发送消息,或者您只是喜欢使用它。 但是那些旧的,尴尬的或敏感的帖子呢? 或者,如果您想擦除所有旧帖子并重新开始,该怎么办?

If you’ve used Facebook for a while, it would take way too much time to go back and delete every post individually. Personally, I’ve been using Facebook’s “On This Day” feature to check back over old posts and delete those I don’t like. But, if you want a quick way to delete a lot of posts at once, you’ll need to use a browser extension.

如果您使用Facebook已有一段时间,则要花费大量时间返回并分别删除每个帖子。 就个人而言,我一直在使用Facebook的“在这一天”功能来查看旧帖子并删除我不喜欢的帖子 。 但是,如果您想一次快速删除大量帖子的方法,则需要使用浏览器扩展程序。

This post comes with our standard warning about browser extensions being a privacy nightmare. Yes, it’s ironic that we’re fighting one privacy problem by using another. But it’s pretty much the only way to get this done. And you can always remove the extension when you’re finished using it.

这篇文章带有我们关于浏览器扩展是隐私噩梦的标准警告。 是的,具有讽刺意味的是,我们通过使用另一个解决了一个隐私问题。 但这几乎是完成此任务的唯一方法。 使用完扩展程序后,您始终可以将其删除。

We’re going to use Social Book Post Manager for Google Chrome. We haven’t been able to find a Firefox or Safari extension that works as easily, so even if you’re not a Chrome user, you’re probably best off installing Chrome temporarily just so you can use this extension to tidy up your Facebook account.

我们将针对Google Chrome使用Social Book Post Manager 。 我们一直无法找到可以轻松工作的Firefox或Safari扩展程序,因此,即使您不是Chrome用户,也最好暂时安装Chrome ,以便您可以使用此扩展程序来整理您的Facebook帐户。

Open Chrome and head to the Social Book Post Manager page in the Chrome Web Store. Click the “Add to Chrome” button.

打开Chrome,然后转到Chrome网上应用店中的Social Book Post Manager页面。 点击“添加到Chrome”按钮。

Next, click the “Add Extension” button. You’ll then need to exit and reopen Chrome to finish installing the extension.

接下来,单击“添加扩展名”按钮。 然后,您需要退出并重新打开Chrome才能完成扩展程序的安装。

Now the extension is ready, head to Facebook. If you want to, you can download a copy of all the data you’ve ever posted to Facebook as a backup. After that (or instead of that if you don’t care about backing up your old posts), click the downward facing arrow in the top right and select the “Activity Log” command.

现在扩展程序已准备就绪,请前往Facebook。 如果需要,您可以下载曾经发布到Facebook的所有数据的副本作为备份。 之后,(或者如果您不希望备份旧帖子,则可以选择替代),单击右上角的向下箭头,然后选择“活动日志”命令。

The Activity Log shows everything you’ve ever done on Facebook. It’s kind of terrifying to just scroll back through. You can see specific kinds of activity using the filters on the left side, and jump to a certain date using the navigation on the right side.

活动日志显示您在Facebook上所做的一切 。 滚动回去有点恐怖。 您可以使用左侧的过滤器查看特定类型的活动,并使用右侧的导航跳转到特定日期。

If you want to delete everything you’ve done, leave Activity Log selected in the filters. Otherwise, if you just want to delete the things you’ve posted or the posts you’re tagged in, use the relevant filters. The Social Book Post Manager works on whatever posts are included in the filter you have set up.

如果要删除已完成的所有操作,请在过滤器中选择“活动日志”。 否则,如果您只想删除已发布的内容或被标记的帖子,请使用相关的过滤器。 Social Book Post Manager可以处理您设置的过滤器中包含的所有帖子。

When you have your filter set up, click the “Social Book Post Manager” icon in Chrome to bring up the extension.


There are a few options here for fine tuning which posts you target.


  • Year: target a specific year or just choose Select All.

    年份 :指定特定年份或仅选择全选。

  • Month: target a specific month or just choose select All.


  • Text Contains: only target posts containing a certain keyword.


  • Text Not Contains: only target posts without a certain keyword.


  • Prescan On Page: lets you review which posts will be deleted before they’re actually deleted.


  • Speed: how fast Social Book Post Manager works. On a faster computer with a good internet connection, you can use a higher speed.

    速度: Social Book Post Manager的工作速度。 在具有良好Internet连接的速度更快的计算机上,可以使用更高的速度。

To demonstrate how this all works, I’m going to target all of my own posts from November 2007. First, I selected the “Posts” filter in Facebook so that the extension will only target my own posts. Then, I opened up the Social Book Post Manager extension, selected 2007 for the year, and November for the month. I’ve left the “Prescan on Page” option enabled so that I can review posts before they are deleted. And I’m not using any keywords.

