
Optical image stabilization—also known as IS, OIS, or VR—is built into some lenses and cameras. It lets you take photos at slower shutter speeds than you ordinarily could. There are, however, some situations when you shouldn’t use it. Let’s dig in.

光学防抖(也称为IS,OIS或VR)内置在某些镜头和照相机中。 它可以让您以比通常更低的快门速度拍摄照片 。 但是,在某些情况下,您不应该使用它。 让我们深入。

OIS works by having stabilized elements in either the lens or camera body that move to counteract small motions like the shake of your hands when you’re using a long lens. It’s rated in stops, so a 2-stop IS will let you use a shutter speed two stops slower than the reciprocal rule would suggest. For example, if you’re using a 200mm lens, the reciprocal rule says your minimum shutter speed should be at least 1/200th of a second; with 2-stop IS enabled you could use a shutter speed of 1/50th of a second. You can see that in the shot below. They were both shot at 1/40th of a second but IS was on for the photo on the right.

OIS的工作原理是在镜头或相机机身中装有稳定的元件,这些元件可以移动以抵消小的运动,例如,当您使用长镜头时,可以摇动手。 它的额定在停止 ,所以有2站是会让你使用的快门速度两个站慢于倒数规则建议 。 例如,如果您使用的是200mm镜头,则互易规则规定您的最小快门速度应至少为1/200秒; 启用2档防抖功能后,您可以使用1/50秒的快门速度。 您可以在下面的照片中看到它。 它们都以1/40秒的速度拍摄,但右边的照片是IS。

This is really the only situation where IS will materially improve your images. If your shutter speed is significantly faster than the reciprocal of the focal length, then it just won’t matter whether you use IS or not. The golden rule of IS, then, is to make sure it’s on when you’re using a long-ish lens in low light—or any lens in really low light. That’s when you absolutely should use it, and it will help. Outside of that, it either doesn’t help or, as we’ll look at, might make things worse. So, let’s look at when you shouldn’t use IS.

实际上,这是IS可以实质性改善您的图像的唯一情况。 如果您的快门速度明显快于焦距的倒数,那么是否使用IS都无关紧要。 因此,IS的黄金法则是确保当您在弱光下使用长焦镜头或在弱光下使用任何镜头时,IS处于开启状态。 那是您绝对应该使用它的时间,它会有所帮助。 除此之外,它要么无济于事,要么如我们所愿,可能会使情况变得更糟。 因此,让我们看看什么时候不应该使用IS。

您正在使用三脚架 (You’re Using a Tripod)

When you’re using a tripod, your camera is locked down and stable already. IS only works when there is a movement to counteract. If there’s no movement, then the gyroscopes and other stabilizing elements can introduce a small amount and lead to less sharp shots.

使用三脚架时, 您的相机已经锁定并且稳定 。 IS仅在需要抵消的情况下才起作用。 如果没有运动,则陀螺仪和其他稳定元件可能会引入少量并导致较不锐利的射击。

Or at least, that’s the theory. It’s certainly true of older IS systems, but most newer (or high end) setups can detect when the camera is mounted on a tripod. The reality is, however, that IS will not help if you’re using a well-secured tripod, so it makes sense to turn it off even if you are using a camera or lens with an IS system that will detect the tripod.

至少,这就是理论。 较旧的IS系统当然是这样,但是大多数新的(或高端)设置都可以检测到相机何时安装在三脚架上。 但是,现实情况是,如果您使用固定牢固的三脚架,则IS将无济于事,因此即使您使用带有IS系统的相机或镜头来检测三脚架,也应将其关闭。

你在摇摄 (You’re Panning)

If you’re panning to track a moving subject—like in sports or wildlife photography—then you need to be careful about using IS. Lenses designed for these sort of subjects normally have a dedicated IS mode that turns off one axis of the IS so that it won’t interfere with your photos.

如果平移以跟踪运动中的物体( 例如运动或野生动植物摄影中的物体),则使用IS时需要格外小心。 为这类对象设计的镜头通常具有专用的IS模式,该模式会关闭IS的一个轴,以免干扰您的照片。

If you’ve got such a lens, make sure it’s in panning mode when you’re trying to track horizontally moving subjects. Otherwise, the IS will try and stabilize out your horizontal track and things can get a little weird. If your lens doesn’t have a dedicated panning IS mode, then you should turn it off and use a faster shutter speed.

如果您有这样的镜头,请在尝试跟踪水平移动的物体时确保它处于平移模式。 否则,IS会尝试稳定您的水平轨道,从而使事情变得有些奇怪。 如果镜头没有专用的平移IS模式,则应将其关闭并使用更快的快门速度。

您担心电池寿命 (You’re Concerned About Battery Life)

Since IS is electrically controlled, it does use up battery life. It’s normally only activated when you half-press the shutter button so, in regular use, it shouldn’t burn through too much power. However, if you’re in Live View mode then it will be active all the time and, combined with the battery drain of Live View itself, you will see a drop in how long you can use your camera.

由于IS是电气控制的,因此确实会耗尽电池寿命。 通常仅在半按快门按钮时才会激活它,因此在常规使用中,它不会消耗过多的电量。 但是,如果您处于实时显示模式,那么它将一直处于活动状态,再加上实时显示本身的电量消耗,您会发现可以使用相机的时间有所减少。

If you’ve got a long day—or a few weeks—of shooting ahead of you without access to fresh batteries or a way to charge your camera, then you should turn IS off. It might only get you an extra dozen or so photos, but they could be the ones that make the trip worth it.

如果您需要漫长的一天(或几周)的拍摄时间,而又无法使用新电池或没有为相机充电的方式,则应该关闭IS。 它可能只会为您带来十几张照片,但它们可能会让您值得一游。

您正在拍摄视频 (You’re Shooting Video)

When you’re shooting photos, you will see the effect of IS between shots, but you won’t notice it in individual shots. On the other hand, if you’re shooting video, you will see the IS working in real time. There’s a reason that video professionals use powerful stabilizing gimbals rather than IS for their work.

拍摄照片时,您会看到两次拍摄之间的IS效果,但在单张照片​​中不会注意到它。 另一方面,如果您正在拍摄视频,则可以看到IS实时工作。 视频专业人士在工作中使用强大的稳定器而不是IS是有原因的。

If you’re shooting video and don’t want to risk IS artifacts appearing then turn it off. You’ll normally get better results stabilizing in post-production—unless you’re using IS that’s designed especially for video, like in the latest GoPro models.

如果您正在拍摄视频,并且不想冒出现IS伪像的风险,请关闭它。 通常,在后期制作中可以获得稳定的更好结果,除非您使用的是专门为视频设计的IS,例如最新的GoPro型号。

There are two schools of thought when it comes to IS: leave it on unless you don’t need it or leave it off until you do need it. Which one you should subscribe to depends on what kind of things you shoot. If you often use long lenses in low light, go with default on. If you shoot a lot of the situations above, then go with default off. I leave it off and turn it on when I need it. You just have to make sure you remember to turn it on when it’s time.

关于IS,有两种思想流派:除非您不需要它,否则将其保留;或者在您需要它之前,将其保留。 您应该订阅哪一个取决于您拍摄的东西。 如果您经常在弱光下使用长镜头,请启用默认设置。 如果您遇到上述许多情况,请默认关闭。 我将其关闭并在需要时将其打开。 您只需要确保记得在需要的时候将其打开即可。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396420/when-should-you-use-image-stabilization-when-youre-taking-photos/





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