

Do you cater a large audience? Are you planning on building a website that serves multiple people now or in the future? If you can answer any of these questions then this article is for you.

您会吸引大量观众吗? 您是否打算建立一个现在或将来为多个人服务的网站? 如果您可以回答任何这些问题,那么本文适合您。

Localisation is a scarcely discussed topic and recently I got the pleasure of working on a website that requires it. Full disclosure — I'm not an expert in localisation but from weeks of research and working on a localising a site, I think I've learnt a few things.

本地化是一个很少讨论的话题,最近我很高兴在需要它的网站上工作。 完全公开-我不是本地化专家,但是经过数周的研究并致力于站点的本地化,我认为我学到了一些东西。

什么是本地化? ( What is Localisation? )

Localisation refers to the adaptation of a product, application or document content to meet the language, cultural and other requirements of a specific target market (a locale).


Localisation is often referred to as l10N, where 10 is the number of letters between l and N.

本地化通常称为110 N,其中10是1N之间的字母数。

Basically, localisation refers to preparing a website like it was made for a particular region.


Before we continue, we should touch on Internationalisation.


Internationalisation (sometimes shortened to "I18N, meaning "I - eighteen letters -N") is the process of planning and implementing products and services so that they can easily be adapted to specific local languages and cultures, a process called localisation.

国际化(有时简称为“ I18N”,意为“ I-18个字母-N”)是计划和实施产品和服务的过程,以便可以轻松地将其适应特定的本地语言和文化,这一过程称为本地化。

So in short,


The value of distinguishing between them is that (theoretically) once your program goes through the i18n process, you can then iterate many l10n processes as you need them; also, it's nice to be precise with language.

区分它们的价值是(理论上)一旦您的程序经过了i18n进程,您便可以根据需要迭代许多l10n进程。 同样,语言也很精确。

翻译 ( Translation )

If you want to make a website feel like was made for that region, the first thing to consider is the language. This is probably the first and most important visual indicator that a website is for a particular community.

如果您想让网站看起来像是针对该地区的,那么首先要考虑的是语言。 这可能是网站针对特定社区的第一个也是最重要的视觉指示。

Translations sound easy right? Wrong. Translating a website is more complicated than you might think.

翻译听起来容易吗? 错误。 翻译网站比您想象的要复杂。

You have to consider typography, encoding etc. A lot goes into translating a website.


正确翻译 (Get Translations Right)

This is the most important part of translating a website. Translations must always be correct. If you think popping a phrase into Google Translate does the trick, think again.

这是翻译网站的最重要部分。 翻译必须始终正确。 如果您认为将短语插入Google翻译可以解决问题,请三思。

At the moment, online translators like Google translate and Babylon still have a long way to go. They constantly give silly translations and let people print signs like this.

目前,像谷歌翻译和巴比伦这样的在线翻译人员还有很长的路要走。 他们不断地进行愚蠢的翻译,并让人们印刷这样的标志。

Don't believe me? Try typing *"Se taper le cul par terre"* into google translate. I dare you, try it. By the way, it means to laugh uproariously. But see what Google comes up with.

不相信我吗 尝试在Google翻译中输入*“ Se taper le cul parterre” *。 我敢你,试试看。 顺便说一下,这意味着大笑 。 但是,请参阅Google提出的建议。

Some ways you could translate your website involves paying pros on PeoplePerHour, Freelancer.com etc.


Another way to get translation is by crowdsourcing it, like Wordpress does.


使翻译变得容易 (Make Translations Easy)

This should be painfully obvious. When a user lands on your website, use their IP address to detect their location and language.

这应该是显而易见的。 用户登陆您的网站时,请使用其IP地址来检测其位置和语言。

If they have multiple languages in that location, ask them to choose which language they want to use.


You can use MaxMind or IpInfo to check their IP address. It goes without saying that you shouldn't check a users IP every time they hit the site. You can store info like this in their session or cache.

您可以使用MaxMindIpInfo来检查其IP地址。 不用说,您不应该在用户每次访问该站点时检查其IP。 您可以将这样的信息存储在他们的会话或缓存中。

他们可以改变语言 (They Can Change the Language)

Another way to make translation easy is to give users the option to change their language. Visually, it should be obvious when a user wants/needs to change the language.

简化翻译的另一种方法是为用户提供更改其语言的选项。 在视觉上,当用户想要/需要更改语言时,应该很明显。

A clear and usable call-to-action should be made available.


You should also note that translating a website shouldn't break the UI. More on that coming soon.

您还应该注意,翻译网站不会破坏用户界面。 即将推出的更多内容。

版式 (Typography)

Typography is very important when it comes to website translation. Not all fonts support every language known to man. Most fonts are latin-based (meaning they use latin alphabets like A, B, C etc).