为了演示这一切的工作原理,我将从2007年11月开始以我自己的所有帖子为目标。首先,我在Facebook中选择了“帖子”过滤器,以便该扩展程序仅针对我自己的帖子。 然后,我打开了Social Book Post Manager扩展程序,该年份选择了2007,该月份选择了11月。 我已启用“页面上的预扫描”选项,以便可以在删除帖子之前对其进行查看。 而且我没有使用任何关键字。

Set Social Book Post Manager up the way you want, and then click the “Delete” button. Social Book Post Manager will run, scrolling down the page as it does. Sit back and let it do its thing. The more posts you’re targeting, the longer it will take.

设置您想要的方式的Social Book Post Manager,然后单击“删除”按钮。 Social Book Post Manager将运行,并向下滚动页面。 坐下来,让它做自己的事。 您定位的帖子越多,花费的时间就越长。

When it’s done scanning, you’ll see the results. If you had the prescan option turned on, it shows a list of matching posts with a little blue tick next to each post it’s targeting for deletion. If you didn’t have the prescan on, your posts will have already been deleted.

扫描完成后,您将看到结果。 如果启用了预扫描选项,它将显示匹配的帖子列表,并在要删除的每个帖子旁边带有一个蓝色的勾号。 如果您没有启用预扫描,则您的帖子将被删除。

If you did use the prescan on, you can run through and deselect any posts you want to keep. You can also open the “Confirm to Delete” menu and select or deselect all the posts at once. When you’ve reviewed and selected posts, open up that “Confirm to Delete” menu, and then select the “Delete” command.

如果确实使用了预扫描,则可以遍历并取消选择要保留的任何帖子。 您也可以打开“确认删除”菜单,然后一次选择或取消选择所有帖子。 查看并选择帖子后,打开“确认删除”菜单,然后选择“删除”命令。

Once again, Social Book Post Manager will get work to work deleting posts. When it’s done, the posts will be gone.

同样,Social Book Post Manager将开始删除帖子。 完成后,帖子将消失。

While deleting your old posts is a good idea, it won’t help you if third party already has your data. Similarly, while Facebook claims in their Terms of Service that anything you delete also gets deleted from their servers, they also state that “the removed content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time (generally, for a maximum of 90 days…)” and will be held for longer “if required by applicable law, order of any government agency or judicial body, or the like”.

虽然删除旧帖子是个好主意,但如果第三方已经拥有您的数据,这将无济于事。 同样,尽管Facebook在其服务条款中声称您删除的任何内容也会从其服务器上删除,但他们还指出“删除的内容可能会在备份副本中保留一段合理的时间(通常最多90天……)。 ),并“如果适用法律,任何政府机构或司法机关的命令等有此要求,”将保留更长的时间。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/346690/how-to-quickly-delete-lots-of-old-facebook-posts/


在Windows系统中,如果需要快速删除文件夹,可以使用命令行来执行删除操作。引用\[1\]提到,当文件夹中的文件非常多且总容量很大时,使用命令行删除文件夹会比通过鼠标选择文件夹再直接删除快速。以下是两个常用的命令来快速删除文件夹和文件: 1. 使用rmdir命令:rmdir \[drive:\]path \[/S\] \[/Q\] - \[drive:\]path表示要删除文件夹的路径。 - /S表示除目录本身外,还将删除指定目录下的所有子目录和文件。 - /Q表示安静模式,删除时不需要经过确认。 例如,要删除D:\temp\目录下的所有文件,可以使用以下命令: rmdir d:\temp\ /S /Q 2. 使用del命令:del \[drive:\]path \[/S\] \[/Q\] - \[drive:\]path表示要删除文件夹或文件的路径。 - /S表示从所有子目录删除指定文件。 - /Q表示安静模式,删除时不需要经过确认。 例如,要删除D:\temp\目录下的所有文件,可以使用以下命令: del d:\temp\ /S /Q 推荐使用rmdir命令,因为在批量删除大量文件时比del命令更高效快速。如果需要批量删除当前路径下特定后缀名的文件,可以使用类似以下命令: del /a /f /s /q "*.jpg" "*.json" 其中,*为通配符,/a /f是强制删除所有属性的文件,/s表示删除文件夹中的文件,/q表示无需确认直接删除。 希望以上信息对您有帮助。 #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* [windows系统,删除文件慢,使用命令行快速删除文件](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37819292/article/details/122482520)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^control,239^v4^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] - *2* [Windows使用命令行快速批量删除大量文件](https://blog.csdn.net/i_silence/article/details/117845626)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^control,239^v4^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] - *3* [【✅windows奇怪的知识增加了✅】windows系统下快速删除海量小文件方法](https://blog.csdn.net/zcc1229936385/article/details/114366264)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^control,239^v4^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] [ .reference_list ]




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