facebook女程序员_Facebook的新“ Messenger Kids”应用程序对我的孩子安全吗?



When it comes to online safety, “Facebook” isn’t the first name any of us generally think of. But they just launched Messenger Kids, a kid-focused messaging app (similar to Facebok Messenger or Snapchat) that it claims will keep your kids safer online. But how does it work, and is it really safe?

在网络安全方面,“ Facebook”并不是我们所有人通常想到的名字。 但是他们刚刚推出了Messenger Kids Kids ,这是一款以孩子为中心的消息传递应用程序(类似于Facebok Messenger或Snapchat),据称它将使您的孩子在网上更加安全。 但是它是如何工作的,真的安全吗?

We’ll start by saying this: only you can decide what you are and aren’t comfortable with when it comes to your kids using the internet. However, after using Messenger Kids for a bit, I can honestly say this is a pretty well made app, with more parental control than anything else I’ve personally tried. Let’s look at how it works, and what makes it unique.

首先,我们要说的是:只有您可以决定自己对孩子的使用状况和不满意程度。 但是,在使用Messenger Kids一段时间后,我可以诚实地说这是一个制作精良的应用程序,比我亲自尝试过的任何应用程序都具有更多的家长控制功能。 让我们看一下它是如何工作的以及什么使其独特。

什么是Messenger Kids? (What Is Messenger Kids?)

In short, this is a version of Facebook Messenger designed specifically for kids under 13. Why 13? Because that’s the minimum age required to have a Facebook account. Messenger Kids is made to give kids who aren’t old enough to get their own Facebook account access to chat and video chat with friends and family with approval from their parents.

简而言之,这是专为13岁以下儿童设计的Facebook Messenger版本。为什么是13岁? 因为那是拥有Facebook帐户所需的最低年龄。 Messenger Kids旨在为年龄不大的孩子提供征得其父母同意的与朋友和家人聊天和视频聊天的权限,使其年龄不大

So, instead of just letting kids install whatever garbage video chat application all their friends with parents who are less concerned than you are using, you have complete control over who they can talk to. You can’t see what they’re saying, mind you, but you have the say in who they can chat with, and you’ll get notified if something goes awry. It strikes a great balance between parental control and the child’s privacy.

因此,您不仅可以完全控制孩子可以与谁聊天,还可以让孩子们完全控制与父母交谈的过程,而不仅仅是让孩子与父母联系在一起的所有朋友安装所有垃圾视频聊天应用程序。 请注意,您看不到他们在说什么,但是您可以与他们聊天的人有发言权,如果出现问题,您会收到通知。 它在父母控制和孩子的隐私之间取得了很好的平衡。

It’s worth nothing that this is not a Facebook account for kids—quite the contrary, in fact. It’s a completely standalone chat application for kids to talk with friends and family, using Facebook as the backbone for the parental controls. Facebook claims it won’t even convert this account to a full Facebook account once the child reaches the appropriate age. After all, that’s for you to decide, not Facebook. (Though it certainly does hook them into the brand.)

不是没有价值的   实际上,Facebook为孩子开设了一个帐户。 这是一个完全独立的聊天应用程序,使用Facebook作为父母控制的基础,孩子可以与朋友和家人聊天。 Facebook声称,一旦孩子达到适当的年龄,它甚至都不会将此帐户转换为完整的Facebook帐户。 毕竟,这是您要决定的,而不是Facebook。 (尽管它确实确实将他们吸引到了品牌中。)

After testing the app for a while, here are some of the highlights of the app:


  • Complete parental control of who the child can chat with: You get to say who they can and can’t chat with. They can’t add anyone without your approval first—and when giving approval, you know who the child is and who the parent managing that account is.

    父母可以完全控制孩子可以与谁聊天:您可以说他们可以和谁不能聊天。 未经您的批准,他们无法添加任何人-在给予批准时,您知道孩子是谁,父母是谁管理该帐户。

  • The “report” and “block” feature notify parents when they’re used. If your child feels the need to report or block someone, Facebook will let you know. That way you can chat with your child about what happened.

