


Today’s Internet services rely heavily on text-based passwords for user authentication. The pervasiveness of these services coupled with the difficulty of remembering large numbers and symbols of secure passwords tempt users to reuse simple, easy to guess passwords at multiple websites, making their accounts vulnerable.

当今的Internet服务严重依赖基于文本的密码来进行用户身份验证。 这些服务的普遍性,加上难以记住大量安全密码的符号,使用户难以在多个网站上重复使用简单易猜的密码,从而使其帐户易受攻击。

We always recommend you to use a password manager — it allows you to not only use strong, complicated passwords that you don’t need to manually type, but also makes use of unique passwords for online accounts simple.

我们始终建议您使用密码管理器 -它不仅使您可以使用不需要手动键入的强而复杂的密码,还可以使在线帐户的唯一密码使用变得简单。

Keepass is a free, open source password manager which helps you to manage passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database which is locked with one master key or a key file, or both. If you are getting started, then you can check out our introduction guide to Keepass.

Keepass是一个免费的开源密码管理器,可帮助您以安全的方式管理密码。 您可以将所有密码放在一个用一个主密钥或一个密钥文件或两者锁定的数据库中。 如果您是入门者,则可以查看我们的Keepass入门指南

将密码组织到组或标签中 (Organize Passwords Into Groups or Tags )

The number of passwords a user must remember continues to increase, and the typical Internet user is estimated to have more than 20 distinct online accounts. As you keep adding more accounts, your passwords will get a bit more overwhelming to manage. Keepass lets you organize passwords into groups or tags. You can add as many groups as you need and use them to organize all of your logins in any order that would make sense for you.

用户必须记住的密码数量继续增加,并且典型的Internet用户估计拥有20多个不同的在线帐户。 随着您继续添加更多帐户,您的密码将变得更加难以管理。 Keepass可让您将密码组织成组或标签。 您可以根据需要添加任意数量的组,并使用它们以对您有意义的任何顺序组织所有登录。

To create a new group, first select in the group pane where the group should go, either the database name or within an existing group. Right-click to bring up the group menu and select “Add Group.” Alternatively, click “Edit” from top menu and select “Add Group” from drop-down list.

要创建一个新组,请首先在组窗格中选择该组应进入的位置,无论是数据库名称还是在现有组中。 右键单击以显示组菜单,然后选择“添加组”。 或者,从顶部菜单中单击“编辑”,然后从下拉列表中选择“添加组”。

Give the group a unique name, choose an icon for the group if you wish and press “OK.” You can set a expiration date for the group if you only want to use it for a temporary set of passwords. You can even add a note for that group in the “Notes Tab,” so that you remember what this group holds or if there are any instructions that need to be followed when using passwords under a group.

为组指定一个唯一的名称,如果需要,为组选择一个图标,然后按“确定”。 如果您只想将其用于一组临时密码,则可以设置该组的到期日期。 您甚至可以在“注释选项卡”中为该组添加注释,以便记住该组的内容,或者在使用组下的密码时是否需要遵循任何说明。

Groups can be further divided into sub-groups in a tree-like organization. To create a sub-group, right-click the desired group and select “Add Group.” That’s yet another way to keep your passwords better organized and easier to access. Now all you need to do is drag-and-drop any entries you’d like to store in this group. The password entries are grouped together into the groups you see on the left. So, depending on which group on the left you selected, it’ll show you the entries in this group in the right

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KeePass的助手扩展程序可以查找并插入登录名和密码,而无需复制它们 KeePass / MacPass Helper扩展程序在您的Chrome浏览器中添加了一个工具栏按钮。按下按钮,将在当前所选页面的顶部中心部分显示一个面板,显示该域的所有匹配凭据。您可以通过操作按钮插入用户名或密码,甚至可以同时输入用户名或密码。请注意,在打开面板之前,请确保已选择登录名或密码输入框。仅当输入元件被选择的插入发生。注意:从0.3.7版本开始,可以使用此扩展名生成一次性密码令牌。该扩展还支持自动登录。有关更多信息,请访问FAQ页面:有关错误报告,请使用:隐私权政策:https://指南:要求:* KeePass 2-http://keepass.info版本2.17或更高版本* KeePassHttp-在https://下载/方向:1)安装KeePass 2)通过将KeePassHttp.plgx放到KeePass程序文件目录中来安装KeePassHttp 2a)登录KeePass 2b)通过检查工具>插件3来验证KeePassHttp是否已正确安装 )导航到包含密码的任何页面4)单击工具栏按钮5)切换到KeePass窗口,然后在弹出的对话框中输入描述性名称,然后单击“保存” 6)现在,可以从KeePass安全地检索您的密码,并在需要时自动将其输入密码形式和字段。更改日志0.1.7:修复了 0.1.8:修复了 0.1 9:修复了在扩展激活0.2.0上创建重复的上下文菜单项的问题:为Windows OS添加了对Ctrl + B的支持。面板在打开时会保持其焦点。现在,用户名和密码字段均支持“ \”字符 0.2.1:1.现在它会记住您的上一次登录选择 2.关闭面板时,最后一个活动元素的焦点返回0.2.4:改进了将文本复制到剪贴板的功能 0.2.8:凭据现在显示在弹出窗口中,而不是注入的iframe中。这类似于1PAssword或LastPass显示凭据的方式。可以从选项UI更改此默认行为 0.3.0:如果只有一个凭据(默认情况下禁用),现在可以自动登录0.3.1:现在支持“字符串字段”。您可以使用这些字符串字段将自定义文本插入HTML输入元素。请阅读常见问题解答12了解更多信息。 支持语言:English




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