kodi 皮肤_最适合Kodi的皮肤(以及如何自定义它们)

kodi 皮肤

kodi 皮肤

Ever wish Kodi looked…different? Maybe you’re not a big fan of how the home page is laid out, or you wish the typography and color choices were more (or less!) subtle. However you wish Kodi looked, there’s probably a skin that’s right for you, and many of them can be customized to your liking. Best of all, installing them isn’t hard at all.

曾经希望Kodi看起来……与众不同吗? 也许您不是主页布局的忠实拥护者,或者您希望版式和颜色选择更加(或更少!)细微。 无论您希望Kodi看上去如何,可能都有适合您的皮肤,并且其中许多可以根据您的喜好进行定制。 最棒的是,安装它们一点也不难。

Earlier this year brought Estuary, Kodi’s new default skin, which is surprisingly customizable for a default: you can change everything from the color scheme to what is and isn’t on the home page. I suggest messing around with that before diving too much into custom skins, because it’s an extremely well-supported skin. But if really want to make Kodi your own, here’s how to find and install more skins.

今年早些时候,Kodi推出了新的默认皮肤Estuary ,该皮肤可以默认进行自定义:您可以将所有颜色(从配色方案更改为主页上的内容)更改。 我建议深入研究自定义皮肤之前先弄清楚它,因为它是一种受良好支持的皮肤。 但是,如果真的想让Kodi成为您自己的,那么这里是查找和安装更多皮肤的方法。

如何安装和切换皮肤 (How to Install and Switch Skins)

Skins are add-ons, meaning that if you know how to install Kodi add-ons, you know how to install Kodi skins. Kodi make things simple by adding a shortcut to downloadable things right in the skin selector in settings, so let’s head there.

皮肤是附加组件,这意味着,如果您知道如何安装Kodi附加组件 ,就知道如何安装Kodi皮肤。 Kodi通过在设置中的皮肤选择器中添加可下载内容的快捷方式使事情变得简单,所以让我们开始吧。

On the home screen, click the gear icon that opens the settings.


From here head to the “Interface” section.


The top menu item here lets you choose a skin.


Select this and a window will pop up, in which you can select a new skin.


By default there are only two skins installed: Estuary, the Kodi default, and Etouchy, which is optimized for touchscreens. The “Get More” button takes you directly to the Skins section in the add-on manager, where you can easily download new skins to try out. Let’s explore a few, shall we?

默认情况下,仅安装两种外观:Estuary(默认为Kodi)和Etouchy(针对触摸屏进行了优化)。 “获取更多”按钮可将您直接带到附加组件管理器中的 “皮肤”部分,您可以在此处轻松下载新皮肤以进行试用。 让我们探索一些,对吧?

科迪最好的皮肤 (The Best Skins for Kodi)

If you’re wondering which skins to try out, here are a few stand-outs we like. First, there’s Eminence, which offers easy-to-read text that still gives the fanart lots of room to breathe. By default it puts movies front-and-center on the home screen, though you can customize this if you’re willing to dig in.

如果您想尝试哪种皮肤,这里有一些我们喜欢的出色产品。 首先,是Eminence ,它提供易于阅读的文本,仍然为歌迷提供了很大的呼吸空间。 默认情况下,它将电影放在主屏幕的前面和中央,尽管您愿意自定义,也可以自定义。

We’re also big fans of Mimic. The text is pretty thin, so anyone with a smaller TV may want to look elsewhere, but the look is very modern and everything is easy to find.

我们也是Mimic的忠实粉丝。 文字很细,因此,拥有较小电视的任何人都可能希望在其他地方看,但外观非常现代,很容易找到所有内容。

If you want something that really stands out, check out (fuse)neue, which offers crisp text with a few striking highlights, and an interface that mostly stays out of the way.

如果您想要真正突出的东西,请签出(fuse)neue ,它提供带有一些醒目的突出显示的清晰文本,并且大部分界面都不会出现。

Most skins are customizable, but Aeon Nox is on another level. There are numerous custom widgets you can add to any section, and you also have completely control over the sections shown. You can lose hours tweaking this thing.

大多数皮肤都是可定制的,但Aeon Nox处于另一个层次。 您可以将许多自定义窗口小部件添加到任何部分,并且还可以完全控制所显示的部分。 您可能会花费数小时来调整这个东西。

If simplicity is what you’re looking for, Arctic Zephr builds on its snowy theme to make something crisp and refreshing. But below that simplicity lies a lot of customization options, which let you really build whatever you want if you’re willing to take the time.

如果您正在寻找简单,那么Arctic Zephr便以其白雪皑皑的主题为基础,使事物变得清爽爽口。 但是,在这种简单性之下有许多自定义选项,如果您愿意花时间,这些选项可以让您真正构建所需的任何东西。

Finally, if you want something completely different, there’s Revolve, which attempts to build a circular user interface. Menus orbit around the circle on the left. It’s interesting, if nothing else.

最后,如果您想要完全不同的东西,可以使用Revolve ,它尝试构建循环用户界面。 菜单围绕左侧的圆圈旋转。 很有意思,如果没有别的。

These are just a few skins offered in the default repository. There are other skins in the default repository also worth checking out, and you can find more on the Kodi forum if you’re willing to deal with bugs. For the most part, however, the best supported skins are in the default Kodi repository, so we suggest all but the bravest users stick with those.

这些只是默认存储库中提供的一些外观。 默认存储库中还有其他皮肤也值得一看,如果您愿意处理错误,可以在Kodi论坛上找到更多皮肤。 但是,在大多数情况下,受支持的外观都在默认的Kodi存储库中,因此我们建议所有最勇敢的用户坚持使用这些皮肤。

如何自定义您的Kodi皮肤 (How to Customize Your Kodi Skins)

As we’ve mentioned, most of these skins allow you to customize them. What you can customize depends on which skin you’re using, and we couldn’t begin to outline all the options for all the skins, so it’s best to just go browse the customization menu yourself. To get started, head to Settings, then find the “Skin settings” section.

正如我们已经提到的,大多数这些皮肤都允许您自定义它们。 您可以自定义的内容取决于您使用的皮肤,我们无法开始概述所有皮肤的所有选项,因此最好自己浏览自定义菜单。 首先,前往“设置”,然后找到“皮肤设置”部分。

From here you’ll find all sorts of options.


Again, what you can do varies by which skin you’re using, but generally you can change the background images and a few color options. You also might be able to change what does and doesn’t show up in the main menu, and which widgets show up over which menu items. If you find a skin you like, it’s worth diving into the settings and really making it your own. Take a look at our guide to customizing Estuary, Kodi’s default skin, if you want to see what kinds of things can be changed.

同样,您可以执行的操作因所使用的皮肤而异,但是通常您可以更改背景图像和一些颜色选项。 您还可以更改在主菜单中显示和不显示的内容以及在哪些菜单项上显示哪些小部件。 如果您找到自己喜欢的皮肤,则值得深入研究并真正将其制成自己的皮肤。 如果您想了解可以更改哪些类型的内容,请查看我们的自定义Estiary(Kodi的默认外观)指南

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/67497/how-to-skin-your-xbmc-for-fame-glory-and-best-looking-media-browsing-around/

kodi 皮肤

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