


OnePlus 30W Wall Charger

Most major phone releases nowadays come with improved charging speeds. How do fast chargers work, and how are they getting even faster? Find out here.

如今,大多数主要的手机版本都提高了充电速度。 快速充电器如何工作,以及如何变得更快? 在这里找到。

快速充电的兴起 (The Rise of Fast Charging)

Nearly every recent flagship phone on the market offers some type of fast charging. Manufacturers often throw out numbers like “80% in 30 minutes” or “a full charge in under an hour” in the marketing of their latest devices.

市场上几乎所有最新的旗舰手机都提供某种类型的快速充电。 制造商经常在其最新设备的营销中抛出“ 30分钟内达到80%”或“在一小时内充满电”之类的数字。

The widespread adoption of fast charging is a response to increasing phone usage, with many people having to recharge their phones more than once per day. It’s also a necessity. As phone sizes are getting bigger each year, they need bigger batteries to keep up with the added power consumption. Without fast charging, we’d have to wait hours for our phones to top up.

快速充电的广泛采用是对不断增加的手机使用率的一种回应,许多人每天必须为手机充电一次以上。 这也是必要的。 随着电话尺寸的逐年增加,他们需要更大的电池以适应增加的功耗。 如果没有快速充电,我们将不得不等待数小时才能为手机充值。

At the most basic level, fast charging is simply increasing the number of watts (W) that are delivered to a phone’s battery. A basic USB port sends 2.5W to the connected device, and faster chargers raise this amount.  Current-generation devices typically have 15W power bricks right out of the box. Some manufacturers have 50W, 80W, and 100W chargers available.

在最基本的水平上,快速充电只是增加了传递给手机电池的瓦数(W)。 基本的USB端口向连接的设备发送2.5W功率,而更快的充电器则增加了该数量。 当前的设备通常开箱即用的功率为15W。 一些制造商提供50W,80W和100W充电器。

For the end user, it’s as simple as using a compatible fast-charger for their phone. However, for manufacturers, it’s not as straightforward as using a higher-watt power brick.

对于最终用户而言,这就像为其电话使用兼容的快速充电器一样简单。 但是,对于制造商而言,这并不像使用更高功率的功率砖那么简单。

快速充电过程 (The Fast Charging Process)

Before we go further, you should take note of a simple formula. Wattage, or power, is computed as a result of current (A, or amperes) multiplied by voltage (V, or volts). Current is the amount of electric current being transported, while voltage is the force that drives this current forward. Therefore, 3A/5V charging will deliver 15W of power.

在继续之前,您应该注意一个简单的公式。 功率或功率的计算结果是电流(A或安培)乘以电压(V或伏特)。 电流是传输的电流量,而电压是驱动此电流向前的力。 因此,3A / 5V充电将提供15W的功率。

One thing you’ll notice is that many manufacturers tout their ability to do a quick partial charge, such as being able to charge 50-80% of the battery within half an hour. This is because of the way that the rechargeable lithium-ion battery inside phones receives power. If you’ve ever monitored the way that a battery is filled up, you’ll notice that the speed of charging gets progressively slower over time.

您会注意到的一件事是,许多制造商吹捧他们能够进行快速部分充电的能力,例如能够在半小时内为电池的50-80%充电。 这是因为手机内部的可充电锂离子电池接收电源的方式。 如果您曾经监视过电池的充满方式,则会发现充电速度会随着时间逐渐变慢。

The charging process can be divided into three parts. Take a look at the “Figure 1: Charge stages of lithium-ion” chart in this article by Battery University for more technical details. Briefly, here’s what it shows:

充电过程可以分为三个部分。 请参阅电池大学在本文中的“图1:锂离子的充电阶段”图表以了解更多技术细节。 简要地,这是显示的内容:

  • Stage 1 – Constant Current: Voltage increases towards its peak, while current stays constant at a high level. This is the phase where a lot of power is quickly delivered to the device.

    第1阶段–恒定电流:电压增加到其峰值,而电流在高水平下保持恒定。 在此阶段,大量功率Swift传递到设备。

  • Stage 2 – Saturation: This is the phase where the voltage has reached its peak and current drops down.


  • Stage 3 – Trickle/Topping: The battery is fully charged. In this phase, the power will either slowly trickle in, or will periodically charge a low “topping” amount as the phone consumes battery.

    第3阶段– ckle流/打顶:电池已充满电。 在此阶段,电源会缓慢滴入,或者会在手机消耗电池电量时定期为低的“充值”电量充电。

The amount of power and length of each process depends on the fast-charging standard. A standard is an established charging process that corresponds to a particular device, charger, and power output. Different manufacturers develop various charging standards that are capable of varying outputs and charge times.

