nes 模拟器_如何使用模拟器在PC上玩自己喜欢的NES,SNES和其他复古游戏

nes 模拟器

nes 模拟器


You’ve seen it. Maybe it was on an airplane, maybe it was at a friend’s house, but you saw people playing old Nintendo, Sega, or even PlayStation games on their computers. And yet, when you searched for those particular games in Steam, nothing comes up. What is this witchcraft?

你看过了 也许是在飞机上,也许是在朋友家,但是您看到人们在他们的计算机上玩旧的Nintendo,Sega甚至PlayStation游戏。 但是,当您在Steam中搜索那些特定的游戏时,没有任何React。 这是什么巫术?

What you saw, my friend, is called emulation. It’s by no means new, but you shouldn’t feel bad for not knowing about it. This isn’t exactly mainstream cultural knowledge, and can be a little confusing for beginners. Here’s how emulation works, and how to set it up on your Windows PC.

我的朋友,您所看到的称为仿真 。 它绝不是新事物,但是您不应该为不了解而感到难过。 这并不完全是主流的文化知识,对于初学者可能会有些困惑。 这是仿真的工作方式,以及如何在Windows PC上进行设置。

什么是仿真器和ROM? (What Are Emulators and ROMs?)

To play old school console games on your computer, you need two things: an emulator and a ROM.


  • An emulator is a piece of software that mimics the hardware of an old-school console, giving your computer a way to open and run these classic games.


  • A ROM is a ripped copy of the actual game cartridge or disc of yesterday.


So an emulator is a program you run, the ROM is the file you open with it. When you do, your computer will run that old school game.

因此,仿真器是您运行的程序,ROM是您使用它打开的文件。 完成后,您的计算机将运行该老式游戏。

Where do emulators come from? Generally, they’re built by fans. Sometimes it’s a single obsessive fan of a given console, and sometimes it’s an entire open source community. In almost all cases, though, these emulators are distributed for free online. Developers work hard to make their emulators as accurate as possible, meaning the experience of playing the game feels as much like playing on the original system as possible. There are several emulators out there for every retro gaming system you can imagine.

模拟器来自哪里? 通常,它们是由粉丝构建的。 有时,它是给定控制台的唯一迷恋者,有时,是整个开源社区 。 但是,在几乎所有情况下,这些仿真器都是免费在线分发的。 开发人员会努力使他们的仿真器尽可能准确,这意味着玩游戏的体验就像在原始系统上玩游戏一样。 您可以想象每个复古游戏系统都有几个模拟器。


And where do ROMs come from? If a game comes on a DVD, like the PlayStation 2 or the Nintendo Wii, you can actually rip games yourself using a standard DVD drive to create ISO files. For old cartridge-based consoles, special pieces of hardware hardware makes it possible to copy games over to your computer. In theory, you could fill a collection this way. Basically no one does this, however, and instead downloads ROMs from a wide collection of websites that, for legal reasons, we will not be linking to. You’ll have to figure out how to get ROMs yourself.

ROM从哪里来? 如果游戏是DVD上的游戏,例如PlayStation 2或Nintendo Wii,则实际上您可以使用标准DVD驱动器自己翻录游戏来创建ISO文件 。 对于基于旧墨盒的控制台,特殊的硬件硬件可以将游戏复制到计算机上。 从理论上讲,您可以通过这种方式填充集合。 但是,基本上没有人这样做,而是从各种网站下载ROM,由于法律原因,我们不会链接到这些网站。 您必须弄清楚如何自己获取ROM。

Is downloading ROMs legal? We talked to a lawyer about this, actually. Broadly speaking, downloading a ROM for a game you do not own is not legal–just like downloading a pirated movie is not legal. Downloading a ROM for a game you do own, however, is hypothetically defensible–at least legally speaking. But there really isn’t caselaw here. What is clear is that it’s illegal for websites to be offering ROMs for the public to download, which is why such sites are frequently shut down.

下载ROM是否合法? 实际上,我们与律师进行了交谈 。 从广义上讲,为您不拥有的游戏下载ROM是不合法的-就像下载盗版电影一样不合法。 从理论上讲,为您自己拥有的游戏下载ROM是合理的。 但是这里确实没有判例法。 明显,网站提供ROM供公众下载是非法的,这就是为什么这些网站经常被关闭的原因。

Windows用户的最佳入门模拟器 (The Best Starter Emulators for Windows Users)

Now that you understand what emulation is, it’s time to get started setting up a console! But what software to use?

现在您已经了解了什么是仿真,是时候开始设置控制台了! 但是要使用什么软件?

