tinder卡在火山界面_每日新闻摘要:Tinder在Google Pay上滑动



When Google Apps take payments using Google Pay, Google takes a cut of the money. Now Tinder, the dating service app, wants to avoid that fee by setting its payments service as the default option.

当Google Apps使用Google Pay付款时,Google会节省一部分钱。 现在,约会服务应用程序Tinder希望通过将其付款服务设置为默认选项来避免该费用。

Google takes a 30% cut of in-app purchases. If the app offers a subscription, that amount drops down to 15% after the first year. Apple takes the same amount from purchases in its apps.

Google减少了30%的应用内购买。 如果该应用提供了订阅,则第一年后该金额下降到15%。 苹果从其应用程序中购买的商品金额相同。

Some app developers, however, feel the amount is too high. In some cases, this is coupled by complaints that Google and Apple develop competing services that don’t feel the pain of losing 30% of a sale (such as Spotify, YouTube Music, and Apple Music).

但是,某些应用程序开发人员认为数量过多。 在某些情况下,这还伴随着抱怨,即谷歌和苹果开发的竞争性服务不会让您损失30%的销售额(例如Spotify,YouTube音乐和苹果音乐)。

Google (and Apple) requires app developers to use its payment system, but Tinder is ignoring that policy in a new update. Instead, the default payment option is through Tinder’s payment processor. Users input their credit card directly into the app, in lieu of using Google Pay. Since Tinder is handling the entire payment, Google doesn’t get a cut of the purchase.

Google(和Apple)要求应用程序开发人员使用其付款系统,但Tinder在新的更新中忽略了该政策。 相反,默认付款选项是通过Tinder的付款处理器进行的。 用户可以直接将其信用卡输入应用程序中,以代替使用Google Pay。 由于Tinder正在处理全部付款,因此Google不会减少购买的金额。

While users can switch the default method to Google Pay before they’ve made the first payment, once they’ve chosen to make a payment directly to Tinder the app saves the credit card details and removes the Google Pay option.

尽管用户可以在首次付款之前将默认方法切换为Google Pay,但是一旦他们选择直接向Tinder付款,应用程序就会保存信用卡详细信息并删除Google Pay选项。

Google hasn’t said yet if it plans to take any action against the policy violation. [Engadget]

谷歌尚未透露是否计划对违反政策的行为采取任何行动。 [ Engadget ]

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You can play with a moon rock on your smartphone. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, NASA released incredibly details models of one of the lunar soil samples Neil Armstrong brought to Earth. By visiting a simple link, you can twist, turn, and zoom in on the highly detailed recreation of the moon rock. Unless you’re a lucky scientist, it’s probably the closest you’ll ever get to holding a lunar rock. [TechCrunch]

您可以在智能手机上玩月亮石。 为庆祝登月50周年,美国宇航局发布了尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)带到地球的月球土壤样品之一的令人难以置信的细节模型。 通过访问一个简单的链接 ,您可以扭曲,转弯和放大月球岩石的高度详细的娱乐内容。 除非您是一名幸运的科学家,否则它可能是您持有月球岩石最接近的地方。 [ TechCrunch ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-tinder-swipes-left-on-google-pay/






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