排版对于网站翻译非常重要。 并非所有字体都支持人类已知的每种语言。 大多数字体都是基于拉丁语的(意味着它们使用拉丁字母,例如A,B,C等)。

If you want to translate a website to let's say Japanese kanji, you need a font that supports it. Not many fonts come to mind, but google has been working on a font called Noto which supports a lot of languages.

如果要翻译一个网站,例如日语汉字,则需要一种支持它的字体。 想到的字体不多,但是Google一直在研究一种名为Noto的字体,该字体支持多种语言。

Alternatively, you could use a Japanese (fill in the language) only font.


Note, if you use a language-specific font, you might want to adjust the font size to match your site design as some language-specific font may be smaller or larger than the default.

注意 ,如果您使用特定于语言的字体,则可能需要调整字体大小以匹配您的站点设计,因为某些特定于语言的字体可能小于或大于默认字体。

字长 (Length of Words)

Not all words are equal. Some words might be shorter in some languages and longer in others.

并非所有单词都相等。 有些单词在某些语言中可能会更短,而在其他语言中则可能更长。

The word 'search' takes up 10 characters in French but only two characters in Japanese. The word 'basket' takes up 6 characters in English but when translated to German takes up a massive 13 characters.

“搜索”一词在法语中占10个字符,在日语中仅占两个字符。 “篮子”一词在英语中占6个字符,但是当翻译成德语时,占13个字符。

You have to watch out for words like this as they might break your UI.


特殊字符事项(所有情况都是UTF-8或UTF-16) (Special Characters Matter (UTF-8 or UTF-16 All the Things))

When we mock our HTML page, we always add


<meta charset="UTF-8">

This is a good thing to do, except for the fact that UTF-8 only contains so much. If you have a large percentage of users from Asia, you need to use UTF-16 as it is more suited for it.

这是一件好事,除了UTF-8只包含这么多的事实。 如果来自亚洲的用户比例很高,则需要使用UTF-16,因为它更适合。

考虑RTL(从右至左) (Think About RTL (Right-To-Left))

Okay, It's not just about changing the text. Some languages are read from right-to-left instead of from left-to-right.

好的,不仅是更改文本。 有些语言是从右向左读取的,而不是从左向右读取的。

Languages like Arabic, Hebrew etc fall into the category of right-to-left languages. So instead of only changing the language, you might want to consider making the layout right-to-left also.

阿拉伯语,希伯来语等语言属于从右到左的语言类别。 因此,您可能不仅要更改语言,还应该考虑使布局也从右到左。

Here is how Facebook does it.


At times like this, one gets to love SCSS even more.


It makes it easy for us to create RTL and LTR versions of our CSS.


并非全部与翻译有关 ( It's Not All About Translation )

Translation might be a good visual cue, but it is not all that matters. Like the phrase goes, "Pictures do say a thousand words".

翻译可能是一个很好的视觉提示,但这并不重要。 就像这句话一样,“图片确实说了一千个单词”。

If you are trying to make a website more "homely", you should also look at your choice of images. You don't want to be using the picture of an Indian market when you are trying to make the website feel more Chinese.

如果您要使网站更“温馨”,则还应查看所选择的图像。 当您试图使该网站更具中国特色时,您不想使用印度市场的图片。

You can also use popular landscapes from a country to make it more relatable.


For example, if on the American version of the site — you used an image of Times Square, you probably want to use a similar location in another country. Instead of using a Times Square picture in Japan, you can use a picture of Shibuya Crossing.

例如,如果在网站的美国版本上使用了时代广场的图像,则可能要在另一个国家使用类似的位置。 可以使用Shibuya Crossing的图片代替日本的Times Square图片。

永不硬编码日期,时间或货币格式 (Never Hard-Code Date, Time Or Currency Formats)

This is a golden rule. In Europe, a hundred thousand is represented 100,000, but in India, it is 1,00,000. So, you probably want to use a translation service usually built into your programming language of choice.

这是一个黄金法则。 在欧洲,十万表示10万辆 ,但在印度,它是1,00,000。 因此,您可能希望使用通常内置在所选编程语言中的翻译服务。

Also, it's no surprise that every country has their own symbol for representing currency. So, like I noted earlier, you want to use an inbuilt or custom function to represent Time, Currency, Date etc.

同样,每个国家都有自己的货币代表符号也就不足为奇了。 因此,就像我前面提到的,您想使用内置或自定义函数来表示时间,货币,日期等。

那付款呢? (What About Payment?)

You want to make payment easy for each country. Not all countries trust PayPal. Apart from trust, PayPal is not available in some countries.

您想使每个国家的付款变得容易。 并非所有国家都信任PayPal。 除信任外,PayPal在某些国家/地区不可用。

So, think about adding credit/debit cards. Alipay, or something more local to a region.

因此,请考虑添加信用卡/借记卡。 支付宝,或某个地区更本地的东西。

This shows trust, care, attention to detail and good UX.