The absolute best emulator setup, in our humble opinion, is a program called RetroArch. RetroArch combines emulators for every retro system you can imagine, and gives you a beautiful leanback GUI for browsing your games.

在我们看来,绝对最佳的模拟器设置是一个名为RetroArch的程序。 RetroArch为您可以想象的每个复古系统都结合了仿真器,并为您提供了一个漂亮的回溯GUI,用于浏览游戏。


The downside: it can be a little complicated to set up, especially for beginners. Don’t panic, though, because we have a complete guide to setting up RetroArch and an outline of RetroArch’s best advanced features. Follow those tutorials and you’ll have the best possible emulation setup in no time. (You might also check out this forum thread, which has great recommended settings for NES and SNES in RetroArch.)

缺点:设置起来可能有些复杂,尤其是对于初学者而言。 不过请不要惊慌,因为我们有设置RetroArch完整指南以及RetroArch最佳高级功能概述 。 遵循这些教程,您将立即获得最佳的仿真设置。 (您也可以查看此论坛主题 ,该主题在RetroArch中具有针对NES和SNES的推荐设置)。

Having said that, RetroArch might be overkill for you, particularly if you only care about one system or game. If you want to start with something a little bit simpler, here’s a quick list of our favorite easy-to-use emulators for all the major consoles since the late 1980s:

话虽这么说,RetroArch对您来说可能是过大的,特别是如果您只关心一个系统或游戏。 如果您想从一些简单的事情开始,以下是自1980年代末以来所有主要游戏机最喜欢的易于使用的仿真器的快速列表:

  • NES (Nintendo Entertainment System): Nestopia is easy to use and will have your favorites running smoothly in no time.

    NES (任天堂娱乐系统): Nestopia易于使用,可让您的收藏夹立即流畅运行。

  • SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System): Snes9x is simple and decently accurate, and should run well on most systems. It should be noted there is heavy debate about which SNES emulator is truly best–but for beginners, Snes9x is going to be the most friendly.

    SNES (超级任天堂娱乐系统): Snes9x简单且相当准确,在大多数系统上都应运行良好。 应该指出的是,关于哪种SNES模拟器真正最好的争论很多,但是对于初学者来说,Snes9x将是最友好的。

  • N64: Project64 is decently easy to use, depending on the game you want to play, though to this day Nintendo 64 emulation is full of glitches regardless of which emulator you use. This list of compatible games might help you find the right settings and plugins for the game you want to play (though once you get into tweaking Project64’s settings, it can become very complicated).

    N64Project64易于使用,具体取决于您要玩的游戏,尽管到目前为止,无论您使用哪种模拟器,Nintendo 64仿真都充满了小故障。 兼容游戏的此列表可能会帮助您找到要玩的游戏的正确设置和插件(尽管一旦调整了Project64的设置,它可能会变得非常复杂)。

  • Sega Genesis/CD/32X, etc: Kega Fusion runs all of your Genesis favorites, and all of those Sega CD and 32X games you never played as a kid because your dad didn’t want to spend money on peripherals he didn’t understand. It even runs Game Gear games as well.

    Sega Genesis / CD / 32X等Kega Fusion可以运行您所有的Genesis收藏夹,以及您从未在小时候玩过的所有Sega CD和32X游戏,因为您的父亲不想在他不了解的外围设备上花钱。 它甚至还运行Game Gear游戏。

  • Game Boy: VBA-M runs Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advanced games, all in one place. It’s simple to use and quite accurate.

    游戏男孩(Game Boy)VBA-M在一个地方运行游戏男孩(Game Boy),游戏男孩颜色(Game Boy Color)和游戏男孩高级(Game Boy Advanced)游戏。 它简单易用,而且非常准确。

  • Nintendo DS: DeSmuME is probably your best bet, though at this point Nintendo DS emulation can be glitchy under even the best of circumstances. Touch controls are handled with the mouse.

    Nintendo DSDeSmuME可能是您最好的选择,尽管在这一点上,即使在最好的情况下,Nintendo DS的仿真也会出现故障。 触摸控件由鼠标处理。

  • PlayStation: PCSX-Reloaded is the best-maintained PlayStation emulator. If you have a CD drive, it can run games directly from there, though ripped games typically load faster. Emulating PlayStation games can be very annoying, however, as every game requires settings tweaks in order to run properly. Here’s a list of compatible games and what settings you’ll need to change in order to run them.