    “报告”和“阻止”功能会在使用父母时通知父母。 如果您的孩子觉得需要举报或阻止某人,Facebook会通知您。 这样,您就可以与您的孩子聊聊发生的事情。

  • The “report” feature will also let the other parent know. If your child reports something another child with a Messenger Kids account says or does, it will tell the manager of that account—generally the other child’s parent—that they were reported.

    “报告”功能还可以让其他父母知道。 如果您的孩子报告另一个孩子使用Messenger Messenger帐户说或做的事情,它将告诉该帐户的经理(通常是另一个孩子的父母)被举报。

Overall, I’m pretty impressed with the Messenger Kids app. I’d like to see more granular controls added—like the option to toggle both chat and video chat option for each specific contact—but otherwise, I think it’s off to a great start. Let’s hope Facebook keeps working to make it better.

总体而言,Messenger Kids应用使我印象深刻。 我希望看到添加了更多细化的控件,例如为每个特定联系人切换聊天和视频聊天选项的选项,但是除此之外,我认为这是一个很好的开端。 我们希望Facebook继续努力以使其更好。

Now that we have the general stuff out of the way, let’s take a closer, more granular look at setting up Messenger Kids, and what it looks like to use—both for the child and the parent.

现在我们已经掌握了一些基本知识,下面让我们更仔细,更细致地了解如何设置Messenger Kids,以及它的使用方式(对孩子和父母而言)。

如何设置和使用Messenger Kids (How to Set Up and Use Messenger Kids)

If your interest is piqued and you want to see what Messenger Kids is all about, go ahead and grab your child’s phone (or tablet) and let’s do this thing. It’s worth mentioning that Messenger Kids is only available for iPhone and iPad at the time of writing, but will be available on Android “soon.”

如果您的兴趣激起了,并且想了解Messenger Kids的全部含义,请继续拿起您孩子的手机(或平板电脑),让我们开始做这件事。 值得一提的是,Messenger Kids在撰写本文时仅适用于iPhone和iPad,但很快就会在Android上提供。

With your kid’s device in hand, go ahead and install Messenger Kids. Once installed, fire it up.

带着孩子的设备,继续并安装Messenger Kids 。 安装完成后,将其启动。

The first thing you’ll have to do is log in with your Facebook account—the parents’. This allows you to manage the child account. Tap the Get Started button, then Authorize Device, which will bring up the login page.

您要做的第一件事就是使用您的 Facebook帐户(父母的帐户)登录。 这使您可以管理子帐户。 点击“入门”按钮,然后点击“授权设备”,这将打开登录页面。

Once you’re logged in, you’ll add your child’s name.


The next screen will basically tell you what the app is all about and what to expect. Read through the info and then tap “Create Account” if you’re cool with what you see.

下一个屏幕将基本上告诉您该应用程序的全部内容以及预期内容。 通读信息,如果您对所见内容感到满意,请点击“创建帐户”。

From there, you’ll have to grant the appropriate access: notifications, photos, videos, and camera/microphone usage. After tapping the “Allow Access” button, each notification will pop up individually.

从那里,您必须授予适当的访问权限:通知,照片,视频和相机/麦克风的使用。 点击“允许访问”按钮后,每个通知将单独弹出。

With that out of the way, it’s time to let your little guy or gal set up their profile—don’t just hand the phone over, though. Help them with this part so you know what’s going on! You can take a photo that’ll act as their avatar so their friends—and friends’ parents!—can recognize them, as well as choose a color to customize the app.

有了这种方式,该让您的小家伙或gal设置他们的个人资料的时间了-不过,不要只把手机交出来。 帮助他们完成这一部分,以便您了解发生了什么! 您可以拍张照作为他们的头像,以便他们的朋友(和朋友的父母!)可以识别他们,并选择一种颜色来自定义应用程序。

At that point, the only person on your child’s contact list will be you. It’s time to move to your device to manage their account.

届时,您孩子的联系人列表中唯一的人就是您。 现在是时候使用您的设备来管理他们的帐户了。

管理孩子的Messenger帐户 (Managing Your Child’s Messenger Account)

After you set up your child’s profile, you should get a notification on your Facebook that will take you straight to management settings. You won’t always have this notification of course, so we’ll highlight down below where to find these settings otherwise.