了解你的市场(文化) ( Know Your Market (Be Cultural) )

We keep talking about translating text, changing images, but localisation goes more than that. You should first understand your market.

我们一直在谈论翻译文本,更改图像,但是本地化不仅限于此。 您应该首先了解您的市场。

A Certain type of image has a certain type of impact. So, just switching up the image might not cut it. You might want to hit a cultural note.

特定类型的图像具有特定类型的影响。 因此,仅切换图像可能不会将其剪切。 您可能想打个文化音符。

For example, "Hello there" in the United States could be "Hey mate" in Australia. When somebody in Australia sees this, they are more likely to relate to it.

例如,美国的“ Hello there”可能是澳大利亚的“ Hey mate”。 当澳大利亚的某人看到此事时,他们更有可能与此有关。

本地化对SEO有好处 ( Localisation is Good for SEO )

When it comes to search engines, Google, Bing, Yandex and Baidu are the most popular. For Yandex and Baidu, Russian and mandarin rank easier respectively.

在搜索引擎方面,谷歌,必应,Yandex和百度是最受欢迎的。 对于Yandex和百度,俄罗斯和普通话分别排名较容易。

So if your site is well translated(localised), it ranks better on those sites which means more traffic for you.


具有战略性 ( Be Strategic )

You just don't start localising your site. You probably want to give more attention to countries where you get your traffic.

您只是不开始本地化您的网站。 您可能想更多地关注获得流量的国家/地区。

Getting countries with your most popular users is easy to find out.


Just choose a date range in Google Analytics or your analytics tool of choice, go back a year or more.

只需在Google Analytics(分析)中选择一个日期范围或您选择的分析工具,就可以追溯到一年或更长时间。

After that, you can see a list of most popular countries. You can then start choosing which countries to localise for. Ideally, you should start with countries with your most visitors.

之后,您可以看到最受欢迎的国家/地区列表。 然后,您可以开始选择要本地化的国家/地区。 理想情况下,您应该从访客最多的国家开始。

一些做与不做 ( Some Do's and Dont's )

Below are just some dos and donts. Enjoy.

以下只是一些注意事项。 请享用。

  • Plan Your URLS: This goes without saying. Translating your website means you have multiple versions of a particular content. So you want to plan out how to display them before hand. Google, for example, provides different TLDs for different countries. For the UK, they use .co.uk etc. While other websites manipulate URLs like this http://website.tld/en/content-slug.

    计划您的URL :不用说。 翻译您的网站意味着您具有特定内容的多个版本。 因此,您需要计划如何事先显示它们。 例如,谷歌为不同的国家提供不同的顶级域名。 对于英国,他们使用.co.uk等。其他网站则使用类似http://website.tld/zh-CN/content-slug的 URL。
  • Never Concatenate Strings: strings conjugation don't work the same way in every language, so might want to rearrange each string to match.

    从不串联字符串 :字符串共轭在每种语言中的工作方式都不相同,因此可能需要重新排列每个字符串以使其匹配。
  • Don't Trust the Browser: Don't use the browser to get a user's location. This data can be spoofed quite easily. So always make detection of locale and language on the backend.

    不信任浏览器 :不要使用浏览器来获取用户的位置。 这些数据很容易被欺骗。 因此,请始终在后端检测语言环境和语言。
  • Get Legal Help: When it comes to privacy policy and other legal docs you might want to check out with a lawyer to make sure you are not infringing on a country's laws.

    获取法律帮助 :关于隐私权政策和其他法律文档,您可能希望与律师联系以确保您没有违反某个国家/地区的法律。
  • Customer Care: Okay, so now you have a website looking good for a particular region. Automatically, people assume that when they require support of some kind, they expect it to be in their language.

    客户服务:好的,因此,现在您的网站在特定区域内看起来不错。 人们自动地认为,当他们需要某种形式的支持时,他们期望它会以他们的语言提供。

You can either hire people who speak their language or just straight up tell them that support is only available in a particular language or set of languages.


测试,测试,测试 ( Testing, Testing, Testing )

I can't stress this enough. You want to test your implementation as much as possible. Also, you want as many people as you can find to test your site for you.

我不能太强调这一点。 您想尽可能地测试实现。 另外,您需要尽可能多的人来为您测试网站。

A place where you can easily find people to test your site is UserTesting.com. For the service it offers, it is quite inexpensive.

UserTesting.com是您可以轻松找到可以测试您网站的人员的地方 。 对于它提供的服务,它非常便宜。

Testing is key to any website's success. So Test.

测试是任何网站成功的关键。 所以测试。

结论 ( Conclusion )

I am pretty sure I missed a thing or two when it comes to Localisation, please do let us know down in the comments.


翻译自: https://scotch.io/tutorials/up-and-running-with-localisation


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