每个过程的电量和持续时间取决于快速充电标准。 标准是已建立的充电过程,与特定的设备,充电器和电源输出相对应。 不同的制造商开发了各种充电标准,这些标准可以改变输出和充电时间。

快速充电标准 (Fast-Charging Standards)

Qualcomm Charging Standard Quick Charge 4

Here are the various fast-charging standards that have been implemented in mobile phones:


  • USB Power Delivery: Every mobile phone has a charging cable that uses USB—even the Lightning cables for Apple’s iPhones have a USB connection on the other end. USB 2.0, which has been a common specification for two decades, has a maximum power output of 2.5W. Because there’s a requirement for USB ports to deliver more power, the USB-PD standard was created. USB-PD has a maximum output of 100W and is used for a wide array of devices, including most flagship mobile phones. All USB 4 devices will include USB-PD technology, which will hopefully help standardize this.

    USB供电:每部手机都有一条使用USB的充电线-甚至Apple iPhone的Lightning线的另一端也有USB连接。 USB 2.0已经有20年的普遍规格,其最大功率输出为2.5W。 由于需要USB端口提供更多功率,因此创建了USB-PD标准。 USB-PD的最大输出为100W,可用于各种设备,包括大多数旗舰手机。 所有USB 4设备都将包括USB-PD技术 ,有望帮助实现标准化。

  • Qualcomm Quick Charge: Qualcomm is the most widely used chipset for flagship Android devices, and their latest processors have built-in compatibility with their proprietary Quick Charge standard. The newest Quick Charge 4+ has a max power output of 100W.

    高通(Qualcomm)快速充电:高通(Qualcomm)是旗舰Android设备上使用最广泛的芯片组,其最新处理器与专有的快速充电标准具有内置兼容性。 最新的Quick Charge 4+的最大功率输出为100W。

  • Samsung Adaptive Fast Charging: This standard is used by Samsung devices, particularly their Galaxy line. This standard has a maximum power output of 18W and automatically changes charging speeds to preserve the battery’s longevity.

    三星自适应快速充电:三星设备特别是其Galaxy系列使用此标准。 该标准的最大输出功率为18W,并会自动更改充电速度以保持电池寿命。

  • OnePlus Warp Charging: OnePlus uses the proprietary Warp Charging standard, which charges their devices up to 30W. Instead of increasing voltage like most other standards, Unlike other options on this list, full-speed 30W charging is also available.

    OnePlus Warp Charging: OnePlus使用专有的Warp Charging标准,可为其设备充电高达30W。 与此列表中的其他选项不同,它没有像大多数其他标准那样增加电压,而是提供全速30W充电。

  • Oppo Super VOOC Charging: Oppo uses a proprietary standard that charges their devices up to 50W.

    Oppo超级VOOC充电: Oppo使用专有标准,可为其设备充电高达50W。

Most companies that don’t have their own charging technology use USB-PD or Qualcomm Quick Charge, or adapt it to their specific device. Companies like Apple, LG, Samsung, and Google use these standards for their flagship phones.

大多数没有自己的充电技术的公司都使用USB-PD或Qualcomm Quick Charge,或使其适应特定设备。 苹果,LG,三星和谷歌等公司的旗舰手机都使用这些标准。

Most of these solutions raise charging speeds by increasing the voltage of their adaptors.  The outlier is Oppo and OnePlus’ solutions, which significantly increase the current rather than the voltage. Fast-charging with these devices requires the use of their proprietary cables.

这些解决方案中的大多数都通过增加其适配器的电压来提高充电速度。 离群的是Oppo和OnePlus的解决方案,它们显着增加了电流而不是电压。 对这些设备进行快速充电需要使用其专有的电缆

充电的未来 (The Future of Charging)

Charging technology is continuously getting better and better, as manufacturers continue to raise charging speeds. In the next few years, more companies will experiment with charging technology, and new standards will emerge in the industry. However, it’s likely that most of these standards will still use USB-PD as their backbone.

随着制造商不断提高充电速度,充电技术越来越好。 在接下来的几年中,将会有更多的公司尝试充电技术,并且新的标准将在业界出现。 但是,大多数这些标准可能仍将使用USB-PD作为其骨干。

There’s also the emergence of wireless fast charging. Transmitting large amounts of power wirelessly can become dangerous without proper thermal management. Wireless charging is still significantly slower than wired because technology companies are still figuring out how to manage the heat. That’s why companies like OnePlus have released 30W wireless charges that have large fans to provide sufficient airflow.

无线快速充电的出现 。 如果没有适当的热管理,以无线方式传输大量电力可能会很危险。 无线充电仍然比有线充电慢很多,因为技术公司仍在研究如何管理热量。 这就是为什么像OnePlus这样的公司发布了30W无线充电功能的原因,该充电装置具有大风扇以提供足够的气流。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/670644/what-is-fast-charging-and-how-does-it-work/






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