ios 秒表计时器_如何在iOS 9中使用闹钟,秒表和计时器

ios 秒表计时器

ios 秒表计时器


Since smartphones have become more commonplace, many of you have probably given up wearing a watch in favor of having your phone tell you the time. You can also use your iPhone as an alarm clock, a timer, and a stopwatch, as well as a large timepiece.

由于智能手机变得越来越普遍,因此许多人可能已经放弃佩戴手表,而希望手机告诉您时间。 您还可以将iPhone用作闹钟,计时器和秒表,以及大型时计。

If you haven’t yet succumbed to the Apple Watch craze and have gotten used to not wearing a watch, you’ll be glad to know (if you don’t already) that the “Clock” app on your iPhone is capable of doing more than just telling you the time (in all times zones). We’ll show you how to set alarms and use the timer and stopwatch in the “Clock” app.

如果您尚未屈服于Apple Watch的热潮 ,并且已经习惯于不戴手表,那么您会很高兴知道(如果您还没有的话)iPhone上的“时钟”应用程序能够胜任不仅仅是告诉您时间(在所有时区)。 我们将向您展示如何设置闹钟以及如何在“时钟”应用中使用计时器和秒表。

如何设定闹铃 (How to Set an Alarm)

First, we’ll show you how to use your iPhone as an alarm clock and save space on your nightstand. To set an alarm, tap the “Clock” app icon on the Home screen.

首先,我们将向您展示如何将iPhone用作闹钟并节省床头柜上的空间。 要设置闹钟,请点击主屏幕上的“时钟”应用程序图标。

NOTE: Once you’ve opened the “Clock” app once, it will open the screen that was active the last time you were in the app, even if you force close the app.



Initially, the “Clock” app opens to the “World Clock”. This is a handy feature, especially if you travel a lot. However, this article discusses the “Alarm”, “Stopwatch”, and “Timer” features. Tap the “Alarm” icon at the bottom of the screen.

最初,“时钟”应用程序将打开“世界时钟”。 这是一个方便的功能,特别是如果您经常旅行。 但是,本文讨论了“警报”,“秒表”和“计时器”功能。 点击屏幕底部的“警报”图标。


To create a new alarm, tap the plus sign in the upper-right corner of the screen.



On the “Add Alarm” screen, swipe up and down slowly to choose the hour, minutes, and AM/PM to set the time for this alarm. You can also choose the days you want the alarm to sound by tapping “Repeat”, selecting the days, and tapping “Back” to return to the “Add Alarm” screen.

在“添加警报”屏幕上,缓慢向上和向下滑动以选择小时,分钟和AM / PM来设置此警报的时间。 您还可以通过点击“重复”,选择日期,然后点击“返回”以返回到“添加闹钟”屏幕,来选择闹钟响起的日期。


By default, the new alarm is called “Alarm”. You can change this by tapping “Label”, entering a new label, and tapping “Back” to return to the “Add Alarm” screen.

默认情况下,新警报称为“警报”。 您可以通过以下方式更改此方式:点击“标签”,输入新标签,然后点击“返回”以返回“添加警报”屏幕。

You have a wide range of choices for the sound the alarm will make and the type of vibration you want. You can even buy more ringtones from the iTunes Store to use as your alarm sound, or use a song on your phone.

对于警报器发出的声音和所需的振动类型,您有多种选择。 您甚至可以从iTunes Store购买更多铃声作为闹钟声音,或在手机上使用歌曲

If you want the option to snooze a bit before getting up, tap the “Snooze” slider button so it turns green. You’ll get an extra nine minutes of slumber. Unfortunately, the snooze time is not customizable in the “Clock” app. You’ll have to install and use a third-party app, such as Alarm Clock Free, to be able to change the amount of snooze time.

如果您想让该选项在起床前稍睡一会,请点按“贪睡”滑块按钮,使其变为绿色。 您将额外获得9分钟的睡眠时间。 不幸的是,贪睡时间无法在“时钟”应用中自定义。 您必须安装并使用第三方应用程序,例如Alarm Clock Free ,才能更改贪睡时间。

Tap “Save” when you’re finished setting up this alarm.



The new alarm displays in the list on the “Alarm” screen. The alarm is automatically turned on when you save it; however, you can turn it off by tapping the slider button on the right.

新警报显示在“警报”屏幕上的列表中。 保存警报后,警报会自动打开。 但是,您可以通过点击右侧的滑块按钮将其关闭。

If you need to change an existing alarm, tap the “Edit” button in the upper-right corner of the screen.