设置孩子的个人资料后,您应该在Facebook上收到一条通知,直接进入管理设置。 您当然不会总是收到此通知,因此我们将在下面突出显示以其他方式找到这些设置的位置。

You can manage your youngster’s Messenger Kids account from Facebook on the web or on your mobile device. I’ll be primarily focused on doing everything from your phone here, but the steps are basically the same regardless of where you’re working from.

您可以在网络上或在移动设备上通过Facebook管理您的年轻人的Messenger儿童帐户。 在这里,我将主要着重于通过您的手机执行所有操作,但是无论您在哪里工作,步骤都基本相同。

To get to Messenger Kids settings on the web, look in the Explore section of the sidebar on your Facebook homepage.

要访问Web上的Messenger Kids设置,请查看Facebook主页上侧栏的“浏览”部分。

On mobile, you’ll find the Messenger Kids option in the menu. On iOS, tap the three lines in the bottom right corner; on Android, you’ll find the same three lines in the upper right corner.

在移动设备上,您会在菜单中找到Messenger Kids选项。 在iOS上,点击右下角的三行; 在Android上,您会在右上角找到相同的三行。

On either platform, just scroll down util you see the “Messenger Kids” entry.

在任何一个平台上,只需向下滚动util,您就会看到“ Messenger Kids”条目。

Boom—you’re in. Tap on your child’s name to manage that specific account. From here, you can edit the child’s name and gender using the little pencil icon at the top.

Boom-您正在使用。点按您孩子的名字即可管理该特定帐户。 在这里,您可以使用顶部的小铅笔图标来编辑孩子的姓名和性别。

It’s time to start managing and adding contacts. It should start by suggesting family, including kids of those who already have Messenger Kids installed. On the next screen, it will show friends of yours whose kids are already on the service, too.

现在该开始管理和添加联系人了。 首先应该建议家人,包括已经安装Messenger Messenger的孩子的孩子。 在下一个屏幕上,它将显示您的孩子也已经加入服务的朋友。

After that, you can add people by tapping the Add button. It will show people you’ve tagged as family at the top of the list, with your other friends thereafter.

之后,您可以点击添加按钮来添加人员。 它会在列表的顶部显示您已标记为家庭的人,之后是您的其他朋友。

Once you add someone, it will send a notification to that person. If you’re adding another child who’s using Messenger Kids, it will send a request to the parent, and they’ll have to approve it.

添加某人后,它将向该人发送通知。 如果要添加另一个正在使用Messenger Kids的孩子,它将向父母发送请求,他们必须批准该请求。

If you find that you’ve accidentally added someone (or otherwise just need to remove someone from the account), just tap the three dots on the right side of the person’s name, then tap “Remove <person> as a contact,” then confirm it on the popup. Poof, they’re gone.

如果您发现自己不小心添加了某人(或者只是需要从该帐户中删除某人),只需点按该人姓名右侧的三个点,然后点按“删除<person>作为联系人”,然后在弹出窗口中确认。 of,他们走了。

使用Messenger Kids:您的孩子看到了什么 (Using Messenger Kids: What Your Kids See)

With your child’s profile all set up and ready to go, you can let them start chatting. The interface for kids is simple and straightforward, with big buttons and few options available.

设置好孩子的个人资料并准备好使用后,您可以让他们开始聊天。 儿童界面简单明了,带有大按钮,几乎没有可用的选项。

Your child will be able to to text and video chat with approved contacts—unfortunately there doesn’t yet seem to be a way to approve only one or the other for specific contacts (or even in general!).


Both options work pretty much the same way they do on standard Facebook Messenger, though, albeit slightly more kid-friendly. For example, the filter options when taking a picture are more juvenile and fun on Messenger Kids. If the child is chatting with an adult, however, the adult account will use the standard filter set.

