



Digital cameras have gotten really good. Most of the time, you can put them in Auto, press the shutter button, and, click, you’ve a perfectly adequate photo of what’s in front of you. It won’t be anything special (and it’ll be the exact same photo that everyone who was standing nearby took), but you’ll have something to share with your friends on social media.

数码相机已经变得非常好。 在大多数情况下,您可以将其置于“自动”状态,按快门按钮,然后单击 ,以充分展现您眼前的景象。 不会有什么特别的(和站在附近的每个人拍摄的照片完全一样),但是您将可以在社交媒体上与您的朋友分享一些东西。

The first step to taking better pictures is getting to know your camera and getting out of Auto mode. But that’s not all it takes to be a good photographer. Once you’re controlling the camera, you can start to put your own spin on what’s in front of you. Here’s how to do that.

拍摄更好的照片的第一步是了解您的相机退出自动模式 。 但是,成为一名优秀的摄影师并不是全部。 一旦控制了相机,就可以开始旋转自己的视线。 这是这样做的方法。

开始考虑您的照片 (Start Thinking About Your Pictures)

Great photos don’t start with the camera, they start with your imagination.


What makes Annie Leibowitz Annie Leibowitz isn’t her gear, it’s the unique experiences she brings to the table. When you’re beginning to put some thought into your photographs, you need to consider what you have that is unique to you. You want to get to the point where you’re taking photographs that no one else could. This takes hundreds of hours and years of effort (I’m miles away), but it is the end goal.

是什么使Annie Leibowitz脱颖而出? Annie Leibowitz不是她的装备,而是她带来的独特体验。 当您开始对照片进行思考时,您需要考虑自己的独特之处。 您想要拍摄到别人都无法拍摄的照片。 这需要数百小时和多年的努力(我在​​数英里之外),但这是最终目标。

Even when you’re just starting out, you need to think about what you want your images to look like. Pushing the shutter button and hoping for the best won’t cut it. Even if you’re shooting in Aperture Priority mode instead of Auto mode, it’s easy to let your creative brain go into auto-pilot and just take technically good but generally boring pictures.

即使刚起步,也需要考虑一下想要图像的外观。 按下快门按钮并希望达到最佳效果并不会减少效果。 即使您是在Aperture Priority模式而不是Auto模式下拍摄,也很容易让您的创意大脑进入自动驾驶状态,并且只拍摄技术上不错但通常很无聊的照片。


You have to look at the scene (or person) you’re planning to photograph and consciously decide how you’d like the image to look. Is it going to be a dark, moody image, or a bright and happy one? Are you trying to capture the emotion of the place or just record what’s happening accurately? The decisions I make when I’m doing ski photography are very different from when I’m shooting portraits or landscapes.

您必须查看要拍摄的场景(或人物),并有意识地决定要如何显示图像。 它是黑暗,喜怒无常的图像,还是明亮而快乐的图像? 您是要捕捉该地点的情绪,还是只是准确记录发生的事情? 进行滑雪摄影时所做出的决定与拍摄人像或风景时所做出的决定完全不同。

It actually doesn’t matter whether or not the image you take is good. The act of thinking about it is what’s important when you’re starting out. Talent comes with time. The photo above is one of my earliest attempts at taking a good photo—I obviously failed spectacularly! I shot it in aperture priority mode and, technically it’s fine, but there’s nothing remotely interesting about it.

实际上,拍摄的图像是否好并不重要。 当您开始时,考虑它的行为很重要。 人才随时间而流逝。 上面的照片是我最早拍摄好照片的尝试之一-我显然失败了! 我以光圈优先模式拍摄它,从技术上讲还不错,但是没有什么有趣的地方。

将想象变成图像 (Turning Imagination into an Image)

So you’ve looked at a sunset, or a landscape, or whatever, and decided you want to take a photo. You’ve stopped for a second or two and thought about what sort of final image you want. It’s time to actually take the picture.

因此,您已经看过日落,风景或其他事物,并决定要拍照。 您已经停了一两秒钟,然后考虑要什么样的最终图像。 是时候实际拍照了。

Let’s use an actual example. Below is a photo of mine. I knew I wanted the skier, my buddy Will, in front of the mountains because I wanted the photo to have a sense of scale. That’s it. That was my entire thought process. You don’t need to spend hours pondering every shot; just a few seconds to decide how you want to record it. Now all I had to do was set the camera up to take the image I wanted.

让我们用一个实际的例子。 下面是我的照片。 我知道我想要滑雪者,我的好友威尔,在山前,因为我希望照片具有比例感。 而已。 那是我整个思考过程。 您无需花费数小时去思考每一个镜头。 只需几秒钟即可决定如何录制。 现在,我要做的就是将相机设置为拍摄所需的图像。


Once you have a vision, translating it to camera settings is relatively easy. In this case, I knew that everything had to be in focus so I needed to use a relatively tight aperture. I also didn’t want any motion blur so my shutter speed needed to be fairly fast.

有了视觉,将其转换为相机设置相对容易。 在这种情况下,我知道一切都必须聚焦,因此我需要使用相对较小的光圈。 我也不希望有任何运动模糊,因此我的快门速度必须相当快。

I dialed in an aperture of f/11, set my ISO nice and low, and checked that I was getting a fast enough shutter speed (it’s 1/3200 in the image). With the camera ready to go, I told Will to start skiing and I pressed the shutter button.