To change any of the properties of an alarm, tap anywhere on the alarm you want to change. A screen just like the “Add Alarm” screen displays, except it’s called “Edit Alarm”. Make any changes you want and tap “Back” to accept the changes and return to the main “Alarm” screen.

要更改警报的任何属性,请在要更改的警报上的任意位置点击。 显示一个类似于“添加警报”屏幕的屏幕,不同的是它被称为“编辑警报”。 进行所需的任何更改,然后点按“返回”以接受更改并返回到“警报”主屏幕。

While in edit mode, you can also delete an alarm by tapping the red minus button on the left…



…and then tapping the “Delete” button that displays on the right.



NOTE: You can also swipe the alarm to the left when you’re NOT in edit mode to access the “Delete” button.


When you’re done editing or deleting alarms, tap “Done” in the upper-left corner of the screen.


When one or more alarms are on, an alarm icon displays in the status bar. Only one icon displays no matter how many alarms are on.

当一个或多个警报打开时,状态栏中将显示一个警报图标。 无论打开多少警报,仅显示一个图标。


The “Clock” app does not have to be open in the foreground for the alarm to sound at the specified time. Also, the screen does not have to stay on.

不必在前台打开“时钟”应用程序,闹铃即可在指定时间响起。 此外,屏幕不必一直保持打开状态。

如何使用秒表 (How to Use the Stopwatch)

To use the stopwatch, tap the “Stopwatch” icon at the bottom of the screen. To begin timing, tap the “Start” button.

要使用秒表,请点击屏幕底部的“秒表”图标。 要开始计时,请点击“开始”按钮。


The stopwatch features lap times, which allows you to stop the stopwatch at specific points and record each time you stop, but keep the total time running. An example of a use for lap times is when you’re timing someone running laps around a track and you want to record the time each lap takes as well as the total time.

秒表具有单圈时间,使您可以在特定时间停止秒表并记录每次停止的时间,但保持总时间运行。 单圈时间用法的一个例子是,当您计时某人在赛道上奔跑时,您想要记录每圈花费的时间以及总时间。

To record a lap, simply tap the “Lap” button.

要记录一圈,只需点击“ Lap”按钮。


Each time you tap “Lap”, the current time is recorded in a list of numbered laps, but the main time keeps running. To stop the time running, tap “Stop”.

每次您点击“ Lap”,当前时间都会记录在编号的圈数列表中,但是主要时间保持运行。 要停止计时,请点击“停止”。


To continue running the time from where you left off, press “Start” again.


All the “Lap” times you recorded are still available until you tap “Reset” to reset the stopwatch to 0.



如何使用计时器 (How to Use the Timer)

You can also set a timer that will count down to 0 from a specified amount of time. Now you don’t need a separate timer for your kitchen. To use the timer, tap the “Timer” icon at the bottom of the screen. Slowly swipe up and down to choose the number of hours and minutes to count down. To choose a different sound (ringtone) to indicate when the timer reaches 0, tap “When Timer Ends”, select a ringtone from the list, and tap “Set” to set the ringtone and return to the main “Timer” screen.

您还可以设置一个计时器,该计时器将从指定的时间倒数到0。 现在,您不需要为厨房配备单独的计时器。 要使用计时器,请点击屏幕底部的“计时器”图标。 缓慢向上和向下滑动以选择要倒数的小时和分钟数。 要选择其他声音(铃声)以指示计时器何时到达0,请点按“当计时器结束时”,从列表中选择一个铃声,然后点按“设置”以设置铃声并返回到“计时器”主屏幕。

Tap “Start” to begin the countdown.



The time remaining displays digitally. You can pause the timer by tapping “Pause”…

剩余时间以数字显示。 您可以通过点击“暂停”来暂停计时器…


…and tap “Resume” to begin again. To stop the timer, tap “Cancel”.

…然后点击“恢复”以重新开始。 要停止计时器,请点击“取消”。


All three of these tools will run in the background even if you force close the “Clock” app or turn off the screen. However, you must control these tools from within the app. They are not available to control as widgets on the Notification Center. For that level of control, you’ll have to search on the App Store for a third-party app, such as My Alarm Clock Free.

即使您强制关闭“时钟”应用程序或关闭屏幕,所有这三个工具都将在后台运行。 但是,您必须从应用程序内部控制这些工具。 它们不可作为通知中心上的窗口小部件来控制。 对于这种控制级别,您必须在App Store上搜索第三方应用程序,例如My Alarm Clock Free


ios 秒表计时器

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