这两个选项的工作方式几乎与标准Facebook Messenger上的工作方式相同,尽管对儿童更友好。 例如,在Messenger Kids上拍摄照片时的滤镜选项更加生动有趣。 但是,如果孩子与成年人聊天,则成年人帐户将使用标准过滤器集。

At the bottom of the child’s contact list, there’s an option for them to “Ask to Add a Contact.” With this button, the child will send a request to the parent with a specific contact in mind. The child will enter the person’s name they want to add—there’s no tagging feature or whatnot here, it’s very simple and straightforward.

在孩子的联系人列表的底部,有一个选项供他们选择“要求添加联系人”。 按下该按钮,孩子会向父母发送请求,同时要考虑到特定的联系人。 孩子将输入他们想要添加的人的名字-这里没有标签功能,这非常简单明了。

The request will then go to you on Messenger, where it will ask you to find the contact. This is where communication is important, because your child may need to verify with you who they’re talking about—and if it’s a friend of theirs, you may need to ask that child’s parents to consider letting them get a Messenger Kids account (and add you on Facebook).

然后,该请求将在Messenger上发送给您,并在其中要求您找到联系人。 在这里,沟通很重要,因为您的孩子可能需要与您核实他们在说什么—如果您是他们的朋友,则可能需要请孩子的父母考虑让他们获得Messenger Messenger帐户(和在Facebook上添加您)。

Otherwise, your child can play with the camera and filters in a standalone environment (without sending the picture in a message), and also create groups to chat with.


使用Messenger Kids:您所看到的 (Using Messenger Kids: What You See)

Honestly, the majority of what you can see/do with Messenger Kids are things we covered in the Managing Your Child’s Messenger Account section above. You can add and remove contacts for them, but past that it’s pretty simple.

老实说,您可以使用Messenger Kids看到/执行的大多数操作都是我们在上面管理您的孩子的Messenger帐户部分中介绍的内容。 您可以为其添加和删除联系人,但是过去很简单。

As your child wants to chat with more people, you’ll also have to approve those requests—be it those from others requesting to chat with your child or your child request specific people.


You can, of course, also delete your child’s Messenger Kids profile. This could be a good bargaining tool if they can’t seem to get their act together.

当然,您也可以删除孩子的Messenger Kids个人资料。 如果他们似乎无法团结一致,这可能是一个很好的讨价还价工具。

To that, jump back into the Messenger Kids settings page, then tap the pencil icon in the upper right corner. Then choose “Delete Account.”

为此,跳回到Messenger Kids设置页面,然后点击右上角的铅笔图标。 然后选择“删除帐户”。

You’ll have to confirm it, but once you do that, it’s gone.


额外的东西:报告/阻止联系人和内容控制 (The Extra Stuff: Reporting/Blocking Contacts and Content Control)

If someone is harassing your child over Messenger Kids, they can also report that individual, which will send you a notification—the other person (or applicable parent) won’t be notified however.

如果有人通过Messenger Kids骚扰您的孩子,他们还可以举报该人,该人将向您发送通知-但是不会通知另一人(或适用的父母)。

The child can either long-press a specific message and choose the “report” option, or click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the open message, then choose “Report.”


It will then prompt the child to explain why they’re reporting the other person, offering a few simple options as pre-selectable text. There is also an option to add their own text in the “Can you tell us more” section.

然后,它将提示孩子解释为什么要举报其他人,并提供一些简单的选项作为预选文本。 在“您能告诉我们更多信息”部分中还可以添加自己的文本。

Unfortunately, on the parent side it doesn’t give a lot of insight as to why the other account was reported: neither the pre-selected text nor the “can you tell us more” options are shown to the parents. Instead, a simple you should probably ask your kid about this message is offered.

不幸的是,在家长方面,它并没有提供很多关于为何报告另一个帐户的见解:既没有向父母显示预选文本也没有向您显示“您能告诉我们更多”的选项。 取而代之的是, 您应该向孩子询问有关此消息的简单信息。

The good news is that if your child reports a comment, Facebook will review it and then notify the other parent if they find it violates the community standards. Again, they won’t disclose what was said, only that it was worth removing.