    PlayStationPCSX-Reloaded是维护最佳的PlayStation仿真器。 如果您有CD驱动器,尽管翻录的游戏通常加载速度更快,但它可以直接从那里运行游戏。 但是,模拟PlayStation游戏可能会很烦人,因为每个游戏都需要进行设置调整才能正常运行。 这是兼容游戏的列表,以及运行它们之前需要更改的设置。

  • PlayStation 2: PCSX2 supports a surprising number of PlayStation 2 games, but is also quite annoying to configure. This probably isn’t for beginners. Here’s a list of compatible games and what settings you’ll need to change in order to run them.

    PlayStation 2PCSX2支持数量惊人的PlayStation 2游戏,但配置起来也很烦人。 这可能不适合初学者。 这是兼容游戏的列表,以及运行它们之前需要更改的设置。

Are these the best emulators for any given platform? No, largely because there is no such thing (outside RetroArch, which combines code from all these emulators and more). But if you’re new to emulation, these are all relatively straightforward to use, which is important for beginners. Give them a shot, then look up alternatives if you’re not satisfied.

这些针对任何给定平台的最佳模拟器吗? 不,主要是因为没有这样的东西(在RetroArch之外,它结合了所有这些仿真器和更多仿真器的代码)。 但是,如果您是仿真的新手,那么它们都是相对简单易用的,这对初学者很重要。 给他们一个机会,如果您不满意,请查找替代方法。

If you’re a Mac user, you might want to try OpenEmu. It supports a ton of different systems and is actually pretty easy to use.

如果您是Mac用户,则可能需要尝试OpenEmu 。 它支持大量不同的系统,实际上非常易于使用。

如何使用模拟器玩游戏 (How to Use an Emulator to Play a Game)

Every emulator outlined above is a little bit different, but serve one basic function: they let you load ROMs. Here’s a quick tour of how emulators work, using Snes9X as an example.

上面概述的每个仿真器都有一点不同,但是提供了一个基本功能:它们允许您加载ROM。 以Snes9X为例,快速浏览模拟器的工作原理。

Emulators generally don’t come with installers, the way other Windows software does. Instead, these programs are portable, coming in a folder with everything that they need to run. You can put the folder wherever you want. Here’s how Snes9X looks when you download and unzip it:

模拟器通常不像其他Windows软件那样附带安装程序。 而是,这些程序是可移植的,并包含它们需要运行的所有内容的文件夹。 您可以将文件夹放置在任何位置。 这是您下载并解压缩Snes9X时的外观:


Fire up the emulator by double-clicking the EXE file in Windows, and you’ll see an empty window. Here’s Snes9X:

在Windows中双击EXE文件启动仿真器,您将看到一个空窗口。 这是Snes9X:


Click File > Open and you can browse for your ROM file. Open it up and it will start running immediately.

单击文件>打开,您可以浏览ROM文件。 打开它,它将立即开始运行。


You can start playing immediately. On most emulators, Alt+Enter will toggle full screen mode in Windows. You can customize the keys used to control the game, generally under the “Input” section of the menu.

您可以立即开始播放。 在大多数模拟器上,Alt + Enter将在Windows中切换全屏模式。 您通常可以在菜单的“输入”部分下,自定义用于控制游戏的键。


You can even plug in a gamepad and configure it, if you have one. This USB SNES gamepad is cheap and great.

如果有的话,您甚至可以插入并配置游戏手柄。 这款USB SNES游戏手柄既便宜又好用

From there, you should be able to play your games without tweaking too much (depending on your emulator). But this is really just the beginning. Dive into the settings of any given emulator and you’ll find control over all sorts of things, from framerate to sound quality to things like color schemes and filters.

从那里开始,您应该可以进行游戏而无需进行过多调整(取决于模拟器)。 但这实际上只是开始。 深入研究任何给定仿真器的设置,您将发现对各种事物的控制,从帧速率到音质再到诸如配色方案和滤镜之类的东西。

There is simply way too much variation between different emulators for me to cover all of that in this broad overview, but there are plenty of forums, guides, and wikis out there to help you along if you search Google. But once you get to the point of tweaking, we recommend checking out RetroArch, since it’s really the best overall setup. It may take a bit more work, but it’s a lot nicer than learning 10+ different systems once you get past the basics.

对于我来说,不同的仿真器之间存在太多差异,以至于无法涵盖此概述中的所有内容,但是如果您搜索Google,那么会有很多论坛,指南和Wiki可以帮助您。 但是一旦达到调整点,我们建议您检查RetroArch ,因为它确实是最好的整体设置。 可能需要花费更多的工作,但是比起学习10多种不同的系统,这要好得多。

Image Credit: Hades2k/Flickr

图片来源: Hades2k / Flickr


nes 模拟器





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