我拨了一个f / 11的光圈,将ISO设置得很好和很低,然后检查我是否获得了足够快的快门速度(图像中为1/3200)。 准备好照相机后,我告诉威尔开始滑雪,然后按下快门按钮。

When you’re setting out to take good pictures, you need to work through the same rough process. Translate the image you have in your head to the camera settings necessary to recreate it. Then, take the picture.

当您打算拍摄优质照片时,您需要完成同样的粗略过程。 将脑海中的图像转换为重新创建图像所需的相机设置。 然后,拍照。

While there will be dozens of combinations of aperture, shutter speed and ISO that will capture a technically satisfactory image, there’ll only be one combination that takes the image you want.


拍很多 (Shoot Lots)

There’s two ways to take most pictures: you can try and stage everything, spend time setting everything up perfectly, and then press the shutter button just once, or you can embrace chaos, go in with a rough idea of what you want, and keep shooting until you get it. Both methods have their place.

拍摄大多数照片有两种方法:您可以尝试上演所有内容,花费时间完美地设置所有内容,然后只按一次快门按钮,或者可以拥抱混乱,粗略了解想要的内容,并保持射击,直到明白为止。 两种方法都有它们的位置。

If you’re shooting landscapes, taking time to get everything set up perfectly pays off. You have to wait for the right light; no amount of shouting at the sun will get it to set faster.

如果您要拍摄风景,则花些时间完美设置所有东西都是值得的。 您必须等待正确的光线; 在太阳下大喊大叫不会使它更快地落下。

If you’re shooting portraits or sports, on the other hand, you need to let luck play its part. I didn’t take one photo of Will skiing in front of those mountains, I took about 10. It’s just that the one I shared earlier is a stronger photo than the others (like the one below).

另一方面,如果您要拍摄人像或运动,则需要让运气发挥作用。 我没有在威尔士滑雪之前在那座山前拍张照片,大约拍了10张。只是我之前分享的一张照片比其他一张照片要强(如下面的一张)。


Even if you’re shooting slow, deliberate landscapes, shoot as much as you can. Don’t just take one photo, take three, or ten. Try different things, move around, experiment.

即使您拍摄的是慢速故意拍摄的风景,也要尽可能拍摄。 不要只拍一张照片,而是拍三张或十张。 尝试不同的事物,四处走动,进行实验。

The more photos you take, the more chance you have of capturing a stellar shot. There’s a reason professional photographers shoot upwards of 20,000 photos a year. They got good by taking pictures. And since digital camera storage is cheap, you have no reason not to get trigger happy.

拍摄的照片越多,拍摄恒星照片的机会就越大。 专业摄影师每年拍摄超过20,000张照片是有原因的。 他们拍照很好。 而且,由于数码相机的存储价格便宜,因此您没有理由不让触发器高兴。

创意随着时间而来 (Creativity Comes Over Time)

The hardest part of taking great pictures is coming up with ways to put your own spin on things. It’s next to impossible to take an original photo of the Eiffel Tower or Empire State Building.

拍摄精美照片的最难的部分是想出让自己动起来的方法。 几乎不可能拍摄埃菲尔铁塔或帝国大厦的原始照片。

Don’t worry too much about creating something amazing when you’re just starting. Creating great work takes time. My early photos were awful but since then I’ve become a lot better. Just check out this shot that I just took yesterday. It’s well composed, the colors are great, everything’s sharp, and it’s an interesting perspective on a Dublin landmark. It’s got a lot going for it!

刚开始时不必担心会创造出惊人的东西。 创造出色的工作需要时间。 我早期的照片很糟糕,但是从那时起我变得好多了。 看看我昨天拍摄的这张照片。 它结构合理,色彩很棒,一切都很鲜明,这是都柏林地标的有趣视角。 它有很多事情要做!


As you spend more time with your camera in hand thinking about the photos you want to shoot, you’ll start to get a feel for things. It takes a while to learn what makes a compelling image. Part of it is composition, but part of it is developing a relationship with your subjects, whether they’re people or places.

当您花更多的时间在手拿相机思考要拍摄的照片时,您会开始对事物有感觉。 要花些时间才能知道什么才能造就引人注目的图像。 它的一部分是构图,但一部分是与您的主题发展关系,无论它们是人还是地方。

Now, I know what I bring to the table. I know how to work with models, skiers, and, occasionally, landscapes. I know how to approach these kinds of photos with my own take. This didn’t happen overnight, it came from practice.

现在,我知道要带什么了。 我知道如何与模特,滑雪者以及偶尔与风景一起工作。 我知道如何以自己的方式处理这类照片。 这不是一朝一夕的事,它来自实践。

Getting good at photography isn’t all that difficult. You just have to want to do it. If you’re prepared to stop and think about your photos, rather than just push the shutter button, you’re well on your way. Everything else just takes time.

擅长摄影并不是那么困难。 您只需要这样做。 如果您准备停下来想一想您的照片,而不只是按快门按钮,那一切就很好了。 其他一切都需要时间。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/277468/how-to-develop-a-better-eye-for-taking-good-photos/






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