好消息是,如果您的孩子举报了评论,Facebook将对其进行评论,如果发现其违反社区标准,则通知另一位父母。 同样,他们不会透露所讲的内容,而只是透露值得删除的内容。

If your child decides to block a contact, it’s basically the same thing: they block them, and you’ll get a notification telling you that they blocked someone else.


Once blocked, your child can’t unblock someone—there is no “black list” to speak of. Instead, if you want to unblock someone, the parent can once again re-add the person.

一旦被阻止,您的孩子就无法解除对某人的阻止-可以说没有“黑名单”。 相反,如果您要取消阻止某人,则父母可以再次重新添加该人。

It’s also worth mentioning that, during testing, we removed a contact after reporting them and weren’t able to re-add said contact. In fact, that contact didn’t show up again at all. We tried to replicate the issue with a different contact and couldn’t, however. I’m going to assume this was a bug, but it’s really unclear what was going on there. Just something to be aware of—make sure your kid is only removing contacts they really don’t want to talk to again, because there’s a chance they could disappear forever. Maybe even off the face of the planet.

还值得一提的是,在测试过程中,我们在举报联系人之后将其删除,因此无法重新添加该联系人。 实际上,该联系再也没有出现。 但是,我们尝试与其他联系人重复该问题,但无法进行。 我将假设这是一个错误,但是目前尚不清楚发生了什么。 只是需要注意的一件事-确保您的孩子只是删除他们确实不想再与之交谈的联系人,因为它们有可能永远消失。 甚至可能脱离地球。

We also tested a few scenarios where inappropriate language was used—curse words and crude language—which the app did nothing about. This is both refreshing and concerning to me: refreshing because it allows the child to have freedom and privacy without Messenger Kids seeming like an overbearing big brother, but concerning because I’d like to know when someone is saying things that shouldn’t be said in a conversation with my child. Especially if my kid is the one with the potty mouth! However, they can always report the message, in which case it will let the parent know (as I mentioned earlier).

我们还测试了一些场景,这些场景使用了不适当的语言-诅咒词和粗俗的语言-应用程序对此无能为力。 这对我来说既令人耳目一新,又令人担忧:令人耳目一新,因为它使孩子能够享有自由和私密性,而使Messenger Kids看上去不像一个霸道的大哥哥,但是却令人担忧,因为我想知道何时有人在说不应该说的话在和我的孩子的对话中。 尤其是如果我的孩子是一个有便盆的孩子! 但是,他们总是可以报告该消息,在这种情况下, 它将让父母知道(如我之前所述)。

Facebook isn’t one of those companies you automatically think of when it comes to keeping your little guy or gal safe online. So far, though, I’m super happy with what I’ve seen from Messenger Kids—I like how in control the parent is of who the child is talking to (and who the child’s parent is), which should keep them safe from the creepsters of the internet. Long term, however, I’d like to see more info provided to the parent when another user is blocked or reported by the child—like why. I’d also like to see some sort of option for a notification if a certain word is used—maybe a custom list that can be entered by the parent or something similar.

在让您的小家伙或gal安全上网时,Facebook并不是您自动想到的公司之一。 到目前为止,虽然,我与我所来自Messenger的孩子,我怎么样控制父是的孩子说话(和孩子的父母是谁)的可见超开心,这应该让他们从安全互联网的爬行者。 从长远来看,当另一个用户被孩子阻止或报告时,我希望看到更多信息提供给父母,例如why 。 如果还使用了某个单词,我还希望看到某种通知选项,例如可以由父母输入的自定义列表或类似名称。

Of course, only you can decide what you’re comfortable letting your child do online, and while this app has more parental control than most others I’ve seen, it still does give the child some autonomy. Personally, though, I think this is a great start, and one of the best apps out there for letting kids chat and video call with their friends.

当然,只有您可以决定让孩子上网的舒适程度,而且尽管该应用比我见过的大多数其他应用都拥有更多的父母控制权,但它仍然可以给孩子一定的自主权。 不过,就我个人而言,我认为这是一个不错的开始,也是让孩子们与朋友聊天和视频通话的最佳应用程序之一。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/335076/is-facebooks-new-messenger-kids-app-safe-for-my-kids/






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